Saturday – September 12,1998 SESUG ‘98

|ROOM |8:00am |8:30am |9:00am |


|Weekend Workshop | |SAS Debugging Techniques ($70) | |

| | |Riba | |

Sunday – September 13,1998 SESUG ‘98

|ROOM |8:00am |8:30am |9:00am |

|PROVIDENCE | | | | |

|Meetings | |CONSUG Meeting | |Opening |

| | | | |Session |

| | | | |(7:30-9:0|

| | | | |0) |

|STRATFORD | | | | | |

|Meetings | |Section Chairs |Presenters Meeting |Warmup Session | |

| | |Meeting | | | |

|CLAREMONT | |Companies Represented: | |

|Vendor Room | | | |


|Weekend Workshops|Integrating SAS Into an Intelligent Internet/Intranet Application ($70) | |Connecting SAS to the Internet at a Price You Can Afford ($70) | |

| |Bahler / Muller | |Hardy | |


|Weekend Workshops|A SAS Programmer’s View of the SAS Supervisor ($70) | |Merging, Combining, and Subsetting Files (Tricks, Traps, and Techniques) ($70) | |

| |Whitlock | |Foley | |

|WILTON | | | | | |

|Rehearsal | |Rehearsal Room will have a table, an overhead projector, | |Rehearsal Room will have a table, an overhead projector, and a screen. | |

| | |and a screen. | | | |

|MONTICELLO | |Reception|

|Functions | |(9:00-11:|

| | |00) |

MONDAY – September 14,1998 SESUG ‘98

|ROOM |8:00am |8:30am |9:00am |9:30am |

|PROMENADE |POSTER PRESENTATIONS: … Accessible Help Systems, Brinsfield; Selectively | |Poster Presenters: (see list to left) | |

|Posters |Downloading Files …, Gober / Altmayer; … Analysis of SAS Coding …, Haske; … | |Meet the Poster Presenters from 2:30 to 3:30 | |

| |Cliff’s Delta, Hogarty / Kromrey; X-12-Graph: …, Hood; … Multidimensional Item | | | |

| |Response Theory, Kromrey,; Modern Psychometric Theory: … IRT Ability | | | |

| |Estimates, Kromrey,; Effective Poster Presentations …, Talbott; … SAS | | | |

| |Data Set to a Quicken QIF …, Talbott; … Sort Production Reports …, Talbott; … | | | |

| |TEXTMERG: A SAS Macro …, Weiner | | | |

|POPLAR |SAS/Intrnet and |Dynamic Web Pages –|Building Clinical |Mass Producing Web | |Tales from the |Real World |Casting |SAS |SAS Futures Forum | |

|I-Net Solutions |SESUG Registration:|Integrating |Information Spaces |Pages with SAS | |Front: Panel |Utilization of |PERL |Client-Se| | |

| |Application |JavaScript into a |on the World Wide | | |Discussion |SAS/Intrnet |Before |rver | | |

| |Dispatcher Adds a |SAS Web Application|Web | | | |Application |(…) SAS …|Dev.: | | |

| |New Dimension |??/?? Bahler | |??/?? Brown | | |Dispatcher |??/?? |Taking..W|??/?? SAS Institute| |

| |??/?? Ashley | |??/?? Wehr | | |??/?? Mod: Haske |Marinshaw / |Hardy |eb | | |

| | | | | | | |McIntyre / | |??/?? | | |

| | | | | | | |??/?? Muller / | |Brinsfiel| | |

| | | | | | | |Tabor | |d | | |

|PROVIDENCE |SAS/ASSIST Easy |The SAS Debugging |Formats as a |A Statistical | |Fundamentals of |PROC UPLOAD and |Data Mining: An | |

|Beginning |Access to the SAS |Primer |Programming Tool |Roadmap for the SAS| |FRAME: A Tutorial |DOWNLOAD: An Easy |Overview of Methods| |

|Tutorials |System | | |System for | |for Building |Way to Export SAS |and Techniques for | |

| | | | |Beginners | |Applications | |Increasing Profits | |

| |??/?? Barrios / |??/?? DiIorio |??/?? Gerlach / | | | |??/?? O’Connell |… | |

| |Muller | |Rinkus |??/?? Hardy | |??/?? Nelson | |??/?? Rud | |

|STRATFORD |Hot-Deck |Building Bridges |A Simple Framework |MATCH-MERGING: 27 | |STRATFORD |Data Warehousing |New Directions in |It’s Almost the | |

|Advanced |Imputation: A |Between Oracle and |for Sequentially |Plus Traps and How | |Technology 2000 |Efficiency |SAS Software |Year 2000 – Should | |

|Tutorials |Simple Data Step |SAS |Processing |to Avoid Them | | |Techniques with the|Version 7 |I Panic? | |

| |Approach | |Hierarchical Data | | | |SAS System |Documentation | | |

| | | |Sets for Large |??/?? Foley | | | | | | |

| |??/?? Altmayer |??/?? Calvert / |Surveys | | | |??/?? Brown |??/?? Sheedy |??/?? Robinson | |

| | |Zhou |??/?? Downs / Perez| | | | | | | |

|YORK |SI Demo Room open |Shop Talk |Shop Talk |Shop Talk | |Demo Room|Shop Talk |Shop Talk |Shop Talk | |

|SI Demo Room & |from 8:00am-12:00pm|Topics: |Topics: |Topics: | | |Topics: |Topics: |Topics: | |

|Shop Talk | | | | | |1:00-4:30| | | | |

| |Shop Talk Sessions |Assistants: |Assistants: |Assistants: | |pm |Assistants: |Assistants: |Assistants: | |

| |from 9:00am-12:00pm| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Shop Talk| | | | |

| | | | | | |1:30-4:30| | | | |

| | | | | | |pm | | | | |

|CLAREMONT |Companies Represented: | |

|Vendor Room | | |

|EPPINGTON | |Creating |Survey Research |Creating an ADP |Indexed |A Big | |SAS Conferences: A |A Day in the Life: |… SQL |… SQL | |BOF |

|Serendipity | |Numeric |Using SAS: Tricks |Center of |Table |Picture | |View From the |The SAS Software |Where |Calculate| |(7:00 – |

| | |Formats …|of the Trade |Excellence: A |Lookup … |Data | |Inside |Consultant |Expressio|d Column | |9:00) |

| | |??/?? | |Miltonian Approach |??/?? |Diagnosti| |(Panel Discussion) |(Panel Discussion) |n Builder|Expr. | | |

| | |Gerlach | |of Looking Through |McAllaste|c.. | | | |… |Build.. | | |

| | | |??/?? Gravely |… |r |??/?? | |??/?? Mod: Howard |??/?? Mod: Riba |??/?? |??/?? | | |

| | | | |??/?? Parker | |Pugh/Nand| | | |Roper |Roper | | |

| | | | | | |y | | | | | | | |

|GREENWAY |CATA-LOGE|… Dev. |Developing Ratio |Dev. A |Calibrati|How to Use SAS | |DATA Step in |Harnessing the |GUI Testing of SAS | |BOF |

|Applications |R(: An |SAS Apps |Edit Parameters |Parameter|ng |Software from | |Version 7: What’s |Power of SCL Lists |Software | |(7:00 – |

|Development |App. Dev.|for Use |with SAS for the |Eval. |Instrumen|Beginning to | |New? | | | |9:00) |

| |Tool … |in Mult. |Economic Census |Meth.. |ts |(Almost) Ending for| | | | | | |

| |??/?? |Languages| |??/?? |Automatic|Your Data Warehouse| | |??/?? Horwitz |??/?? Malone | | |

| |Roper |??/?? |??/?? Graham |Graham |… |??/?? Golmirzaie | |??/?? Heffner | | | | |

| | |Roper | | |??/?? | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Brinsfiel| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |d | | | | | | | |

|MONTPELIER |Software for GEE: |Regression with |Recent Enhancements|The Replication | | | |The Effect of |Beating the System: Adapting | |BOF |

|Statistics |PROC GENMOD and |Time Series Errors |and New Directions |Method for | | | |Missing Data on |Exploratory Methods to the SAS | |(7:00 – |

| |SUDAAN | |in SAS/STAT |Estimating Sampling| | | |Repeated Measures |Environment | |9:00) |

| | | |Software |Errors, Principles | | | |Models |(Panel Discussion) | | |

| | |??/?? Dickey | |and Software | | | | | | | |

| |??/?? Shah | |??/?? Stokes |??/?? Morganstein | | | |??/?? Johnson |??/?? Mod: Connolly | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |KEY | | | | | |

|RIVERVIEW |Application |Power Techniques |Thin Clients for |Forms and More: | |Title of | |SAS Client-Server |… 64-bit |… SAS |… Link |tAWKing …| |BOF: |

|Host Systems |Development for the|for Processing |the Windows – “Jazz|Getting What You | |Paper | |Development: Tricks|… SAS |Environ. |Hetero. |Migration| |SESUG ’99|

| |New Host on the |Large Tape Data |Front” and “Jazz |Want from Your | | | |of the Trade |Config. |on |DBs … |: … UNIX | |Planning |

| |Block: Java Virtual|Sets Using the SAS |Reporter” |Printer | | | | |Guideline|OpenVMS |Clin. |Util. to | |Meeting |

| |Machine |System in the MVS | | | |P/A | |??/?? Brinsfield |s .. |Alpha |Res. |… MVS .. | |(7:00 – |

| |??/?? Klenz |Envir. |??/?? Rigsbee |??/?? Roediger | |Authors | | |Digital |??/?? |??/?? |??/?? | |9:00) |

| | |??/?? Raithel | | | | | | |UNIX |Ralston |Kromhout-|DiIorio | | |

| | | | | | | | | |??/?? | |.. | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |Ralston | | | | | |

|BRANDON A |Enterprise |Using ODS with the |Rapid Applications |SAS Enterprise | |P = Page for | |Solving Business |The Analyst |Second Generation | |

|Formal Online |Reporter: Creative |Base Reporting |Development Using |Miner | |Paper | |Problems with |Application |OLAP: Beyond the | |

|Demos |Reporting |Procedures in |SAS Component | | |in Proceedings| |SAS/Intrnet | |Cube | |

| | |Version 7 |Object Model | | |A = Page for | |Software | | | |

| | | |??/?? Horwitz | | |Abstract / Bio| | | | | |

| |??/?? Rush |??/?? Olinger | |??/?? Rahn | |in Program | |??/?? Walters |??/?? Stokes |??/?? Torrisi | |

|BRANDON B | |Merge Processing in SAS |PROC Tabulate Basics | |Interactive PROC Report |Moving SAS Information to | |

|PC Hands-on | |Software | | | |Word/Excel Using DDE | |

|Workshops | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |??/?? Rafiee | |??/?? Rafiee |??/?? Rafiee | |

| | |??/?? Rafiee | | | | | |

|WILTON | | | | |

|Rehearsal |Rehearsal Room will have a table, an overhead projector, and a screen. | |Rehearsal Room will have a table, an overhead projector, and a screen. | |

| |(7:00 – 12:00) | | | |

|MONTICELLO | | | |Mixer |

|Functions | |“Meet the Presenters” | |(5:30 – |

| | |Luncheon | |7:00) |

Tuesday – September 15,1998 SESUG ‘98

|ROOM |8:00am |8:30am |9:00am |9:30am |

|PROMENADE |POSTER PRESENTATIONS: … Accessible Help Systems, Brinsfield; Selectively | |

|Posters |Downloading Files …, Gober / Altmayer; … Analysis of SAS Coding …, Haske; … | |

| |Cliff’s Delta, Hogarty / Kromrey; X-12-Graph: …, Hood; … Multidimensional Item | |

| |Response Theory, Kromrey,; Modern Psychometric Theory: … IRT Ability | |

| |Estimates, Kromrey,; Effective Poster Presentations …, Talbott; … SAS | |

| |Data Set to a Quicken QIF …, Talbott; … Sort Production Reports …, Talbott; … | |

| |TEXTMERG: A SAS Macro …, Weiner | |

|POPLAR |Getting Started |SAS Enterprise |Replacing Oracle |I-Net Solutions | |POPLAR |Extending the Life |Overview of Java | |

|Technology 2000 |with the SAS |Reporter vs. |with the SAS | | |I-Net Solutions |of Your AF |Components and | |

| |Multidimensional |Microsoft |Scalable | | | |Application: |Applets in | |

| |Database (MDDB) |Applications |Performance Data | | | |Exploiting the |SAS/Intrnet | |

| |Server |??/?? Raimondi / |Server: Improved …| | | |Model Viewer |Software | |

| | |Whitehurst / | | | | |Paradigm |??/?? Walters | |

| |??/?? Cochran |Tabladillo |??/?? Stevens | | | |??/?? Nelson | | |

| | | | |… Web Enable SAS | | | | | |

| | | | |Apps: An Online | | | | | |

| | | | |Demo of SAS/IntrNet| | | | | |

| | | | |Apps | | | | | |

| | | | |??/?? Klenz | | | | | |

|PROVIDENCE |Getting Started |A SAS Programmer’s |The Program Data |The DATA Statement:| |Changing the Shape |The Building Blocks| |

|Beginning |with Dynamic Data |View of SQL |Vector as an Aid to|Efficiency | |of Your Data: PROC |of PROC TABULATE | |

|Tutorials |Exchange | |DATA Step Reasoning|Techniques | |TRANSPOSE vs. | | |

| | | | | | |Arrays | | |

| | |??/?? I. Whitlock |??/?? M. Whitlock | | | |??/?? Coleman | |

| |??/?? Schreier | | |??/?? Riba | |??/?? Virgile | | |

|STRATFORD |Creating Indexed |A Statistician’s |Your Base SAS |Programmatic | |An Overview of Techniques to |STRAT |Presentations: | | |

|Advanced |Data Sets and Using|Guide to Using SAS |Dollars at Work – |Generation of Table| |Introduce External Data Into |All In |Adv. Suspend …, |Closing Session | |

|Tutorials |Directed Access |with MS Access and |What’s New and |Specifications | |the SAS System |Jest |Finch | | |

| |Queries |Excel Data |Useful in Version 7|Using the SAS Macro| | | |SAS Travel Comp., | | |

| | | | |Facility | |??/?? Kuligowski | |Rud | | |

| |??/?? Gober |??/?? Johnson |??/?? Olinger |??/?? Sun | | | |… Impress Inter., | | |

| | | | | | | | |Raithel | | |

|YORK |SI Demo Room open |Shop Talk |Shop Talk |Shop Talk | |Demo Room|Shop Talk | |

|SI Demo Room & |from 8:00am-12:00pm|Topics: |Topics: |Topics: | | |Topics: | |

|Shop Talk | | | | | |1:00-2:30| | |

| |Shop Talk Sessions |Assistants: |Assistants: |Assistants: | |pm |Assistants: | |

| |from 9:00am-12:00pm| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Shop Talk| | |

| | | | | | |1:30-2:30| | |

| | | | | | |pm | | |

|CLAREMONT |Companies Represented: | |

|Vendor Room | | |

|EPPINGTON |Presentations: |Presentations: |Presentations: |Presentations: | |Presentations: | |

|Coders Corner |Auto. Dates, |Arrays & Scoring, |ARRAYS, Matthews |PROC FORMAT, Patton| |PROC FREQ, Lossman | |

| |Coleman |Go |Data Step Func., |QUIZZER, Roper | |Sort Input, Raithel| |

| |Hourly Profile, |SYMPUT Routine, Go |Bahler | | |VSAM Data MVS, | |

| |Fuchs |Y2K Issues, |Text-Wrap, Pugh / | | |Tilman | |

| |Subtle Tyranny, |Li/Ren/Wan |Lach | | |RESOLVE, Whitlock | |

| |Kelley |DATACHK, Abolafia/…|Axis-Scaling, Pugh | | | | |

|GREENWAY |Buil. |%FREQ1VAR|GUI |Data |A Maintenance-Free,|Auto. | | |GREENWAY |Data |A |Institute|Using SAS| |

|Applications |Macro-bas|: |Kisses: |Valid. |Menu-Driven Closure|Ref. SAS | | |Serendipity |Dict. |Simplifie|Quality |Import / | |

|Development |ed Data |Frequency|Tips |Using a |System |Macro | | | |Approach |d |Partners:|Export | |

| |Step |of One |Interfac |SAS | |Variables| | | |to Edit &|Reporting|… |Wiz.. | |

| |Func… |Var. with|Design |Format |??/?? Noga |… Array | | | |Valid. |Strategy:|??/?? |??/?? | |

| |??/?? |Format |??/?? |??/?? | |Proc. | | | |Survey |… Mult |Schlatzer|Thompson | |

| |Dorfman |??/?? |Quarantil|Stearns | |??/?? Wan| | | |Data |Source | | | |

| | |Fehd |lo |.. | | | | | |??/?? |??/?? | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |Stearns |Ross | | | |

|MONTPELIER |It Chops, It Dices,|Multiple Comparison|Beyond |Long vs. |An Application of | |Computing|… Macro …| |

|Statistics |…: ODS for Data |Procedures with SAS|Factor |Wide – A |Cluster Analysis in| |a Test |to | |

| |Analysis Output … | |Analysis |Diff. Way|the Financial | |Stat. … |Perform | |

| |in Version 7 | |… |… |Services Industry | |Jacknife |Permutati| |

| |??/?? |??/?? Rom / Chang |??/?? |??/?? | | |Procedure|on | |

| |Olinger / | |Goldberg |Goldsmith|??/?? Nargundkar / | |??/?? |??/?? | |

| |Schellenberger | | | |Olzer | |Orelian |Litaker/G| |

| | | | | | | | |utin | |

|RIVERVIEW |Producing Useful |Using JMP for |Achieving Graphical|Combating Chart | |See Sally Work: |SAS/GRAPH|Vis. | |

|Information |Survey Analysis |Design of |Excellence with |Overload with Group| |Techniques for |– |Retriev. | |

|Visualization |Graphics with |Experiments and |SAS/GRAPH |Control Charts | |Design. and |Dressing |Model for| |

| |Efficient SAS Code |Variability | | | |Evaluating User |Up an Old|Bio. Seq.| |

| | |Analysis for |??/?? Gravely |??/?? Stewart / | |Interfaces |Workhorse|Info DB | |

| |??/?? Gantz / Yaun |Semiconductors | |Brinsfield | |??/?? Loran |??/?? |??/?? Lin| |

| | |??/?? Gjertsen | | | | |Phelps | | |

|BRANDON A |Fine Tuning OLAP |Establishing a |The Future |The New ADX | |SAS Enterprise | | | |

|Formal Online | |Repeatable |Interface to the |Interface for | |Miner | | | |

|Demos | |Warehousing Process|SAS System for PCs |Design and Analysis| | | | | |

| | | |– A First Glance |of Experimental | | | | | |

| |??/?? Torrisi |??/?? Brown | |Design Software | | | | | |

| | | |??/?? Rigsbee |??/?? Stokes | |??/?? Rahn | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |KEY | |

|BRANDON B | |Beginning Macros |SQL Basics | |Title of | |

|PC Hands-on | | | | |Paper | |

|Workshops | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |??/?? Rafiee |??/?? Rafiee | |P/A | |

| | | | | |Authors | |

|WILTON | | |P = Page for | |

|Rehearsal |Rehearsal Room will have a table, an overhead projector, and a screen. | |Paper | |

| |(7:00 – 12:00) | |in Proceedings| |

| | | |A = Page for | |

| | | |Abstract / Bio| |

| | | |in Program | |


|Functions | |“Meet the Presenters” | |

| | |Luncheon | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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