U.S. Army Recruiting Command

MILPER Message Number20-349ProponentRCHS-SVD-PATitleAmendment to MILPER 20-233 Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Interservice Physician Assistant Training Program Application...Issued:[10/20/2020 10:31:01 AM]...A.? MILPER message 20-233, 23 July 2020, subject:? Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Interservice Physician Assistant Training Program Application.1.? This MILPER message is effective immediately and will expire 31 July 2021.2.? Reference Paragraph 4.b.(15), is changed:a.? DeleteALL applicants must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) WITH ESSAY within 5 years of the FY of application (1 March 2016 or after).? Applicants must score a minimum of 450 in both the reading and math section with a cumulative score of at least 1000 and the essay portion MUST be included.? The SAT also needs to be taken early enough to ensure receipt of results NLT 1 March 2021.? Allow a minimum of 8 weeks for the College Board to grade the examination; take the examination prior to 1 January 2021.? Copies of SAT scores must be included in the USAREC application (HQ, USAREC ATTN:? RCHS-SVD-PA, 1307 Third Ave, Fort Knox, 40121-2726).? SAT scores must be sent directly to USAREC, by including code ‘3994’ on your SAT scantron document, and may be submitted as soon as 1 October 2020, but NLT 1 March 2021 (No Exceptions and Non-waiverable).? The last available SAT date noted on the College Board website is 4 December 2020.? Graduate Record Exam (GRE) will not fulfill the SAT requirement.b.? AddALL applicants must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) WITH ESSAY within 5 years of the FY of application (1 March 2016 or after).? Applicants must score a minimum of 450 in both the reading and math section with a cumulative score of at least 1000 and the essay portion MUST be included.? Allow a minimum of 8 weeks for the College Board to grade the examination.? SAT scores must be sent directly to USAREC, by including code ‘3994’ on your SAT scantron document, and may be submitted as soon as 1 October 2020 (No Exceptions and Non-waiverable).? For the FY21 board only, due to COVID-19 closures of College Board testing sites, applicant packets may board without the SAT.? The SAT WITH Essay must be completed and meet the minimum requirements prior to starting IPAP.? Graduate Record Exam (GRE) will not fulfill the SAT requirement.3.? Reference Paragraph 4.f.(1), is changed:a.? DeleteEffective upon publication of this message, application will be accepted if postmarked by 1 March 2021.? Note:? All packets must have a copy of the SAT results in the packet prior to being certified by the PSB, S1, or the Commander and the official SAT results must be received by USAREC (RCHS-SVD-SP) NLT 1 March 2021 (No Exceptions and Non-waiverable).b.? AddEffective upon publication of this message, application will be accepted if postmarked by 1 March 2021.? Applicant packets may board without SAT results for the FY 21 board only.? Official SAT results meeting the minimum requirements must be received by USAREC (RCHS-SVD-SP) prior to the applicant starting IPAP(No Exceptions and Non-waiverable).4.? The point of contact for this message is the USAREC IPAP program manager, LTC Erin Driver, HQ, USAREC (RCHS-SVD-PA), 1307 Third Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40121-2725.? 1-800-223-3737 EXT.? 60386; Commercial (502) 626-0386 OR DSN:? 536-0386, email:? erin.e.driver.mil@mail.mil. ................

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