
SAT/ACT PREP SYLLABUS FOR 2018-2019INSTRUCTOR: Lisa Cole lisacole@ Dean Elizardo deanelizardo@COURSE INFORMATION: This course is designed to improve students’ mathematical and verbal skills prior to taking the PSAT (the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) and the SAT (a college entrance test). Preparation for the ACT(a college entrance test) will also be addressed in this course.USEFUL WEBSITES:MISD High School Handbook Website: Mansfield Lake Ridge High School Website: , pencils, highlighters, and grading pensFolder for handouts1 box Kleenex (donation)GRADING POLICY: There will be 8 grades taken per six weeks. Submit all completed assignments on time, because while I may not take a grade on everything assigned, you never know which assignments I will choose to take for a grade. Writing, Projects, and Tests: 40% Daily grades & Quizzes – 60% Semester exam counts 20% of the overall semester grade.MAKE UP POLICY:Any student who is absent should see their teacher the first day they return from an absence to get their assignments. In addition, students can email their teacher if they need clarification, but the assignment is still due on time. Students absent will have the total number of days associated with the absence from school plus one class day to turn in make-up work. ?Daily work will not be accepted 3 days late for a maximum of a 70%. Essays will be accepted at teacher’s discretion for reduced points.Major assignments that are due on a day students are absent are due the next calendar day the students return. . Students who leave before the school day is over should turn in major assignments before they leave for the day. In addition, students who will be on field trips for the day are required to turn in major assignments before they leave campus. Please note that a zero will be recorded in the grade book when a student is absent for an assignment. Once the student turns in the assignment, the zero will be replaced by the grade they earned. It is essential that students work to make-up the assignments they missed as soon as possible.ID POLICY:Students MUST wear their Ids at all times per district policy. IDs will be checked upon entering each teacher’s classroom. It may not be attached to purses, backpacks, pants, keys, or etc. It must be around the neck and visible at all times. Failure to adhere to the ID policy will result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the policy as outlined in the High School Handbook if you have questions. IPADS:Students will be able to use the IPads in the classroom for instructional purposes. Students are required to bring their fully charged IPads to class each day. Please see the Student Handbook pages 39-44 for information regarding fees, insurance, and rules for IPad use. *If theIPad and case are lost or stolen, you are responsible for the reasonable cost of repair or its fair market value on the date of loss, including the appropriate deductible insurance coverage and any loss or damage not covered by insurance. Loss or theft of the property must be reported to Mansfield ISD by the next school day after the occurrence, and a copy of the police report must be provided to the district. High School seniors must clear all records and pay all fees before participating in graduation ceremonies. If the IPad and case are damaged, lost, or stolen, you must immediately report such damage, loss, or theft to the MISD Police Department at 817.299.6000BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE As part of this plan, MISD will now allow students the opportunity to bring their own personal mobile devices to school for educational purposes. With teacher approval, students may use their devices to access and save information from the Internet, collaborate with other learners and utilize the productivity tools available to them.PARTICIPATION:Students are expected to participate in class discussion, partner activities and group work. When grades are assigned for these activities, they will be reflected in the appropriate categories listed above. Sometimes, the participation is intended for learning new concepts or reviews. Usually these will be assigned a value of a daily grade. Any major grades assigned in relation to group work will be evaluated on an individual basis only. The school’s handbook policies are in effect. A copy of these policies and additional information is posted on the school web page. COURSE OUTLINE:First Six Weeks: Overview of SAT TestsSAT Vocabulary SAT EssayStrategies and Practice for the Reading, Writing, and Math sections of the SATSecond Six Weeks:Strategies and Practice for all sections of the SATSAT VocabularyThird Six Weeks:SAT Vocabulary ACT Strategies: English (Writing), Science, Math, and ReadingACT EssayReview of strategies for SAT and ACT**Ongoing Practice SAT/ACT Tests, SAT Vocabulary Practice, and SAT/ACT Test-Taking Strategy Studies **Note: The course calendar reflects the tentative schedule to be followed. The outline may change to suit the needs of the students. Of course, the outline might also change to include additional readings, essays, tests, quizzes, or homework as needed. ................

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