
1.The Dark Rendering Energy and the Saturn Gate

As has been well documented, Sinister legend tells of the existence of a physical nexion close to the planet Saturn. Some believe this to be the location of the trans-dimensional sealing of the Dark Gods by the ‘Elder Gods’; others, one of many ports of entry created by the Dark Gods during their last significant intrusion into this causal world.

Whatever the origins, this gateway to and from the acausal realms was once sealed several aeons ago, and it has subsequently been an aim of sinister adepts throughout history to re-open it. Noted significant attempts occurred during the 15th, 17th and 18th centuries and these resulted in temporary partial openings – in part due to the rather rudimentary esoteric techniques involved.

Since the early 20th century however, a partial opening has been maintained until present day, and with the increase in esoteric understanding and techniques, it is anticipated that this gate could become fully opened over the next century.

The dark rendering energy which emanates from this opening and in which the Dark Gods live – and which the Dark Gods themselves are – by nature disrupts, expands and breaks apart the causal. It is interesting to note the effects the proximity of this gate exert on the various physical laws governing the Earth.

These effects can be readily discerned by those whose consciousness has been expanded beyond the Abyss, but it is possible for all Initiates to perceive elements following a ritual which has been conducted specifically to open the Saturn gate. These influences, or pull, can be particularly sensed in the growth of trees and in water.

Two basic forms for opening the Saturn gate exist: the solo and chthonic nine angles rite. Both may be preluded with walking the pathways and at each point chanting the appropriate chant, and ending at Saturn (thus, first chant is ‘Agios o Kabeiroi’, and so on).

All participants must be prepared for the consequences of such workings – on themselves and on those around them, and thus it is advised that no one below Internal Adept should undertake the opening. For the Opening and the end of the Age will be both within each individual and without:

Magon we þonne nu geseón & oncnawan & swiþe gearelice ongeotan þæt þisses middangeardes ende swiþe neah is, & manige frecnessa æteowde & manna wóhdæda & wonessa swiþe gemonigfealdode; & we fram dæge to oþrum geaxiað ungecyndelico witu & ungecynelice deaþas geond þeodland to mannum cumene, & we oft ongytaþ þæt ariseþ þeod wiþ þeode, & ungelimplico gefeoht on wólicum dædum; & we gehyraþ oft secggan gelome worldricra manna deaþ þe heora lif mannum leof wære, & þuhte fæger & wlitig heora líf & wynsumlic; swa we eac geaxiað mislice adla on manegum stowum middangeardes, & hungras wexende.

2.The Lands of the Dark Immortals


It is essential for the Satanist to die as well as live in the correct way, according to their sinister oath. Hence, for those so fated, there is the final stage of the Seven Fold Way.

It should be clear from the preceding article that this final stage, that of ‘Immortal’, does not represent some empty occult posturing, but rather is a description of a new form of existence, one which has involved a conscious transcendence of the causal realms.

This stage is reached when the tasks of the Magus/Mousa (Grand Master/Grand Mistress) have been successfully achieved. These tasks are exclusively concerned with the creation of significant causal forms to enable the unstoppable presencing of the New Aeon. This final nine angles rite fully activates these forms, and this activation will send tangible reverberations throughout the Earth – in terms of the acceleration of the aims implicit in the created causal forms, but also in other seemingly unconnected ways, such as unusual natural phenomena.

These significant causal forms are the counterparts by which the Immortal continues their existence on Earth; they become, in essence, the presencing of the new Aeon itself.

But the Immortal is also the change which naturally occurs in the cosmic fabric as a whole, and this change initiated by that one rite on Earth becomes a perpetual rippling outwards, affecting other causal forms elsewhere in the cosmos and spawning new forms in the known causal dimensions and in those as yet undiscovered. This cosmic aeonic knowledge will for the most part be apprehended by the candidate as they approach the final stage, enabling them to alter the Earthly causal forms in accordance with those non-Earth based others.

The Immortal also has a wholly acausal existence, and one which naturally continues long after the myriad causal counterparts and their future mutations/offspring have faded. Here, they are dwellers in the Lands of the Dark Immortals, their life force shifting and changing according to the many and strange wyrds threaded within that shadowy existence. They are then themselves a Dark God of legend, haunting dreams and the edge of all consciousness.

As the Dark Gods increasingly return through the many nexions fully opened by the final rite, the Immortal may indeed at some far future point walk again upon the Earth.



3.Acausal Existence: The Secret Revealed

Acausal existence – the secret of true Immortality – has been hinted at many times in certain esoteric writings connected with a particular LHP. In the past, a few Adepts of the LHP – and the occasional notorious individual interested in dark sorcery – tried to secure for themselves an acausal existence by dark rites of sacrifice, and as a result dark legends arose. But such means are not really necessary.

Before describing what is necessary, a brief examination of such acausal existence will be in order. According to a sinister tradition we as individuals possessed of consciousness have both a causal and an acausal aspect to that consciousness. The acausal is latent (or mostly so) and magickal Initiation awakens it – opening a gate or nexion to the acausal. This allows the acausal to be apprehended (usually via a symbolism such as the septenary Tree of Wyrd) and acausal energies to be used/directed (i.e. ‘magick’). The result is an ‘expansion’ of consciousness.

Progression by the Initiate to the higher grades of initiation is actually the expansion of the acausal in individual consciousness (or, viewed another way, the progression of the individual into the acausal) – a balance of causal/acausal being achieved in ‘the Abyss’. Beyond this, because of the balance so attained, it is possible to transcend to the acausal – to create an acausal existence when the causal ceases (ie. physical death).

The acausal is not however, a “dreamy realm” or some kind of nirvana/heaven. It is rather, the very essence of Being – beyond opposites, primal Chaos. Nirvana and such like are abstract moral forms – ie. they are “unbalanced” since they lack darkness, the sinister, the negative….. [Nirvana and such like are usually described in terms only of 'light'.] The acausal is the realm of the Dark Gods – and these beings are not imaginative symbols for the titillation of consciousness, nor simply a part of the psyche, to be transcended or negated or whatever by ‘forces of light’. Rather, they exist independent of our consciousness [yet such is the nature of the acausal that they are also part of what is dormant within us] and while they may be accessed (or ‘discovered’) by consciousness and thus presenced in the causal (on Earth) their actual intrusion would totally disrupt sentient life in the causal – like the meeting of matter and antimatter.

Sinister magick (of the aeonic and internal kind) may be said to be like a machine or engine where containment of opposites is possible and controllable in certain amounts and under certain conditions. [in simple terms, sinister aeonic magick contains the flow of the acausal into a temporal form - usually an Aeon and its associated civilization -via a nexion/magickal centre to thus over thousands of years increase the amount of the acausal that is presenced, increasing thus evolution in individuals in accordance with sinister goals. Such is one of the forms of real Black Magick.]

The nature of acausal existence may be apprehended by individuals by certain sinister rites such as those of the Nine Angles. To achieve an individual acausal existence the sinister path must be followed, from Initiate to Internal Adept to Master/Mistress and beyond because this following of such a path in the way indicated (qv. Naos and Black Book) creates acausal consciousness in the individual over causal time. The Grade Ritual of Grand Master/G. Mistress makes the Adept more acausal than causal. Beyond this, is a simple ritual (the solo Nine Angles rite done by the Grand Master/G.Mistress) when consciousness is transferred beyond the nexion opened/created by the previous Grade Ritual. Immortality – the final stage of the way – is then achieved, followed then or shortly thereafter by causal death, although consciousness can be transferred to inhabit another causal body, this is not usually done as wyrd is achieved. Simple, really, although this alchemical process takes about 25 years. By virtue of the nexion, the new Immortal alters the temporal structure of the world, usually for an Aeon.

Now the secret has been revealed, the possibility is open to all. But it is doubtful if more than one or two a century will try, such is human weakness.

Anton Long

1991 en

4.Baphomet – A Note on the Name III

An  historical account (unrelated to the sinister tradition) tells of a community who venerated the goddess in an area of what is now North Scotland. This community is believed to have comprised of the ancestors of ‘The Picts’, and they were based around the River Oykel.

The Latinized form of their name, given by Ptolemy, was Smertae, which means ’stained’ or ’smeared folk’.

The name by which this community knew the goddess is not recorded, but in Gaulish inscriptions there is reference to a war goddess named Rosmerta. Her name translates as ‘the greatly smeared goddess’ – that is, smeared with blood. The Smertae were said to smear themselves with the blood of their enemies, in honour of their goddess.

Interestingly, another community which lived near the region of the Smertae during the same era, was known by a name which translates as the ‘cat people’ (see Note on the Name II).


5.Sinister Notes XXVII



One of the collective names for two entities associated with the oath of the Abyss. They are brought to the candidate via a nexion created within and without by the undertaking of the Oath.


According to received tradition, there is also a geographical location associated with these two beings, reputed to lie in an area of the Clun Forest. Legend has it that from here one may physically travel into an acausal realm if all the appropriate conditions are met. [If anyone has achieved this, deliberately or by accident, they have not returned to tell the tale.]



Cosmic Aeons


One of the aims of the sinister way is to develope a consciousness which enables the apprehension of the aeonic forces associated with other modes of life throughout the cosmos, and to understand how such forces are intergrated with those associated with Earth and thus how each may be altered/enhanced by the other. One means to develope this consciousness is the advanced form of the Star Game





A version of the solo rite of nine angles, associated with the beginning of Winter and the rising of Sirius in the Northern Hemisphere. For this rite three separate vibrations are used, the first one being ‘Darlan’.



‘The Grail’


As has been recorded elsewhere, tradition relates that the ‘Grail’ was in fact a crystal (‘lapsit ex coelis’)  associated with the esoteric traditions of Hyperborea. It was said to possess powers of prophecy as well as having a key function re. the inauguration of aeons and the creation of particular nexions relating to the Dark Gods. It was of course activated by certain chants.


Legend regards it as having been kept in the possession of the Druids during the waning of Hyperborea, and thereafter guarded by adepts of the sinister tradition. Other accounts maintain it was passed into the hands of the Templars, and there is a description of it having been set within a skull.


Sinister Arthurian tradition relates that it was kept for a time by a Priestess (or a series of such women) who dwelt on an island in the middle of the lake of legend (thought to be the area now known as Marton Pool). This island was sacred to a goddess.


Whilst this sinister key may remain in the keeping of one or two sinister adherents, others believe it to be buried close to or beneath the area regarded as the esoteric centre of the current aeon. Tradition relates one burial place as a field in Comley, at the foot of Caer Caradoc where the Templars are reputed to have buried treasure.





6.Sinister Eschatology: Notes on the Apocalypse of Vindex


The Leader will be preceded by five female prophets of the Abomination. He will precipitate a final battle on and above the Earth, advised by a female priest of a blasphemous ‘religion’. She will open the Watchtowers. But he is only Their vessel, and will be devoured when They return

(Siwa Codex)

‘Galactic Aeon’ – 2000ev – 4000. Energies of this aeon will start to become manifest 2020 – 2100. During this period a tribulatory time will emerge, spanning many decades (possibly at least a century). This time represents the final battle between the present New World Order and the forces exoterically represented by Vindex.

The role of Falcifer may become more visible during this final stage as the presence of the Dark Gods increase. Manifestations occurring at this time will progressively change human understanding of nature.

According to one aeonic model, it is predicted that the Aeon of the Dark Gods could be fully manifest at the latest by our present time system of 2500ev. Following the complete return of the Dark Gods, the model hitherto used to describe the life span of Aeons may no longer be applicable.

Beyond the ‘Galactic’, there are no symbols or words.

New acausal based modes of space travel will be discovered as intrusion of the Dark Gods into human consciousness increases. Other significant nexions throughout the cosmos will then be opened during this expansion, enabling full manifestation of the Aeon.

This Aeon has two – esoteric and exoteric – physical nexions associated with it. The esoteric aspect is located in the West and is guarded and powered by adepts.

It should be obvious however that this Aeon may not be realised if the forces opposed to Vindex triumph. Such a triumph would herald the slow decline and demise of the human species.

It may be possible that where the exoteric forms of Vindex fail, the esoteric forces alone (via Falcifer) may enable the return of the Dark Gods – that is, by persistent performance of traditional and new sinister rituals, the various Earth based and cosmic nexions may be opened permanently. This would more than likely involve a much longer time scale in which to achieve full aeonic presencing, since the natural occurrence of the causal earthings would be far less easier to control and predict.

Primary magickal techniques associated with bringing the ‘Apocalypse’:

Ceremony of Recalling (with sacrificial conclusion). Conducted every 17 years.

Nine Angles rites

Star Game and beyond


Eripitur solis jubar et chorus interit astris,

volvetur celum, lunaris splendor obibit,

Jam equantur campi montes et cerula ponti,

omnia cessabunt, tellus confracta peribit.

Order of Nine Angles

120 Year of Fayen

7.Sinister Eschatology II: Chant for the End Days



To be performed on the Winter Solstice, in the hour before dawn. Participants: Priest and Priestess or Temple congregation led by a Master of the Temple/Mistress of Earth. The chant is preceded by the Diabolus in fourths.

On the advent of the Aeon of the Dark Gods, this chant is sung prior to a performance of the combined ritual of the Ceremony of Recalling with the Chthonic Nine Angle rite (sacrificial version)

8.When I was One-and-Twenty


Private William Lloyd-Jones took his seat in the ballroom, and waited for the recital to begin. On that late Sunday afternoon of 1915, the grounds of the estate were glowing with the pre-echoes of Summer. On the walk to the main house, he had caught sight of his first swallow of the year diving over the lake, and he passed a few moments of thought by the lime trees.

He recalled a meeting with Lydia, his intended beloved, in a teashop on the outskirts of a hamlet some miles away over the Black Hill. She had enquired as to why he always seemed burdened with such a deep melancholia. He had made some facile reply about it befitting his aspirations to become a poet, but in truth, he could find no genuine answer to give her.

Was that meeting before Ypres, or since returning on leave? Recently, he felt as if he had just woken from a long black sleep.

William sat amongst the audience of locals, vaguely contemplating the swaying boughs of his favourite cedar tree through the long ballroom windows. A jay flitted across the garden. He felt then a sudden foreboding as he struggled to piece together recent events. He could not recall returning to his cottage in the village a few miles away.

His cousin Bethan, attired in a glamorous yet understated ball gown, walked towards the piano to polite applause. The accompanist was a lady he did not recognise.

Bethan began by singing Somervell’s ‘A Shropshire Lad’ cycle. Her voice had never sounded more beautiful, and was now possessed of some new and subtle unearthly quality which cast William’s mind back to France; to the wraiths of yellow mist billowing from the German front lines.

While Bethan sang, she would sometimes meet his gaze, but her own eyes seemed to look through him; or rather, perhaps she saw deep into a place within him where he ceased to be …

With a growing anxiety, William looked from his cousin to the accompanist who sat so very focussed, her side profile obscured by cascades of black hair.

Still hangs the hedge without a gust,

Still, still the shadows stay:

My feet upon the moonlit dust

Pursue the ceaseless way.

Was he really on leave, or was he in the midst of dream? He remembered the gas, and his own blind stumblings from the trench, asphyxiated, amidst snipers bullets …

Around his cousin’s neck hung a black pendant very similar to the one she had given him on that night of the Spring Equinox before his departure, and he experienced then the same intense confusion of feelings. He recalled the tower from where he had looked out to his beloved Welsh hills, while Bethan sang Schubert’s ‘An den Mond’, and then had kissed him …

The recital came to a close, and William rose awkwardly to his feet to applaud. Perturbed, he reached for the pendant around his neck only to find it missing.

As she walked through the audience and before leaving the ballroom, Bethan turned to briefly but graciously talk with a few of her admirers. And then the darkening yew hedges of the garden enveloped her and she was gone from sight with the accompanist following, head bowed and face obscured.

Twilight had fallen when William staggered outside, hoping Bethan would be waiting for him, but somehow knowing that she would not be.

As his memories ebbed away, he entered the blackness of the woods where once he had walked with her. Summer was born in that moment.

9.One Key to One Abyss

Outwardly, the ONA is a causal ordering of certain Sinister archetypal energies. Its imagery and language and structure are all deliberately crafted in order to fulfil an aspect of Sinister Aeonic destiny – that is, to play a part in creating the right conditions for returning the Dark Gods. Inevitably, it has its own causal lifespan, and it works within the parameters of Presencing the Dark.

It is a naming of what was once without name, and a practicing of rites and observances once without titles and committed only to memory. With the popularisation of the esoteric arts, it was brought to being as the ‘Occult’ facet of a strange, ethereal and obscure tradition – as one causal manifestation to create a sinister altering.

It is not the essence itself, but rather is one door to one shifting landscape in the infinite chamber of doors that is the Sinister.

It does not behave like any conventional Occult order, since it is a creation fully aware and revealing of the essence which powers it. For example, it does not seek to control or sanction the activities of its ‘members’. Rather, it is each member, expressing itself anew through each unique perspective and experience. Its shape-shifting nature, its multi-faced, ever expanding presencing is our Sinister Shadow Magick in action.

For the truth is, the old Occult way of thinking – of gnosis through adhering to hierarchical, oligarchical matricies – is finally dead; a shell of the Aeon just passed …

In its Presencing of the Dark, the ONA will never conform – even to the point of confounding some of its own adherents/supporters. For in order to really apprehend the ONA – that unravelling, spawning and co-existing of new forms and collectives and individuals – one must think in five-dimensional terms.

Thus the ONA, both one and many, is one key to the increasingly Amorphous; that presencing of the Sinister Being which causes dead Aeonic masks to fall, revealing the ever-shifting face of the Abyss at the centre of each one of us.

ONA 120yf

Further (and essential) reading: Killing The Angency

10.Sinister Eschatology III: Antichrist, the Black Mass and the Four Watchtowers


“Antichrist” is of course Vindex. This person – who at the time of writing may not be born yet – will be or will become a causal earthing of the Sinister forces to be unleashed en masse at the Return of the Dark Gods. The importance of Sinister magick in the bringing of Vindex cannot be understated, for without the work of Sinister Adepts, it is highly unlikely that the forces required would be earthed at all – or at least earthed in an effective and timely way in terms of destroying the growth of the Magian World Order.

Thus the continuing importance of traditional rites such as the Black Mass. Despite the cultural decline of the Nazarene religion, this rite remains the quintessence of aeonic Satanism due to the recent esoteric revival of Nazarene energies which in part power the heart of political Amerika. These revived energies will play a key role in the battle to come.

As stated in the Black Book, the Black Mass is vital to Satanism in that it does not require its practitioners to believe in ‘God’ and ‘Parousia’, but rather is based on the understanding that others so believe. ‘Christ’ is a causal ordering of certain archetypal acausal energies detrimental to the Sinister, and whenever a white mass is conducted these energies are strengthened. These energies are also supplemented by the performance of rites associated with the Right Hand Path, and there is now, and has been for some decades, a particular hidden battle between Adepts of both the Left and the Right as the energies of the new Aeon increase.

As with the Sinister, it is true to say these Magian energies may well become earthed or embodied in a single individual. But this earthing of ‘Christ energies’ will in reality manifest as an increase in and tyrannical enforcement of Magian laws and world-view, creating the aimless suffering of enervation, and the decline of any evolving of human potential.

Antichrist may be fully aware of his/her sinister nature and destiny, or may be a vessel used by Sinister Adepts to achieve their aims. He or she may be: a) an individual who becomes gradually possessed by the consciousness of the Dark Gods seeking a suitable body as a vehicle by which to achieve Their liberation (this possession being aided by Sinister Adepts who will target a suitable candidate) ; b) an Adept of the Sinister Way who takes it upon themselves to fulfil the role; c) the result of acausal forces earthed in a child conceived by the participants during a Sinister rite. If the latter, all participants are carefully chosen and the child is nurtured in a way fully mindful of his/her Destiny.

There will emerge over the next few decades several significant individuals (“prophets”), pro and contra to the establishment of the Aeon of the Dark Gods, before the arrival of Antichrist/Vindex.

The encouragement of acts of dark chaos and the shedding of the blood of Zionists and Magian associates anywhere in this world is fertilizer for the birth of Antichrist and the Return of the Dark Gods.


The ‘four watchtowers’ mentioned in various esoteric traditions are in fact representations of the four gates or conjunctions which occur during the seasonal tides. During the equinoxes and solstices these gates are made accessible by the helilcal acausal flow – that is, these four gates are not presenced in the causal world at any other time.

These gates also alter, as any living thing changes and grows. Some of these changes can occur due to the activities of esoteric Magian forces who are aware of the gates and who seek to close them. The full opening of these gates will bring about the Return of the Dark Gods: the Sinister Apocalypse.

These gates are most strongly manifest in certain physical Earth-based locations, but all Sinister Adepts may aid the process of fully opening them without conducting rites at these specific locations. The best environment is outdoors, ideally on a hill top, or in an underground resonant chamber where water flows.

Each gate has a particular guardian or key which must be invoked – see various septenary correspondences and chants. And the opening of each gate will bring about its own specific causal effects (“plagues”) which may be observed.

ONA 120yf

The season of Spring, Aeon of the Dark Gods

11.At the Abyssal Edge: Notes for an Aspiring Master/Mistress


The essence of the matter regarding moving toward and into The Abyss is that the candidate’s perception of themselves – the essence of their being, their self-image, their understanding of both Destiny and wyrd – is that of an Adept of The Dark Tradition. This is the real (if secret) self, with everything else that may be done or created or embodied, connected to it in some way, even if only in an intuitive (un-deliberate) way. The potential Master/Mistress has to feel this as the essence of their life; desire it (although the emotion may be a rather quiet one, of satisfaction, rather than elation). It cannot just be an “intellectual” acceptance.

The candidate must truthfully decide if an Adept of The Dark Tradition is how they perceive and desire themselves to be. Will there be a loyalty to this Tradition which endures? A loyalty which will, in causal Time, enable the Master/Mistress to find someone to succeed them, someone who has developed as they have, and as they will develope?

Part of this development is of course a deeper involvement with “the dark” (following on from experiences of “the light” or the “good” in the years subsequent to Internal Adept)[1] – but it is also and importantly a learning of how to perceive the experiences and emotions engendered by the past and the present; that is, a change of perspective; a viewing of certain things as a necessary (if sometimes harsh) learning process. That is, understanding such emotions and experiences in the context of one being an Adept of The Dark Tradition; of judging them by the criteria of such an Adept, and not judging them as an ordinary mortal, in terms of the comfy standards of the mundanes. For such an Adept, all experiences and emotions are regarded from this esoteric perspective, and this becomes the measure by which one judges, and if necessary corrects (changes), one’s life.


Several key teachings of the Sinister Tradition, relevant to the later stages of the Way, have deliberately not been recorded. This is because an Adept who aspires to The Abyss should be able to develope (perhaps by a somewhat exhaustive and at first rational (non-magickal) trial and error) a particular type of Adept-like magick in order to find and “see/read/dis-cover” these hidden aspects.

One such Adept technique is using The Star Game to re-present certain “things” and then, via developing an empathy with what the symbols and their changes “mean”, acquire some intimations of those certain “things”. It is the total act of using The Star Game in such a way which is a magickal technique and which developes certain magickal abilities: to “see/read/dis-cover” meanings and perhaps have intimations of the particular essence(s) involved.

So it is with other magickal Adept techniques. A hint: empathic magick, as briefly outlined in Naos, is a prelude to one such Adept magickal technique.

Thus, when all conditions are met and all questions answered, the candidate will be impelled forwards to undertake the Ceremony of the Oath of The Abyss with full awareness of the meaning (and breaking) of this Oath [see ‘The Sinister Abyssal Nexion’ pts 1 & 2].

ONA 120yf

[1] The essential point here is that the candidate aims to complete themselves by experiencing those aspects of their personality not yet encountered but dormant, and/or to experience aspects which do not naturally reside within. Thus an arduous Insight Role is chosen. This final role is necessary to enable the synthesis of opposites to occur via the ordeal of The Abyss.

12.Four Satanic Archetypes

[Some new suggestions - to incorporate into the 'Sinister Tarot' and/or for decoration of spaces dedicated to the Dark Gods or for public display/performance, using painting, photography or film]



A young woman dressed in a sky blue hijab is standing in a desert. On her dress, embroided in silver, is the constellation of Orion.

Cast around her in the sand are six small globes, each glowing with a planetary colour. She holds a sphere, glowing with the colours of Mars, in her right hand. Above her, the sky is turning towards dusk. From the sky, a falcon dives.

On the horizon some buildings stand destroyed and on fire. Wreckage of vehicles lies strewn nearby. Above the destruction, a black opening in the sky is forming, revealing a star



A young man, dressed in fashionable street clothes, stands half in shadow in a doorway. He holds a knife in his left hand which is dripping blood. A vertical scar runs from his forehead and down across his left eye.

In the middle distance a young woman, similarly dressed, watches him from under a street light. She holds a tetrahedron. Behind her stands a tall, apparently male figure, whose features are entirely obscured by darkness.

Further down the street, also illuminated by a street lamp, is a tall derelict building whose windows are smashed or boarded up. Out of the darkness of an open door a pack of white wolves are running towards the three figures. In the sky, turbulent night clouds create shapes suggestive of dragons.


Mistress of Earth

A mature woman sits naked on a bed. She wears a necklace of amber beads. Across her lap lies the naked body of a young man. His eyes have been gouged out, but there is no blood. She is smiling and touching his forehead with her right hand and the left is outstretched to touch a crystal. Her left hand and arm are becoming partially invisible. The crystal is filled with stars.

Above the bed is a painting of a creature which appears to be a composite of many beasts. A cat arches its back in a corner of the room.

Through a window, it is night and a lightning storm illuminates a seascape.


Master of the Temple

A gentleman dressed in fine clothes is standing in a darkened room. He is holding a severed head by the hair in his right hand. The face of the head is his own. To his left stands the star game. It is burning at the base.

There is a full-length mirror behind him but he casts no reflection. The door is barricaded by furniture.

On the mantelpiece, a strangely shaped object which appears to be some type of clock. There are books burning in the fire grate. On the wall is a large oil painting of a red haired woman who stands facing into a darkness, with her back to the viewer. Nearby on a plinth, a crystal filled with stars.

Through a window, it is snowing. A pack of dogs can be seen in the distance pulling down a black horse.

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13.Preparations for a New Dark Earth



At this time of writing the ONA is concerned with several major undertakings in preparedness for the return of the Dark Gods, three of which are:

1) To create new forms, in image, word and musick, which depict and presence the manifesting acausal dark – the essence of the Dark Gods – beyond all present forms and symbols and archetypes. The presence of such creations in the causal world will further enable an expansion of collective consciousness into the acausal realms, thus moving our species further towards embracing the Aeon of the Dark Gods as it increasingly seeps through the causal fabric of this world.

These new forms include the artistic, scientific, magickal and ‘societal’ (ie. cultural/political/religious).

This mass psychic contagion and evolving enables the full-scale changes created by the New Aeon to achieve a positive transition from what had hitherto existed. Without these preparations absolute destruction would ensue. This transition, as described in other MSS, involves causal changes that would reveal strange and disturbing new physical laws. Presencing the ‘strange’, the contradictory, and the wholly new are all preoccupations of the Order, and in this earthing of chaos lies salvation for the minds and bodies of those who will form the genesis of a new species after the dawning of the Aeon of the Dark Gods.

These new forms do not necessarily replace earlier creations and established archetypes, but rather co-exist, each as mirrors of the other and yet evolving independently. The old archetypes (such as Priestess, Warrior, Mistress, Mage et al) will continue to influence the individual psyche until they and the new archetypes progressively unite to create a synthesis which will itself lead to a birthing of what lies beyond. This new era of ours – Fayen – describes this synthesis, and the future birthing is the cataclysm of the New Aeon’s dawn.

In many respects, this new era of ours represents an Aeonic progression towards the Abyss.

2) To continue to encourage, or rather to allow of themselves, constant new expressions (nexions) of the Order.

One of the aims of initiation into and involvement with the ONA is for such an initiation to extend the tradition. This extending involves a vital but delicate act of balance: the Satanic Tradition is itself a living entity possessed of its own wyrd and so must be allowed to evolve as its nature dictates, and cannot – should not – be manipulated to serve the ends of one individual.

Initiation therefore involves not only a gradual dis-covering of personal destiny, but also the conscious awareness of the greater sinister wyrd. This latter aspect is glimpsed during the rite of External Adept, more deeply revealed by the ordeal of Internal Adept and completed in the time following a successful passing of the Abyss and a moving towards the rite of Magus/Mousa.

Such an individual possesses the empathic skill to discern the direction of the creative filaments of an individual Initiation – but even then there is only a subtle guidance, for each Initiate must ultimately evolve according to their own patterns, and must come in time to the realization themselves as to whether or not they have left the sinister path.

Sometimes new spawnings of the Order may take sinister evolution into unexpected areas, resulting in manifestations which do not necessarily appeal to one particular faction of the Order. But it is understood, regardless of personal likes or dislikes, that no one new creation implies that what has gone before is now somehow outmoded. It is also accepted that the sinister Being is a shape-shifter, and will in outward modes confound, perplex and defy expectations.

A genuine Satanic order such as the ONA allows without interference new autonomous variations on itself – no matter how distant those variations may evolve away from the original source (original that is, in terms of the last 40 years).

The one and only rule is that Initiates remain mindful of presencing the essential darkness that the Order embodies. Thus, Initiates must understand and be prepared to champion such aspects as Culling and the active aiding of genuinely heretical causal forms.

3) To establish a new esoteric and exoteric nexion (aeonic centre) as the energies of the current ‘Western’ nexion wane. Such a centre for the most part is created by the burgeoning energies of the New Aeon and is dis-covered by adepts.

At this time of writing, it seems there will be two centres in the early stages of the new Aeon. One – not in ‘the West’ – is already emerging, as a combination of both the esoteric and the exoteric. This may be termed the ‘light’ nexion.

The other, the ‘dark’ nexion, is a reservoir of energies specifically associated with the sinister tradition. It exists in an area where the tradition has been preserved for several centuries. It is a centre fed by a matrix of dark channels connecting the hills, which in turn is evolved by the shifting causal and acausal alignments.

There are of course many satellite nexions emerging, and as this new Galactic Aeon progresses, a new non-terrestrial nexion will open, presencing what lies beyond the Galactic.

[Note: our use of the terms ‘light’ and ‘dark’ denote the rotation of that helix of darkness which is unformed change, moving into the light which is Being, to thence return to the darkness again, and so on.]

Severance Sun Nexion

Under Antares, 120 Year of Fayen

14.Crucible of Dark Ascension (A Sinister Alchemical Text)



Our matter is Formless. Its mother conceives the Formless Dark. We as matter will bear a new daughter, who is not like her parents. She will be a queen with red hair, black eyes, and white feet. She will carry within her the logos beyond all forms.

We will go and seek the nature of the four watchtowers, who are revealed only once during each season. They hitherto have held up the sky.

Here from the belly of the earth and from a point in the sky, a solution of the wise, and therefrom, our azoth.

Our Stone is unyielding, a black, eternal and noble sound which kills and makes alive.

The Stone is prepared together out of the matter of the four watchtowers.

Here give up the body wholly to the conjoining of Mercury and Jupiter, and make therefrom an enduring, lasting water.

When the watchtowers are opened, find the bodies in putrefaction, and melding with earth, and when you will see the blackness like this, then you will know it is the beginning of the End of Times.

What is over the materia are dark clouds of hitherto unseen shapes. This earth rises free from the water, and thence awakens Them.

Thus there is the conjunction which is Saturn which is the form of the daughter. As Them she swallows the awakened and one thing destroyed is the other thing born.

She descends into the body from which she came out, and unites the earth and the water, and becomes ashes.

And from this, beyond all times, is born Elixir, neither son nor daughter, who brings the eternal black to the house of the cosmic waters.


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