Appendix 7-C

City of San Antonio CIMS

40 % Design Checklist

The following are minimum requirements for a 40% Submittal. The Design Consultant must provide as much information as possible to assist City staff in the review and to simplify approval for the following submittal. A submittal will be classified as incomplete if any of the items identified below are missing.





*Follow TxDOT criteria for Local Area Management (LAM) Projects*

Front-End Plan Sheets

□ City Title Block

□ Index of Sheets

□ Project Layout/Control Points

□ General Notes

□ Summary of Estimated Quantities


Existing Typical Section


□ Lane Widths

□ Medians

□ Curbs

□ Sidewalks

□ Bike Lanes

Proposed Typical Section


□ Lane Widths

□ Lane Direction

□ Shoulders

□ Curb

□ Baseline/Centerline

□ Pavement Design

□ Bike Lanes

□ Medians

□ Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sequence of Work Outline for Traffic Control

□ Preliminary Construction Phasing Plan

(This should show the basic concept of how to handle traffic during construction, including preliminary phasing and sequence of work narrative. Construction shall include City and all joint bid utility improvements)


Plan & Profile Sheets

Plan View

□ Min Design Values met

□ Existing & Prop ROW Lines

□ Existing Utilities

□ Existing Edge of Pavement

□ Existing Sidewalks, Curb, Driveways, Medians

□ Existing Drainage Structures

□ Prop. Roadway Alignments

□ Prop. Curb, Sidewalks & Drvwy

□ Prop. Lane Dimensions

□ Flow Direction Arrow

□ Cross-Slopes PC/PT Sta.

□ P.I. Curve Data

□ Cross Drainage Structures

□ Legal Description/Property Owner


Profile View

□ Min Design K Values met

□ Proposed Vertical Alignment (LT & RT top of curb)

□ Natural Ground

□ LT and RT ROW

□ Vertical Clearances (where required)

□ Grades

□ VPI Curve Data

□ Cross Drainage Structures



□ Drainage Area Map

□ Drainage Calcs (Hard Copy, executable digital copy and PDF)

□ Storm Drain System Plan and Profiles

□ Plan and Report Submittal Requirements – As per Section 4 - Drainage


Traffic Engineering

□ Intersection Layout

□ Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Layout

□ School Zone Layout

□ Complete Streets Assessment and Field Analysis Checklist



□ Confirm Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been completed

□ Survey Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) and show on plans. Coordinate with EMD.

□ After 40% submittal, coordinate staking of storm sewer outfall with EMD.



□ Street Cross Sections

□ Channel Cross Sections

□ Base Map of Existing Utilities w/Quality Level identification

Submittal to City

□ 40% Constr Plans (5 bound sets)

□ Utility Coordination Report

□ Cost Estimates

□ Construction Schedule

□ Geotechnical Engineering & Pavement Design Report

□ Written Response to All Comments

□ Insert Joint Bid Utility Plan Sheets

□ Signed QA/QC Certification Form

□ CD with *PDF’s and **DGN’s of all deliverables (Upload to Web Portal)

□ Complete Streets Public Meeting

□ Coordinate Public Meeting (If Req’d)

□ Coordinate 40% Review Meeting

General Comments: ___________________________________________________________________






*PDF files for the construction plans must be split into the following categories as shown in the index of sheets:

1. General

2. Traffic Control Plan

3. Roadway Plans

4. Drainage Plans

5. SWPP & Environmental Plan

6. Landscaping Plan

7. Traffic Items

8. SAWS Water and Sewer Plans

9. CPS Gas Plans

**DGN file must be a complete base drawing to include topography and all proposed improvements (roadway, drainage, water, etc…) Do not break down into sheets. AutoCADD files will not be accepted.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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