MATERIAL AND METHODSSTUDY AREA : Immunization Clinic Of CSI Holds worth Memorial Hospital, Mysuru.STUDY POPULATION : Mothers Of Under Five Children Attending Immunization clinic willing to participate in the studySAMPLE SIZE : According to hospital statistics around 500 mothers attend immunization clinic per year sample size calculated using online calculator ( HYPERLINK "" ) for confidence level of 95% and confidence interval of 5% the required sample size is 217, rounded over to 250.STUDY DESIGN : Descriptive study.STUDY DURATION : June 2016 to May 2018 INCLUSION CRITERIA : Consent giving mothers of under - five children attending immunization clinic of CSI Holdsworth Memorial Hospital, Mysuru during study period.EXCLUSION CRITERIA :Mothers not giving consent to participate in the study Mothers of above under - five children attending immunization clinic 8. METHODOLOGY : Methods of data collection:Mothers of under five children attending immunization clinic will be selected by simple random sampling technique. Purpose of the study will be explained verbally to mothers to obtain informed consent followed by interviewing them with questionnaire pretested by pilot study done on 100 mothers, for which later validity and reliability was obtained.Illiterate mothers and for those who cannot understand English will be explained about each questions in the regional language and data will be entered into the questionnaire. Questionnaire will be having 4 sections, each one for assessing demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers. Scores will be given for knowledge as 1 for the answer YES and as 0 for answers No. Based on the scores ,they are classified as mothers with good knowledge( scoring > 2/3rd of total scores), average knowledge( scoring > 1/3rd and 2 /3rd), and poor knowledge(scoring < 1/3rd).Attitude will be assessed based on whether they strongly disagree, disagree, not sure, agree and strongly agree for the mentioned questions and scores will be given as 1,2,3,4 and 5 followed by classifying them as mother with favourable attitude(scoring > 60%),neutral attitude(scoring 41%-60%) and unfavourable attitude(scoring <40%).Practice scores will be given as 1 for YES answers and as 0 for NO answers followed by classifying them as mothers with good practice( scoring > 2/3rd of total score), average practice( scoring > 1/3rd and < 2/3rd), and as with poor practice(scoring < 1/3rd )Data collected will be tabulated and analysed using SPSS software version 21 and by using following statistical methods results will be derived.Immunization status of the children will be assessed by questionnaire and by immunization card. B. STATISTICAL METHODS 1. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS a. Mean b. Standard deviation c. Frequency d. Percentage 2. INFERENTIAL STATISTICS a. Product moment correlation b. Chi-square test c. One - sample t test d. One - way ANOVA AIMS AND OBJECTIVESTo assess knowledge attitude and practice of mothers of under five children towards Immunization, attending immunization clinic of CSI HMH. To assess immunization status of the under five children attending immunization clinic of CSI HMH.To know the factors affecting the immunization status of the child.To correlate the knowledge and practice of mothers regarding immunization ................

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