I. General Information

Applicant Name:

Hometown Address:

Parents’ occupation, name and address.

Siblings’ occupation, name and address.

II. Education

A. Name/Location of High School:

1. GPA (year graduated)

2. Activities:

3. Sports:

B. Undergraduate School:

1. Major and Degree Earned; (year graduated):

2. GPA:

C. Law School information:

1. LSAT Score:

2. Cumulative GPA to date:

3. Expected date of graduation:

III. Employment Background

Please list all employment and give a brief job description. (You may submit a resume in lieu of answering this question).

IV. Hobbies or special interests

V. Short Answer Questions. Please answer these questions candidly.

Recipients of this scholarship will be chosen based primarily on factors considered significant by donors. (Please answer on separate page and attach to your application.)

1. Given your personal background, describe a significant

experience encountered, achievement, risk taken, or

ethical dilemma faced and its impact on you.

2. What strengths/assets do you have that you feel would

contribute to the legal profession?

3. What or who influenced your decision to:

a) be a lawyer, and

b) apply to Ole Miss Law School?

4. What makes you proud?

5. If you were not in law school, what would you be doing? Where?

6. What other scholarships have you applied for and/or received? How are you paying for your law school?

**Please note: the donor selection committee will receive a report of what your expected family contribution (EFC) is to your financial aid package. Signing this application gives express permission for this information to be shared with the donor selection committee.

***Please attach a copy of your law school transcript.

I hereby certify that I am currently a 2nd year law student:

_________________________ ____________________

Signature Date

Please return to the Admissions Office, Room 1050, by Noon (12 p.m.) by Wednesday, February 26, 2014.


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