
Year 1 and 2 Books and Activities

|Book title and author |Activities |Front cover |

|The Pig’s Knickers, |Funny book; repetition (goes to visit); shows different verbs for walked; good to stretch language (inconsolable); |[pic] |

|Jonathan Emmett |good use of adjectives. | |

| |Change setting: You are now in the jungle, what animal will you be? | |

| |Empathy – write newspaper report. How does the pig feel, interview the pig/child | |

| |Use of speech, | |

| |Write a sequel, ‘A spot of bother’ (knickers and bra are polka dot!) | |

|Big Mean Mike |Use adjectives to describe characters; create a word bank alternatives to big; to identify verbs; to find a range of|[pic] |

| |sentence starters (Big Mean Mike); days of week; understanding of use and purpose of speech marks; punctuation marks| |

| |(question marks, exclamation marks); prepositional language. | |

| |Character descriptions, | |

| |Design their own Big Mean Mike, | |

| |Discuss self-image (His image was ruined…) | |

|The Highway Rat, Julia |Poetry; description; command sentences; vocab (synonyms); hot-seating as a character who had been stopped by the rat|[pic] |

|Donaldson |(feelings/ reactions); contractions; opportunities to begin sentences in different ways; writing questions and | |

| |creating new characters for rat to meet. | |

|What a ladybird heard next,|Trip to farm; commas in a list sentence; rhyme; map of the farm to label; describing settings; prediction. |[pic] |

|Julia Donaldson |Newspaper reports; hot-seating; identifying word classes in text; wanted poster (character descriptions) | |

| |Set crime scene in classroom and leave clues for inference. | |

| |Matching animal sounds with places they live; alliteration, onomatopoeia; speech; sequencing; exploring and | |

| |clarifying vocabulary. | |

| |Hot-seating detectives, robbers; ladybird? | |

| |Alternative endings, | |

| |What other animals might steal? | |

|My teacher is a monster |Reading: what other activities could they do in the park? How did she change? Why did the illustrator portray her |[pic] |

| |differently? Was she still a monster? Why do you think this? | |

| |GaPS: Different types of sentences (commands, statements, questions, exclamations); highlight verbs; speech bubbles;| |

| |prepositions. | |

| |Spoken Langauge: role play and drama; vocab from the text. | |

| |Writing: Instructions for using the park safely; speech bubbles; where is his favourite spt? Explanation- how to be | |

| |a monster. Write their own version – change the setting/main character, for example next door neighbour at the | |

| |supermarket. Teacher’s point of view, ‘ My pupil is a ___________.’ | |

|The Ravenous Beast, Niamh |GaPS: Contractions, speech marks, superlatives, use of ! verbs and development vocabulary, commas in lists, |[pic] |

|Sharkey |alliteration and adjectives. Use ‘You Choose’ to select a new animal to create a list for. | |

| |Use the pictures to create the list after reading a couple of examples. | |

| |Before reading – use the first and last picture. What’s happening? Which is the first and last picture? How will | |

| |that change the story? Sequencing the order of eating and meeting. | |

|Blown Away |Letter writing from the new place; role play (describing new place); use senses; developing nouns into noun phrases;|[pic] |

| |ping pong with jungle pictures; what other characters could they meet? Predicting what do you think Blue’s idea | |

| |could be? Sequencing events – numbering them 1-5. Circle the nouns/verbs on the page. Changing tenses and | |

| |contractions. | |

|Mr Big |Adjectives (replace ‘big’); Mr Big’s first ever letter – draft and proof read; write fan letter to Mr Big; noun |[pic] |

| |phrases (Hot man, groovy man) children fill the pages with them to make him happy; looking at different fonts and | |

| |slogans; how could you make him happy? Changing speech bubbles to speech marks. | |

|Big Bad Owl, Steve Smallman|Speaking and Listening: describe their own happy hat; what makes you happy; dressing up with owl masks and role |[pic] |

| |play; make a branch and drama (what makes us grumpy) | |

| |Reading: Read words in speech bubbles, match words in stories; a happy hat with words that mean happy in it and | |

| |reading simple words to describe sad characters. | |

| |Writing: Alliteration (wear a happy hat, a scary skirt); character writing; write jokes to cheer him up; make up own| |

| |simile – happy as_________; make own branch- what type of branch is it? Design own character. | |

| |GaPS: Speech bubbles; list adjectives and exclamations. | |

|Up and down, Oliver Jeffers|Feelings (speaking and listening); make a wanted poster (descriptive writing); identify contractions; sentence |[pic] |

| |starters; write letters to a friend (have you seen my friend?); diary extract (day he lost his friend); predictions | |

| |and speech bubbles. | |

|Good Little Wolf |What makes a good little wolf? Sentence starters (But, In fact, So) – talk for writing. Meeting the bad wolf – write|[pic] |

| |a thought bubble for the good wolf. Describe the bad wolf, how was he feeling? Hot seat the good wolf (drama focus) | |

| |Conversation between good and bad wolf. Look at sentence types – questions, statements, questions and exclamations. | |

| |Noun phrases – You look like a _____. | |

| |Verbs – collect synonyms, words for howl/ hooted. Order these/ substitute these words. | |

| |Collect vocab- word bank, on-going through the text to discuss and explore effectiveness. | |

| |Grammar- contractions and range of punctuation marks. Superlatives as the good wolf feels something inside him. | |

| |Writing activities: persuasive writing – good wolf, why its beneficial to be a good wolf – because, due to the fact,| |

| |Also. | |

| |Newspaper article. What the bad wolf did next sequel. Instructions – how to be a good wolf. | |

|Harry and the Jaggedy |Use map for scanning; character descriptions; where would you want to go? Holiday posters. |[pic] |

|Dagger |Commas in a list; adjectives; vocab; speech bubbles and identifying nouns. | |

| |Prediction skills; poems; creative writing and role play through the river rats. | |

|Wanted- Ralfy Rabbit book |Lists; subordinate clauses; vocabulary generating; spellings (phonics/graphemes). |[pic] |

|Burglar |Dress up as a rabbit and act the story out; story about the missing book; create a book of monsters; be a detective;| |

| |wanted poster; statement from a policeman. | |

| |Speaking &Listening- at the end of the phone. | |

| |Make a line of children with a review or blurb and match the blurb with the missing book and offending rabbit. | |

| |Link with library sessions. | |

| |Make a library of their own made up book titles. | |

|Whiffy Wilson, Caryl Hart |Speaking and listening: Hot-seat – someone role play wolf and others persuade him to take a bath/have a wash. | |

|and Leonie Lord |How did wolf’s feelings change from the beginning to the end of the story? |[pic] |

| |Find evidence in the text to support your ideas. | |

| |What kind of person do you think Dotty is? | |

| |Writing: Write a list of instructions for wolf to keep him clean and healthy. Write a letter to persuade him to | |

| |clean up. Dotty writes to the school/nurse to explain his problem asking for advice. Poster. | |

| |GaPS: Different words for ‘said’; use of speech marks; ‘ed’ endings | |

|The Brave Beast, Chris |GaPS: adjectives and adverbs; descriptive language and geographical language. Teach punctuation: commas, speech |[pic] |

|Judge |marks, exclamation marks, exclamatory statements, question marks, ellipsis and clauses. Vocabulary rich book. | |

| |Role play: hot-seating; interview the beast (bird); role on the wall (beast, attach adverbs and adjectives). | |

| |Beast’s job – what will his next adventure be? Does he have friends where he lives? | |

| |Letters, speech bubbles, diary, travel brochure, posters describing the island. | |

| |PHSE: being kind, saying sorry, being brave. | |

|Cock-a-doodle-hoooo, Mick |First page: picture. Talk about the picture- what is happening? Where is it? Who might live there? What type of year|[pic] |

|Manning and Brita Granstron|do you think it is? Why? Describe the weather etc… | |

| |Title page: introduce coop- definition. | |

| |Opening: Can we change the opening? Add different adjectives. Discuss feelings associated with pictures. Punctuation| |

| |– comma use. | |

| |Speech bubbles – can we use speech marks instead? Questioning – how does the owl feel? Are the chickens welcoming? | |

| |What would be nicer things to say? Hot seating activity. | |

| |Questioning, what would you ask? Look at the similes, can we think of new ones? | |

| |I’ll teach you how to be a cockerel! – write instructions. | |

| |Prediction – ‘we catch… we catch – what does he catch? What might he say? | |

| |Character descriptions throughout. Empathy. Relationships. Adapt – add alliteration, new verbs/adjectives etc… | |

| |Discuss final picture – vocab. | |

| |Compare first and final pictures – similarities and differences. | |

|Orion and the dark, Emm |Vocab- words for dark, big and said. |[pic] |

|Yarlett |Sequencing – trip into space and home again. | |

| |Diary – My day with the dark. | |

| |Discussing/describing – fears. | |

| |Letter – To the dark, To the Underbed monsters. | |

| |Speech bubbles – inverted commas. | |

| |Sentence openers – using conjunctions, But… As…. | |

| |Description – adjectives, adverbs, similes, describing the dark ( poems about the dark, shadowy scary) | |

| |Instructions: How to catch a monster – link monsters – PIXAR. | |

| |Creating/describing – own monsters, what do they look like? Where do they live? | |

| |Non-chronological reports. | |

| |Character descriptions – The Dark – choose another fear and turn it into a character, own story. | |

|Scaredy Squirrel at the |Lots of good pictures; collective nouns; instructional texts; lists; verbs (imperatives); sequencing; checklists |[pic] |

|beach |(how to do); design their own things; different formats (maps, passport, brochure). | |

| |Write explanations; chronological reports; labeling; making own diary; feelings; design own beach. | |

| |GaPS: punctuation, conjunctions and word bank for beach. | |

| |Cross curricular- geography/ maths. | |

|There’s a lion in my |Speaking and listening: Predict what will happen next; hot-seating activities – 10 things you can do with a packet |[pic] |

|cornflakes, Michelle |of cornflakes. | |

|Robinson & Jim Field |GaPS: Verbs/adverbs; contractions; speech bubbles (inverted commas); different types of sentences; noun phrases; | |

| |proper nouns; days of week for spellings. | |

| |Writing: Adverts; letters and coupons; create own character – what could you do with it? Description of boys | |

| |characters, writing own story. | |

| |Links with maths (money) or DT (cereal box designs) | |

|Never tickle a tiger, |Page 1) verbs in the hall, PE, playground. Write out own verbs and act out. Possibly give out equipment (movement), |[pic] |

|Pamela Butchart |for example shimmied, wriggled, shuffling, jiggling. | |

| |Page 2) Drama activity – children act out activities they like to do. Sentence starters using ellipsis. Speech marks| |

| |– words/phrases on whiteboards. Act out cried, sighed. What does this sound like? (other words for said) | |

| |Describing pictures and contrasts between dark/bright illustrations. | |

| |Alliteration – to describe animals/actions. Act out and think of own. | |

| |Favourite words – pandemonium. | |

| |Moral Tale – Don’t do something, could cause pandemonium. Should I? | |

| |Letter of apology to Bear. | |

| |Ideas – sequencing, diary – day at the zoo. | |

| |List of ideas for what happened to polar bear. | |

|Down the back of the chair,|Writing: Bring in objects to describe, give adjectives to everyday objects. Alliteration. | |

|Polly Dunbar |Describing the chair – feelings when you sit on the chair. | |

| |Page with taxi on – how did each object become stuck? Write the stories of each object. |[pic] |

| |Speech bubbles. | |

| |A journey in a taxi, where do they go now they have money. Postcard from destination. | |

| |Letter from Dad to resign, Thank you letter from a rescued object. | |

| |Poetry. | |

| |Magic chair – go on an adventure to drop off all the objects, where do you go? | |

| |Where had the chair been before the house? | |

| |GaPS: List sentences; adjectives; inverted commas; exclamations; verbs and adverbs. | |

|The Queen’s Hat, Steve |Verbs; ellipsis; pronouns; possession (Queen’s). |[pic] |

|Antony |Ways to travel; playing with the way in which text is written (swoosh) | |

| |Hot-seating the Queen. | |

| |Replicate – linked to the local area links for Cornerstones Big City, Bright Lights Y1. | |

| |Links to British values. | |

| |Speech bubbles. | |

| |Map of route labeled. | |

| |Change the character – prime minister, important local figures. | |

| |Who was the Queen on her way to see? | |

| |Change the weather type. | |

| |News report – eye witness account. | |

|Hattie Peck |Act out the verbs; prediction of what comes next; poetry opportunities (On Monday, On Tuesday); punctuation (range |[pic] |

| |of types); vocabulary (collosal, tremendous) and links with animals. | |


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