Sample Student, Teacher, and School-Specific Surveys

[Pages:35]Sample Student, Teacher, and School-Specific Surveys


Tips from Student Researchers

? St. Louis student and teacher surveys

? Remember that you only get answers to the questions you ask. Also, be sure to ask the same

? Chicago student and teacher surveys

question in different ways. ? Be careful how you word your questions. Poor

? Survey from Skyline High School, Oakland

questions get poor answers. ? Make sure the people filling out the survey are

? School-specific survey from Bellaire High School, Houston

representative. Learn about sampling. ? Survey teachers along with students, especially

on the same issues. We found big differences in

? Additional questions from Perryville High

each group's experience of school. ? Explain to students and teachers in advance of

School, St. Louis

administering the survey what it involves and why it's important. Remind students that it's not

a test--nor a joke. Tell them how you'll use the

Notes: The surveys designed and administered by


SAA student-teacher research teams (at 20 schools

across five cities) included a common core of

questions, along with questions students had developed specifically for classmates at their

school. The common core addressed areas such as: school climate, student-teacher

relationships, teaching styles, academic expectations, safety and discipline, student voice, and

improving student learning. The school-specific questions were as wide ranging as the schools

themselves, probing student opinions about matters from cheating to small schools to painting a

school mural. Here we share two versions of the "core" survey--in addition to creating

school-specific questions, students and teachers also adapted or added questions to the core

survey--and several examples of school-specific surveys. Houston and Oakland teams used the

Internet tool ; students and teachers filled out their surveys online and then

tabulated and organized the results. It's an excellent resource.

What Kids Can Do | PO Box 603252 | Providence, RI 02906 |


Thinking about your school, how much do you agree or disagree with the following? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

1. Students in my school treat one another with respect. 2. Most of my teachers don't understand what my life is like outside of school. 3. I feel emotionally safe in my classes. 4. I feel emotionally safe outside of the classroom (restrooms, lockers,

hallways, cafeteria, etc.). 5. My school disciplines students fairly. 6. My principal models respectful behavior. 7. Faculty and staff value what students have to say. 8. My school respects all races and cultures. 9. Students in my school care about learning and getting a good education. 10. Classes in my school are challenging. 11. Students are involved in decisions about things that affect them in school. 12. Most of my teachers are enthusiastic about teaching and communicate

this to students. 13. I feel that I belong (am accepted and liked) at school. 14. Most of my teachers like me. 15. I respect most of my teachers. 16. Most of my teachers know my name. 17. Students in my school help one another even if they are not friends. 18. Teachers at my school are respectful toward one another. 19. I feel physically safe outside of the classroom (restrooms, lockers,

hallways, cafeteria, etc.). 20. Students at my school support most extra-curricular activities (not just

sports). 21. Students are encouraged to say what they think. 22. I feel physically safe in my classes.

A Strongly Disagree

B Somewhat Disagree

C Somewhat


D Strongly Agree

How well do each of the following statements describe you? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

23. I really want to learn. 24. I participate regularly in class. 25. I often need extra help with schoolwork.

26. It's often hard to pay attention in class because I'm worrying about problems outside of school.

A Strongly Disagree

B Somewhat Disagree

C Somewhat


D Strongly Agree

What Kids Can Do, October 2004

SAA Sample Student Surveys

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27. Have you ever skipped class or school? 28. Have you ever considered dropping out of school?





If you answered "yes" to questions 27 or 28, please indicate how often have you ever skipped a class or school or considered dropping out of school because of any of the below reasons? If you answered "no" to questions 27 or 28, please skip to question 36.

29. You did not feel prepared for class. 30. You were being bullied or harassed by other students.

31. You were not getting along with a teacher. 32. You did not feel safe at school. 33. You did not feel safe traveling to and from school. 34. School was boring. 35. You had family responsibilities.





Once or

A Few


Times a Year


Several Times a Year

How often do your teachers speak with you one-on-one about the following? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

36. Disrupting class. 37. Good academic performance. 38. Not completing assignments. 39. Poor academic performance. 40. Interests and things that are important to you. 41. Your plans for college or work after high school. 42. Your worries.






Once or A Few Times Several Times a Year


A Year

43. At school, how many adults do you feel you could talk to if you



had a problem?






More than 3

How much would the following steps help you to learn? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

44. More one-on-one attention from teachers.

45. More examples of how the things I learn in school matter in the real world.

46. Classes that are more challenging.

47. If other students were more accepting of me.

A Help a Lot

B Help a Little

C Not At All

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SAA Sample Student Surveys

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48. Please indicate your gender.





49. Do your parents usually speak a language other than English



at home?



50. Please indicate your grade level.









51. Please indicate your race.










Think of the best teachers you have had. What are the qualities that made them good teachers?

What do you think are the most important issues that need to be addressed in your school?

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SAA Sample Student Surveys

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How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your school? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

1. Teachers treat one another with respect. 2. Teachers know about their students' lives outside of school. 3. Teachers help each other and work together.

4. Students and teachers treat each other with respect. 5. Student discipline practices and policies are fair. 6. The principal models respectful behavior. 7. Faculty and staff value what students have to say. 8. The faculty and staff respect all races and cultures. 9. Most students care about learning and getting a good education. 10. The school environment is safe for both students and teachers. 11. Students are involved in decisions about things that affect them in

school. 12. Most teachers are enthusiastic about teaching and communicate this to

students. 13. Teachers are respectful of parents. 14. Teachers welcome contact from parents.




Strongly Somewhat Somewhat

Disagree Disagree Agree

D Strongly Agree

How well do you think your school is preparing your students for the following. For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

15. To go to college. 16. To get good jobs. 17. To know how to learn. 18. To be good citizens. 19. To get along well with others.




Not at All Not Very Well Somewhat Well



Very Well Extremely Well

Thinking about the teachers at your school (overall), how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

20. They have high expectations for all students. 21. The curriculum appropriately challenges most students. 22. They are very committed to teaching. 23. They are interested in what's best for all the students. 24. They think about students as individuals.

A Strongly Disagree

B Somewhat Disagree

C Somewhat


D Strongly Agree

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SAA Sample Student Surveys

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How often do you have individual discussions with any of your students about the following topics? Please check the appropriate box.

25. Disrupting class. 26. Good academic performance. 27. Not completing homework assignments. 28. Poor academic performance. 29. Plans for college or work after high school. 30. Interests and things important to them. 31. Their worries






Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often

Thinking about a typical school day, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

32. I'm passionate about teaching. 33. I like my students. 34. I feel frustrated/unappreciated in my job. 35. I feel successful at my job.

A Strongly Disagree

B Somewhat Disagree

C Somewhat


D Strongly Agree

Thinking about the obstacles you face in teaching, how much of a problem are the following for you? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

36. Students with discipline problems.

A Big problem

B Somewhat of a problem

C A moderate


D Not a problem

37. Students with problems (hunger, poverty, or troubled family lives).

38. Not having enough time to get to know students as individuals.

Please indicate how you would grade the teachers in your school (overall) on each of the following aspects of teaching.

39. Knowing their subject areas. 40. Believing all children can learn. 41. Caring about students. 42. Maintaining discipline in the classroom. 43. Teaching individual students according to their different needs

and abilities.

A Excellent







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SAA Sample Student Surveys

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How would you describe your preparation in the following areas? For each statement, please check the appropriate box.

44. Being able to teach all the subjects in your curriculum. 45. Being able to implement curriculum and performance

standards. 46. Being prepared to manage a real classroom. 47. Addressing the needs of English as a Second

Language students or students with different ethnic or cultural backgrounds. 48. Helping students to develop good character.

A More than adequate

B Adequate

C Less than adequate

D Not Sure


49. Please indicate your gender. 50. Please indicate the grades you teach. 51. Please indicate your race. 52. How long have you been teaching?









Caucasian African-American



1-5 years


B female

C 11th C Asian

C 11-20

What do you think are the most important issues that need to be addressed in this school?

D 12th D Other

D More than 20

Think of the best students you've had. What are the qualities that made them good learners?

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SAA Sample Student Surveys

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St. Louis Students as Allies What's Missing from the Survey?

We worked hard to design surveys that asked questions about issues we thought were critical to assessing and improving our schools. But there were issues that, for one reason or another, may not have received as much attention as they deserved. We made a list of these issues and then voted on what we might have asked more about, had we not been concerned about the length of the survey. In order of importance, these issues are:

1. Respect: Teacher/student relationships Teacher/teacher relationships Student/student relationships (39 votes)

2. Teacher/Student relationships--teachers knowing what students have on their plate and vice versa. (31 votes)

3. Culture/Climate beyond the classroom (extra curricular activities and in the halls and busses etc.) (29 votes)

4. Are teachers passionate about what they do? (To be asked on the student survey.) (20 votes)

5. Parent Involvement--how are they involved/should they be involved (parents calling teachers if student is struggling, etc.)? (18 votes)

6. School Spirit--school support of extra-curricular activities, equal support of all types of activities (not just football- for example) (17 votes)

7. Safe Schools--do you feel safe emotionally and physically (bus behavior/fighting) (15 votes)

8. Time Management--do you feel well prepared with time mgt. skills? (14 votes) 9. Testing---what attitude do you take into MAP tests? What attitude do you see your

peers having about MAP testing? (13 votes) 10. Do you feel responsible for your own learning? How much? (12 votes) 11. Teacher involvement in student activities (10 votes) 12. Teachers know how students learn (3 votes) 13. Teacher's pet--teachers need to teach ALL students (2 votes)

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SAA Sample Student Surveys

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