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Grove RFC Lottery

Standing Order Mandate

|Bank or Building Society | |Account Holder |

|To: | |Name |

|Address | |Address |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Sort Code | |Phone Number |

|Account Number | |Email |


|Bank: |Barclays Bank |

|Sort Code: |20 – 90 - 91 |

|Account Number: |73477223 |

|Beneficiary: |Grove Rugby Football Club Ltd |

|Amount: Frequency: |£5.00 (Five pound) Monthly |

|Commencing Date | |

|Signed: |If preferred, a yearly subscription by CASH/CHEQUE enclosed |

| |Please Tick |

Name: _____________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________

Enter your numbers here:

1st Four Numbers ____ ____ ____ ____

2nd Four Numbers ____ ____ ____ ____

3rd Four Numbers ____ ____ ____ ____

4th Four Numbers ____ ____ ____ ____

5th Four Numbers ____ ____ ____ ____

Please return the Standing Order mandate and chosen numbers to: Roger Williams 15 Barbury Drive, Grove OX12 0NA.

Terms and Conditions

1. There will be twelve draws, each made on the last Sunday of the months at 1.00 pm in Grove RFC Clubhouse.

2. A minimum of 100 entries will be needed for the first lottery to take place and all numbers must be delivered to the Lottery Management by 5.00 pm on the Saturday preceding Sunday’s lottery draw. No entries received after 5 pm on any Saturday will be entered for the next day’s lottery. They will, however, be eligible to be entered on the following month’s lottery.

3. Lottery numbers may be handed in to Roger Williams at the above address, or over the bar. If handed into the bar, please email Roger Williams, to let him know how many numbers you have deposited over the bar.

4. The first lottery will be held on Sunday 27th March 2016.

5. There will be twenty-five numbers in the lottery 1 to 25.

6. £1 buys four numbers.

7. Players win the prize money if their four selected numbers match the four numbers drawn. In the event of more than one person having the same numbers, the prize money will be shared. A second prize will be awarded to any member who manages three numbers. This second prize will be 25% of the total bonus amount available on any given month and, again, in the event of more than one person having the same numbers, the prize money will be shared. No member can win both the main prize and the second prize.

8. Fifty percent of the total take will be profit for the club and the remainder will form the prize for the winning numbers drawn.

9. If there is no winner on any given lottery, the winning prize money will be added to the next lottery.

10. Standing Order mandates will be available – 12 x £5 being the minimum allowed. There will be no maximum.

11. Players may also submit a cheque for £60 for twelve monthly entries to each of the lotteries.

12. Anyone who enters five sets of four numbers (£5) will have the choice of keeping 25% of all money entered over and above the £5, or contributing it to their team if they are a player (Under 6 through to Senior Teams, both male and female), to be used in any way decided – end of season tour, dinner, kit etc. eg collect £10 (10 sets of four numbers) and keep 25% of £5 = £1.25 for yourself, or your team. If you decide to donate the 25% to your team a record of accumulated contributions will be kept by the Grove RFC Lottery management and allocated at a time requested by individual teams.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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