Work Instruction .uk

|Work Instruction | | |

|Changing a Business Event Group or Type |S_AHR_61011887 |


Use this procedure to change a Business Event Group or a Business Event Type.


Perform this procedure when you need to make a change to either a Business Event Group or a Business Event Type.


• A Business Event Group or Business Event Type must already exist.

Menu Path

Use the following menu path(s) to begin this transaction:

• Human Resources [pic] Training and Events Management [pic] Settings [pic] Current Settings[pic] Master Data Catalog to go to the Training and Event Management: Master Data Catalog screen.

Transaction Code


Helpful Hints



1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.

Training and Event Management: Master Data Catalog

|[pic] |

2. Click on [pic] to expand the menu.

Training and Event Management: Master Data Catalog

|[pic] |

3. Perform one of the following:

|If |Go To |

|You need to amend the name/abbreviation of a Bus Event Group |Step 6 |

|You need to amend/create a relationship for a Bus Event Group |Step 8 |

|You need to delimit a relationship for a Bus Event Group |Step 12 |

|You need to delimit a Bus Event Group |Step 16 |

|You need to amend the name/abbreviation of a Bus Event Type |Step 24 |

|You need to amend/create a relationship for a Bus Event Type |Step 26 |

|You need to amend/create a description for a Bus Event Type |Step 36 |

|You need to amend/create capacity data for a Bus Event Type |Step 40 |

|You need to amend Business Event type Info for a Bus Event Type |Step 43 |

|You need to amend/create costs for a Bus Event Type |Step 45 |

|You need to amend/create a time schedule for a bus Event Type |Step 49 |

|You need to delimit a Bus Event Type |Step 58 |

4. Double-click on the Business Event Group you wish to change eg. [pic] .

Display Business event group: Data Screen

|[pic] |

5. Click on [pic] to change.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

6. If you wish to change the Object abbreviation or name click on [pic] to select this then click on [pic] to change.

Change Object

|[pic] |

7. Make the required changes and click on [pic] to save.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

8. If you wish to change one of the objects relationships click on [pic] to select this, then click on [pic] to list all the relationships.

List display with change Relationships

|[pic] |

9. Click on the relationship you wish to change to select this e.g. [pic] .

10. Click on [pic] to change the record.

Change Relationships

|[pic] |

11. Make the required changes ensuring that the validity dates are correct, then click on [pic] to save.

List display with change Relationships

|[pic] |

12. If you wish to delimit (end a relationship), select required entry and then click on [pic] to delimit.

Delimit Relationships

|[pic] |

13. Enter applicable end date and then click on [pic] to delimit.

List display with change Relationships

|[pic] |

14. Click on [pic] to return to previous screen.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

15. Click on [pic] twice to return to the Training and Event Management : Master Data Catalog screen.

Training and Event Management: Master Data Catalog

|[pic] |

16. Click on the Business Event Group you wish to delimit e.g. [pic] .

[pic] To ensure data integrity you must ensure that all relationships to this object have been delimited before delimiting the object.

17. Right-click on[pic] .

18. Select Delimit.

Delimit Object

|[pic] |

19. Enter the date you require the object delimiting from e.g. 30.06.2005

20. Click on [pic] to delimit.

L 50019306

|[pic] |

21. Click on [pic] .

Training and Event Management: Master Data Catalog

|[pic] |

22. Double-click on required Business Event type e.g. [pic] .

Display Business event type: Data Screen

|[pic] |

23. Click on [pic] to change.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

Maintain object

|[pic] |

24. To change the Object name or abbreviation click on [pic] to select then click on [pic] to change.

Change Object

|[pic] |

25. Enter changes as required and then click on [pic] to save.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

26. If you need to change any of the relationships linked to this object click on [pic] to select this then click on [pic] to list all relationships.

27. Click on [pic] to list all relationships.

List display with change Relationships

|[pic] |

28. Click on required relationship [pic] .

29. Click on [pic] to copy an existing relationship which can then be modified prior to saving.

Copy Relationships

|[pic] |

30. Click into ID of Related Object field and click on [pic]

Resource type (1)

|[pic] |

31. As required, complete/review the following fields:

|Field Name |R/O/C |Description |

|Search Term |R |Description of the Search Term. |

| | |Example: printer* |

Resource type (1) 1 Entry found

|[pic] |

32. Click on required entry to select then click on [pic] .

Copy Relationships

|[pic] |

33. Click on [pic] to save.

List display with change Relationships

|[pic] |

34. Click on [pic] to return to previous screen.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

35. If you wish to change any of the business Event type Descriptions click on [pic] to select this then click on [pic] to view all existing descriptions.

List display with change Description

|[pic] |

36. Click on required entry to select [pic] .

37. Click on [pic] to change.

Change Description

|[pic] |

38. Amend details as required then click on [pic] to save.

List display with change Description

|[pic] |

39. Click on [pic] to return to previous screen.

[pic] If you wish to create an additional Description e.g.Course Notes then you need to select the [pic] option from the maintain Object screen and select the relevant subtype.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

40. If you wish to amend the Business Event capacity data click onto [pic] to select and click on either [pic] to change or [pic] to create.

41. Click on [pic] to create if no data has been entered.

[pic] If the Heading has a [pic] next to it there is already some data stored so a change can be undertaken. If not all data must be created.

Create Capacity

|[pic] |

42. Entered the required data then click on [pic] to save.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

43. If you need to change any of the Web display options click on [pic] to select then click on [pic] to change

Change Business Event Type Info

|[pic] |

44. Change data as required then click on [pic] to save.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

45. If you wish to enter any Tutor Fees or course cancellation fees click on [pic] to select and then on either [pic] to change or [pic] to create.

[pic] If the Heading has a [pic] next to it there is already some data stored so a change can be undertaken. If not all data must be created.

Create Costs

|[pic] |

46. Click into Cst item field and click on [pic] .

Cost item (1) 31 Entries Found

|[pic] |

47. Double-click on required entry e.g.[pic] .

Create Costs

|[pic] |

48. Click on [pic] to save .

Maintain object

|[pic] |

49. If you wish to change the default Business Event times click on [pic] to select and then click on either [pic] to change or [pic] to create.

[pic] If the Heading has a [pic] next to it there is already some data stored so a change can be undertaken. If not all data must be created.

Change Schedule Model

|[pic] |

50. Enter amended details and click on [pic] to save.

Maintain object

|[pic] |

51. Click on [pic] to return to previous screen.

Display Business event type: Data Screen

|[pic] |

52. Click on [pic] to return to Training and Event Management: Master Data catalog

53. Click [pic] .

Training and Event Management: Master Data Catalog

|[pic] |

54. Right-click [pic].

55. Select Delimit.

Delimit Object

|[pic] |

56. Enter the date which you want the Business Event type to be delimited from e.g. 30.06.2005:

D 50019462

|[pic] |

57. Click [pic] .

58. You have completed this transaction.


You have changed a Business Event Group or a Business Event Type.




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