The Jackson Family Foundation Scholarship

The Jackson Family Foundation Scholarship

Code: Faculty: Applicable study:

Closing date: Tenure: For: Number on offer: Offer rate: Value:

750 All Women students of Cook Island descent enrolled in full-time study in any year of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree 1 February 2024 One year Assistance Up to four Up to four each year Up to $11,000 pa


The Scholarship was established in 2013 and is funded by The Jackson Family Foundation, formerly known as the Fair Wind Foundation Trust. The Foundation supports underprivileged and underserved populations with a special focus on women's and children's education.

The main purpose of the Scholarship is to assist women students of Cook Island descent, who are experiencing challenging personal, family or financial circumstances that may prevent them from undertaking full-time study.

Selection process

- Applications is made to the Scholarships Office - A Selection Committee assesses the applications - The Scholarship is awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Selection Committee


1. The Scholarship shall be known as the The Jackson Family Foundation Scholarship. 2. Up to four Scholarships will be awarded annually, each for a period of one year, and each will be of the value of up to

$11,000 per annum. Recipients of the Scholarship may reapply in subsequent years, and may hold the Scholarship for no more than three years. 3. To take up and be paid the Scholarship, recipients must be enrolled and have paid the fees, or arranged to pay the fees, for full-time enrolment in any year of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at the University of Auckland. 4. The Scholarship is tenable by women students of Cook Island descent, who are Citizens or Permanent Residents of New Zealand. 5. The basis of selection will be academic achievement, and a personal statement outlining the candidate's personal connection to the Cook Islands, motivation to succeed at university and demonstrated financial hardship. Successful applicants will have a grade point average (GPA) or grade point equivalent (GPE) of at least 3.50 (see Notes II to IV).

Scholarships Office

Version: Updated 14 December 2020 Page 1

6. The Scholarship will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council upon the recommendation of a Selection Committee comprising the Chair of the Scholarships Committee (or nominee), the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Pacific) (or nominee) and a representative of Alumni Relations and Development.

7. The Scholarship will be paid as a fortnightly stipend. 8. The Scholarship may be held concurrently with any other scholarship, award or grant as long as the regulations for

that scholarship, award or grant permit and the University of Auckland Council is informed and approves. It is the responsibility of the recipient to declare to the Scholarships Office all other scholarships, awards or grant funding received and for which the awardee receives payment while also in payment for this Scholarship. 9. The University of Auckland Council, in consultation with the Donor, has the power to terminate or suspend a Scholarship if it receives a report of unsatisfactory progress of a Scholar from the relevant Faculty Dean. 10. The University of Auckland Council is not obliged to make an award if in any year there is no candidate of sufficient merit. 11. The University of Auckland Council has the power to amend or vary these Regulations, in consultation with the Donor, provided that there is no departure from the main purpose of the Scholarships. 12. Applications close with the Scholarships Office on 1 February in the year of the award. 13. Notes [I]-[VI] below are deemed to be regulations.


I. For the purposes of this Scholarship, academic achievement for students entering Year One of an undergraduate degree is based on results at Level Two or higher in the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) or an equivalent qualification. A GPA of 3.50 is equivalent to an NCEA rank score of 200. For students entering Year Two of an undergraduate degree, academic achievement is assessed as a Scholarships GPA/GPE obtained over the applicant's first year of full-time graded study (or equivalent). For students entering Year Three or subsequent years of an undergraduate degree, academic achievement is assessed as a Scholarships GPA/GPE obtained over the applicant's most recent two years of full-time graded study (or equivalent). For students enrolling in a postgraduate degree, academic achievement will be assessed by the GPA/GPE calculated over the most recent qualifying programme (see Note II).

II. The most recent qualifying programme is defined as the most recently completed programme of study that qualifies the applicant for the postgraduate programme for which they are applying. Where the most recently completed programme is a conjoint programme, the GPA/GPE will be calculated over the entirety of the qualifying programme. The maximum approved exchange or transfer credit that can be excluded from the GPA/GPE calculation for the qualifying programme is 60 points. Where the most recently completed programme is a Transitional Certificate, the qualifying programme is the Transitional Certificate and the most recently completed prior degree.

III. Financial hardship will be determined by a range of factors including current or past eligibility for a StudyLink Student Allowance, and personal financial circumstances.

IV. In making a recommendation for this Scholarship the Selection Committee shall take into account other scholarships, bursaries and awards held by the candidates, with a view to distributing available monies among qualifying candidates.

V. Payments under the terms of this Scholarship remain tax-free as long as they are used directly for the payment of costs associated with an awardee's programme of study and to assist the awardee with living costs while studying. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in the termination of the Scholarship.

VI. Recipients of The Jackson Family Foundation Scholarship will be required to give undertakings that they will comply with the regulations for the Scholarship and will notify the Scholarships Office of any change in their enrolment or funding status. The University of Auckland may, in the event that it can be established that a recipient of The Jackson Family Foundation Scholarship is not complying with these Regulations, terminate the Scholarship and require repayment of the funds received from the date of the breach.

Scholarships Office

Version: Updated 14 December 2020 Page 2


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