200 Free Scholarships For Minorities

200 Free Scholarships For Minorities

Created by Black Excel

This 200 Free Scholarship List is created by Black Excel, and it's our latest. We have featured

over 1,000+ scholarships at our web site. Remember that most groups provide scholarships on an

annual basis, so don't stress yourself over any one particular deadline. Students are advised to

target 'good' scholarship sources...and apply every year.

1) Ron Brown Scholarships

2) FastWEB Scholarship Search

3) United Negro College Fund Scholarships

4) Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships

5) Intel Science Talent Search

6) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

7) FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid (scholarships)

8) United Negro College Fund

9) Gates Millennium Scholarships (Annual)


10) McDonald's Scholarships (Annual)

11) Broke Scholars Scholarships

12) National Society of Black Engineers Scholarships

13) National Merit Scholarships

14) College Board Scholarship Search

15) Black Excel Scholarship Gateways

16) FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

17) LULAC - National Scholastic Achievement Awards

18) Scholarship & Financial Aid Help

19) NAACP Scholarships

20) Paralegal Scholaships

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21) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing

22) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships

23) Siemens Foundation Competition

24) College Board Scholarship Search

25) International Students Scholarships & Aid Help

26) Historically Black College & University Scholarships

27) Guaranteed Scholarships

28) Hope Scholarships and Lifetime Learning Credits

29) Presidential Freedom Scholarships

30) Sports Scholarships and Internships

31) Student Video Scholarships

32) Student Inventors Scholarships

33) Decca Scholarships

34) Black Student Fund

35) Scholarships Pathways

36) Private Scholarships For Seniors

37) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing

38) Chela Education Financing "Gateway to Success Scholarship"

39) Princeton Review Scholaahips & Aid

40) American Legion Scholarships

41) Free Scholaaship Search

42) 2005 Holocaust Remembrance Essay Contest

43) Horace Mann Scholarship Program

44) Ayn Rand Institute

45) The David and Dovetta Wilson Scholarship Fund

46) Congressional Hispanic Scholarships

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47) Nursing Scholarships

48) College-Bound High School Seniors - Scholarships

49) AFROTC High School Scholarships

50) Minority Scholarships

51) Scholarships for Minority Accounting Students

52) The Elks National Foundation Scholarships

53) Art Deadlines and Scholarships

54) Journalism Grants

55) African American Scholarships

56) Marine Corps Scholarships

57) Research for Women & Minorities Underrepresented in the Sciences

58) Tylenol Scholarships

59) Undergraduate Scholarships (Health)

60) STATE FARM INSURANCE Hispanic Scholarships

61) National Scholarships at All Levels

62) Burger King Scholars (Annual Awards)

63) Ambassadorial Scholarships

64) Baptist Scholarships

65) Methodist Scholarships

66) Project Excellence Scholarships

67) Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarships

68) United States National Peace Essay Contest

69) Gateway to 10 Free Scholarship Searches

70) Accounting Scholarships

71) Americorps

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72) Sports Scholarships and Internships

73) 100 Minority Scholarship Gateways

74) Awards and Scholarships

75) American Chemical Society Scholarships

76) Sallie Mae Grants and Scholarships

77) Scholarships List and Search

78) New York State Scholarships for Academic Excellence

79) Hispanic Scholarship Fund

80) Scholarship Research Center : US NEWS

81) Pacific Northwest Scholarship Guide Online

82) College Net Scholarship Search

83) Scholarships For Hispanics


85) Actuary Scholarships for Minority Students

86) Astronaut Scholarship Foundation

87) ELA Foundation Scholarships (disabled)

88) Indian Health Service Scholarships

89) Minority Undergraduate Fellows Program

90) Third Wave Foundation Scholarships

91) College Connection Scholarships

92) Super College Scholarships

93) Indian Students

94) Comprehensive Recourse List (All cultures)

95) Scholarship Database (Alphabetical Listing)

96) Music Scholarships

97) Navy Scholarship Lists

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98) National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ)

99) Science and Engineering Student Scholarships

100) The Roothbert Fund Scholarships

101) Gateway to 10 Free Scholarship Searches

102) Federal Scholarships and Aid

103) International Students Help and Scholarships

104) NACME Scholarship Program

105) Black Excel Scholarship Gateway

106) Peterson's Aid and Scholarships Help

107) Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarships

108) Coveted National Scholarships

109) 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel

110) Martin Luther King Scholarships

111) Financial Aid Research Center

112) Art and Writing Awards

113) Wells Fargo Scholarships

114) Princeton Review Internships

115) Chicana/Latina Foundation

116) NCAA Scholarships and Internships

117) Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute

118) Morris K. Udall Foundation Scholarships

119) A Better Chance Scholarships

120) Asian American Journalist Association

121) American Assoc. of University Women

122) Scholarships by State

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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