
Voting Board Member Term of Office: 1 year, following year becomes Past President

Job Summary:

The President is the leader of the Association. The primary function of the President is to see that all elected officers and committee chairs carry out their duties so that the State goals are attained.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Represents the Association in policy matters and is the chief spokesperson.

2. Serves as Chair of the Board and Executive Committee.

3. Presides at meetings.

4. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees and advisory boards except the Nominating Committee.

5. Prepares the agenda for Board and Executive Committee meetings.

6. Appoints, and may remove, with the approval of the Board consultants to committees and advisory boards where needed.

7. Appoints and may remove, with the approval of the Board, the chairs of all committees and advisory boards.

8. Sets Agenda and initiates response to action taken by the Delegate Assembly and the Board.

9. Establishes time schedules for meetings.

10. Initiates and directs the implementation of the Plan of Action.

11. Coordinates activities of the Board.

12. Serves as Executive Committee advisor to the Public Policy and Legislation Committee and Industry Advisory Committee

13. Directs the secretary in sending out the agenda and all pertinent Delegate Assembly documents to all members of the association via the summer issue of the Apple Press.

14. Appoints and may remove, with the approval of the Board, members of committees and advisory boards.

15. Attends the SNA and WSNA Legislative Conferences.

16. Serves as a delegate at the Delegate Assembly at the Annual National Conference.

17. Attends all official WSNA state functions.

18. Issues an invitation to all WSNA past presidents to attend the Conference President’s Banquet.

19. Submits to SNA Executive Director a list of the newly elected officers within 15 days following WSNA’s election.

20. Notifies the WSNA Executive Director of the winner of Louise Sublette Award in order to facilitate registration and housing arrangements.

21. Assign a presider for each general session at ASC until the President’s Banquet. (See Conference Job Description for President.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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