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Declaration of Independence Quiz

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1. What is the central point of the Declaration of Independence?

a. That the colonies should be better represented in Parliament. b. That the colonies were breaking with England to form their own country.

6. The Declaration says that life and liberty are inalienable rights. What is the best synonym for "inalienable?"

a. Acquired b. Democratic c. Absolute

c. That the taxes on tea and stamps were too high. d. That King George III was a terrible tyrant.

d. Negotiable


What role did Thomas Jefferson

2. What happened at Lexington and Concord?

play during the Second

a. The Declaration was ratified.

Continental Congress?

b. The Declaration Committee met.

c. The Second Continental Congress met. d. A battle was fought.

a. He served as President of the Congress. b. He was the first member to sign the Declaration of

3. Why didn't King George III agree to the colonists' demands?

Independence. c. He wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

a. He thought the members of the First Continental

d. He helped Ben Franklin edit the first draft of the

Congress were traitors.

Declaration of Independence.

b. He wanted to help, but his hands were tied.

c. He did do what they asked, but they were never

8. Which of the following is an example of a



d. He needed the tax money from the colonies to fight foreign wars.

a. A letter to your city complaining about potholes in your street.

b. A newspaper editorial that endorses a particular

4. Place the following events in sequence: A) The

candidate for President.

Declaration is adopted; B) The First Continental

c. A proclamation by the government that July 4th will

Congress meets; C) British and American troops begin be celebrated as Independence Day.


d. A news article about the formation of a new,

a. B, C, A

independent nation.

b. C, B, A

c. B, A, C

9. What is the significance of July 4, 1776?

d. A, C, B

a. It was the day the Declaration of Independence was

5. How did Thomas Paine inspire the American colonists?

first drafted. b. It was the day the Continental Congress first met in Philadelphia.

a. Through a series of public speeches

c. It was the day that Congress adopted the Declaration

b. Through a widely-read pamphlet

of Independence.

c. Through a series of newspaper articles

d. It was the date of the first battle in the American

d. By co-writing the Declaration of Independence


10. Although the Declaration said that "all men are created equal," women and minorities did not originally share the same rights as white men. What can you conclude about this?

a. The members of the Continental Congress were all sexist and racist. b. White men still have many legal rights that are denied to women and minorities. c. Women and minorities didn't know enough about government to have full rights. d. Americans have revised their values in the years since the Declaration was first drafted.

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