DepEd Mandaluyong

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Principal I |Salary Grade |19 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit | |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to | |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised |Teachers, School Personnel | | |


|Sets, the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school, creates an environment that is conducive to teaching-learning process, monitors and assesses the school curriculum and accountable for |

|higher learning outcomes |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |MA Graduate |

|Experience |At least years 5 years of teaching experience |

|Eligibility |LET, PBET, NQESH |

|Trainings |NEAP, Management/SBM Trainings |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Principal II |Salary Grade |20 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit | |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to | |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised |Teachers, School Personnel | | |


|Sets, the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school, creates an environment conducive to teaching-learning process, implements, monitors and assesses the school curriculum and is accountable |

|for higher learning outcomes |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |With 18 units in doctoral degree |

|Experience |At least 1 year as Principal I |

|Eligibility |LET, PBET, NQESH |

|Trainings |NEAP, Management Training |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Principal III |Salary Grade |21 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit | |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to | |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised |Teachers, School Personnel | | |


|Sets, the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school, creates an environment conducive to teaching-learning process, implements, monitors and assesses the school curriculum and is accountable |

|for higher learning outcomes |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |With 36 units in doctoral degree |

|Experience |2 yeasr as principal II |

|Eligibility |LET, PBET, NQESH |

|Trainings |NEAP, Management Training |

|Department of Education | | | |

| | | | |

| |POSITION AND COMPETENCY PROFILE |PCP No. ______ |Revision Code: 00 |

| | | | |

|Position Title |Principal IV |Salary Grade |22 |

|Parenthetical Title | | | |

|Office Unit | |Effectivity Date | |

|Reports to | |Page/s | |

|Position Supervised |Teachers, School Personnel | | |


| Sets, the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school, creates an environment conducive to teaching-learning process, implements, monitors and assesses the school curriculum and is accountable |

|for higher learning outcomes |


|CSC Prescribed Qualifications |

|Education | |

|Experience | |

|Eligibility | |

|Trainings | |

|Preferred Qualifications |

|Education |At least completed academic requirement in doctoral |

|Experience |At least 3 years as Princical III |

|Eligibility |LET, PBET, NQESH |

|Trainings |NEAP, Management Training |


|Supervises and directs all school teaching and non-teaching personnel |

|Manages instructional system |

|Sets up goals and objectives |

|Leads and implements educational programs |

|Organizes and conducts INSETs |

|Promotes and coordinates services for the holistic development of school personnel and pupils |

|Directs, coordinates and manages school funds according to prioritized needs |

|Assigns teachers where they best fit to teach (grades, learning areas, special assignments, etc.) |

|Requests and distributes instructional materials |

|Initiates and compiles teachers’ professional documents in portfolios |

|Practices equitable distribution of teaching loads and observes teacher-learner ratio |

|Inspects regularly Daily Lesson Logs (DLL) |

|Monitors teachers upkeep of students records |

|Provides EPA compliant accommodation to learners amidst shortages |

|Prepares/consolidates reports |

|Rates all school personnel performance and recommends promotion |

|Creates committee to assess learning outcomes |

|Establishes linkages with stakeholders |

|Ensures compliance to existing laws, policies and orders of fund raising projects for the school |

|Evaluates the school plant, physical facilities fitness, safety and sufficiency with the assistance of specialists |

|Formulates intervention programs/innovations for learners development |

|Organizes special classes for learners with special needs |

|Meets parents regularly to confer/inform about school accomplishments |

|Determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the school |

|Designs programs with stakeholders to address school needs |

|Recognizes accomplishments of stakeholder’s |

|Promotes welfare of stakeholders’ |

|Mediates and ensures resolution of conflicts in school |

|Formulates school policies with stakeholders |

|Harnesses participation of alumni and other organizations (NGOs, LGUs, PPP) |

|Promotes school discipline with stakeholders |

|Leads the preparation of SIP/AIP and ensures participation of stakeholders |

| | | | |

|Major Final Outputs (MFOs) |Key Result Areas (KRAs) |Objectives |Outputs |

|Basic Education Services |Instructional Leadership |Achieve standards for performance indicators and learning |Improved NAT performance/ acceptable GSA |

| | |outcomes of schools and centers |and other performance indicators |

| | |75% NAT | |

| | |0% drop out | |

| | |100% enrolment | |

| | | | |

| | |Performed instructional supervision to | |

| | |achieve learning outcomes | |

| |Learning Environment |Provided safe and child friendly learning and school |Safe and child friendly learning and |

| | |environment for students/learners |school environment |

| |Human Resource Management and Development |Provided technical assistance to teachers on matters |Technical Assistance/Instructional |

| | |pertaining to enhancement of classroom management, skills |Supervision |

| | |and instructional competence and to non-teaching personnel | |

| | |for support services within the RPMS cycle | |

| |Parents’ Involvement and Community Partnership |Established school and family and |Stakeholders partnership and mobilization |

| | |community partnership for school performance |plan |

| | | |(PTA sponsored projects/events) |

| |School Leadership, Management and Operations |Performed school leadership, management and operations |SIP/AIP |

| | |functions | |

| |Performance Indicators |

|Objectives |Outstanding |More than acceptable (4) |Acceptable or minimum standard |Less than acceptable (2) |Poor |

| |(5) | |(3) | |(1) |

|Learning Environment |100% accomplishments on the following |All mechanisms are present except|All mechanisms are present but |Incomplete mechanisms and absence|Mechanisms and reports are |

|Provided safe and child friendly |(supported by evidence such as school |for some minimal requirements |without evidences – |of reports |missing |

|learning and school environment for |policy, reports, information | | | | |

|students/learners |materials, advocacy activities, | | | | |

| |regular meetings, inventory) | | | | |

| |. Adhered to Child-Friendly | | | | |

| |environment standards and | | | | |

| |Programs | | | | |

| |-Institutionalized child protection | | | | |

| |mechanisms and processes (per Deped | | | | |

| |Order 40, s. 2012) | | | | |

| |-Provided ICTfacilities/workshop rooms| | | | |

| |as learning support systems | | | | |

| |- Has clear DRRM mobilization plans | | | | |

|Human Resource Management and |100% of teachers |At least 85% of teachers |At least 75% of the teachers | 50% of the teachers |Below 50% of teachers |

|Development |provided with technical assistance |provided with technical |provided with technical |provided with technical |provided with technical |

|Provided technical assistance to |with corresponding evidences: |assistance with the required |assistance with required |assistance with required |assistance with evidences |

|teachers on matters pertaining to |teacher portfolio containing |evidences |evidences |evidences | |

|enhancement of classroom management,|observation reports, TSNA results, | | | | |

|skills and instructional competence |performance analysis and | | | | |

|and to non-teaching personnel for |recommendations for development | | | | |

|support services within the RPMS |interventions, performance contracts, | | | | |

|cycle |and performance evaluation results in | | | | |

| |prescribed tools | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Performed RPMS processes among school | | | | |

| |personnel with the following as | | | | |

| |evidences: | | | |Below 70% of school personnel |

| |performance contracts, and |At least 90% of school personnel |At least 80% of school personnel | |provided with technical |

| |performance evaluation results in |provided with technical |provided with technical |At least 70% of school personnel |assistance with the required |

| |prescribed tools and proposed |assistance with the required |assistance with the required |provided with technical |evidences |

| |development plans |evidences |evidences |assistance with the required | |

| | | | |evidences | |

|Parents’ Involvement and Community |- Has stakeholders |Has mobilization plan and |Has mobilization plan and |Poor mobilization skills and |No evidence in this area |

|Partnership |partnership/mobilization plan |occasionally meets stakeholders |ocassionally meets stakeholders |seldom meets stakeholders | |

|Established school and family and |(complete with reports and |in meetings and activities but |but not resulting to resources | | |

|community partnership for |documentations of meetings, |some elements (e.g. not enough |generated and evidences are | | |

|performance |agreements) |resources raised) |missing | | |

| |-Organized programs with stakeholders,| | | | |

| |esp. parents for academic and other | | | | |

| |purposes (esp. Strategic planning) | | | | |

| |-Obtained resources for the school | | | | |

| |through stakeholders partnership | | | | |

|School Leadership, Management and |Collected, analyzed and utilized data |4 of 5 requirements satisfied |3 of 5 requirements satisfied |Some requirements satisfied |requirements and reports largely|

|Operations |to identify and plan needed |(with evidences) |(with evidences) |without evidences |missing |

|Performed Management/Leardership |interventions | | | | |

|functions |-Recommended localized curriculum | | | | |

| |(mother tongue based) for instruction | | | | |

| |-Developed standards for outstanding | | | | |

| |teacher and pupil performance | | | | |

| |-organizes appopriate class programs, | | | | |

| |ADM, flexible learning options as | | | | |

| |stop-gap measures | | | | |

| |- Consolidates reports on learning | | | | |

| |difficulties, home visitations and | | | | |

| |peculiar incidents used for planning | | | | |

| |and implementing apppropriate | | | | |

| |interventions | | | | |

|Performed data-based strategic |- Produced a school strategic plan/SIP|Produced strategic plan following|Produced strategic plan following|Produced strategic plan following| below 79% accomplishments, |

|planning |and AIP through the strategic planning|the strategic planning process |the strategic planning process |the strategic planning process |strategic planning process and |

| |process – conduct of school |with minimal deviation and 90-99%|with minimal deviation and 80-90%|with deviation and 70-79% |evidences are largely absent |

| |situational analysis, SWOT, |accomplishment of school targets |accomplishment of school targets |accomplishment of school targets | |

| |determining strategies through |(supported by evidence) |(supported by evidence) |(supported by evidence) | |

| |prioritizing strategic options, | | | | |

| |resource and facilities planning and | | | | |

| |formulation of PAPs based of analyses | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |-Strategic Plan was based on Deped | | | | |

| |vision, contextualized in school | | | | |

| |vision and mission | | | | |

| |-all school stakeholders were engaged | | | | |

| |in the strategic planning process | | | | |

| |-M&E for process and outcomes | | | | |

| |checkpoints were developed and | | | | |

| |utilized | | | | |

| |- 100% accomplishment of school | | | | |

| |targets (with evidence contained in | | | | |

| |school report card | | | | |

| |-School report card presented to all | | | | |

| |stakeholders | | | | |

| |With clear financial management system|With clear financial and resource|With clear financial and resource|Financial Management System and |No Financial Managment System |

| |for the school supported by evidences |management system but one or |management system but two |reporting were in its initial |and/or reports observed |

| |such as reports, account logs, |equirements were missing were |requirements and/or reports were |stages | |

| |database sytem |negligible (with complete |lacking | | |

| |Allocated/Prioritized funds for |evidence) | | | |

| |programs and school facilities | | | | |

| |improvement and maintenance | | | | |

| |Monitored, accounted and reported | | | | |

| |utilization of school fund | | | | |

| |Reported sources and uses of funds | | | | |

| |Ensured quality standards for | | | | |

| |facilities given to the school | | | | |

| |Coordinated with stakeholders on | | | | |

| |resource mobilization | | | | |

| |Maintained school EMIS and regularly | | | | |

| |submit MIS reports to the Division | | | | |

| |Office | | | | |


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