National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Mathematics Education Trust

Proposal Cover Form

2019–2020 MET Prospective 7–12 Secondary Teacher Course Work Scholarships

(up to $10,000)—Future Teachers

The proposal (as one PDF document) is to be submitted electronically to metgrants@ by 11:59 PM ET on May 3, 2019. Updated college transcript due June 3, 2019. No mailed or faxed copies will be accepted. Duplicate or revised applications will not be considered. Lack of an applicant’s signature will automatically disqualify the proposal.

Amount requested: ___________________________ Graduation Month/Year: ___________________

Where did you hear about this scholarship? ________________________________________________

Student Applicant Personal Information:

Name: ____________________________________________ Check one: ( Mrs. ( Ms. ( Mr.

Home address: ____________________________________________________________________________


City State / Province Zip / Postal Code

College or University:_______________________________________________________________________

College or University Address:


City State / Province Zip / Postal Code

College or University home page (if available): __________________________________________________

Home phone: (___)________________________ Preferred fax: ___________________________________

E-mail: _________________________________

NCTM student membership number: __________________________________

Signature Required (Lack of an applicant’s signature will automatically disqualify the proposal.)

I grant permission to use my name, project description, and photographs for publication purposes.

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date:__________________________________

(For more information, contact us at (703) 620-9840 ext. 2112 or visit met)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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