School of the Supernatural Session 1

The Purpose of God’s Supernatural Power

Lesson Three

I. When you get Kingdom Revelation it produces Kingdom Life.

A. Purpose.

1. Matthew 6:33

2. Our first priorities are not to our families, its not our jobs, its not our church or what I want. Its to seek ye first, the Kingdom of God.

3. When the Kingdom of God is established in our realm of living, we begin to produce kingdom results.

4. John G. Lake, Africa, plague broke out and when he openly prayed for people in tongues, the plague would die, and the people would get better.

B. Authority. The revelation of the kingdom will also produce within our spirits a knowledge of how to use God’s authority and how to submit to it in relation to supernatural power.

1. Romans 11:29 (NKJV)

2. 1 Corinthians 14:20 (NKJV)

3. We need to mature in the authority that God has given us using it to produce Kingdom results with maximum affect.

C. Order. When we take dominion over the kingdom of darkness though the authority of the Kingdom of God, spirit order is secured.

1. When there is chaos, there is confusion and the power of God is not manifest.

2. Remove the chaos, submit to God, move in action believing and God’s power manifest.

D. Structure. God’s kingdom is flexible, so that His supernatural power can operate as the Holy Spirit directs individuals and churches.

1. God has divine order. This means that God plants the visionary, and through the visionary he or she begins to intercede about direction and how God releases that to the visionary and he or she shares with others to help erect or build vision.

E. Vision. On gong spiritual vision for what God desires to do.

1. Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV)

2. Vision keeps us focused on the mission we are to fulfill on earth.

II. How do we accomplish Kingdom Living here upon the earth in the now?

A. By the EXPLOSIVE Power of God.

1. Acts 1:8

2. Power: Dunamis. Miraculous power, ability, might strength and power to actions. Ability to perform miracles.

3. Mark 16:20

4. He (God the Father) gave us His supernatural power through His son Jesus Christ, it is because we need it in order to carry out the Great Commission, He has given us.

5. Mark 16:15-18

6. The power of God, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just so that we can set around and speak in tongues and sound spiritual. It is a direct link to God the Father in heaven that builds us up, provides a direct link to God to receive ad give back and reminds us of the things that Jesus Christ has done. His purpose is to empower us with the knowledge of the word of God and to demonstrate its power.

7. The supernatural power that God has given us, advances God’s Kingdom on the Earth.

III. 8 Objectives that God had in mind when He gave us this supernatural power.

A. The formation and edification of Godly Character. We need God’s miraculous power.

B. The development of an effective prayer life.

1. Matthew 26:41 (NKJV)

2. Romans 8:26 (NKJV)

3. These verses tell us that our flesh is week, we give into temptations and our flesh doesn’t know what to pray for.

C. The fulfillment of Ministry Functions and Service to God.

1. Acts 8:4-8, 14-17 (NKJV)

D. Victory over sin.

1. Jesus’s shed blood, we received the power to live a clean, pure life.

2. John 6:37-38

3. John 15:7-8

E. The defeat of Satan and His demons. Everyone needs God’s supernatural power to defeat Satan and his demons because we are in a continuous spiritual war against him. Two Kingdoms: Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.

1. 1 John 3:8

2. Colossian 2:15

F. The Cultivation of Obedient Followers of Jesus Christ.

1. Romans 15:18

2. John 14:6

3. John 14:12-14

4. Through Jesus Christ, mountains will move, storms will become cam, the pain and grief will turn into laughter. We must believe that Jesus Christ is the only way, He is the rewarder and in His death, He gave us the ability to receive His strength, His wisdom, and His Spirit which is the Holy Spirit to impower us to live a life for Jesus Christ that will change the very existence of our life.

G. The ability to achieve great results in a short time.

1. Acts 14:21-23

2. Historians suggest that elders were appointed in every church in about 6 months.

H. The development of effective witnesses for Christ Jesus.

1. God created us in His image (Genesis 1:26-28). We are His representatives on earth doing the same things He does. When do we receive the power to do what He does? We receive when we are baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. Acts 1:8

3. Up until this point, we can conclude that the main objectives for receiving God’s supernatural power are:

a. To shape our character

b. Establish an effective prayer life

c. Serve God

d. Overcome Sin

e. Defeat Satan

f. Cultivate Obedient followers of Jesus Christ

g. Accomplish more in less time

h. Become an effective witness for Jesus.

I. What are the conditions of being filled?

1. Luke 24:49

a. Tarry: to sit down. When “to” is applied it means to live in the authority God as given you in Christ. It refers to an action taken by someone else towards someone else connected to a degree of authority. God has appointed us to sit with Jesus in heavenly places.

1) Ephesians 2:4-6

2) We are to remain comfortably seated on the throne, our seat of authority through Christ with a sense of ownership and belonging with purpose of exercising authority to reign.

3) Areas to reign: 1) the political arena with authority, 2) to govern in the judicial and legal arena and 3) to govern in the spiritual realm.

4) Colossians 3:1

5) When Jesus was upon the Earth, He taught from a throne of authority.

b. Become endued. Means to put on or to clothe or be clothed with. Wearing something until it becomes a 2nd skin.

1) Romans 13;14

2) Ephesians 6:11

3) Colossians 3:9-10

4) These concepts relate to the idea of being completely submerged in something until you are inseparable from it.

5) We are to wear permanent spiritual attire.

c. Receive power. Words used for various expressions of power: Dunamai, dunamis, dunamoo, dunastes, duateo, dunatos.

1) Dunamoo – Strengthen. Describes everything God can do. I the New Testament it is also used to indicate what we who believe in Him can do through the power He gives us. . Dunamoo means “to enable” to strengthen or to make strong. We are not gods.

a. Philippians 4:13

b. You must believe that you are powerfully equipped to do whatever God calls you to do, through Christ who empowers you!

(2) Able (Dunamai) This word is used one hundred sixty-seven times in the New King James Version, it means “to be able or possible,” or “to have power.”

i. Dunamai could describe a person marked b intelligence, knowledge and ability, one who is highly competent.

ii. Ephesians 3:20

(3) Possible (dunatos) . Used 15 times throughout the bible and means “powerful, capable, possible, strong, mighty or able. It can express the potential of something happening according to nature, tradition, or custom; something feasible that can come to pass.

i. Matthew 19:26

iii. Mark 9:23

iv. All things are “dunatos” for those who believe.

d. Jesus included these three conditions in His instructions to His disciples so that they would have the revelation of how they should go forth in His name and manifest God’s power o every person as they carried out their ministry on earth.

IV. Jesus told His disciples, as He tells us today, to tarry so that the power of God could become one with their power, a second skin that would make them inseparable from Him. Wherever you go when you leave this place, wear your new royal attire.


Key Concepts

1. When you get Kingdom Revelation it produces Kingdom Life.

2. How do we accomplish Kingdom Living here upon the earth in the now?

3. 8 Objectives that God had in mind when He gave us this supernatural power.


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