
Weekly Lesson Plan Template

Teacher:Bandy/ Perry Course: English II and Honors Period(s):1,2,3,5,6,7 Date Range: 10-27 to 31, 2014

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Students will recognize and |Students will recognize and |Students will recognize and |Students analyze story |Students analyze story |

|Unit Learning Goal(s): |understand author’s choices: |understand author’s choices: |understand author’s choices: |representations in different |representations in different |

| |theme, tone, characters, |theme, tone, characters, tension |theme, tone, characters, tension|mediums |mediums |

| |tension and surprise, word |and surprise, word meaning, |and surprise, word meaning, | | |

| |meaning, inferences, and |inferences, and cultural |inferences, and cultural | | |

| |cultural background. |background. |background. | | |

|Daily Learning Goal(s): |Students will cite textual |Students will cite textual |Students will complete an |Students review 10 SAT |Students Quiz for a grade on |

| |evidence relating to character |evidence relating to character |assessment on The Metamorphosis |vocabulary words for quiz on |use and understanding of 10 SAT|

| |development, theme, and tension|development, theme, and tension |that involves both multiple |Friday. Students analyze |words. |

| |in the literary piece. |in the literary piece. |choice and written responses. |subject, characterization and |Students complete a selection |

| | | | |key scenes in two different |test on two different versions |

| | | | |artistic mediums, cite evidence|of "Metamorphosis". |

| | | | |to support inference, and | |

| | | | |determine theme. | |

|Florida |LAFS.910.RL.2.5: Analyze how an|LAFS.910.RL.1.3: Analyze how |All the standards covered in the|LAFS.910.RL.3.AP.7a: Identify |L.3.AP.6a Use grade |

|Standard(s) |author’s choices concerning how|complex characters (e.g., those |unit for The Metamorphosis will |what is the same or what is |appropriate, general and |

|from CPALMS |to structure a text, order |with multiple or conflicting |be addressed in the assessment. |different in two sources or |academic vocabulary accurately.|

|or FLDOE |events within it (e.g., |motivations) develop over the | |mediums. |LAFS.910.RL.3.AP.7a: Identify |

|Frameworks: |parallel plots), and manipulate|course of a text, interact with | |LAFS.910.RL.1.AP.2a: Determine |what is the same or what is |

| |time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks)|other characters, and advance the| |the theme or central idea of an|different in two sources or |

| |create such effects as mystery,|plot or develop the theme. | |adapted grade-appropriate text.|mediums. |

| |tension, or surprise. |LAFS.910.RL.1.2: Determine a | |LAFS.910.RL.1.AP.3b: Delineate |LAFS.910.RL.1.AP.2a: Determine |

| |LAFS.910.RL.2.6: Analyze a |theme or central idea of a text | |how a complex character |the theme or central idea of an|

| |particular point of view or |and analyze in detail its | |develops over the course of a |adapted grade-appropriate text.|

| |cultural experience reflected |development over the course of | |text, interacts with other |LAFS.910.RL.1.AP.3b: Delineate |

| |in a work of literature. |the text, including how it | |characters and advances the |how a complex character |

| | |emerges and is shaped and refined| |plot or develops the theme. |develops over the course of a |

| | |by specific details; provide an | | |text, interacts with other |

| | |objective summary of the text. | | |characters and advances the |

| | | | | |plot or develops the theme. |

|Key Concepts/ |SAT vocabulary: |SAT vocabulary: |SAT vocabulary: |Plot |10 SAT words |

|Vocabulary: |Unit 7-exhume,laudable, |Unit 7- gamin,debase,dauntless |Unit 7- |Setting | |

| |altercation,decree | |chide,spurn,feign |Theme | |

| | | | |Idioms | |

| | | | |Symbolism | |

| | | | |Predicament | |

| |Have you ever felt disconnected|Can sympathy for a loved one |Would you consider reading the |SAT Vocab. review |NA |

|Bellwork: |from the experience of others |diminish over time if the |rest of Kafka’s ‘The | | |

| |around you? Describe it. |situation does not change? |Metamorphosis” on your own? Why | | |

| | |Discuss. |or why not? | | |

| |After bellwork and discussion, |After bellwork and discussion, |After bellwork and discussion, |Students will view a Level Up |Students take vocab. quiz and |

|Activities: |the teacher will present 4 SAT |the teacher will present 3 SAT |the teacher will present 3 SAT |tutorials "Short Stories and |grade. |

| |vocabulary words. |vocabulary words. |vocabulary words. |Novels"(slides 4 & 5), | |

| | | | |"Characters and |Students reread and refer to |

| |Teacher will refer to the |Teacher will refer to the |The teacher will distribute the |Conflict"(slides 2, 4 & 7)"Plot|both versions of |

| |analytical questions regarding |analytical questions regarding |selection tests for The |Stages"(slides 2 & 4) and |"Metamorphosis" to complete a |

| |the novella, The Metamorphosis.|the novella, The Metamorphosis. |Metamorphosis. The written |"Third Person Point of View" |selection test. |

| |Students will preread the next |Students will preread the final |responses will be reviewed and |(slides 2-4 & 9-11). Students |All students may use the Venn |

| |questions. |questions. |the requirement for textual |refer to "Metamorphosis" by |Diagram for reference. |

| |The teacher will lead the |The teacher will lead the reading|evidence will be discussed. |Kuper and Kafka as presented in|Only General students may use |

| |reading of the next 200 lines |of the next 200 lines of the |It is an open book test, and |two different mediums. |the textbook for reference |

| |of the selection, pausing to |selection, pausing to discuss |students will have the remainder|Students are already familiar |during the test. |

| |discuss author’s choices: |author’s choices: theme, tone, |of the period to complete it. |with Kafka's text. Students | |

| |theme, tone, word connotation, |word connotation, tension, | |use a graphic aide (Venn | |

| |tension, inferences and |inferences and cultural | |Diagram) as the teacher leads | |

| |cultural influences. |influences. | |the whole class in an | |

| |General: The teacher will model|General: The teacher will model | |investigation of differences in| |

| |the process of analyzing the |the process of analyzing the | |the way Kuper presents the same| |

| |analytical questions by citing |analytical questions by citing | |story in a graphic novel. | |

| |textual evidence with the first|textual evidence with the first | |Teacher leads discussions on | |

| |3-5. |3-5. | |creative choices, visual | |

| |Honors: The teacher will model |Honors: The teacher will model | |elements, plot, setting, | |

| |the process with the first |the process with the first | |characterization, theme, | |

| |question and then the students |question and then the students | |connotations, use of idioms, | |

| |will proceed independently with|will proceed independently with | |and symbolism. | |

| |teacher assistance as |teacher assistance as requested. | | | |

| |requested. | | | | |

|Writing | | | |Students record information on | Short response question on |

|Component: | | | |Venn Diagram. |"Metamorphosis Quiz" |

|Formative | | | |Open discussion about plot, |NA |

|Assessment: | | | |theme, setting, idioms, and | |

| | | | |symbolism | |

|Summative | | | |NA |SAT vocab. quiz (20 questions |

|Assessment: | | | | |worth 60 points) |

|Required | | | |ELMO; promethean board; |Vocab. quiz sheets; ELMO; |

|Resources: | | | |textbooks, Venn Diagram |promethean board; Metamorphosis|

| | | | |Worksheet. |Quiz. |


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