Shakespeare Internet Hunt

Shakespeare Internet Hunt

Directions: Use the links provided to find the answers to the questions. Answer all questions in the text boxes that are provided. When you are done, save the hunt to your H drive. REMINDER: No copying and pasting information! It should be typed by you in your own words.

1. William Shakespeare lived in the Renaissance. Write a brief synopsis of two aspects of that time as described in this site: Life in Elizabethan England: A Compendium of Common Knowledge

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2. Take this virtual tour of the Globe Theatre. Describe the stage in detail (balcony, roof, entrance doors, height from ground, groundlings).

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3. How is the Gallery set up in the Globe Theatre? How many people can it fit (sitting/standing)? Describe the structure for someone who has never seen The Globe.

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4. We call it the theater's pit. What was it called in Shakespeare's time?

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5. Shakespearean sayings live on. Consider the following quotes from the bard. Write each quote's contemporary form.

"To be or not to be, that is the question"

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"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind."

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6. Use the Shakespeare Timeline to ascertain the following:

Where was Will born? When was Will born? How did they come to this date?

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Who were his parents? What kind of jobs did they do?

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What was the name of the school Will attended? How many days a week did young Will attend grammar school?

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What was the main language Will studied? Name four of the plays he studied in depth.

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What are three other significant educational opportunities that influenced Will?

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What is meant by "the Lost Years"?

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Who called him an Upstart Crow? Why?

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Why were the theaters all ordered closed in 1593?

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Where was Shakespeare buried? What location? What is the epitaph on his tombstone?

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7. In what ways may Gutenberg's invention have contributed to Shakespeare's writing?

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8. What is meant by the phrase "fire-new words"? How many are credited to the Bard? Give 10 of Shakespeare's phrases that are used today.

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Name a fire-new word of your generation.

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9. In these days of limited vocabulary for the derision of one's fellow man, select four insults from Shakespeare or Insults. Use a resource to discover exactly what they are saying. These online resources , , Silva Rhetoricae, AskJeeves, AEP may be helpful. I urge you to employ these insults judiciously. As the Bard would point out, "Discretion is the better part of valor."


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|The Real Shakespeare – Use the links provided to discover the man behind the tragedy. |  |

|10. Who was the real Macbeth? The Actual Story of Macbeth - Brief description of the real Macbeth and his life. | |

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|11. What happened to him? Legends--Shakespeare's Stories - Talks about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth | |

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|12. Why do you think Shakespeare changed the events so much? The BBC Page on Macbeth - The BBC's brief description of | |

|the real Macbeth | |

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|13. Who is in power in England at the time Shakespeare writes Macbeth? What was he all about? Why does Shakespeare | |

|choose foreign settings rather than placing the tragedy in England? | |

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|Mind expanding experiences: | |

|Remarkable Renaissance resource | |

|Julius Caesar: A Paraphrase | |

|Shakespeare's Life and Times | |

|Complete works of Shakespeare online | |

|Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet | |

|In Search of Shakespeare - PBS | |

|Shakespeare's Works | |

|Scrambled Shakespeare Characters - Answer with Caps lock ON. | |

|Pardon me? Explore this resource to attain a better understanding of the Bard's language. | |

"O! this learning, what a thing it is." Shakespeare



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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