What Hides and Lurks in the Darkness of the

Openly Masked and the Secretly Masked?

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What is the difference between the two on the left? You might say “there is a lot of difference.” Now, look at the picture on the right, and then look at the last picture below of a house in our neighborhood--see the combination? When seeing them separately, you are simply looking at two different sides of one coin.

In this article, I will emphasize Halloween. For an in-depth truth-explosion about Christmas, refer to my article “Joyful Abominations.” You might not like what I wrote, but you’ll not be able to prove me wrong! The truth is all over the web.

Each side of a coin may look very different, but it’s the same coin! The two sides of this coin reveal THE TWO MOST POPULAR HOLIDAYS IN AMERICA…

Yes, they are one in the same under two different types of masks.

Below are four pictures I took in our neighborhood a few days ago...

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Look at the predominance of tombstones, ghosts, ghouls, and the “undead!”

Around 2005, I drove to a large department store in Fort Worth to buy materials for a project I was doing. It was early October. As I entered the store, I saw they had put out their artificial Christmas trees. But, nearly all the trees were decorated with ghosts, witches, pumpkins, silvery spider webs, and other Halloween junk. I stopped to marvel at it. I said to myself: “FINALLY! They have it right!”

My writing an entire article about Halloween is a first for me, but this year I feel led by Abba to write about it. Did you know that Halloween is the second most popular holiday in the American lineup of holidays, second only to Christmas?

With all my heart, I want to believe that the true worshippers of Yahuweh and Yahushua have long since dropped Halloween from their yearly festival calendar. I also would hope that they have chosen to celebrate only Abba’s Festivals.

Most of the major holidays of the Western world are rooted in paganism that once involved the worship of the sun gods with sexual orgies, and animal and/or human sacrifice. But, to this day, the major pagan holidays are still celebrated with sexual orgies, sacrifices, the worship of Satan, and atrocities beyond normal human comprehension. Yet, to the ignorant masses they all have their share of FUN, even involving religious ceremonies designed to Christianize them.

Around 2004, while driving to a prayer meeting, Abba spoke strongly to me: “If the root is defiled, the tree is defiled, and the fruit is defiled, and all who eat of it are defiled.” We must go to the root of everything we believe and participate in.

If what you participate in is rooted in paganism, the occult, witchcraft, or Satanism, you must stop it immediately and repent, for to continue to participate with full knowledge of the truth is rebellion against The Truth, even if your native culture makes it appear “innocent.” Rebelling against truth defiles you in the sight of Yahuweh, and He can no more bless you as His child. (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1) You have put another god in His face! (Exodus 20:2-3)

Surely, the genuine born-again worshippers and servants of Yahuweh and Yahushua do not dabble in Satan’s world, for they are set-apart unto Elohim? Halloween is a night of horrors beyond belief – the worship of Satan, sexual perversion and orgies, and massive child sacrifice throughout the Western world in North America and Europe. Fun? It is anything but fun, except to the twisted, demented, and fallen ones who have no conscience.

A friend of mine heard Abba speak to him: “Whatever you see the world running after, is not from Me.” If something is not from Him, then only the totally ignorant, the lost, or the rebellious children of darkness, participate in it.

Yahuweh says to His children: “Be set apart for I am set apart.” In our day, He says this: “Let the set-apart be more set-apart.” -- Set-apart from the world system which is governed by Satan’s principalities and powers--he, himself, being “the god of this world.”

But, I am not so naïve as to believe that most Christians in western culture care about what “God” thinks--not when it comes to their having “fun.” In the West having “fun” is the ultimate goal of life. People normally ask their children “did you have fun?” whether to do with church, school, an outing, a vacation, a party, or even a walk in the park. It’s the Walt Disney mentality. Remember Walt Disney was a practicing Wicca witch, and also owned pornographic movie studios. In western culture, everything is an illusion of niceness--masking the real plans, goals, agendas, and operations of Satan and his minions. Yet, America is one of the most occult nations on earth.

II Corinthians 11:13-15: “For such are false apostles, deceptive workers, masquerading as ministers of Messiah. And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light. It is not surprising, then if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.”

Oftentimes churches try to whitewash Halloween as a “Harvest Festival.” But, the origin of Harvest Festivals is also a part of Halloween - rooted in sex orgies and the sacrifice of children to the gods of the harvest. “Bobbing for apples?” Check out that sex-oriented “fun,” too. So much for that…

What about teaching your children set-apartness from the world’s evil? Are you worried your children will have damaging psychosis from not fitting in with the world’s children? I hope not.

Halloween is blatantly evil for any righteous mind, yet, in America, it is, along with Christmas, the most fun holiday of the year. How can this be? Christmas is the celebration from ancient times of the birthday of the sun gods on December 25th.

It was made a legal holiday, along with Easter (Ishtar), and Sun-day as the day of worship (the worship of Baal, the sun god), by Roman Emperor Constantine--first pope and Pontifex Maximus of his Roman Catholic Church, which he created to unite his pagan empire under one religion and one god. [Refer to: The Foundation of Deception, on Amazon Kindle for 99 cents, or free on ]

In Western culture, the mind, which contains the sin-prone nature, is purposely programmed daily, using mind-programming advertisements, marketing techniques, movies, books, magazines, billboards, video games--in schools, at work, in social gatherings, in holidays, in store merchandise, etc. It sickens me that television cartoons, advertisements, and children’s programs that teach “the 3 Rs,” are teaching the children how to celebrate Halloween, and of course they are showing frightening cartoons about vampires, ghosts, monsters, and giants.

You see, we are “in the days of Noah.” These creatures are returning for real… so they are really being announced by the evil elite of this world.

It is frightening my little 4-year old granddaughter. She went on a walk with me in our neighborhood last week. When she saw the “decorations” on the lawns of two houses (pictures 1 and 2 above), she was afraid and called out “ghosts, ghosts.” Her parents and I have talked with her about it. I know some of the fear has come from watching the popular cartoon Scooby Doo. It is a mind-programming cartoon.

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Fear, anxiety, fright, heart-pounding terror, is a result of thinking something is more powerful than Yahuweh, and the “something” wants to hurt you.

The Illuminati want your children, and you, to be respectful of giant robots, and all the ugly evil creatures that are called “super heroes.” This way, Jesus, God, Christ, and Lord become weak and puny in light of these scary alien “super heroes.”

Matthew 10:28: We are to have one fear only--fear of displeasing Yahuweh, who only wants to bless us. People who live with fear do not, nor cannot, personally know Yahuweh’s love. They have other gods in His face. (Exodus 20:3-4) Skulls are being flaunted on children’s and adult clothing. It is the “in thing.” The Illuminati elite are preparing you and your children to fear what Satan is bringing onto the earth, and throw any faith you have in a Higher Being in the trash.

In every way possible, even using the churches, the Illuminati is preparing children to be either terrified of, or accepting of, what is coming on this earth, as the fallen ones are invading from their dimensions and taking many forms.

Also, hybrids, monsters, and cloned bodies for returning Nephilim, are being created in underground laboratories in America and around the world, for their soon release. Today, people are seeing giants and mutates, little and big. No, there are no little green aliens coming from outer space, Satan’s fallen ones are coming from his dimension in the “heavenlies.” And remember Revelation 12:7-17.

Little children frighten easily because they think what they see is real. The Illuminati, using different public means, is using Trauma-based Monarch Mind-Control on children and adults, so that they can easily be programmed into what Satan wants them to think. Thus, people, whether children or adults, develop fears, and faith loses its reality. How can a religious belief system in an invisible “God” stand up under the reality of traumatizing fear of things seen?

I have had a main theme in all my writings and teachings since I was a child--Know Yahuweh personally! The only way to know Him personally is to first repent of sin against Him, and then submit your life to His Son, Yahushua, as your Savior and Master. Then you can know Their nature, ways, and thinking, so that you trust Them, and They trusts you as a good, faithful, and obedient servant under discipline and training for reigning in Their Kingdom. Once relationship is established between you and Them, They will manifest to you openly, personally, tangibly, so that your faith will be established solidly in reality. Real faith solidly anchored in Yahuweh and Yahushua is not a belief system of religion that dissolves with the first fears of impending danger. Real faith is based on personal experience in knowing your Elohim in your daily life! READ HEBREWS 11!

The whole of western culture is steeped in the appeasing of the lusts of the flesh. Also, man’s sin nature gravitates easily to the fascination of being scared (for fun of course)-- loving horror movie thrillers about monsters, zombies, vampires, aliens, violence and bloodshed—most which are laced with sex perversion of all types in some way. At Halloween time, people can let loose with their twisted minds and perversions, mask themselves, and calling it “fun.” It’s all about throwing off all restraints of Elohim’s protective “boundaries,” and letting loose with fleshly lusts.

Yet, in reality, hiding and lurking underneath this rotting log lying in hidden darkness, are dangers few know about, until the log is turned over and the snakes, poisonous beetles, and fire ants begin to bite.

In the western world, the “devil” is pictured as a silly looking man in a red suit, with horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. Yet, I have seen him as a most distinguished, tall, good looking gentleman, with black top-hat, white shirt, black coat with tails, and black trousers, holding out whatever you desire for your lusts to enjoy. I have heard him speak at least four times. His voice is slimy and sugary.

But, know this: He is also extremely powerful! His authority and power were not taken away from him when he rebelled against Yahuweh. This is why 1/3 of the angels of heaven followed this gorgeous jewel-encrusted dragon. (Ezekiel 28; Revelation 12) This is why the earth cannot stand but a very short time of his power, once he comes into the earth. (Revelation 12:7-17) He is nothing to laugh at. And, please note -- the foolishness of charismatic Christians is very dangerous – trying “to pull that devil down,” doing hocus pocus with bread and wine on his sacred places, and lei lines. It is dangerous ignorance to the max--like taking a table knife to a T-Rex. I know – it did that and the result is so terrible I can’t even write about it. Playing games with such a powerful being only arouses him to anger at you. We are not allowed by Yahuweh to deal with Satan. That’s Yahuweh’s privilege! Remember: Yahuweh is Elohim, we are not.

Remember how many of us used to laugh at The Addam’s Family – Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, “grandma,” Lurch, cousin “it” and those “adorable” two children? It was so funny to watch the fear of people who entered their house, complete with their pet lion.

On the left, below, is a picture of a mail box holder in front of a house on our street, and on the right The Addam’s family clicking their fingers to the series theme song.

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Fun? We used to think so. But, should His set-apart end-time remnant be laughing at such things? He “winked in times past” at our ignorance, the Scriptures say, just as we let things slide with little toddlers who are ignorant and play in the mud. We clean them up, and love them, because they are innocent in their naivety and ignorant. But, for us -- not now!

The entertainment industry produces massive amounts of horror movies, to condition people to fear, to horror, to paralyze people into making them let go of any faith they might have in order to bow in fearful servitude to these grotesque creatures.

It is a fact that so many horror movie and TV scripts are written by people on hallucinogenic drugs, or by those who do spirit/astro travel, or those who channel “spirits,” and actually see the demonic forms of monsters in the dimension of Satan and his fallen angels.” The author of the popular series Harry Potter said she got her stories from “spirits.” Yet, many Christians, even heads of Christian schools, promote these books, and other occult books, scary books, books about ghosts and witches, because they consider them “harmless fun.”

My third child was in a Middle School English class. They book the class used had a complete Novel in the back, authored by a woman who said she wrote it from what visiting spirits told her. My daughter’s teacher was a “good Christian.” Some Christian parents took their children out of the school because of it. But, I felt to pray that they would never get so far as to read that novel. The teacher stalled and stalled, and the class ended just as they got to it. Praise Abba for “good Christians” who stand for truth!

When my youngest daughter got into fifth grade, she told me that the teacher was reading stories to them about witches, and other such scary things. I told the teacher that if she read anything that like that again, to please send my daughter to the computer room, or to the library, until she finished. My daughter was sent out of the room for that reason several times. She never complained because she understood why.

We are “in the days of Noah!” The religion of Christianity is dying, returning to its roots “in Shinar.” The great whore of Babylon, the Roman Catholic Church, has arisen to ride the world’s political beast, for the goal of world rule. (Revelation 17) Christianity’s roots are in the religion of Babylon’s founder, Nimrod (the sun god), Semaramis (the mother of god, called the queen of heaven), and Tammuz her son--the incarnation of Nimrod the sun god, or “the son of god.” This is the root of the “trinity” lie. [Refer to: “Exposing the Trinity Doctrine”]

Tammuz, like all his successor sun gods, was born on December 25th. He was the original Christmas baby. Besides folks, to put those shepherds out in a field with their flocks by night in December – well, that’s plum nuts. It’s freezing out there around Bethlehem and Ephrat. I know, I’ve been there in December.

Satan knew the plan of Yahuweh for Yahushua Messiah, our Savior, from way before the foundation of the world, so as soon as he could after the Flood, he taught Nimrod how to pervert the truth and make a religion out of it. Thus, with different names and titles, throughout history, each pagan culture has had its own version of the father sun god, the son sun god (always a savior-god who died at the winter solstice, and arose in the spring at Easter), and the mother of god/queen of heaven, under many different names … like Osiris, Horus, and Isis, and Zeus, Apollo, and Leto. Thus when the church was created by first the Greeks, then institutionalized by Constantine of Rome, they simply compiled all the gods of their pagan pantheons into three again, “God, the father,” Iesous/Jesus the son, and Mary the mother of God, queen of heaven.

The goal has always been to eliminate any knowledge of Yahuweh and Yahushua, to eliminate any desire for knowing Them and for guarding their Covenant for right standing in Their Kingdom. Satan sure has done a good job of perverting Truth, but there is a remnant who knows Yahuweh and Yahushua, who abstain from all that They hate.

Today, a lot of people are losing their faith in “God” and Jesus. But, instead of gravitating to Humanism, intellectualism, agnosticism, or atheism, the phenomenon is that many are gravitating to Satanism, the occult, the New Age Movement, or witchcraft. Satanism is becoming a major religion among America’s youth. Ancient Europe produced Druids, shaman, and sorcerers of renown. Remember Walt Disney putting that wizard’s hat on Mickey Mouse in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice?” One of his teaching tools for children.

Yes, the world’s people, and many who have been in the church, are gravitating to the demonic realm, as well as world governments, calling for, and working towards, the return of the Nephilim to rule the earth once again. America is working hard at it--cloning bodies for returning Nephilim, melting ice caps on both the North and South poles to get at Nephilim technology, and using it to destroy the human race and our planet. According to Enoch’s 70 generation prophecy, beginning with his message to the fallen ones from Yahuweh, the Nephilim, as in the days of Noah, have returned – around 1900, bringing with them the same enticements they gave the people of earth in Noah’s day – like high technology and weapons of war. Read the book of Enoch and learn – it is being repeated.

As I said above, despite charismatic Christian zeal, rooted ignorance, we have no power to bring down Satan. That is not granted to us. Nor do we have the power to bring down his established principalities over nations. That’s not our job. In Daniel 10, you read how Gabriel was fought by the principality of Greece, and Michael the archangel came to rescue him. It is a battle in the heavenlies. (Revelation 12)

By the power of Yahuweh’s Spirit, we can bind and loose the demonic realm, the disembodied Nephilim, to bring deliverance to those who seek deliverance--sending the spirits to the dry places, as Messiah taught us. (Matthew 12:26-29; 43-45; Mark 3:25-30; Luke 11:24) You can bind and loose, but that comes with wisdom from the Spirit to do it rightly. Otherwise, Abba cannot back you. Remember also, that authority is given to those whom He backs with His authority – please refer to “Authority Backing.”

Satan has established authority, which Yahuweh allows him to have for a short time more. And Satan’s powerful fallen angels who never mingled with women, never came to earth before, are also not our business to mess with. Demons seek a body – they often subtly speak to the mind of humans. In fact, unless you are sensitive to the Spirit of Yahuweh, these spirits will speak to you all day long. This is how we got 38,000 Christian denominations … everyone hearing some deception and thinking it was from “God.” And, of course, the occult hear from, and see, “spirit guides.” These disembodied spirits can torment, harass, play tricks, hide things, bite, and scratch, as well as deceive humans. When my youngest daughter was about a year old, one morning she was covered in little bites all over her body. The teeth marks were about 2 inches long. I learned how to do spiritual warfare for our survival.

We have power over them in our own lives, and the lives of others who seek to be free of them. We have power over them in our own houses, and with our own family, as long as the older family member desires to be free. We can speak the words of deliverance, and we must, over our little ones.

But, I warn you -- know your place… This is not a game! If the Spirit of Yahuweh is not backing you – you’re in big trouble. If you touch someone demonized or demon possessed, demons jump. They seek a body. You’re opening portals for them to come and tear up your life, and the lives of your family. Humility under the power of the Spirit is our only protection!

Religious zeal without wisdom and knowledge is very dangerous. I’ve had demonic spirits literally physically attack me. This is why I stress the proclamation of the Psalms, and other Scriptures, in the Names of Yahuweh and Yahushua, singing, rejoicing, speaking in His given-prayer language, and making proclamation as He leads.

But, know your place …. Screaming at demons without His backing is going to backlash on you. Read Messiah’s words regarding these things. Read the book of Acts and learn how the Apostles acted. We have “weapons of warfare that are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds,” in our own life, and the lives of those who want to be delivered. But, there is no religion attached to this. Be led by the Spirit! (II Corinthians 10:3-6; Ephesians 6:10-18)

Please study instructions for spiritual warfare, in the garments of the High Priest, in “Scriptural Spiritual Warfare” Parts I, II, and III/June-July 2010, and

“The Zadok Priesthood Part II: Correct Intercession and Spiritual Warfare in the Garments of the High Priest”/February 2005]

Yahuweh uses the fallen ones to separate His true children from the false. In the days to come, He will allow the plans of the fallen ones to deceive the human race, so that only those who are truly His will remain strong!

What is the strong delusion that He will send – II Thessalonians 2:8-12 – to those who do not love the Truth? It is his servants. What does the Septuagint Version of the Tenach say in Isaiah 13? - He will send giants to perform His judgment on earth. They are here, and being seen--bodies are cloned for the returning Nephilim.

I have known hardly any true “warriors” in His service in the western world. Soldiers and warriors are solely under the authority of the Captain of the Host of heaven. Westerners are too strong self-willed, for the most part, to be submitted to the Spirit moving through them. Yet, Yahuweh’s children are called to be soldiers. What does II Timothy 2:3-4 say? “Suffer hardship with us as a good soldier of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved with the affairs of this life, in order to please only Him who enlisted him to be a soldier.”

A soldier has two related goals – please his commanding officer, and defeating the enemy. But, to defeat the enemy, there must be knowledge of his ways, his goals, his thinking, and his nature. That’s your life! We are called to please our Elohim, and to defeat the enemy in our life, and help others do the same. By sharing the Good News of salvation, we work at snatching victims from the clutches of the enemy. Are you busy with rescue operations?

It takes living in the power of the Spirit of Yahuweh daily, flowing with Him in active obedience, to break the chains of slavery. We have ONE MASTER and ONE ONLY… and it is not the lusts of our flesh. It takes immersing yourself in the Word and submitting to the working of the Spirit in you, to teach you, convict, lead, guide, and discipline you.

But, between the constant non-stop mind-programming, the polluted air, chem-trails dropping poisons on us, vaccines, medicines, corrupted foods, contaminated water, mind-controlling, and DNA changing chemicals, few people are really able to rise above it anymore. We’ve crossed the threshold!

There have even been places constructed on America’s military bases for Satanists to worship in. It recently came to light that an officer in the US military in Afghanistan kept a young boy as a sex slave chained to his bed. Then it came to light that this was not a rare situation with American military officers. Bizarre and heinous slayings have been taking place in America’s military bases also. The horrors done to the unborn babies and children, rarely upset people anymore. After the horrifying disclosure of what Planned Parenthood has done, it is reported that most Americans still believe in the government funding of Planned Parenthood – an evil murderous organization.

I am losing hope by the day for people in the West who are not following the Master as He leads in the Acts 1:8 pattern. He always leads forward, enlarging our boundaries in His service! Most are dying spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Those words in Acts 1:8 are the last words our Master spoke to us! The more people are self-serving, the more the enemy controls them.

American tax-payer money goes to fund abortions worldwide. Is it any wonder why Abba tells us to get out of end-time Babylon so that we don’t participate in her sins, nor receive of her plagues?

Satanism is a fast-growing religion among young people. Sincere Christians are being shut out of the military in many cases. But, also, the lukewarm church is now showing its pagan roots. It was a shocker not long ago when the Supreme Court OK’d same-sex marriages, that many Christians were openly rejoicing over it.

TD Jakes Comes Out for Gay Rights and LGBT Churches, Says Position is ‘Evolving’

August 7, 2015 - By: Heather Clark - Christian News – and Huffington Post:

T.D. Jakes says in this interview that LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people should find a church that fits their lifestyle.

“When Christians Use Liberty as a License for the Flesh” - 10/14/2015 by Michael Brown writing for Charisma Magazine…

In this article, the author tells about a well-respected American pastor who threw a birthday party for his wife. It was a sin-sick party, where even his wife grabbed onto a beam, pulled herself up, and pretended to do a sexual dance. This pastor is known for stressing freedom and grace, with an abhorrence of the Torah of the “God of the Old Testament.” Read this article. (The author sounds like me.)

There are Christians who are saddened by the world flooding into the church. But, if they only went to the root of their religion, they’d find that the root is deep into the occult, and thus its fruit is now poisoning it people.

The sin nature is being loosed. People are throwing off the bands of traditional religious morality to embrace what they think is freedom. What the Scriptures call licentious, unclean, perverse, defiled, wicked and evil, is being embraced more and more as “good” and “fun.” It sure is in America! (II Timothy 3:1-7)

It is considered “cute” for people to use the sign of Baphomat… the goat-headed god, Satan, “the devil’s horns,” signifying one’s allegiance to Satan. On the cover of the recent Vogue Magazine, Michelle Obama is seen making this sign in a sexy pose. I have quite a collection of pictures of famous people making this sign openly in public, from politicians, to TV preachers on camera. But, the ignorance of the American people as a whole is overwhelming. They can look right at pure evil and think it wonderful. They can even hotly defend evil, making excuses for it.

Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those that call evil good…”

Those who stand for the boundaries of the Scriptures are being portrayed as mentally unstable ”trouble makers, even terrorists, and, at the least, undesirables that flow contrary to our “progressive” society, standing in the way of freedom of expression. (Psalm 2; Romans 1) To the masses, these mentally and emotionally unstable troublemakers believe in a God that burdens people down with His rules and regulations, standing in their way of enjoying their “chosen lifestyle.”

As I’ve documented in “Mind Control, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain,” the purpose of public education from Kindergarten on, stated from the 1920s by leaders in American education, is to rid children of their faith in God, obedience to parents, and sensitivity to any wrong. The goal is to have an army of youth like Stalin had, like Mao Tse Tung had in his “Red Guard,” like Hitler had—youth with no feelings – who are able to murder without guilt – even their own parents.

I recently wrote about a news commentator who told the truth. She pridefully said that our children are not our own, they belong to the state.

We’re under a Communist regime folks. America is a corporation, and if you are born in America, you and your children are property of the state, and all your belongings and property, too. Fact!

Halloween is no more than the glorification of Satan and friends -- death, blood-sucking vampires, ghosts, goblins, ghouls, witches and warlocks. Halloween is Satan’s fun. It is followed by November 1st – All Saints Day, and then November 2nd – All Soul’s Day. Pope Gregory, in the 8th century, tagged on the November 1st and 2nd days to honor dead saints, and dead souls in general. These are days of honoring the dead – but also of petitioning them - days of divination and séances, contacting the dead … “The Old Testament term for communicating with the dead is "necromancy. ... The punishment for contacting the dead is very severe, if not repented of.” (from talkdead). Praying to saints is no more than trying to contact the dead to do something for you. It is forbidden by Yahuweh.

(Deuteronomy 18:10-14)

On Halloween, “all hallows eve,” people put on masks to scare mostly little children and old people, and have fun hiding themselves. People do mean tricks. They kill animals, destroy property, and set fire to things, put razors in apples, and drugs in candy. It is a night of rebellion against human decency. It is a night to laugh at the hurt of others, to mock people. Some “fun” goes as far as really hurting people badly, or killing people and animals just for fun – after torturing them of course.

Our Elohim is the Elohim of Light – a “consuming fire.” Tell me how light can hide itself? It naturally dispels darkness wherever it is, even a candle flame. Messiah said: “Let your light shine among men…” How can you let your light shine among men, when you’re masked like the devil’s children? The devil and his forces have to mask themselves because most of the world’s people wouldn’t accept their lies if they saw them as they are … hideously ugly, grotesque, and huge.

When I was a child growing up (1940s, 1950s) in a rural town in southern California, all the children I knew went “trick or treat” on Halloween evening. I saw no harm in it. I usually dressed up in a scary costume. Later on, my favorite was dressing up like a witch. In college, I planned a large Halloween party at a home of one of the students for those in my dorm. Oh was it ever a masterpiece. I even hung pieces of liver along a long hall’s crawlway, as part of a scary game, and other such “fun.”

During this party, my costume was original. I wore a long black robe, and covered my head completely with a black scarf, leaving only my face showing. I stuck my face in Pond’s Cold Cream, and then dipped it in flour. I drew big black circles around my eyes.

One Halloween, as a teenager, I paid my 25 cents to watch horror movies from 7:00 to 11:00 PM in the local theater. Back then it was movies like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Werewolf, the Wolf Man, Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde, and The Invisible Man, with stars like Bella Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney, Jr., Basil Rathbone, Christopher Lee, and Vincent Price.

It is amazing how many terribly frightening horror movies were made in the 1940s and 1950s. But, then, in the 1940s, the satanic methods of the Illuminati’s mind-programming of the American people really increased. Trauma-based mind-control, developed by the Nazi, was brought into America by Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip. The monster Joseph Mengale, who did such hideous experiments on Jewish children and young adults in concentration camps, was brought into America and put over our nation’s Psychology--to continue his experiments on American children. The television has always been the #1 method of this mind-programming, but also the post-WW II Nazi infested AMA.

Growing up, I loved watching scary movies, hearing scary stories at slumber parties, and the haunted house at Disney World. It was just fun to me. Yet, I also loved to study the Word, win souls to His salvation, and talk about the return of Jesus. Schizophrenic? NO! – This was the result of the compartmentalizing of the minds of children, starting with toddler age, through TV, public school education, books, games, and cultural standards, so that a child grows up filing what they see and learn into a mental file cabinet. This way, a person can have a secular life, a religious life, a home life, a social life, a sin life, and a moral life… all in the same person, who thinks they are totally normal.

This is how Christians can feel totally justified in doing as they please by their own standards, and still think they will go to heaven when they die because “God” loves them. Yahuweh’s Word demands that we be single of mind – pure of heart – so that every thought and action is aligned to Him. The nature of the Elohim of the Scriptures is totally different than the pagan gods of religion, which are of Satan.

Do you see how opposite the mind-programming is to what Yahuweh demands of us? “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see Elohim.” (Matthew 5:8)

Nice words… But, in Biblical language, “pure of heart” means singleness of mind – total singularity of loyalty and obedience.

As a youth, I started a “mystery club.” My friends and I would go sleuthing. I loved mysteries with great zeal. I grew up with Nancy Drew and Perry Mason.

But, in 1997, Abba spoke to me: “You will never watch another mystery program again.” In fact, He banned me from watching TV ever again, except for my daily 15 minutes of The 700 Club news. But, by that time, whatever Abba said was all right with me. I was totally submitted to His will.

I had lived a lifestyle, and near lifetime, of real Halloween, having innocently married a Satanist, a warlock, who pretended to be a Baptist minister. Being totally ignorant and naïve as I was, by the time I realized what was happening to me, I was so traumatized with fear, and being dehumanized, that I was mentally paralyzed, feeling there was no escape. I understand SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse).

Abba had to orchestrate my freedom. But, in the meantime, I had an invaluable education. My whole story is in my autobiography, Touching the Eternal, available on .

From 1967, after the birth of my first child, and forward, I, and my children, lived in one haunted house after another. We literally saw and felt constant manifestations of demons, and saw their activity, “Little short people” appeared in the hallway, seen by overnight visitors, things flew through the air, things disappeared, black fluff balls rose around the baseboards of our house, ghosts and goblins, creatures of the night, cold icy wind on our face inside the house, sounds of knocking, footsteps, and crying – you name it, we experienced it. So, we lived Halloween. This is why I can warn you outside of any religious intent!!!

When Abba delivered me by His loving hand, He set me on a course of uncovering His secrets – and following His path –- the greatest adventure of life ever. My testimony is written in Psalm 40:1-3. Today, I find that life with Him is the most exciting life anyone could ever live! To work with the Creator of the universe is beyond thrilling. His personality is awesome. And when all the smoke clears, He wins, and His loyal servants win with Him! There won’t be any Halloween celebrated in His Kingdom--no Christmas, no Easter, no Valentine’s Day, or any other pagan festival.

Through it all, Abba allowed me to see and learn the nature, ways, and thinking of Satan, so that I can spot his input in a nanosecond. I can see through all of his pretenses. I know just what he’s up to, how he is pulling things off, and how he is deceiving the masses of humanity. I know his plans. I know his moves and his goals. This is why I can give you what is happening with such accuracy. It is also because I’ve studied the Word and taught it for over 60 years. I know the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuweh. I know His plans, His moves, and His goals.

I was an excellent chess player in my younger days. I learned how to spot the direction my opponent was taking, so I could block him and call “check mate.”

So, I see that Yahuweh is a master strategist who has His plans for His own brand of “check mate,” (Revelation 19; Zechariah 14:1-5).

Around 1988 or 1989, I met an ex-Satanist who attended my church. He and his wife became friends. He had been a very powerful Satanist in the Fort Worth area, over several covens. He told me what really happened at Halloween. At the time, he had been hired by the Fort Worth police to find missing children, who had been kidnapped for sacrifice at Halloween. He knew where they were kept in cages in the Fort Worth area.

From what he taught me, I began studying to the roots of the nature, ways, and thinking, modus operandi, and plans of Satan/Lucifer.

He wrote a book that included his testimony of his salvation, and about Halloween.

My fourth child was in third grade at that time. I took Ken’s booklet to her teacher, who had decorated the room for Halloween. She read it. In giving it back to me, she said she would take down all the decorations, and would not mention Halloween anymore. She was a Christian. She kept her word.

Halloween is the #1 night of Satan worship, thus he demands more sacrifices to him on Halloween night than on any other night of sacrifice. His goal is the sacrifice of the entire human race to him – the death of every human on the planet.

Only by Yahushua’s intervention will he not be able to destroy us all.

Halloween is the primary night of witchcraft and the release of demons. Inhuman tortures happen on this night, horrors the normal mind can’t even wrap around, involved in sex and death. In the labyrinth of tunnels beneath the Vatican, these horrors also go on among the Satanist Jesuit and their colleagues.

Did you know that there are prominent doctors in America who pay large sums to go to South America, for one place, to learn the “art” of human sacrifice? One morning, as I was walking around the lake in our affluent neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas, where quite a few doctors lived, I saw a cat sitting on a rock. It appeared to be staring at me. I looked closer. It was a perfect looking cat, except that it had been perfectly skinned. On Halloween night, skinning animals, or people, alive is part of the fun of Satanists. I remember a 1950s movie staring Bella Lugosi and Boris Karloff. Karloff played a man being skinned alive.

I saw TV for the 1st time around 1949, in the home of a relative. The screen was about 10 inches wide. Of course, the movie they had playing was in black and white. But, to this very day, I can still see a scene from that movie. It showed a witch flying on her broomstick over some houses. The sky was stormy-looking. She wore a black robe and tall pointed hat, like the one in The Wizard of Oz. Children grew up with this – all innocent fun, so we thought. But, this baptism of the American people into the kingdom of darkness, whether by series like the Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, or the X-Files, the Illuminati started early with their barrage of horror. Europe inherited it from their past. But, there is also a lot of witchcraft throughout the world, even in Israel.

The colors of Halloween are black and orange. The black represent death, the orange represents sex – usually brutal sex.

One night my four children were out trick or treating. I stayed home and watched John Jacobs on TBN. John boldly told the truth about Halloween. He sure did a good job of it!

When they came home, as soon as they walked through the door, I turned to them and said firmly: “This is the last Halloween you will ever celebrate.” They simply said, “OK.” I’ve got great children! None of them celebrate Halloween to this day.

Slowly, I began gaining knowledge--learning real spiritual warfare. Finally, in 1999, Abba took me to Jordan for 8 years, where, in Aqaba, I studied His Word and researched, and wrote, and cast off the bands of the enemy. Messiah said: “And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” His Word is Truth! I am free!

A brief history of Halloween: from “Trick?” or “Treat?” - Unmasking Halloween by The Real Truth/October-November 2015

“The Celts observed their New Year on November 1, which marked the end of the harvest and summer (“the season of the sun”), as well as the beginning of the cold, dark winter ahead (“the season of darkness and cold”).

From October 31 to November 2, the Celts celebrated a 48-hour festival, the Vigil of Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”). They believed that Samhain, the pagan lord of the dead, assembled the souls of those who had died during the previous year and decided what form they would take for the next year. The souls would either pass on to human bodies or would be condemned to live within animals (the most evil of the bad souls or spirits would take the form of cats). Hoping to coax Samhain into giving lighter sentences, the Celtic worshippers tried to bribe him with gifts and prayers.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica says the following: “Samhain (Celtic: ‘End of Summer’), one of the most important and sinister calendar festivals of the Celtic year. At Samhain, held on November 1, the world of the gods was believed to be made visible to mankind, and the gods played many tricks on their mortal worshippers; it was a time fraught with danger, charged with fear, and full of supernatural episodes. Sacrifices and propitiations of every kind were thought to be vital, for without them the Celts believed they could not prevail over the perils of the season or counteract the activities of the deities. Samhain was an important precursor to Halloween. On the night of October 31, the eve of the New Year, the Celts, after harvesting their crops and storing them for the coming winter, began their festival…the people would burn crop and animal sacrifices to their gods, dancing around the fires as the “season of the sun” passed and the “season of darkness” began. The Celts wore costumes of animal heads and skins… It) was the occasion for one of the ancient fire festivals when huge bonfires were set on hilltops to frighten away evil spirits…The souls of the dead were thought to revisit their homes on this day, and the autumnal festival acquired sinister significance, with ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all kinds said to be roaming about. In addition, Halloween was thought to be the most favorable time for divinations… During the first century, the Roman Empire invaded Ireland and the British Isles, conquering most of Celtic territory. The Romans ruled over them for hundreds of years, influencing Celtic and Anglo-Saxon customs and traditions.”

Roman pagan “traditions” were woven into Roman Catholic Church festivals starting with the Emperor Constantine, including Christmas and Easter, and Valentine’s Day.

The Celtic priests were known as “Druids.” In ancient times, the many of the Celtic people were blond blue-eyed giants. They were Amorites who were part of the migration westward from Bashan (now the Golan Heights of Israel). You can read about the Amorites in the first few chapters of Deuteronomy. Moses killed the king of the Amorites, Sihon, and also Og, last of the giants on Bashan. It has been proven that to flee from slaughter under Moses, Amorites made a hasty migration west across Europe. Many settled there, but many also went to America, and down into Central and South America. Refer to: Fritz Zimmerman’s documented book: The Nephilim Chronicles.

The Celts were descendants of this fleeing tribe. They brought their worship of Satan with them. Today, many neo-Druids and neo-pagans meet at Stonehenge on the spring equinox to carry out ancient rituals. Archeologists in Israel have excavated a second Stonehenge, where they believe Og was buried. It is called “Gilgal Rephaim,” (the circle of the giants) and is on the Golan Heights/Bashan. Moses wrote than Bashan was “the land of the giants.”

Jeremiah 10:1-5: “Learn not the way of the heathen…” It goes on to describe bringing a tree into your house, setting it up on wood to stabilize it, and decorating it with silver and gold ornaments – usually balls – Ba’al’s balls (testicles) literally.


During the days of October 31st through November 2nd be in prayer. Be aware of the enemy’s increasing presence in our world, in our nation, in churches, congregations, and synagogues. During the time of Halloween Part II, Christmas, don’t go out unless you need to for life-essentials. I can be feeling terrific, and enter a grocery store that has Halloween decorations, and feel the presence of evil. But the same is true of Christmas. Objects attract spirits--wherever there are Halloween costumes, Christmas trees, decorations, and presents with faces, like dolls, stuffed animals. Be aware that there are also spirits that inhabit such things. The very air is charged with them because the holidays worship them.

We must not touch what is unclean in Yahuweh’s eyes if we want to be a part of His Kingdom. Do not separate yourself from Him because of your fear of displeasing your family! You will stand alone before the judgment seat of Messiah. Do not touch what is of the dark kingdom if you want to enter the Kingdom of light.

I write in His love, and, as usual, with shalom,

Yedidah, October 21, 2015


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