
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSMeeting of October 3, 2018Commissioner Susan Thompson called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 10:34 a.m. on October 3, 2018. Those present were Commissioner Susan Thompson, Commissioner Stan Whinnery, Commissioner Cindy Dozier, Administrator Jami Scroggins, Attorney Michael O’Loughlin, Road & Bridge Supervisor Monte Hannah, Accounting Administrator Lynn McNitt, Building Official Richard Kimball, Sheriff Ron Bruce, Deputy Jordan Kaminski, Clerk Joan Roberts and general public.The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.There were no modifications to the missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Dozier seconded. Motion carried.There were no citizen comments from the missioner Whinnery motioned to approve a letter of support for Caboose #0588. Commissioner Dozier seconded. In the September 19th meeting the commissioners designated this as an Artifact of Local Significance and the Historical Society can move forward in applying for grant funding for preservation. Motion missioner Dozier motioned to approve a letter of support for Car 211. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. The commissioners also designated this as an Artifact of Local Significance to help the Historical Society in applying for grant funding for preservation. Motion missioner Dozier motioned to approve the IGA with Alamosa and Hinsdale County regarding the development of the San Luis Valley Doppler Weather Radar Project, subject to the State signing the Contract Amendment #1. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. This is the remainder of the RWEACT funds. This will end the county’s involvement as a fiscal agent for RWEACT. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the Department of Natural Resources Water Conservation Board (CWCB) and Hinsdale County Contract Amendment #1. Commissioner Dozier seconded. . The amount of the fund is $364,580.87. The county will retain $18,229.04 for the 5% administration fees. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to approve West Tech’s proposal for the Piedra Tower and GeoSoils Study in the amount of $2,250.00, subject to approval by EasTex Towers LLC’s. Commissioner Dozier seconded. The commissioners will send EasTex the proposal, without the dollar amount on it, for review. Motion missioner Dozier motioned to postpone approval of the Agenda Policy to the October 17, 2018 meeting, for further review and revisions. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. One of the revisions includes using a Consent Agenda that needs reviewing. Motion missioner Dozier motioned to approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) for updates to the Hazard Mitigation Plan pending changes in the dollar amount and review of the date deadlines. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. The deadline for submitting an RFP is October 31, 2018. Motion carried.There was no unscheduled business to come before the board.Official reports were missioner Dozier motioned to pay all approved bills. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. Motion carried.The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.missioner Thompson called the Special Commissioner meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. on October 10, 2018. Those present were Commissioner Thompson, Commissioner Dozier, Commissioner Whinnery was absent and Administrator Jami missioner Dozier motioned to go in to Executive Session for discussion of a personnel matter pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-4-2(4)(f), to review potential Emergency Services Director applications and not involving any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter in open session; any member of this body or any elected official; the appointment of any person to fill an office of this body or of an elected official; or personnel policies that do not require the discussion of matters personal to particular employees. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried.The time is now 1:46 p.m. and the Executive Session has been concluded. The participants in the Executive Session were: Commissioner Cindy Dozier, Commissioner Susan Thompson and Administrator Jami Scroggins.For the record, if any person who participated in the Executive Session believes that any substantial discussion of any matters not included in the motion to go into the Executive Session occurred during the Executive Session, or that any improper action occurred during the Executive Session in violation of the Open Meetings Law, I would ask that you state your concerns for the record.There being none the meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.missioner Susan Thompson called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 10:34 a.m. on October 17, 2018. Those present were Commissioner Susan Thompson, Commissioner Stan Whinnery, Commissioner Cindy Dozier, Administrator Jami Scroggins, Road & Bridge Supervisor Monte Hannah, Accounting Administrator Lynn McNitt, Clerk Joan Roberts and general public.The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag lead by the “Climbers of the Month” Ben Wingard and Dawson missioner Dozier modified the agenda by deleting the IGA for Licensing Software and deleting the Transfer Station Rate Increase items from the missioner Dozier motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. Motion carried.Under citizen comments from the floor, Kristine Borchers stated the upcoming Holiday plans of Missing Mistletoe and Christmas in Lake City. Commissioner Dozier motioned to approve the Op-Ed letter for the newspaper explaining Proposition 110. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. The Op-Ed gives particulars of the Proposition to inform the voters. Motion missioner Dozier motioned to approve the Veteran’s Transportation Policy. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. The commissioners acknowledged the time spent putting the policy together and thanked Erin Cavit and Jami Scroggins. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to adopt Resolution No. 16, Series 2018, a resolution supporting the Great Outdoors Colorado grant application for the campground bear-proof food lockers. Commissioner Dozier seconded. The lockers will be a benefit to the campers at Wupperman Campground. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the revised Hinsdale County Agenda Policy. Commissioner Dozier seconded. The revisions included Advertising for Public Hearings according to State Statute and for Reports to be scheduled at the 1st regular meeting of the month. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to adopt Resolution No. 17, Series 2018, a resolution adopting a new agenda policy. Commissioner Dozier seconded. Motion missioner Dozier motioned to approve the DOLA letter for grant signature authority. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. This letter removes the names of Deanna Cooper and Kristine Borchers and adds the names of Jami Scroggins and the Chair of the Hinsdale Board of County Commissioners. Motion carried.There was no unscheduled business to come before the missioner Whinnery motioned to pay all approved bills. Commissioner Dozier seconded. Motion missioner Dozier motioned to approve the September minutes. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to recess the meeting at 10:20 a.m. Commissioner Dozier seconded. Motion carried.The meeting reconvened at 11:24 a.m.Congressman Scott Tipton discussed some legislative items with the commissioners.The meeting recessed at 11:38 a.m.The meeting re-opened at 2:35 p.missioner Whinnery motioned to go in to Executive Session for discussion of a personnel matter with Monte Hannah pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-4-2(4)(f),and not involving any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter in open session; any member of this body or any elected official; the appointment of any person to fill an office of this body or of an elected official; or personnel policies that do not require the discussion of matters personal to particular employees. Commissioner Dozier seconded. Motion carried.The time is now 4:13 p.m. and the Executive Session has been concluded. The participants in the Executive Session were: Commissioner Cindy Dozier, Commissioner Susan Thompson, Commissioner Stan Whinnery, Road and Bridge Supervisor Monte Hannah and Administrator Jami Scroggins.For the record, if any person who participated in the Executive Session believes that any substantial discussion of any matters not included in the motion to go into the Executive Session occurred during the Executive Session, or that any improper action occurred during the Executive Session in violation of the Open Meetings Law, I would ask that you state your concerns for the record.There being none the meeting adjourned at 4:14 p.missioner Thompson called the Special Commissioner meeting to order at 9:56 a.m. on October 24, 2018. Those present were Commissioner Thompson, Commissioner Dozier, Commissioner Whinnery, Administrator Jami Scroggins, Dr. Gina Carr, EMS Director Jerry Gray and West Region Field Manager Office of Emergence Management Drew missioner Whinnery motioned to go in to Executive Session for discussion of a personnel matter pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-4-2(4)(f), to interview potential Emergency Services Director applications and not involving any specific employees who have requested discussion of the matter in open session; any member of this body or any elected official; the appointment of any person to fill an office of this body or of an elected official; or personnel policies that do not require the discussion of matters personal to particular employees. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried.The time is now 12:32 p.m. and the Executive Session has been concluded. The participants in the Executive Session were: Commissioner Cindy Dozier, Commissioner Susan Thompson, Commissioner Whinnery, Administrator Jami Scroggins, Dr. Gina Carr, EMS Director Jerry Gray and West Region Field Manager Office of Emergency Management Drew Peterson.For the record, if any person who participated in the Executive Session believes that any substantial discussion of any matters not included in the motion to go into the Executive Session occurred during the Executive Session, or that any improper action occurred during the Executive Session in violation of the Open Meetings Law, I would ask that you state your concerns for the record.There being none the meeting adjourned at 12:32 p.missioner Susan Thompson opened the Public Hearing at 10:15 a.m. on October 31, 2018 to hear from Dan Scinto about the Region 10 Community Development Block Grant. Region 10 is closing out the CDBG and opening a new grant agreement that includes Hinsdale County. The funds available will be $350,000.00 for 4 years. Region 10 will have loans available to businesses for community development which will help with job creation and job retention for the community. There were no comments from the public.The Public Hearing closed at 10:32 a.missioner Susan Thompson called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 10:37 a.m. on October 31, 2018. Those present were Commissioner Susan Thompson, Commissioner Stan Whinnery, Commissioner Cindy Dozier was an excused absence, Administrator Jami Scroggins, Road & Bridge Supervisor Monte Hannah, Accounting Administrator Lynn McNitt, Treasurer Lori Lawrence, Clerk Joan Roberts and general public.The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the missioner Whinnery modified the agenda to include discussion of the Emergency Services Director finalists and to delete the IGA for licensing software with South Central Planning and Development Commissioner (SCPDC) for attorney missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried.There were no citizen comments from the floor.The commissioners stated that there are 3 finalists for the Emergency Services Director. They are: Troy Mead from Arizona, John Scorsine from Colorado and Caroline Mitchell from Lake City. The commissioners will schedule in person interviews for these finalists on Monday, November 5, 2018. The EMS Director’s start date is anticipated to be December 1, missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the Assessor’s payroll authorization request based on if the Assessor can find the money from his budget and if the COLA is to be included in that raise that would also come out of his budget. Commissioner Thompson seconded. The raise for Deputy Assessor Sherri Boyce would be from $16.94 per hour to $17.94 per hour. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the GMUG Forest Plan Revision letter. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Hinsdale County has a strong vested interest in the health and long-term resiliency of the forests for their own sake as well as the socio-economic impacts within Hinsdale County. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the appointment of Becky Guilliams to the Southwest Basin Roundtable. Commissioner Thompson seconded. The commissioners expressed their thanks to John Taylor for all his years on the committee and welcomed Becky Guilliams to the position. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the Hinsdale County Health and Human Services Policy. Commissioner Thompson seconded. These policies are not combined with Gunnison County per the State’s request, but Gunnison County will still be running the program. Motion missioner Whinnery motioned to approve the Ambulance Grant Contract. Commissioner Thompson seconded. The grant is in the amount of $201,154.48 for a new ambulance. The 10% matching funds will come from the ambulance replacement fund. Motion missioner Thompson motioned to approve the Region 10 Community Development Block Grant, to be signed out of meeting. Commissioner Whinnery seconded. The purpose of the grant is to fund a CDBG Business Loan Fund Program. Motion carried.Under unscheduled business, Chris Stryker of Aero Marketing and Logistics LLC stated that he has received the building permit approval from Richard Kimball and asked the commissioners if there was anything else he needed to get from them. The commissioners stated they did not need anything further and he can proceed with getting his lease from the BLM and proceed with construction on Hill 71. Commissioner Whinnery motioned to pay all approved bills. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried.The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Nov. 7, 2018 in the Commissioners Meeting Room,WARRANTS ALLOWED GENERAL FUND – Meeting of Oct. 3, 2018Sept. 29, 201864806TRAILERSPLUS GRAND JUNCTIONSO TRAILER5,305.1964807AFLAC1,087.94 GF PAYROLL LIABILITIES270.19 RB PAYROLL LIABILITIES474.68 SO PAYROLL LIABILITIES241.37 ES PAYROLL LIABILITIES101.7064808CHP INSURANCE37,961.88 GF PAYROLL LIABILITIES10,476.40 RB PAYROLL LIABILITIES13,172.36 SO PAYROLL LIABILITIES4,281.77 PH PAYROLL LIABILITIES8,410.90 ES PAYROLL LIABILITIES1,620.4564809VOID0.0064810VOID0.0064811CO STATE TREASURER SUI TAX1,026.14 GF PAYROLL LIABILITIES203.08 RB PAYROLL LIABILITIES357.21 SO PAYROLL LIABILITIES179.05 PH PAYROLL LIABILITIES227.68 TS PAYROLL LIABILITIES28.55 ES PAYROLL LIABILITIES30.5764812VOID1,026.140.0064813OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL919.20 RB PAYROLL LIABILITIES919.2064814RELIANCE STANDARD263.03 GF PAYROLL LIABILITIES149.48 RB PAYROLL LIABILITIES75.15 SO PAYROLL LIABILITIES38.4046,563.38ACH #EMPLOYEEAMOUNT3290BEBOUT, JOHNRB PAYROLL2,675.463291BLOWERS, JOALLENRB PAYROLL2,522.293270BOYCE, SHERRIGF PAYROLL2,609.843283BRADSTREET-McNITT, LYNNGF PAYROLL2,680.703275BRUCE, RONSO PAYROLL1,640.633292CADWELL, JEREMYRB PAYROLL72.663276CASEY, JUSTINSO PAYROLL3,876.193271DE LA PARRA, WILLIAM LGF PAYROLL3,117.293293DECKER, WARRENRB PAYROLL1,848.733277DOZIER, ANDREWSO PAYROLL157.223286DOZIER, CINDYGF PAYROLL2,661.973278FERRIS, CHARLES RSO PAYROLL1,901.333274GRAY, JERRYGF PAYROLL487.723314GRAY, JERRYES PAYROLL2,496.903307GRODY-PATINKIN, ISAACPH PAYROLL2,012.433299HANNAH, MONTERB PAYROLL2,892.003302HARDY, TARAPH PAYROLL3,605.233309HARTJE, KRISTEN CPH PAYROLL1,174.413284HINES, SANDRA JGF PAYROLL1,813.853308HUDGINS, DONNA SUEPH PAYROLL2,095.573279KAMINSKI, JORDANSO PAYROLL3,551.893282KIMBALL II, RICHARD DEANGF PAYROLL2,242.253289KORTMEYER, DAWN TS PAYROLL1,853.563300LANKTREE, JEFFREYRB PAYROLL2,484.103269LAWRENCE, LORIGF PAYROLL2,414.293306LINSEY, JODIPH PAYROLL1,735.313280MCDONALD, BARBARASO PAYROLL3,297.203294MCNITT, GAVINRB PAYROLL2,339.863301MENZIES, DONALDRB PAYROLL3,379.713304MICHAELS, KATIEPH PAYROLL2,721.233312MILLS, LANAPH PAYROLL142.223272PALMISANO, LAURAGF PAYROLL1,913.913310RABON, CINDA GPH PAYROLL412.763295RAGLE, NORMANRB PAYROLL2,850.743305REYNOLDS, JANET LPH PAYROLL1,296.783273ROBERTS, JOANGF PAYROLL2,876.283285SCROGGINS, JAMIGF PAYROLL3,407.913303SHIDLER, SHAWN DPH PAYROLL2,128.983296SNOW, JENERB PAYROLL2,140.003284STARNES, DENIM WSO PAYROLL2,966.393297THOMPSON, BRECKRB PAYROLL2,084.763287THOMPSON, SUSANGF PAYROLL3,462.643313TILEY, ERIN MPH PAYROLL258.583288WHINNERY, STANGF PAYROLL2,621.283311WUEST, ECHOPH PAYROLL464.053298YEAGER, DRU LRB PAYROLL936.1898,325.28WARRANTS ALLOWED GENERAL FUND – Meeting of Oct. 3, 2018 (con’t)Oct. 3, 201864815ALAN RAESO 2018 ALPINE LOOP3,600.0064816ALAN RAESO COURT SECURITY1,012.5064817ALTA FUELS, LLCRB LUBES, SE594.0064818B & B PRINTERS933.00 GF BUSINESS CARDS145.00 SO OFFICE FORMS788.0064819BASIN CO-OP, INC.RB FUEL, SE1,066.7764820BLUE SPRUCE BUILDING MATERIALSRB SHOP SUPPLIES824.8764821BLUE SPRUCE BUILDING MATERIALSGF COURTHOUSE SUPPLIES48.3864822CDPHEGF APPLICATION FEE FOR HILL 71175.0064823CENTURYLINKRB TELEPHONE, SE116.7664824CENTURYLINKPH TELEPHONE239.6464825CENTURYLINKSO TELEPHONE511.1964826CHADWICK-STEINKIRCHNER DAVISPH AUDIT1,100.0064827CIELLOPH TELEPHONE/INTERNET, MC180.1564828COLORADO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTHPH CERTIFICATE8.7564829CREATIVE CULTURE INSIGNIA LLCSO BADGES695.0064830DARS CLEANING SUPPLIESRB CLEANING SUPPLIES79.9664831DONNA SUE HUDGINSPH REIMBURSEMENT64.5764832GCR TIRES AND SERVICERB TIRES1,154.7664833GL COMPUTER SERVICE, INC.10,261.44 GF FIREWALL LICENSE RENEWAL578.50 GF MONTHLY EMAIL SERVICE124.00 SO MONTHLY EMAIL SERVICE93.00 GF MAINTENANCE CONTRACT6,000.00 GF COMPUTER2,087.92 SO FIREWALL LICENSE RENEWAL799.52 GF SECURITY LICENSE 578.5064834GUNNISON CONSTRUCTION AND SEPTIC600.00 GF UTE PORTA POTTY300.00 TS PORTA POTTY300.0064835KARA JO BRITTAINGF MARKETING WEBSITE WORK647.5064836KATE MICHAELSPH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT224.6464837LA PLATA ELECTRIC ASSN INCRB ELECTRIC, SE86.5664838LUKE DE LA PARRAEMS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT414.7264839MCI86.57 GF LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE36.25 RB LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE21.19 SO LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE9.24 PH LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE19.8964840MONTY'S AUTO PARTSRB PARTS2,769.0864841MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES CONSTRGF COURTHOUSE CHIMNEY WORK3,300.0064842NATIVE SUN CONSTRUCTION INCGF UTE WATER TANK PROJECT221.5264843OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYGF 4TH QTR EXPENSES4,451.2564844PARISH OIL CORB OIL1,533.9064845PIONEER VINTAGE DESIGNGF RWEACT SUPPLIES201.0064846PONDEROSA LUMBER CORB SHOP SUPPLIES, SE117.9764847SAN JUAN SOLSTICE 50GF MEETING EXPENSES25.0064848SCHUMACHER & O'LOUGHLIN LLCGF RWEACT ATTORNEY FEES120.0064849STATE OF COLORADOGF OCTOBER RENEWALS53.3664850SUPERIOR ALARM & FIRE PROTECTIONGF WEE CARE ALARM MONITORING75.0064851TARA HARDYPH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT44.9364852TERRY'S COLORADO HOME SUPPLYRB SUPPLIES, SE51.2564853ULTRAMAXSO AMMUNITION720.0064854VISTA WORKSGF MARKETING SOCIAL MEDIA & PR650.0064855WAGNER EQUIPMENT CO.17,879.11 GF HILL 71 EQUIPMENT RENTAL17,835.00 RB HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS44.1164856WEX BANKSO FUEL1,284.3458,224.44WARRANTS ALLOWED GENERAL FUND – Meeting of Oct. 3, 2018 (con’t)Oct. 17, 201864857ADAMSON POLICE PRODUCTSSO FIREARMS ACCESSORY104.0064858AEROCARE HOLDING INCEMS SUPPLIES90.0064859B & B PRINTERSSO OFFICE SUPPLIES23.1864860BROOKE GAMMILLPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES71.4064861BUSINESS OPTIONSEMS BILLING104.1664862CARQUEST OF PAGOSA SPRINGSRB PARTS208.8264863CASPER SHANNON FREEDLEPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES66.3064864CDPHE WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISIONPH OWTS FEES160.0064865CENTURYLINK1,128.80 GF TELEPHONE765.15 RB TELEPHONE308.62 EMS TELEPHONE55.0364866CHLOE MCCOMASPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES41.8564867CINDY NELSONGF JANITORIAL SERVICES550.0064868COLORADO BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONSO BACKGROUND CHECKS26.0064869COLORADO RIO GRANDE RESTORATION FOUNDATIONGF RWEACT2,134.6464870DISH TVRB SUBSCRIPTIONS45.7364871EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INCEMS SUPPLIES AND MEDICATION500.1764872ERIN CAVITGF VSO REIMBURSEMENT395.9564873FERRELL GASRB PROPANE563.6364874GCEA1,285.10 GF UTILITIES728.18 RB UTILITIES393.52 TS UTILITIES67.92 PH UTILITIES95.4864875GL COMPUTER SERVICE, INC2,679.96 GF EQUIPMENT684.98 SO EQUIPMENT1,740.00 PH OFFICE SUPPLIES254.9864876GRACE WHITEHORNPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES66.3064877GUNNISON COUNTRY PUBLICATIONS LLCEM ADVERTISING14.4964878GUNNISON COUNTY FINANCETS TRASH FEES TO GUNNISON4,767.7764879HALEY K FOLLMANPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES71.4064880INTERMOUNTAIN PATHOLOGISTS PCGF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES2,600.0064881JENNA FAIRCHILDPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES66.3064882JENNYFER KEMPERPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES45.9064883JODI LINSEYPH REIMBURSEMENT108.4764884KRISTINE M BORCHERSGF RWEACT 6,356.7664885LAKE CITY AREA MEDICAL CENTERRB PROFESSIONAL SERVICES49.0064886LAKE CITY, TOWN OFGF SALES TAX DISTRIBUTION63,314.1064887LAKE CITY, TOWN OFRB 3RD QTR MVSA TAX DISTRIBUTION1,171.7964888LAKE FORK HEALTH SERVICES DISTRICTGF SALES TAX DISTRIBUTION26,817.2064889LAWSON PRODUCTSRB SUPPLIES402.4764890LORI LAWRENCEEMS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT87.3264891MCCANDLESS TRUCK CENTER LLCRB HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS4,666.5864892MHC KENWORTH-GRAND JUNCTIONRB PARTS478.8364893MINERAL COUNTYGF RGR INSPECTION FEE250.0064894MUD SHAVER CAR WASHRB SERVICE14.0064895NATIVE SUN CONSTRUCTION INCGF UTE ULAY WATER TANK WORK1,405.4864896PETTY CASH SHERIFFSO PETTY CASH184.4364897PIONEER VINTAGE DESIGNGF RWEACT SERVICES1,429.0064898PROFESSIONAL EMS EDUCATION LLCEMS CLASSES1,800.0064899QUILL CORPORATIONGF OFFICE SUPPLIES808.5264900REYNOLDS, JANETPH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT16.5964901SAN JUAN BASIN HEALTH DEPTPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES300.0064902SCHUMACHER & O'LOUGHLIN LLCGF ATTORNEY FEES6,500.0064903SILVER THREAD PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICTPH 3RD QTR OWTS FEES20.0064904SILVER WORLD443.40 GF ADVERTISING413.40 GF MARKETING ADVERTISING10.00 EMS ADVERTISING20.0064905SILVER WORLDPH ADVERTISING30.0064906TERESA WALLPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES250.0064907THE EMBLEM AUTHORITYSO UNIFORM SUPPLIES122.0064908THE WINDSOR HOTELGF RWEACT SERVICES139.8164909ULTRAMAXSO AMMUNITION1,918.0064910UTAH'S SANITATION SERVICE1,795.00 GF TRASH SERVICES180.00 GF CHAMBER SERVICES315.00 REC CAMPGROUND SERVICES1,300.0064911VALLEY IMAGING PRODUCTSPH OFFICE SUPPLIES40.0064912VERIZON WIRELESSSO CELL PHONES177.6764913VERIZON WIRELESSPH CELL PHONES123.2464914VINTAGE SECURITYRB 2ND/3RD QTR MONITORING132.0064915XEROX CORPORATIONGF COPIER SERVICES564.6664916XEROX FINANCIAL SERVICESPH XEROX LEASE PAYMENT268.40139,996.57WARRANTS ALLOWED GENERAL FUND – Meeting of Oct. 3, 2018 (con’t)64917BANKCARD CENTER12,416.47 GF2,328.56 RB6,553.89 SO1,143.22 PH2,342.77 EM/EMS48.0364918VOIDVOID64919VOIDVOID64920VOIDVOID64921VOIDVOID64922VOIDVOID64923-64928PAYROLL LIABILITIES64929B & B PRINTERSGF OFFICE SUPPLIES86.0064930BASIN CO-OP, INC.RB FUEL550.8764931CCI FOUNDATIONGF CONFERENCE REGISTRATION1,050.0064932CENTER FOR HEALTH PROGRESSPH TRAINING SEMINAR1,325.2464933CENTURYLINKPH TELEPHONE240.4064934CENTURYLINKSO TELEPHONE512.7164935CENTURYLINKRB TELEPHONE/SOUTH END117.3064936CIELLOPH TELEPHONE/INTERNET185.1664937CINDY NELSONGF CLEANING SERVICES550.0064938CDPHEPH SERVICES3.0064939CO DEPT OF REVENUE, DMV207.00 GF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES72.00 RB PROFESSIONAL SERVICES81.00 PH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES45.00 ES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES9.0064940CREEDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCEPH MEMBERSHIP75.0064941CREEDE COMMUNITY CENTERPH TRAINING75.0064942DEBRA GOODMANGF MARKETING EXPENSES300.0064943ECONO SIGNSRB TRAFFIC SIGNS855.3164944JOHN BEBOUTRB REIMBURSEMENT149.9564945LA PLATA ELECTRIC ASSNRB UTILITIES/SOUTH END 90.8364946LCCDSCSO MEMBERSHIP68.0064947LORI LAWRENCEGF MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT273.9264948MONTY'S AUTO PARTSRB STOCK, SUPPLIES, OIL2,099.6864949MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES CONSTGF COURTHOUSE CHIMNEY WORK6,600.0064950PETTY CASH, CLERKGF POSTAGE63.0764951PETTY CASH, ADMINGF PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT45.3464952QUILL CORPORATION171.47 GF OFFICE SUPPLIES152.48 PH OFFICE SUPPLIES18.9964953SILVER WORLD870.00 GF ADVERTISING730.20 ES ADVERTISING13.20 GF LODGING TAX BOARD ADS48.60 REC ADVERTISING68.00 PH ADVERTISING10.0064954ULTRAMAXSO AMMUNITION1,153.0064955UTAH'SPH TRASH SERVICES75.0064956VYANETGF COURTHOUSE ALARM CHECK291.1764957WEBCOGF REIMURSEMENT FENCE MATERIAL53.9830,554.87___________________________________________________Susan Thompson, Chair, Board of County CommissionersATTEST: ____________________________________________ Joan Roberts, Clerk to the Board ................

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