
Left Wing vs. Right WingThe fundamental differences between?left-wing?and?right-wing?ideologies center around the rights of individuals vs. the power of the government. Left-wing beliefs are?liberal?in that they believe society is best served with an expanded role for the government. People on the right believe that the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role — and especially the power — of the government is minimized.Examples of an expanded role for the government include entitlement programs such as social security and?Medicare, Medicaid, universal healthcare, food stamps, free?public education, unemployment benefits, strong environmental laws, and other regulations on industries. Right wing ideology would favor market-based solutions to the issues that these government programs aim to tackle. For example, encouraging a freer marketplace for?healthcare, driven by consumer choice to drive down costs. Or privately held?retirement accounts like 401(k) plans?instead of government-guaranteed Social parison chartLeft Wing versus Right Wing comparison chartLeft WingRight WingPolitical PhilosophyLiberalConservativeEconomic PolicyIncome equality; higher tax rates on the wealthy; government spending on social programs and infrastructure; stronger regulations on business.Lower taxes; less regulation on businesses; reduced government spending; balanced budget.Healthcare PolicyBelieve that access to healthcare is one of the fundamental rights of all citizens. Support universal healthcare, the Affordable Care Act, expansion of Medicare and Medicaid.Oppose government-provided universal healthcare and the?Affordable Care Act. Favor competition to Medicare from private insurance companies; oppose Medicaid expansion.Immigration PolicyPathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants; moratorium on deportations or prosecutions of undocumented immigrants who are young adults and have no criminal record.No "amnesty" for undocumented immigrants; stronger border patrol and fence to check illegal immigration. Belief that illegal immigration is lowering wages for citizens and documented immigrants.Education PolicyFavor expanded free, public education.Believe parents who want to home-school their kids or send them to private school should be able to get vouchers for opting out of the public school system. Generally not opposed to public education.Views on AbortionGenerally in favor of un-penalized access to abortion and of stem cell research.Generally against abortion rights and opposed to stem cell research.Views on Gay RightsGenerally support gay marriage; support anti-discrimination laws to protect LGBT against workplace discrimination.Generally opposed to gay marriage; opposed to certain anti-discrimination laws because they believe such laws conflict with certain religious beliefs and restrict freedom of religion.Views on Gun RightsIn favor of gun control laws like background checks or waiting periods before buying a gun; banning automatic weapons; and disallowing concealed weapons.Strongly opposed to gun control laws; strong proponents of the Second Amendment.Environmental policyGenerally conservative, preferring to ban economic activity that may create jobs but could potentially harm the environment.Generally more permissive, considering economic impact of environmental regulation.Voter ID LawsAgainst voter ID laws citing (a) undue burden on lower income groups causing them to be disenfranchised, and (b) virtually no evidence of voter fraud actually occurring.For voter identification laws to combat voter fraud.% of U.S. population self-identifying23%38%Associated Political PartiesDemocratic Party,?Green, SocialistRepublican Party;?Libertarians; Constitutional PartyAssociated MediaThe New York Times, MSNBC, Washington Post, CNNNational Review, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Washington TimesIdeologiesSocial Democracy;?Federalism;?Socialism, Communism; Collectivism; MarxismCapitalism; ConservatismFamous Proponents of IdeologyKarl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Einstein,?Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Noam Chomsky, Warren Buffett.Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, George Washington, Winston Churchill, George W. Bush,?Mitch McConnell, Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, Tony Abbott, Mitt RomneyOrigins in FranceThe political terms?left wing?and?right wing?originated in the 18th century during the French Revolution. They are based on the seating arrangements in the French National Assembly — those who sat on the left of the chair of the parliamentary president supported the revolution and a secular republic, and opposed the monarchy of the old regime. The people on the left were in favor of radical change, socialism and republicanism i.e. a strong French?republic?instead of the monarchy.Those who sat to the right supported the institutions of the monarchist old regime or? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Ancien Régime. The stronger your opposition to radical change and desire to preserve traditional society, the more you were to the right. Tradition, institutional religion and privatization of economy were considered the core values of the right-wing.Social PoliciesA variety of social issues in the?U.S.?divide the left and right. These include abortion, the death penalty, drug policy, gay rights, women's rights, separation of church and state, gun rights, and healthcare policy. In general, the left wing philosophy believes in "one for all and all for one," looking to the government to support those who cannot support themselves. The right wing, on the other hand believes supporting individuals in need is not the most efficient way to optimize government resources, and relies on the private sector and charitable institutions for the same.Five Types of TerrorismState-sponsored terrorismDissident terrorismTerrorists from the left and rightReligious-motivated terrorismCriminal Terrorism1. State-sponsored terrorism: Acts that occur at the direction of the state or governmentThere are four countries currently listed by the Department of State as sponsors of state-sponsored terrorism: Iran, Syria, Sudan and Cuba.2. Dissident terrorism: Using terrorist activities against a group’s own governmentThe Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers or the IRA are examples of this type of terrorism.3. Terrorists from the left and right: Rooted in political ideology, and it generally occurs in countries where one political philosophy dominates, generally in a repressive fashion, and ideological opponents fight to overthrow the government.The KKK and Neo-Nazis are examples of right-wing groups.Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front are examples of leftwing groups.4. Religious-motivated terrorism dominates the world stage, and it has been the primary motivational factor for world terrorism for the last decade.There are other religious motivated groups beside the Muslim groups. The problem with these types of groups is they are far more deadly and lethal than secular groups as they regard violence as a divine duty.5. Criminal Terrorism: Criminal terrorism refers to terrorist acts that are used to facilitate crime and criminal profits. The best example is the drug cartels in Mexico. There is a fine line between criminal terrorists and terrorism.Left-wing terrorism — sometimes called Marxist-Leninist terrorism or revolutionary/left-wing terrorism — is a set of tactics directed at the overthrow of capitalist governments and their replacement with Marxist-Leninist or socialist regimesRight-wing terrorism — draws its inspiration from a variety of ideologies and beliefs, including neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, racism and opposition to foreigners and immigration. Incidents of this type of terrorism have been sporadic with little or no international cooperationThe objective of right-wing terrorism is the overthrow existing governments and their replacement with nationalist or fascist-oriented governments ................

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