Grade 5


This course will provide students with an overview of a variety of historical, geographical, and cultural topics from the countries of the North American continent to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Students will be introduced to the basics of the geography, history, and cultures of Canada and Mexico, as well as the regions and topography of the United States. The history and geography of Pennsylvania will be studied, with special emphasis on the role that geography played in the founding of the colony. Students will learn the functions of the three branches of government and the names of their state and federal politicians. Current events will be discussed to provide students with an understanding of what is happening in the world around them.


Class Periods: 6 per 6-day cycle

Length of Class Periods (minutes): 50 minutes

Length of Course: 90 days

Unit of Credit:

Updated: June 2015

|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 5th |

|STRAND: Geography/Civics/History |TIME FRAME: |


|7.1.5.A: Describe how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret |

|information about people, places, and environment. |

|7.1.5.B: Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human |

|features. |

|7.2.5.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions. |

|7.2.5.B: Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on Earth’s surface. |

|7.3.5.A: Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following |

|criteria: |

|Population |

|Culture |

|Settlement |

|Economic activities |

|Political activities |

|7.4.5.A: Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within |

|regions. |

|7.4.5.B: Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within |

|regions. |

|6.4.5.B: Explain the growth in international trade. |

|5.3.5.F: Examine different ways conflicts can be resolved. |


|Course text book |

|Text book resources |

|Atlas |

|Wall maps |

|Electronic Maps |

|Globes |

|Teacher generated resources |

|DVD/VCR, TV, classroom computer, LCD projector, Smart board |

|Internet resources |

|Library resources |

|Newspaper internet current event articles |


|The learner will apply the five themes of geography to identify the human and physical geographic features, and understand the |

|basic cultural influences of the United States. |


|Identify the names of major physical geographic features on the United States map (i.e. mountain ranges, rivers, and waterways). |

|Locate and identify the 50 U.S. states and their capitals. |

|Describe the various regions of the United States. |

|Discuss and analyze the current events and political environment of the present day United States |


| |

|Diagnostic pretest to assess students’ prior knowledge of course material |

|K/W/L chart |

|Make use of technology to enhance classroom instruction |

|Students actively reading aloud (spirit reading) |

|Skeleton outline of key concepts |

|Label diagram of key concepts |

|Make use of road atlas |

|Make use of desk atlas |

|Key terms vocabulary list |

|Create a collage |

|Construct a bulletin board |

|Utilize additional reading sources located in library |

|Use of world physical maps and atlases |

|Treasure Hunt bulletin board |

|Outline maps |

|Use of world political maps and atlases |

|Video tapes of text material prepared by peers |

|Create a story map. |

|Create illustrative posters in cooperative learning groups |


|Diagnostic: |

|Pretest students prior knowledge |

|KWL chart |

|Teacher guided questions |

| |

|Formative: |

|Continue K/W/L chart, |

|Community circle |

|Quizzes, classwork, homework |

|Geo journal |

| |

|Summative: |

|Portfolios |

|Complete K/W/L chart |

|Objective format tests |

|Subjective format tests |

|Notebook activity |

|Student centered project |


|Correctives: |

|Re-teaching activities |

|Student-manufactured flash cards |

|Audio tapes of the reading material prepared by peers |

|Extensions: |

|Read supplemental articles reinforcing key concepts |

|Create user-friendly word search or crossword puzzle |

|Make use of teacher classroom resources. |

|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 5th |

|STRAND: Geography/History |TIME FRAME: |


|7.1.5.A: Describe how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret |

|information about people, places, and environment. |

|7.1.5.B: Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human |

|features. |

|7.2.5.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions. |

|7.2.5.B: Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on Earth’s surface. |

|7.3.5.A: Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following |

|criteria: |

|Population |

|Culture |

|Settlement |

|Economic activities |

|Political activities |

|7.4.5.A: Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within |

|regions. |

|7.4.5.B: Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within |

|regions. |

| |

| |

|8.2.5.A: Compare and contrast common characteristics of the social, political, cultural, |

|and economic groups from Pennsylvania. |

|8.2.5.B: Illustrate concepts and knowledge of historical documents, artifacts, and places |

|critical to Pennsylvania history. |

|8.2.5.C: Differentiate how continuity and change in Pennsylvania history are formed and |

|operate. |

| Belief systems and religions |

| Commerce and industry |

| Technology |

| Politics and government |

| Physical and human geography |

| Social organizations |

|8.2.5.D: Examine patterns of conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations that impacted the history and development of |

|Pennsylvania for responding to individual and community needs. |

| Ethnicity and race |

| Working conditions |

| Immigration |

| Military conflict |

| Economic stability |

|6.1.5.B: Explain ways in which people meet their basic needs and wants. Demonstrate |

|the use of human and capital resources in the production of a specific good. |

|5.1.5.F: Explain the significance of state symbols, national symbols, and national holidays. |


|Course text book |

|Text book resources |

|Atlas |

|Wall maps |

|Electronic Maps |

|Globes |

|Teacher generated resources |

|DVD/VCR, TV, classroom computer, LCD projector, Smart board |

|Internet resources |

|Library resources |

|Newspaper internet current event articles |


|The learner will apply the five themes of geography to gain a geographic and historical perspective and understand the basic |

|cultural influences of the state of Pennsylvania. |


| |

|Locate and label Pennsylvania on a United States map and on a world map. |

|Locate and label Pennsylvania’s neighboring states on a map. |

|Identify on a map the physical features of Pennsylvania, including mountains and major river systems and regions. |

|Identify and label the major cities of Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh on a map. |

|Identify the state symbols of Pennsylvania. |

|Identify and label Monroe County on a map. |

|Name William Penn as the founder of Pennsylvania, and relate his Quaker beliefs to the nature of the Pennsylvania colony. |

|Explain the derivation of “Pennsylvania.” |

|Describe the founding and growth of Philadelphia. |

|Recognize Pennsylvania as an important agricultural colony. |

|Note the importance of the Conestoga wagon and grist mill in the growth of Pennsylvania. |

|Recognize the groups that came to Pennsylvania and their reasons for accepting Penn’s offer to settle in his colony (i.e., the |

|Amish and the Mennonites). |

|Examine the individuals and events that had an important impact on the |

|colonization, development, and economic evolution of Pennsylvania |

|Discuss current events that face Pennsylvania today. |

|Name Harrisburg as our state capital, and locate it on a Pennsylvania map. |

|Name the current governor of Pennsylvania and identify his/her political party. |

|State and explain the three branches of Pennsylvania’s government. |

|Name Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senators and local representatives. |

|Name Monroe County as the county in which we live. |

|Explain the function of a county seat, and identify Stroudsburg as the county seat of Monroe County. |

|Name our current state representatives and state senators. |

|Name the four school districts that exist within Monroe County, citing Pleasant Valley as our local district. |

| |


|Diagnostic pretest to assess students’ prior knowledge of course material |

|K/W/L chart |

|Make use of technology to enhance classroom instruction |

|Students actively reading aloud (spirit reading) |

|Skeleton outline of key concepts |

|Label diagram of key concepts |

|Make use of road atlas |

|Make use of desk atlas |

|Key terms vocabulary list |

|Create a collage |

|Construct a bulletin board |

|Utilize additional reading sources located in library |

|Use of world physical maps and atlases |

|Treasure Hunt bulletin board |

|Outline maps |

|Use of world political maps and atlases |

|Video tapes of text material prepared by peers |

|Create a story map. |

|Create illustrative posters in cooperative learning groups |


|Diagnostic: |

|Pretest students prior knowledge |

|KWL chart |

|Teacher guided questions |

| |

|Formative: |

|Continue K/W/L chart, |

|Community circle |

|Quizzes, classwork, homework |

|Geo journal |

| |

|Summative: |

|Portfolios |

|Complete K/W/L chart |

|Objective format tests |

|Subjective format tests |

|Notebook activity |

|Student centered project |


|Correctives: |

|Re-teaching activities |

|Student-manufactured flash cards |

|Audio tapes of the reading material prepared by peers |

|Extensions: |

|Read supplemental articles reinforcing key concepts |

|Create user-friendly word search or crossword puzzle |

|Make use of teacher classroom resources. |

|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 5th |

|STRAND: Geography |TIME FRAME: |


|7.1.5.A: Describe how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret |

|information about people, places, and environment. |

|7.1.5.B: Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human |

|features. |

|7.2.5.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions. |

|7.2.5.B: Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on Earth’s surface. |

|7.3.5.A: Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following |

|criteria: |

|Population |

|Culture |

|Settlement |

|Economic activities |

|Political activities |

|7.4.5.A: Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within |

|regions. |

|7.4.5.B: Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within |

|regions. |

|5.3.5.F: Examine different ways conflicts can be resolved. |

|6.4.5.B: Explain the growth in international trade. |


|Course text book |

|Text book resources |

|Atlas |

|Wall maps |

|Electronic Maps |

|Globes |

|Teacher generated resources |

|DVD/VCR, TV, classroom computer, LCD projector, Smart board |

|Internet resources |

|Library resources |

|Newspaper internet current event articles |


|The learner will apply the five themes of geography to identify economic activities, gain a historical perspective, and understand |

|basic cultural influences of the country of Canada. |


|Identify the human characteristics of Canada |

|Identify cultural influences of Canada |

|Describe the relationship of Canada to the United States |

|Discuss and analyze the current events and political environment in present day Canada |


|Make use of technology to expand classroom instruction. |

|Utilize wall maps, globes and desk atlases, and electronic maps to show location. |

|Mapping activities such as note taking and graphic organizers to identify key concepts |

|Create a bulletin board showing examples of the five themes of geography in relationship to the area being studied |

|Actively read aloud text material. |

|Incorporate Reading Apprenticeship activities such as "Talking to the Text" and "Word Walls" |

|Incorporate additional practice handouts. |


|Diagnostic: |

|Pretest students prior knowledge |

|KWL chart |

|Teacher guided questions |

| |

|Formative: |

|Continue K/W/L chart, |

|Community circle |

|Quizzes, classwork, homework |

|Geo journal |

| |

|Summative: |

|Portfolios |

|Complete K/W/L chart |

|Objective format tests |

|Subjective format tests |

|Notebook activity |

|Student centered project |


|Correctives: |

|Re-teaching activities |

|Student-manufactured flash cards |

|Audio tapes of the reading material prepared by peers |

|Extensions: |

|Read supplemental articles reinforcing key concepts |

|Create user-friendly word search or crossword puzzle |

|Make use of teacher classroom resources. |

|COURSE: Social Studies |GRADE(S): 5th |

|STRAND: Geography/Economics |TIME FRAME: |


|7.1.5.A: Describe how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret |

|information about people, places, and environment. |

|7.1.5.B: Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human |

|features. |

|7.2.5.A: Describe the characteristics of places and regions. |

|7.2.5.B: Describe the physical processes that shape patterns on Earth’s surface. |

|7.3.5.A: Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following |

|criteria: |

|Population |

|Culture |

|Settlement |

|Economic activities |

|Political activities |

|7.4.5.A: Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within |

|regions. |

|7.4.5.B: Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within |

|regions. |

|5.3.5.F: Examine different ways conflicts can be resolved. |

|6.4.5.B: Explain the growth in international trade. |


|Course text book |

|Text book resources |

|Atlas |

|Wall maps |

|Electronic Maps |

|Globes |

|Teacher generated resources |

|DVD/VCR, TV, classroom computer, LCD projector, Smart board |

|Internet resources |

|Library resources |

|Newspaper internet current event articles |


|The learner will apply the five themes of geography to identify economic activities, gain a historical perspective, and understand |

|basic cultural influences of the country of Mexico. |


|Identify the human characteristics of Mexico |

|Identify cultural influences of Mexico |

|Describe the relationship of Mexico to the United States |

|Discuss and analyze the current events and political environment in present day Mexico |


|Make use of technology to expand classroom instruction. |

|Utilize wall maps, globes and desk atlases, and electronic maps to show location. |

|Mapping activities such as note taking and graphic organizers to identify key concepts |

|Create a bulletin board showing examples of the five themes of geography in relationship to the area being studied |

|Actively read aloud text material. |

|Incorporate Reading Apprenticeship activities such as "Talking to the Text" and "Word Walls" |

|Incorporate additional practice handouts. |

| |


|Diagnostic: |

|Pretest students prior knowledge |

|KWL chart |

|Teacher guided questions |

| |

|Formative: |

|Continue K/W/L chart, |

|Community circle |

|Quizzes, classwork, homework |

|Geo journal |

| |

|Summative: |

|Portfolios |

|Complete K/W/L chart |

|Objective format tests |

|Subjective format tests |

|Notebook activity |

|Student centered project |


|Correctives: |

|Re-teaching activities |

|Student-manufactured flash cards |

|Audio tapes of the reading material prepared by peers |

|Extensions: |

|Read supplemental articles reinforcing key concepts |

|Create user-friendly word search or crossword puzzle |

|Make use of teacher classroom resources. |


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