March 31, 2008 UPAYA INSTITUTE | ZEN CENTER Santa Fe, New ...

March 31, 2008

UPAYA INSTITUTE | ZEN CENTER Santa Fe, New Mexico 505-986-8518 upaya@

"What is practice?" "Everywhere, nothing is hidden."

- Dogen


Upaya Zen Center and Institute exists to develop skillful means in those who willingly and courageously serve our imperiled world. We support and train those working with the dying, with prisoners, in conflict areas, for women's rights, and those caring for our devastated earth. Our offerings include daily Zen practice, retreats, education, training, and a supportive residential community. Upaya's many retreats and programs encourage people to: 1. Develop a strong meditation practice to strengthen them against escalating greed, hate and delusion. 2. Learn skills, knowledge and wisdom drawn from many different disciplines and traditions. All of Upaya's offerings, from short programs to the two-year Chaplaincy Certificate Program, are designed from the following principles: programs/

? Buddhist practice. We need disciplined practice to fulfill our vow to serve all beings. ? Wholistic. We need to reweave the world, drawing from many disciplines and traditions. ? Systemic. We need to understand the complexity of the systems in which we work ? Social action. We need to learn how to intervene effectively, with individuals, groups and large systems. ? Integration of body, mind and spirit. We need to end this fictitious split that has caused unending problems. ? Personal health and well-being. We need to care for ourselves as caregivers to avoid burn-out and compassion fatigue. ? Creating community. We inter-are, therefore every program is designed to develop stronger, healthier relationships. ? Wise, skilled teachers. Teachers at Upaya embody what they teach and have mastery of their subject.

Here are three upcoming programs and retreats that embody these principles:

Yoga and Buddhism programs/event.php with Richard Freeman and Roshi Joan. May 22-25th.

In the Shelter of Each Other Women's Retreat programs/event.php with Roshi Joan and many wonderful women teachers and artists, July 16-20th.

Summer Practice Period on the Essence of Engaged Buddhism programs/event.php with Roshi Joan and many extraordinary teachers, including Bernie Glassman, August 6-September 7th.

Meg Wheatley

>>>COMING UP IN APRIL at UPAYA: Wednesday, April 2, 5:30PM, DHARMA TALK. Roshi Joan Halifax. Title: "The Inner-most Request: Realizing Intimate Vows"

Saturday, April 12th, ZAZENKAI - What is Zen? Basic Instructions and Explorations with Vice Abbot Beate Stolte and Upaya Residents. This day long silent meditation retreat provides us with the experience of deep periods of uninterrupted meditation. It begins at 6 am and ends at 8:15 pm. We do sitting and walking meditation throughout the day, one hour of work practice, and three informal meals with a rest period after lunch. In the afternoon a dharma talk is given by Vice Abbot Beate Stolte. Personal interviews with the teacher and meditation instruction is available. Please join us for this day of deep and silent practice. If you have questions, please call the office: 986- 8518 or e-mail to registrar@ and we will send you the zazenkai schedule. Cost: $35 for meals. Donation to teacher. ================

>>>SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - PATH OF SERVICE Dear Friends: Upaya is very happy to let you know that we have once again opened up our powerful Path of Service program. Living in a practice community with 15-20 people for three months to a year in the historic east valley of Santa Fe, New Mexico; having the precious opportunity to receive teachings from our Roshi and many other extraordinary teachers, weekly seminars and dharma talks, dokusan and retreats, and the deep joy of living in community; this is in exchange for serving all the many beings who come through our doors every day. If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, please let Yushin know (pos@ ). Path of Service candidates must have a deep appreciation of practice and community, and be physically and mentally healthy. You can find more information and the requirements for this program on our website, as well as the application form. We are looking forward to you! Click here: about/path-of-service.php ==========

>>> DATE CHANGES FOR MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS - Zazenkai will be held on April 12th (originally scheduled for April 5th) - Introduction to Chaplaincy begins Wednesday, April 2-10 (originally scheduled for April 4-10) - Thinking Like a System is now scheduled for April 3-6 (originally scheduled for April 10-13) =================

>>>UPCOMING UPAYA RETREATS THINKING LIKE A SYSTEM: How to Intervene in a System for Social Change. Thursday, April 3 - 6, 2008. Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D, John Goekler. For details: programs/event.php

LIVING WITH ILLNESS AND LOSS: The Nature of Change and Transformation. Monday April 14, 2008, 9:30am ? 4:30 pm - Susan Benjamin, Jean Wilkins. Facing illness and loss in our lives can bring us to a moment when we need to slow down and look deeply into our lives, a time to find acceptance of a diagnosis, or the death of a loved one, to review healing strategies, and make peace with one's mortality. This day-long retreat provides an opportunity to explore where we are in each moment of our lives, to listen to ourselves and each other from a heart that is free of judgment and blame. The day includes guided meditation/reflection, council process and contemplative writing/art process. Donation to teachers. For details: programs/event.php

2008 BEING WITH DYING: Professional Training Program in Compassionate Endof-LIfe Care. April 25 - May 2, 2008. Roshi Joan Halifax, Gary Pasternak, MD, Tony Back, MD, Cynda Rushton RN, PhD, Barbara Dossey, RN, PhD, Gwynne Sullivan, RN, Sensei Fleet Maull, Troy Fernandez, MSW, Tussi Kluge, Claudia Luisi-Flueckiger MA, Mary Tayler, Jean Wilkins. For registration and details: programs/event.php

MOUNTAIN AND MONASTERY SESSHIN, May 05 - May 11, 2008. Roshi Joan Halifax, Roshi Enkyo O'Hara, Marty Peale. For registration and details: programs/event.php

LIBERATION THROUGH YOGA AND BUDDHISM, May 22 - May 25, 2008. Richard Freeman, Roshi Joan Halifax. For registration and details: programs/event.php

WILDERNESS FAST AND COMPASSIONATE ACTION.Jun 26, - Jul 06, 2008. Roshi Joan Halifax, Marty Peale. For registration and details: programs/event.php

IN THE SHELTER OF EACH OTHER, Women's Retreat: Power, compassion, Resilience, and the Shadow. July 16-20, 2008. Roshi Joan Halifax, Mayumi Oda, Zuleikha, plus others. For registration and details:


INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL PROGRAMS: Journey to Mongolia July 14 - August 4, 2008. Kazakh/Altai Mountains Western Mongolia Horse Trip August 7-26, 2008. Himalayan Pilgrimage to Mani Rimdu. October 10-31, 2008. For details: programs/international.php

SUMMER PRACTICE PERIOD: Essence of Engaged Buddhism. August 6September 7, 2008. Roshi Joan Halifax, Roshi Bernie Glassman, Sensei Fleet Maull, sensei Kazuaki Tanahashi, Natalie Goldberg and others. Participants may sign up for the whole practice period or by program. Appropriate for both seasoned practitioners and beginners. For registrtion and details: programs/event.php ==========

>>ENGAGED BUDDHISM - ONGOING PROJECTS METTA COUNClL - Living with Illness Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12.00 noon--a weekly group for people who are ill, their partners, caregivers, hospice volunteers, nurses, and anyone interested in exploring issues around living, sickness aging and death. Beginning around 12:05 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. the group engages in contemplative writing. This is not a writing group per se but rather an alternative way of exploring what is alive for people in the moment. No previous writing experience is needed, just a willingness to be fully present. Please call Jean at 505-986-8518 or email jean@ for more information.

PRISON OUTREACH PROJECT A Prisoner's Letter : "I a m an indigent in mate in a California institution.....I came across your organization's address scratched into the bunk of my cell. I'm taking a shot, a kind of long shot, it may seem....but the word "Zen" sounds like something calm and soothing. I don't have a dictionary, or any kind of reading materials for that matter, but Zen reminds me of something calm. You would wonder why a man would want to write a place that was scratched on a piece of metal...but I guess it would be for the same reason a person would call a nu mber written on a restroo m stall...loneliness."

Volunteers in the Prison Outreach Project offer weekly mindfulness instruction classes in three correctional facilities: Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility (both state and county inmates), Santa Fe County Youth Development Facility, and Central New Mexico Correctional Facility (at Los Lunas). In addition, one of our workers visits the prisons at Hobbs and Roswell, NM. The classes consist of instruction in meditation, yoga, and conversation from the heart leading to problem solving. Studies have shown that this training reduces violent behavior among inmates as well as between inmates and corrections staff, preparing the residents to re-enter society without relapsing into addiction and violence. Through this training we expect to see a reduction in prison entry recidivism.

Persons interested in working "inside" with prison residents are warmly welcomed. There is a defined training program, in which a volunteer works as a co-facilitator with a trainer at weekly group meetings. Volunteers who choose to work with youths are invited to contact Susan Benjamin at ArtTherapy@; those who desire to work with groups of adult inmates should contact Ray Olson at nanrayols@.

At the present time we have 18 volunteers corresponding with 41 prison residents, and we have eight inmates waiting for volunteers to step forward in this Pen-Pal Program. We are in deep need of volunteers who maintain a meditation practice, who would be willing to enter into correspondence with a prison resident. If you think you might be interested in corresponding with an inmate, email Ray Olson at nanrayols@ and request a description of the program and the Guidelines by which we expect all participants to abide. It's easy, and it's a very satisfying spiritual practice, allowing correspondents on both sides of the wall to learn from each other. For details: action/prisonprogram.php ================

OUR GREAT VOLUNTEERS So many wonderful people have come here to help out at Upaya with whatever is needed in the moment. Volunteers make a difference in every practical way with all kinds of know how. And they also contribute their spirit of cheerful, willing giving. This is a beautiful form of Dana and we are so grateful to be part of these volunteers' lives. So THANK YOU to all those listed below and WELCOME to all those yet to come. Sofia Amaru, Cheqa Amaru Rodgers, Arlen Baden, Susan Benjamin, Mary Ann Bennett, Kristen Bentz, Bonnie Bishop, Darrell Blair, Meg Blissell, Dusty Brunson, Carol Brown, Megan Callow, Andrea Campbell, Mary-Ray Cate, Carol Clark, Susan Crall, Karuna DiLibero, Diane Diller, Alyiah Doughty, Megan Dyer, Judith Freillich, Tony Pavello, Dana Garza, Sharon Ishin Gerlofs, Nancy Gilchrist, Scott Hey, Noah Jennings, Peggy Jennings, Nancy Jensen, Mary Keough, Micki Kibler, Sarah Knutson, Winnie Lee, Laurence Lebreren, Sharon Leftwich, Greg Lewandowski, R.C. Luna, Wendy Mapes, Michael Marx, Talissa McCormick, Carol Merrill, Liza Molina, Kate Moon-Walsh, Julia Oliver, Nancy and Ray Olson, Clare Ratlif, David Reed, Susan Emmet Reid, Katherine Rivera, Gabriel Roybal, Bertrand Sauzier, Howard Schwartz, Ellie Sernet, Taylor Scott, Shayma, Marian Scottmyhre, Tom Slater, Kim Spencer, Julie Sprott, Kate Snider, Marty Swanson, Shana Swiss, Gretta Thomas, Lisa Thomas-Adeyemo, Dante Valore, Carol Walker, Akira Watts, Chalo Wells, Nancy Wilkinson, Joyce Williams, Tara Zanghi, and Hiu Maya Tamang.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Upaya is always grateful for a helping hand. We have volunteer opportunities in the office, kitchen, and housekeeping, and there is the possibility of earning retreat credit (up to 80% of the total cost of a retreat) for hours volunteered. If you are interested, please call Roberta at 505-986-8518 ext. 2 or email registrar@



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