1193802784475Request for Application (RFA)Application Package00Request for Application (RFA)Application Package1079501784350Digital Learning Grant 00Digital Learning Grant 18370557499350March 30, 202000March 30, 2020228600730596800228600825563500right5498465Application Deadline:Friday, April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. ESTApplications must be received no later than Friday, April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.020000Application Deadline:Friday, April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. ESTApplications must be received no later than Friday, April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.Part I: GENERAL INFORMATIONIntroduction and PurposeThe Title I Section 1003 School Improvement Digital Learning Grant provides financial resources to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) on behalf of schools identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and CSI Promise schools as defined by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Division of School and District Effectiveness at the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) will award competitive one-time, non-renewable grants to LEAs on behalf of identified schools to meet digital learning needs. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, public school buildings are closed, and districts have shifted to digital learning to ensure the safety of students and staff. To support schools and districts with newly identified digital learning needs, the GaDOE is offering the Digital Learning Grant. This competitive grant will support equity and access to the necessary tools and resources for digital learning and provide opportunities for school staff to stay connected with students.Grants will be awarded April 24, 2020*. The maximum grant period for a Digital Learning Grant is April 24, 2020* through September 30, 2021 subject to the continued availability of funds and the grantee meeting all outlined requirements. All goods and services must be received and purchases for this budget period must be allocated by August 30, 2021. Eligible ApplicantsEligible applicants must be Title I schools identified as CSI, TSI, or CSI Promise as defined by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Application Formatting and SubmissionThis application information package was developed by the GaDOE and contains all the forms and instructions necessary to apply for a Digital Learning Grant. Please review the enclosed materials and carefully follow the instructions for completing the application. Before submitting the application, applicants should review the application requirements to ensure that all sections and documents are complete.Due to the critical needs identified the deadline for submission is Friday, April 17, 2020 at 5:00 PM. The application must be submitted on or before the deadline at schoolimprovement@doe.k12.ga.us. Applicants will receive a confirmation email once their application has been received. No applications will be considered after the deadline. The GaDOE is required to enforce the established submission deadline to ensure fairness to all applicants. Only complete applications will be considered. Applicants are encouraged to carefully review the procedures for submitting their materials. No changes or additions to an application will be accepted once the application is submitted.Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit only the requested information. Readers will have limited time to evaluate applications; and for that reason, their consideration of the application against the selection criteria will focus solely on the required sections of the application and the appendices.Timeline of ActivitiesDateActivity/ActionApril 1, 2020RFA releasedApril 2, 2020Informational webinar and application supportApril 17, 2020Application submission deadlineApril 24, 2020*Notification of intent to award fundsApril 24, 2020* Funding period beginsSeptember 30, 2021Deadline for final programmatic and financial reports*Date subject to changeIf you have questions, please contact Program Manager Amy Alderman, at aalderman@doe.k12.ga.us or (404) 308-2503.Program RequirementsThe Digital Learning Grant activity must:Respond to an immediate need to support digital learning through technology and/or digital curricular resources.Focus on digital learning materials and resources.Include strong, moderate, or promising evidence-based interventions.Schools/districts must collaborate with their GaDOE Continuous Improvement Team (including GaDOE District Effectiveness Specialist (DES), GaDOE School Effectiveness Specialist (SES) as applicable, and the RESA School Improvement Specialist (SIS) as applicable) throughout the process.Authorized ActivitiesDigital Learning Grant applicants can use funds to improve options for continued learning during situations where students are unable to access a traditional educational setting, including:Implementing a guaranteed and viable digital curriculum.Providing professional development on digital learning.Purchasing devices to ensure access to digital learning.Purchasing additional resources to ensure student access to digital learning.Providing teacher stipends for content delivery during summer digital learning opportunities.Unauthorized ActivitiesDigital Learning Grant funds may not be used for or to support out-of-state travel, graduate-level courses, or professional memberships.Digital Learning Grant funds may not be used for clerical staff or grant administration.Digital Learning Grant funds may not be used to provide internet access. Please note, per USED guidance and the Title IV, Part A Handbook, infrastructure can be budgeted in conjunction with activities supporting well-rounded educational opportunities, safe and healthy students and professional development for the effective use of technology if the device(s) is clearly and directly connected to and required to facilitate the explicitly identified program/intervention/activity and does not address inventory and/or readiness shortfalls. Grant PeriodThe maximum grant period for a Digital Learning Grant is April 24, 2020 through September 30, 2021 subject to the continued availability of funds and the grantee meeting all outlined requirements. All goods and services must be received and activities and purchases for this budget period must be allocated by August 30, 2021.Grant Award AmountsDuring the grant cycle covered by this RFA release, applicants may request funds that are reasonable, necessary and based on need and proposed services to the target population, not to exceed $200 per student. GaDOE will use the 2019 October FTE count to determine the number of eligible recipients per school.Responsibilities of a Fiscal Agent (LEA)The following are some of the expectations, roles, and responsibilities of a fiscal agent:Administer the grant from award to closeout in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.Serve as the organizational representative and point-of-contact for all business management aspects of the award agreement.Apply appropriate management controls using management systems, checklists, and records, including, but not limited to:Internal Controls: Safeguard assets; ensure reliability of accounting data and subgrant terms and conditionsOperating Controls: Fiduciary procedural manuals; budgetary control systemAccounting Controls: Implement controls to ensure reliability of recorded financial data Maintain appropriate level of transaction review and authorizationDevelop and implement proper procurement procedures and cash management procedures that are well definedDevelop procedures that facilitate timely review and audit of financial activity.Prepare necessary reports.Keep the GaDOE and stakeholders aware and informed about grant project progress.Evaluate the extent to which measurable project objectives are being met.Submit Completion Reports no later than October 30, 2021.Program Accountability and MonitoringThe GaDOE is responsible for monitoring the Digital Learning Grant implementation in accordance with the following program accountability requirements:Each applicant receiving funding through this RFA meets the eligibility requirements for the grant described herein, and the applicant assures that it will comply with all program implementation and reporting requirements established through this RFA.Each applicant receiving funding through this RFA appropriately uses these funds as described in this application package.Each applicant implements activities funded through this application within the timeline in which the funds provided are to be used.To fulfill its monitoring responsibilities, the GaDOE requires grantees to submit appropriate fiscal and program documentation following guidance provided by the Division of School and District Effectiveness.Programmatic Reporting RequirementsAll grantees must submit a final report to the GaDOE’s Division of School and District Effectiveness by September 30, 2021. Grantees will receive directions for completing the final report. Districts and their schools receiving Digital Learning Grant funds must document how the grant funding improved student access to digital learning and positively impacted student achievement.Grantees must provide a narrative that includes a clear explanation of the funded work that includes the following:The extent to which the goals and objectives were achieved, and strategies were implementedThe results and findings during the grant periodAn explanation of how grant activities will be institutionalized after the grant funding endsReview and Selection ProcessThe GaDOE’s Division of School and District Effectiveness (SDE) will conduct an initial review of all grant applications for completeness and compliance with application and eligibility guidelines. All required materials, including forms and appendices, must be submitted for the application to be considered complete and eligible for review. Only those applications that are received by the deadline and deemed complete by SDE will be forwarded for review and funding consideration.Impartial readers will evaluate and score each application using the Application Scoring Checklist (Appendix A). Bonus points will be awarded to those schools that have not been awarded a competitive grant in the past 12 months. The GaDOE program staff will allocate funding based on a per pupil expenditure to applicants who meet the minimum score until funding is exhausted or until all eligible applicants receive funding. PART II: APPLICATION COMPONENTSScoring (Appendix A): The standard scoring criteria are based on the Grant Scoring Checklist.Proposal/Format: Applications must be submitted to schoolimprovement@doe.k12.ga.us. Cover Sheet (Appendix B): Complete all applicable information using the cover sheet provided. Identifying Needs (Needs Assessment) A needs assessment is a process of looking at data and information about the school/district to develop a clear picture and understanding of what is and has been occurring to provide for and deliver quality digital learning opportunities.Specific Needs - Provide detailed and concrete data citing the current resources to support digital learning and additional resources that the needs assessment process identified. Applicants are encouraged to utilize data tables in this section to clearly convey the need.Activity Focus - Provide specific information outlining the focus of the proposed activity as defined by the results of the needs assessment process. The information must demonstrate a clear and concise rationale as to why the proposed activity is appropriate for the target population and how it will address the identified needs gathered in the data collection and analysis process. Goals and Objectives and Selecting InterventionsApplicants must describe in detail the measurable goals, services/activities planned for implementation, and the evidence-based rating (with supporting documentation). Plan for Implementation and ImplementationThe applicant must provide a complete plan explaining how the activity will operate and will address the identified needs. Distribution of materialsTraining for staff, students, and parentsExpectations for usage by staff and studentsWhat digital learning resources will be used Plan for addressing lost or damaged equipmentMonitoring plan for the implementation and impact of digital learning resourcesThe applicant should create a complete plan (using the table in the application) that utilizes specific goals, activities and a timeframe. All goals must be measurable. Evaluation – Examine Progress Applicants must use the chart to describe how they will evaluate both implementation and effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Sustainability Applicants should briefly discuss how project activities will be institutionalized after the end of the grant period. Budget Applicants must submit a proposed budget using the template provided (Appendix C). Budget items must have clear evidence that the expenditures are reasonable, necessary, appropriate and justified to support the activities outlined in the grant application.Georgia Department of EducationDigital Learning Grant Applicationcenter6350Release Date:April 1, 2020Application Due Date:April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.00Release Date:April 1, 2020Application Due Date:April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.District/School: Grant Manager: Phone Number:Email: Date: GaDOE District Effectiveness Specialist (DES):GaDOE School Effectiveness Specialist (SES):RESA School Improvement Specialist (SIS):Actual Funding Amount Requested:*Please be reminded schools/districts must collaborate with their GaDOE Continuous Improvement Team (including GaDOE District Effectiveness Specialist (DES), GaDOE School Effectiveness Specialist (SES) as applicable, and the RESA School Improvement Specialist (SIS) as applicable) throughout the process.Identifying Needs (Needs Assessment) Specific Needs - Provide detailed and concrete data citing the current resources to support digital learning and additional resources that the needs assessment process identified. Applicants are encouraged to utilize data tables in this section to clearly convey the need.Identifying Needs (Needs Assessment) Activity Focus - Provide specific information outlining the focus of the proposed activity as defined by the results of the needs assessment process. The information must demonstrate a clear and concise rationale as to why the proposed activity is appropriate for the target population and how it will address the identified needs gathered in the data collection and analysis process. Measurable GoalsServices/ActivitiesEvidence-Based Rating with Supporting DocumentationPlan for Implementation, Implementation, and EvaluationUse the tables below to capture the required information outlined in the Application Components section. (p. 6)Specific devices to be purchased for digital learningSpecific digital learning resources to be used (ex. Software, platforms, summer digital school, etc.)Distribution of materials and resourcesTraining for staff, students, and parentsExpectations for usage by staff and studentsPlan to address lost or damaged materialsMonitoring plan for implementation of digital learning resources (ex. Distribution reports, usage reports, communications, etc.)Measurable Goals(outlined above)Service/Activity(outlined above)TimelinePersonnel ResponsibleSuccess Criteria for ImplementationSuccess Criteria for Impact on Student AchievementSustainability Briefly discuss how project activities will be institutionalized after the end of the grant period. Budget Applicants must submit a proposed budget using the template provided (Appendix C). Budget items must have clear evidence that the expenditures are reasonable, necessary, appropriate and justified to support the activities outlined in the grant application.APPENDIX ADigital Learning Grant Scoring ChecklistCriteriaEvidentNot EvidentCommentsSchool or district collaborated with GaDOE staff to create grantGrant is written on behalf of identified schools onlyThe work (including materials, subscriptions, etc.) outlined in the grant will be completed by 8/30/21Identifying Needs - Data supports the need for the requested fundsIdentifying Needs – Focus of the proposed activity is outlined, and addresses identified needGoals and Selecting Interventions – chart is complete and provides the information requestedGoals and Selecting Interventions - Items requested in the grant are evidence-based (strong, moderate, promising) and appropriate documentation is providedPlan for Implementation and Implementation – charts are complete and provide information outlining the plan for implementationSustainability - There is a clear description of plans for sustainability Budget - Items outlined in budget are represented in the grant applicationBudget - Expenditures are reasonable, necessary, and allowableBudget - Indirect costs are not referenced in the budgetCover page (Appendix B) has all required information and signaturesAPPENDIX BGeorgia Department of EducationTitle I Section 1003 School Improvement Competitive GrantLEA Application Cover PageLEA Name:School Name: LEA Mailing Address:LEA Contact and Coordinator (person responsible for the grant):Name:Position and Office: Contact’s Mailing Address:Telephone:Email Address:Superintendent (Print Name): Telephone:Signature of Superintendent:Date: GaDOE Continuous Improvement Team Contact (Print Name):Signature of GaDOE Contact: Date:The District, through its authorized representative, agrees to comply with all requirements applicable to the grant. ................

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