Sample College Writing Rubric

Synthesis of Curriculum Field Experience Rubric

Regis University College for Professional Studies

Learner’s Name: Course: EDCI 600 Value: 72 points

Task Description: Highlight three major items in the form of a 10-page paper using APA style and format, preferably in this order:

1. A description of the curriculum as it was enacted.

2. An explanation of the major theories (as understood through their authors) employed in this curriculum, complete with evidentiary ties to the description.

3. A reflection of your experience with this curriculum, complete with your perceptions of the curriculum and how you think this curriculum does — or does not — attain the goals it attests to accomplish.

To explain the rationale for the curriculum you observe, use language developed in this class and draw from the various theorists (at least three) covered in readings and in-class discussions.

Use of Rubric by Facilitator: For each Characteristic, highlight the appropriate cell in the rubric. When all Characteristics have been assessed, add points by column for each Characteristic and assign the appropriate grade (A, B, C…). Note that all Proficient assessments equal 63 points, or 87.5%, a high B. Add comments to the individual learner. Copy/paste rubric, score, and comments in feedback area or attach this document.

| |8 – Exemplary |7 – Proficient |6 – Basic |0–5 – Minimal |

| |Exceeds requirements |Meets requirements |Does not meet requirements |Fails requirements |

| |Paper is exceptionally well organized|Paper is readable and has an |Paper has limited readability |Paper is disorganized, and it is|

|ORGANIZATION |and readable. It has a distinct |introduction, a body, and a |and/or an inadequate |difficult to ascertain the |

| |introduction that grabs the reader’s |conclusion. While perfectly |introduction, body, and/or |introduction, body, and/or |

| |attention, a body that clearly |competent, not as compelling as |conclusion. Transitions or |conclusion. Needs to be |

| |addresses all main points, and a |an Exemplary paper. |general organization may be |reorganized and redone. |

| |conclusion that ties paper together. | |lacking, and paper is difficult | |

| | | |to understand. | |

|DESCRIPTION OF THE |Paper gives a vivid description of |Paper gives an adequate |Paper gives a sketchy |Paper fails to describe the |

|CURRICULUM |the curriculum, including convincing |description of the curriculum, |description of the observed |curriculum in a meaningful way, |

| |narratives with attention to detail |including a generally convincing|curriculum setting, omitting |leading to substantial doubt |

| |and use of metaphor or analogy as |narrative and attention to |some of the major details of the|that the writer paid adequate |

| |necessary. Paper transports the |detail. The observed environment|environment. Reader struggles to|attention to the curriculum |

| |reader to the curriculum setting. |is painted well enough that a |fully understand the experience.|environment. |

| | |reader can understand it. | | |

|CRITICAL THINKING |Paper vividly describes the |Paper describes the curriculum |Paper superficially describes |Paper fails to describe the |

|CONCERNING EXPERIENCE |curriculum enacted, insightfully |enacted, explains many of the |the curriculum enacted, explains|curriculum enacted, may or may |

| |explains all the major theories |major theories used, and |some of the major theories used,|not explain the major theories |

| |discussed, and deeply reflects on the|reflects on his or her |and reflects on his or her |used, and may or may not reflect|

| |experience. |experience. |experience in limited fashion. |on the experience. |

|MAJOR THEORIES |Paper masterfully ties the curriculum|Paper effectively ties what was |Paper mentioned fewer than three|Paper does not successfully tie |

| |they observe to the underlying |witnessed in the curriculum to |theories and missed several |the theories/authors to what was|

| |philosophies that support such an |at least three curriculum |opportunities to tie evidence |witnessed in the curriculum |

| |approach to education. Paper pulls |theories/authors covered in |from the observed curriculum to |setting. |

| |from at least four theories and texts|class. Paper applies course |the theories covered in class. | |

| |covered in class, applying course |content to real world curricula.| | |

| |content to real world curricula. | | | |

|REFLECTION |Paper shows impressive evidence of |Paper shows evidence of |Paper presents limited evidence |There is little, if any, |

| |introspection, reflection, and |introspection and |of introspection and |evidence of reflection or |

| |connection-making as a result of |connection-making as a result of|connection-making. |connecting the project to the |

| |attentively observing a curriculum. |attentively observing a | |writer’s own life or experience.|

| | |curriculum. | | |

|GRAMMAR AND |Sentences are varied and |Sentences have no (or very few) |Sentences are simple and lack |Sentences are unclear and many |

|APA STYLE |grammatically correct. Prose is not |grammatical errors that detract |variety. Paper includes a number|grammatical errors in structure |

| |only correct but compelling and |from meaning. Sentences are |of grammatical mistakes that |make paper virtually unreadable.|

| |engaging. Paper complies in every |generally varied and |detract from meaning. Paper may |Paper may not comply with APA |

| |respect with APA style. |interesting. Paper complies |not fully comply with APA style.|style. |

| | |with APA style. | | |

|SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION |Writing is totally error-free. |No (or very few) spelling and |Writing has several spelling and|Writing has so many spelling and|

| | |punctuation errors exist, and no|punctuation errors that detract |punctuation errors as to be |

| | |errors detract from meaning. |from meaning. |virtually unreadable. |

|WORD CHOICE/ VOCABULARY |Word choice and vocabulary drawn from|Word choice and vocabulary |Word choice and vocabulary do |Word choice and vocabulary are |

| |the theories/authors show an |illustrate a solid understanding|not clearly express ideas or |vague and unclear throughout the|

| |exceptional understanding of course |of course content and |convey a good understanding of |paper.. |

| |content. |incorporate a good |course content. | |

| | |understanding of course content.| | |

Score: XX points, equivalent to grade of X



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