SAT Vocabulary: Quarter 2

Directions: Quarter 2 vocabulary words are words that relate to the following ideas: using few words or being quiet; speaking; feeling superior; ideas that have been said before or are boring; and words relating to lessening pain, tension, and/or conflict. Each week, you will receive a list of words and activities to complete so that the words and their meanings make sense to you. At the end of the quarter, you will need to complete a project or take a quiz over the words. These words will appear on the final exam, so be sure that you keep the practice work you complete in your vocabulary notebook. *NOTE*: SAT Vocabulary Week 2 will be due Monday, December 1st, 2014. There will NOT be a quiz for Week 2 words.

Week 2 Words: The Week 2 words are defined for you. For each word, write a sentence that uses both the word and a synonym for that word and that shows you understand the subtle meaning of the vocabulary word.

1. Laconic adj. using few words in speech

2. Pithy adj. brief and full of meaning and substance (clever)

3. Diffuse adj. spread out, not concise; wordy

4. Digress vb. To wander from the subject or topic spoken about

5. Eloquence n. artful ease with speaking; speech that can influence feelings

6. Complacent adj. self satisfied; smug

7. Contemptuous adj. lacking respect; scornful

8. Ostentatious adj. having to do with showing off; pretentious

9. Derivative adj. unoriginal; taken from something already existing

10. Hackneyed adj. made commonplace by overuse; trite

11. Prosaic adj. dull; commonplace

12. Ameliorate vb. To make better; to lessen pain, difficulty, or tension

13. Appease vb. To make tranquil or quiet, especially by giving in to another’s demands; to pacify

Now, fill in the blank with the appropriate word from the list above.

1. Side curtain airbags ____________________ some of my anxiety about driving a small car.

2. English is a ________________________ language because it is made up of many words from other languages.

3. Because the teacher’s ___________________ reply lacked specificity, it raised more questions than it answered.

4. The essay lacked focus and was too ____________________ to earn an A.

5. Susy talks about her yacht, her BMW, her jewelry, and other _____________________ displays of wealth.

6. What is more _______________________ than pizza and a movie on a Friday night?

7. Mr. Jones was amused, but not _______________________, with Johnny’s explanation so he received detention.

8. Accustomed to steak, Fido glared ______________________ at the bowl of dog food in front of him.

9. For the yearbook, Chris searched through Bartlett’s Quotations for a _________________ quotation about courage.

10. Mr. Helms habitually ___________________________ from the point of the lesson.

11. Carol could get an A in math, but she is too _________________________ to work for it.

12. If you think imaginatively, you will avoid _________________________ phrases like ruby lips and rosy-fingered dawn.

13. Among American presidents, Lincoln wins the award for ___________________________.

Now, decide if each bolded word in the following sentences is used correctly. Write a C if the word is used correctly; write an I if it is not.

1. The challenging student tried to appease his teacher by shouting obscenities out in class.

2. An expression that “rings a bell” is likely to be considered hackneyed.

3. A complacent youth has a great desire to learn from the experience of others.

4. Political candidates can benefit from an eloquent manner of speaking.

5. The mayor was commended for his pithy speech; he made meaningful points during a mere half hour delivery.

6. The gabby shop owner welcomed laconic exchanges with customers.


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