
Jackson Choir Handbook2020-2021Welcome to another exciting year with the Jackson Choir. I have designed this bulletin to acquaint all students and parents with the workings of the Jackson choir. I know this handbook is lengthy, but all of the information contained is vital to your child’s success as a musician. Please read all of the information and sign the last page indicating understanding of the expectations presented.Classroom Expectations & Daily Rehearsal ProceduresWhen class meets:-Immediately come to the Choir room, get your music binder-You are disrupting if you are late.-Gum chewing is absolutely not allowed in the choir room. In addition, no food or drinks are allowed in the choir room during class or rehearsal.-The following materials are necessary every day: All of your music, and a pencil.-Concert attention should be observed when the director is on the podium; therefore, during rehearsal time, students should not make distracting noises or talk without permission. If you have a question, Raise Your Hand.-Be respectful of the property of other students.-Music stands are for music and should not be leaned on or abused in any way.-Respect your rehearsal space. Pick up after yourself, put your music away, and leave the choir room neater than you found it.-Be respectful and considerate of your fellow classmates and teacher.The basic rule of behavior is- Do nothing that will interfere with either the learning or teaching of our choir. BE PROUD OF JACKSON CHOIR!Classroom Discipline PlanRulesThe Jackson Choir rules include the previously mentioned daily classroom procedures along with the following additions:Respect the rights, safety, and property of others.Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up.Accept responsibility for yourself and for your learning.Be honest with yourself and others.As a responsible citizen, obey all school rules.Consequences/Step Process:Following is the step process for minor classroom infractions, such as off-task behavior, being tardy, or not following our class rules and rehearsal procedures as listed above and on the previous page:Verbal warning, re-direct behaviorStudent/Teacher conference.Parent contactCounselor referralOffice referral.Severe Clause: Immediate office referral.The following behaviors would result in implementation of our severe clause:*Behavior physically harmful to another student*Behavior which would damage or destroy property*Open defiance or blatant disrespect of the teacherHazing/Bullying:The opportunity to participate in choir and choir-related extracurricular activities is a privilege. As representatives of this organization, students are held to a higher standard of conduct. As such, hazing and bullying by any member of our organization will not be tolerated. Any student who is involved in hazing or bullying will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, which may result in expulsion from choir. Please refer to the NEISD Student/Parent Handbook for more specific information regarding extracurricular policies and procedures, as well as the student code of conduct.Grading PolicyJackson Choir members will be graded using the following criteria: Daily Participation: 10% of the 9 weeks grade.Choir students are expected to come to class prepared every day, with their music, and a pencil. In addition, students are expected to behave appropriately, and actively participate in our daily rehearsals. Weekly participation grades will be given based on student’s daily participation and preparation.2. Performances, Singing and Written Exams: 70% of the 9 weeks grade.Students will receive a numerical score on all exams, sung or written. All students should be prepared to sing individually or in small groups every day. There will be approximately six singing tests in the Advanced Choir and eight singing tests in the Four Grade groups during a grading period. Occasionally, singing tests will determine seating arrangements in class and/or for concerts and performances. Performances will also count as test grades. 3. Weekly Practice Sheet: 5% 4. 9 Weeks Test: 15% of 9 weeks grade.A singing test will be given the final week of any 9 week grading period. The test will not necessarily be long or difficult, but will cover material that has been worked on during that 9 week grading period. Practice Sheets and ExpectationsHome practice is necessary to reinforce new concepts learned in class. Practice sheets are to be turned in or emailed every Tuesday signed by a parent or guardian.“Practice Makes Perfect”:Most everyone has heard this expression and it is certainly true. Maybe you’ve heard this saying – “Only practice on the days that you eat!” In other words, make your home practice a routine. To be successful with at-home practice, students should . . . ? Try to be consistent and schedule practicing for a certain time (for example, after you get home from school and have a snack, or right after dinner). ? Find a quiet place/space to practice, free from distractions (like the TV or a younger sibling). ? Count carefully and keep a steady beat when practicing. ? Isolate problems and master them: practice harder passages slowly and several times. ? Share what you have prepared with others (like members of your family). ? Practice involves learning and reinforcing areas that are difficult for the student. Practice, therefore, is not always fun because you must sing music that you have not yet mastered. Try to end each practice session with something that is fun to sing and that has already been mastered! Parents, you can help with practicing, too! Spend some time listening to your child practice and offer constructive criticisms. You don’t need to be a musician to be able to hear improvement. Encourage your child to sing their assignments and tests for you. A good practice should include singing scales with hand signs; practicing music; and working on tone production and vibrato for advanced students.Grades will be based on the following time requirements:Pd. 6: 15 minutes per day, 5 days a week for a total of 75 minutes per week.Pd. 5: 10 minutes per day, 5 days a week for a total of 50 minutes per week.Students with less than the required time will be given the percentage of the requirement that they practiced as a grade. Students who do not turn in their practice sheets will receive a grade of 0 for their practice sheet. You will be allowed to count the following times as practice time:--Before school supervised practice in the choir room.--Before school sectional or tutorial time.--Concert Performances.--At home practice.The practice sheets must be signed by a parent or by Mr. Winter if the practice time is completed at school. Practice sheets will be available on my web site.“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”Aristotle384-322 B.C.Performance PolicyChoir is a performance-oriented course. Work done in the classroom is specifically planned to culminate in the performance of Choral music, either in a concert or contest. The Texas Education Agency lists the public performance of music learned in the classroom as an Essential Knowledge (part of the TEKS) for Choir. Jackson Choir members are expected to participate in all of our concerts which are not specified as “contests”, because these concerts are considered to be co-curricular; that is, and an extension of our classroom learning. Choir students receive a grade for each performance in which they are expected to participate. It is assumed that each student will be present for all special rehearsals and all performances as listed on the choir calendar which is sent home at the beginning of the school year. In addition, reminders about each concert/performance are always sent home a week or so before each event. Please see pg. 75 of the Student/Parent Handbook for a list of unexcused absences. An unexcused absence from a performance or a mandatory rehearsal will result in a grade of “0.” Choir is a cooperative music activity which fosters personal and group responsibility. Parents are requested to help their student to develop this sense of responsibility by making sure that he/she attends every rehearsal and concert on this year’s choir calendar. Serious illness and family emergencies will result in an excused absence only if the student brings a written note signed by a parent within two days of the event. All students are encouraged to participate in any extracurricular musical activities, such as Region Choir (7th and 8th grade only) and Solo/Ensemble Contest; however, these activities are subject to the “no pass/no play” rule. No Pass, No PlayHouse Bill 72, Section 1, Subchapter z, Chapter 21, Education Code reads:Section 21.920 (b) “A student enrolled in a school district in this state shall be suspended from participation in an extracurricular activity sponsored or sanctioned by the school district during the grade reporting period in which the student received a grade lower than the equivalent of 70 on a scale of 100 in any academic class.” Choir extracurricular activities include the following: Region Choir (Auditions, rehearsals and concert), NEISD Solo and Ensemble Contest, and UIL Choir Concert and Sight-reading Contest, as well as any Festival or Field Trip the choir participates in during the year. All students are eligible to sing in the remainder of the concerts given throughout the school year. Extra-Curricular Musical ActivitiesFollowing are some extra-curricular musical opportunities available to our choir students. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of these additional opportunities but should realize there is extra commitment and hard work required for involvement in these activities.Region ChoirThe Texas Music Educators Association sponsors an activity to honor outstanding middle school and high school choir students from all of Region 12, which includes NEISD, San Antonio ISD, and Alamo Heights ISD. Members of the Region Choir are selected based on an audition of prepared music. The Region auditions take place in October and November. Those students selected for one of the choirs will be involved in a clinic and concert which takes place in November. There is an entry fee of $10.00 required to participate in the audition. Region Choir is an excellent performance opportunity, as well as an honor, for those students who successfully audition to be members. There are three different Region Choirs for middle school students: SA Choir for 7th grade girls, SSA Choir for 8th grade girls, and TTB Choir for 7th and 8th grade boys.Lee Cluster Solo and Ensemble Invitational The North East School District sponsors a solo and ensemble contest for choir students through grade 8 each year. This contest is open to all students who are academically eligible. Students at this contest perform solos and/or small ensembles for a judge and have the opportunity to earn medals for their performances. The entry fee for this event is $5.00 per solo and $5.00 per ensemble. Students may only enter one solo but may enter up to two events. Those students performing a solo must have a piano accompanist.UIL Choir Concert and Sight-reading ContestAll schools in Region 12 are eligible to enter choirs in the UIL Choral Concert and Sight-reading Contest. Students in the seventh and eighth grade choir participate in UIL unless they are academically ineligible.Choir UniformsFormal uniforms will be worn at evening concerts and all contests. Formal uniforms are black pants or skirt and a white shirt, black dress shoes, and black socks. Girls may also wear a long black dress. If you have difficulty obtaining these items, I may have some in my uniform closet. We will also have an informal uniform. Choir members can purchase a Choir polo shirt. This shirt may also be worn during the school day so it will be a good value for your money. The Choir shirt will be worn with navy blue pants or skirts when the Choir performs on field trips that are not contests. Please do not wear shorts or short skirts for Choir performances. Students should wear black shoes and socks/hose for Choir performances. All shirts must be neatly tucked in.Music and SuppliesMusic and music folders will be issued to students. Students will get music to take home for practice purposes, and they will also receive music which is to be kept in their choir folder. The folders are to remain in school in the folio cabinets in assigned slots. Folders or music left out after rehearsal will be picked up, and points will be deducted from the student’s weekly participation grade. Any original music or music book which is the property of Jackson Choir and is lost or destroyed will be the financial responsibility of the student to whom the music was issued. Students should only use pencils when marking their music.Permission SlipsAny time choir students are taken off campus, information about the event will be sent home. Because students are not allowed to leave the school campus without parental permission, please fill out the Field Trip Permission Form sent home with the travel information. Handbook and Volunteer FormPLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 28.The intention of this bulletin is to set guidelines and standards for the successful operation of the JACKSON MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR. In signing this page, you and your child signify that you both understand the contents of this bulletin, and agree to abide by it. Thank you for your continued support.STUDENT SIGNATURE________________________________________________________PARENTS SIGNATURE________________________________________________________We want to do our best to keep you updated with the Jackson Choir Program.Please print clearly.PARENT NAME___________________________________HOME PHONE_____________________________ CELL#___________________________ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________PARENT EMAIL: (This will allow us to communicate with you better, and give you updates on upcoming events.)TO MAKE OUR FANTASTIC CHOIR PROGRAM FUNCTION AS SUCCESSFULLY AS IT HAS IN THE PAST, WE NEED PARENT HELP. REMEMBER THIS IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE BEST KIDS AROUND—YOUR CHILDREN!!!I (WE) WOULD BE AVAILABLE TO HELP WITH:CHAPERONING_______ NEISD VOLUNTEER NUMBER_______________________FUDNRAISER/DINNER____________CONCERT HELP_________________ ................

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