
Daily PlanDate: August 20, 2014 and August 21, 20141. Journal: What actions would you take if I told you that your next door neighbor was a terrorist? Explain. 2. Expectations Quiz3. Talk about ReadingPlus4. Collect parental-contact email addressees 5. Introduction to The Crucible Daily PlanDate: August 22, 2014 and August 25, 20141. Journal: Would you falsely accuse others to defend yourself? Explain. Would you falsely accuse others to get revenge? Explain.2. “Bookmark” assignment on McCarthyism 3. The Crucible notes 4. Begin reading The CrucibleDaily PlanDate: August 26, 2014Journal: What is the American dream and what role does freedom of speech play in this dream? Explain and supportUnit Overview, pages 89, 90Quickwrite Essential questions Embedded Assessment 1 analysis/graphic organizer Discussion on Puritan lifeHistorical Context assignment (Jigsaw) Homework- finish close readings August 28, 2014Homework check – 5 minutes Create large class organizer that list knowledge and skills necessary to succeed on assessment - 10 minutesWeb about Puritan lifeDiscuss Organizers - 10 minutesExpert group analysis of texts – add to chart (Jigsaw) - 10 minutesHome groups – complete charts (Jigsaw) 20 minutesWhat kinds of connections did you see among the works that reflect a Puritan mentality? How might witchcraft fit into the Puritan mindset?Discuss how “The Lessons of Salem” provides a modern perspective on the historical facts of the witch trials.Discuss “A Note on the Historic Accuracy of this Play” - 15 minutesHomework – Answer (using MLA style) the “Check Your Understanding” prompt September 2, 2014Journal: Write about a time you thought you might be in trouble, and lied to avoid it. Home groups – complete charts (Jigsaw) What kinds of connections did you see among the works that reflect a Puritan mentality? How might witchcraft fit into the Puritan mindset?Discuss how “The Lessons of Salem” provides a modern perspective on the historical facts of the witch trials.Discuss “A Note on the Historic Accuracy of this Play” Homework – Answer (using MLA style) the “Check Your Understanding” prompt “Introduction to the Characters” assignment September 4, 2014Define crucibleJournal: Which definition you think Miller intended of the word? Why? How can both definitions apply?Act Reading Check/Quiz“Introduction to the Characters” assignment Character Note Taking Chart Explain foils (examples)Create class poster similarities/differences between Hale Proctor and Proctor and CoreyAfter Reading for homework September 8, 2014Journal: Write about characters you understood to be foils in movies, plays, or novels.Check and go over “Character Note-taking Chart”Create Venn diagram of similarities and differences between Hale and Proctor and Proctor and CoreyExplain subtext Subtext short and activityComplete “During Reading” in groups P.145, line 389-480Presents scenes – Which of these do you think Miller likely have in mind? Watch The Crucible (1996), dir. Nicholas Hytner September 10, 2014List and explain features of a script?Complete “During Reading” in groups P.145, line 389-480Presents scenes – Which of these do you think Miller likely have in mind? Watch The Crucible (1996), dir. Nicholas Hytner Script –analysis graphic organizer and checklist September 12, 2014Journal: What is hysteria? ExplainBrainstorm on hysteria on margin Script–analysis graphic organizer jigsaw and checklistAnalyze “The Lesson of Salem” and “The Very Proper Gander” and answer “During Reading” and “After Reading” questions 3, 4, &5September 16, 2014Journal: What makes a good script? Explain Discuss Script–analysis graphic organizer Script checklist (Create Class Poster)Write script in classHomework 2.8-2.9September 18, 2014Journal: “It is said that power corrupts, but actually it’s more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power” – David Brin Write script in classCollect homework 2.8-2.9 September 22, 2014Journal: What is a minor character and how do authors use them to advance conflict and plot? Explain. (10 minutes)Collect data chat (5 minutes)Return/review homework (20 minutes)Act II quiz (7 minutes)Analysis of modernized Freytag’s Pyramid. (20 minutes)Freytag’s Pyramid in practice (short story and The Crucible). (20 minutes)Homework: “Check Your Understanding” Pg. 118 (2 minutes)Hand out A Separate Peace September 24, 2014Journal: Write one detailed paragraph about a time you or someone you know was unfairly accused.Finish reviewing homework (20 minutes)Act II quiz (7 minutes)Presentations of original scriptsAnalysis of modernized Freytag’s Pyramid. (20 minutes)Freytag’s Pyramid in practice (short story and The Crucible). (20 minutes)Homework: “Check Your Understanding” Pg. 118 (2 minutes)Hand out A Separate Peace September 29, 2014Journal: Why is it appropriate that Miller begins Act II in the Proctor home? Explain.SAT Vocab Quiz (7 minutes)Finish presentations of original scriptsAnalysis of modernized Freytag’s Pyramid. (7 minutes)Freytag’s Pyramid in practice (short story and The Crucible). (20 minutes)Collect homework: “Check Your Understanding” Pg. 118 (1 minutes)Hand out A Separate Peace 1 October 2014Journal: Describe in detailed and with support the relationship between Proctor and Elizabeth.Interpretation of Proctor and Elizabeth scene (pages 160-163 L. 180) - JigsawWatch Proctor and Elizabeth scene from The Crucible After Reading in-class discussionHomework: Read Act III (Quiz next class)3 October 2014Journal: Before reading (page 122).Interpretation of Proctor and Elizabeth scene (pages 160-163 L. 180) - JigsawWatch Proctor and Elizabeth scene from The Crucible After Reading in-class discussionAct III QuizBreak into groups of five and do the following: Find types of evidence in Act III (#2 122)Answer about role of confession and accusations (#3 122)Answer consequences of Corey’s testimony (#4 122)Develop short scene and script on scenarios (#5 122)7 October 2014Journal: Before reading (page 124)Go over homework Monty Python – witch-trial parody Break into groups of five and do the following:Proctor and Elizabeth courtroom scene graphic organizer (124) – Proctor p.189 (L. 831) - p.190 (L. 889) - Elizabeth p.190 (L. 912) - p.191 (L. 964)Find verbal/situational/dramatic irony in Act IIIn-class discussion of Act III ironyIn group “Check Your Understanding” Homework: Read Act IV (Quiz next class)9 October 2014Background of A Separate PeaceDiscuss chapter one and two (perhaps) of A Separate PeaceAssign presentations for A Separate Peace 13 October 2014Journal: Write a paragraph about a time you (or someone you know) sacrificed a principle that was important to you for a person that is important to you.Finish A Separate Peace discussionAct III QuizSAT Vocabulary Lesson 2 QuizMonty Python – witch-trial parody Break into groups of five and do the following:Proctor and Elizabeth courtroom scene graphic organizer (124) – Proctor p.189 (L. 831) - p.190 (L. 889) - Elizabeth p.190 (L. 912) - p.191 (L. 964)Find verbal/situational/dramatic irony in Act IIIn-class discussion of Act III ironyIn group “Check Your Understanding” Homework: Read Act IV (Quiz next class)17 October 2014Monty Python – witch-trial parody Break into groups of five and discuss the following:Proctor and Elizabeth courtroom scene graphic organizer (124) – Proctor p.189 (L. 831) - p.190 (L. 889) - Elizabeth p.190 (L. 912) - p.191 (L. 964)Find verbal/situational/dramatic irony in Act IIIOn Promethean fill out graphic organizer and list of Act III irony“Declaration of Conscience” Powerful language analysis Homework: Group essay on “Check Your Understanding” Homework: Read Act IV (Quiz next class)21 October 2014Journal: What parts of Margaret C. Smith speech did you find most powerful? Explain why and give examples of her diction.On Promethean fill out graphic organizer and list of Act III irony“Declaration of Conscience” Powerful language analysis Analyze “Why I Wrote The Crucible” Homework: Read Act IV (Quiz next class)23 October 2014Journal: What parts of Miller’s essay did you find most powerful? Explain why and give specific quotes.SAT Vocabulary Lesson 3 QuizOn Promethean fill out SOAPSToneAnalysis “Why I Wrote The Crucible” Homework: Read Act IV (Quiz next class)28 October 2014Journal: Predict how the play will end? Explain On Promethean fill out SOAPSToneAnalysis “Why I Wrote The Crucible” Complete graphic organizer on page 128 Begin reading Act IV30 October 2014Journal: Write a one-sentence thematic statement for The Crucible. Explain Analysis “Why I Wrote The Crucible” Complete graphic organizer on page 128 Begin reading Act IV10 November 2014Journal: Giles Corey’s dying words are “More Weight.” Explain their significance.SAT Vocabulary Test 1-3A Separate Peace presentation End of the play reading and discussion 13 November 2014Journal: Define and explain five words from the “Word Wall”A Separate Peace presentation End of the play reading and discussion SpringBoard: Dialogue and Arriving at Conclusions 21 November 2014Journal: What issues concern you and your friends? List and explain two of themA Separate Peace presentation End of the play reading and discussion Watch final scene of The Crucible (1996), dir. Nicholas Hytner SpringBoard: Dialogue and Arriving at Conclusions 25 November 2014Journal: Select three items from the script-writing checklist and define them, then explain their effectiveness. SAT Vocabulary Test #4Review Embedded Assessment requirements Begin working in groups to draft original dramatic scene1 December 2014Journal: In your opinion, what elements must a persuasive speech possess to move an audience? Incorporate some of the terms from the word wall. Read “Making Connection”Review “Essential Questions”Unpack “Embedded assessment 2”Think-pair-share on “Developing Speaking Skills”Create class poster on Speaking and Audience Norms “Check Your Understanding” – Individually3 December 2014Journal: How does rhetorical context impact a speech? Explain Check SAT Vocabulary Lesson 5Think-pair-share on Civil War background knowledge In discussion groups (of 4) analyze, using SOAPSTone questions, Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” Discuss “After Reading” prompt (pages 149-150)Complete “Check Your Understanding” – Individually (150)5 December 2014Complete A Separate Peace presentations SAT Vocabulary Test #5Complete analysis Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” 9 December 2014Analyze for persuasive arguments Review with peerFinish analysis Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” Assign speeches for in-class discussion 10 December 2014A Separate Peace Test Review with peerAssign speeches for in-class mini teaches 15 December 2014SAT Vocabulary Test #6Assign speeches for in-class mini teaches 6 January 20151. Logistics 2. Write in-class essay3. Subject selection 14 January 20151. Journal: write a one-paragraph summary of your speech. On what devices of public speaking are you focusing? Explain. 2. Work with your group to get ready for presentation.3. Speech mini teaches 4. Prepare for your persuasive speech 28 January 20151. Journal: List four things that you hope to do in your speech and two things that you think will be a challenge. Explain. 2. Finish discussing famous American speeches3. Persuasive speech instructions4. SAT Vocabulary Quiz Lessons 1-6 19 February 20151. Journal: How do you obtain news and other information? How do you check its reliability?2. Vocabulary Lessons 1-6 Test3. Read, highlight, and annotate "Unit Overview" and "Making Connections" 4.Quickwrite "Essential Questions" with think-pair-share? 5.Read Embedded Assessment 6. Read Embedded Assessment and Scoring Guide (223-224)? 7. Read, highlight, and annotate "Rights and the American Dream" 8. Read "First Amendment to the Unites States Constitution" and "Before Reading"9. Collect ELA Practice Test 3 March 20151. Journal: Are newspapers effective and viable ways of disseminating information in our time? Support your answer. (Persuade) 2. Check vocabulary and writing prompt?3. SAT Vocabulary Test # 7 4. News-viewing assignments 5. Finish discussing the "Role of Media" text6. Comma at last, what a blast!5 March 20151. Individually then in groups of 3-4 complete the following directions for your assigned article (“How the Rise of the Daily Me Threatens Democracy, page 183 and “The Newspaper is Dying – Hooray for Democracy, 186):Read the articleAnnotate the text with metacognitive markersFollow the “During Reading” instructionsAnswer on book “Key Ideas and Details”Complete the “After Reading”2. Comma fun for everyone! 9 March 20151. Journal: Quickly reread "The Role of the Media in a Democracy " and add annotation of key points per paragraphs.? 2. Discuss “The Role of the media in a Democracy "3. Socratic Seminar 4. Know the comma more than momma11 March 2015Journal: Complete News Media Survey Check SAT Vocabulary #7Give me "First Amendment to the Unites States Constitution" in your own wordsDiscuss and collect “New Source Viewing Log”Local Newspaper AnalysisIn groups analyze and discuss media quotations form page 18113 March 2015“Role of Media” QuizGroup and Class Discussion on local newspapers In groups analyze and discuss media quotations form page 181Group and Class Discussion on the newspaper debate Writing Prompt (homework) March 2015 Conclude Group and class discussion on local newspapers Group and class discussion on the newspaper debate Writing Prompt (homework) Comma day, what the hey? 19 March 2015Conclude Class Discussion on newspaper articles Writing Prompt (homework)Comma, now…I know how!31 March 2015Journal: Explain the following quote: ?"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” Poet - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ?SAT Vocabulary Test # 8 It's the end of the comma as we know it, and I feel fine.?Third nine weeks mop up?The Scarlet Letter?2 April 20151. Journal: What are the differences between news articles and editorials? (Look local newspaper online, use phone if you wish) - use a Venn Diagram 2. Define the terms: objectivity, subjectivity, bias, propaganda, opinion, perspective, prejudice, point of view, slant, and spin. 3. Assign the six types of bias to groups to read, paraphrase, generate bias-discerning questions for their bias, and present to class 4. Complete graphic organizer (p. 191) 5. Homework: Read article (p. 192-194) and mark the text by labeling any evidence of bias you encounter, use the guiding questions generated, and also answer Key Ideas and Details6. The Scarlet Letter Quiz 7. Discuss The Scarlet Letter8. The Scarlet Letter “Letter Assignment” ................

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