
Simple Sayings

Silly Stories

“Running around like a

chicken with its head cut off”

Name __________________ Date ______________ Number ______

Directions: Have you ever ran around like a chicken with its head cut off? Well, I suppose you have at some point. For this activity, you will be asked to do the following:

1. Fill in the meaning of the saying “Running around like a chicken with its head cut off.”

2. On a separate sheet of paper, use the saying in a short story. Of course your story can be a bit silly. MAKE SURE YOU USE COMPLETE SENTENCES. Your story should be 7 or more sentences long.

3. Draw a picture that illustrates how the saying was used in story (wait for teacher permission).

4. Attach this sheet to your story and your drawing (if you had time to do the drawing).

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|“Runnin’ around like a chicken with its head cut off” |

|In the space below, write what the above saying means? |

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Grading Rubric

| | | | |

|Requirement |4-5 Points |2-3 Points |0-1 Point |

| | | | |

|Sentences |All sentences in writing are complete |Most sentences in writing are complete |Many sentences in writing are not complete|

|(Structure) |(include- subject, verb and a complete |sentences (include- subject, verb and a |sentences (include- subject, verb and a |

| |thought) |complete thought) |complete thought) |

| |Sentences are written correctly |Most sentences are written correctly |Sentences are written incorrectly |

| | | | |

|Conventions |Spelling and grammar are all excellent |Spelling and grammar are mostly all |Many spelling and grammar errors |

|(Editing, Punctuation) |Punctuation, indentation, and |correct |Many punctuation, indentation, and |

| |capitalization are all correct |Punctuation, indentation, and |capitalization errors |

| | |capitalization are mostly correct | |

| | | | |

| |Saying was included in the story and |Saying was included in the story and for |Saying was either not included in the |

|Saying & Story |made sense |the most part made sense |story or did not make sense |

| |Story met all requirements (length, |Story met most requirements (length, |Story did not meet most requirements |

| |completion) |completion) |(length, completion) |

| | | | |

|Picture |Picture of saying was included |Picture of saying was included |Picture of saying was/was not included |

| |Picture very much depicted what was |Picture somewhat depicted what was |Picture did not depict what was described |

| |described in the story |described in the story |in the story |

20-18 points= A 17-16 points= B 15-14 points= C 13-12 Points= D

Total Points _____ Grade _____


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