Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview

Speech OutlineName: T. Kwong (Example Outline)I. Introduction:Hook (Attention Grabber Statement)Can’t find something to wear? Worried about what others will think of your outfit for the day? Getting dressed is hard!Background A school uniform policy is when a district or school demands students wear specific pieces when attending school.Thesis StatementSchool uniforms are a great way to help parents and students.Preview Statement (a general idea of what is coming up in the rest of the speech)Uniforms help families of lower income, increase school security, and help unify a student body. II. BodyParagraph 1- First main point/idea:Families with lower income***Supporting Detail(s):Some students may feel they stand out or are outcasts because they don’t have “cool” clothes (due to financial burden of name brands, multiple pieces, etc.)There are fewer articles that families have to purchase if there is a school uniform policy (especially if there are multiple children that can share uniform clothes)Quote: President Clinton provided momentum to the school uniform movement when he said in his 1996 State of the Union speech, "If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms."Source:"Do Uniforms Make Schools Better?" GreatSchools. Web. 8 May 2015.Page Number(s): n/aParagraph 2- Second main point/idea: Increase school security ***Supporting Detail(s):Shows what schools students go to (if an accident or incident occurs off school grounds before/after school)School security/staff would be able to spot those who are trespassing (may be potentially dangerous to student body) Gangs/groups would not be representing themselves with colors or logosQuote: “Present statistics in the Long Beach district seem to support the claim that the clothes students wear can affect the crime rate. Now, three years later, many districts have followed suit with public schools in Chicago, Dallas, Sacramento, Phoenix, Seattle, Kansas City, Memphis, Baltimore and Atlanta all making the jump to mandatory uniforms.”Source: "Should Kids Wear School Uniforms? - EduGuide." Should Kids Wear School Uniforms? - EduGuide. Web. 8 May 2015.Author: n/aPage Number(s): n/aParagraph 3- Third main point/idea:Unify the student body***Supporting Detail(s):Students feel more connected (especially culturally diverse schools) Creates a sense of pride (like a dress code for work) Teachers can wear uniforms too to model the expectationQuote: “A 2007 study from Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom found that uniforms "often directly contributed to a feeling of school pride."?[45]?Christopher P. Clouet, Superintendent of the New London, CT school district, stated that "the wearing of uniforms contributes to school pride."?[3]?A 2002 study of over 1,000 Texas middle school students found that students in uniform "reported significantly more positive perceptions of belonging in their school community than reported by students in the standard dress group."Source:"School Uniforms - ." ProConorg Headlines. Web. 8 May 2015.Author: n/aPage Number(s): n/aParagraph 4- Opposing View:Reasons where your argument is weak/ where are you “wrong” in this argument:Reason: Doesn’t allow creativity of the individuals to showReason: Students don’t like the looks of the uniforms (ugly)Reason: More laundry for students/families to wash BUT… (final punch)Kids have the rest of their lives to express themselves and choose fun/attractive clothes/find their individual style; school is a place to focus on academics. It’s a time to do well and focus because it impacts their future. More laundry is just another way that teenagers can learn responsibility and how to help out around the house. III. ConclusionSummary/Review Statement(s):School uniforms should be mandated because 1. It’s better for low income families, 2. It helps increase school security, 3. It helps students bond as a student body.Restate thesisStudents, families, communities, and schools benefit from school uniform policies. Bigger Implications (leave your audience with a STRONG idea) The clothes don't make the manIt's the man that makes the clothes ................

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