Middle School Science - Amazon S3

Middle School Science Policies

Welcome to science class! We are going to have a terrific year together! I have high expectations for my students both behaviorally and academically but I know you can live up to them.

Course Requirements

• We will follow the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for middle school science.


• All homework will be turned in on time. Each student is given one “My Dog Ate My Homework” pass per semester. This homework will still need to be completed and handed in the next day but will not be counted as late. These assignments will be entered into the grade book as a zero until they are completed. (ex: 0 Dog Pass) The grade will then be changed to what the student earns on the assignment.

• Late assignments must be completed but will be entered as a zero in the grade book.(ex: 0 L)

• All assignments must include a heading at the top right hand corner of notebook paper or the top portion of worksheets. Papers missing headings will be docked points. The following information is required:

o First and Last Name

o Class

o Assignment (page number and problem numbers)

o Date

• Very often students will be required to RHAA (Read, Highlight, and Attempt Activities) for the lesson we will discuss the following day. I understand that the material is new and the student may have trouble answering the questions and activities. All I ask is that an attempt be made on what he/she does understand. It is best that this work be done in pencil.


Missing Class

• Students are responsible for collecting their own absent work. Check with the teacher and the class absent work box.


• Communication is important and to help I strongly suggest that parents go to my webpage on the school’s website and sign up for e-notes. I use this to send out reminders about tests and other announcements.

Student Responsibilities

• Trips back to lockers will be recorded. After three, detention will be served. See student handbook for further information.

• Tardiness will also be recorded. After three, detention will be served. See student handbook for further information.

• The daily agenda for class is to be copied correctly each day in the student planners. This is worth one point/day.

• Many assignments are graded in class. Students are to grade papers with red pen. Corrections may be made to all daily work for half credit. Corrections are made only after scores have been recorded and may not be done in red ink. Corrections to online assignments are to be completed as follows: On a sheet of notebook paper copy the missed question along with the correct answer. Be sure to include the assignment name either in the header or as the title of the page. Corrections will only be accepted up until test day for the current chapter.

• Homework may be done in pencil or pen, cursive or print, but not in red ink.

• Students will behave appropriately in labs or will not be allowed to participate.

• Labs missed because a student is absent will not be made up. The grade for the lab will not be averaged into the grade book.

• Tests are announced 7 days prior to test day. It is strongly suggested that students put in at 10-20 minutes each day of study day in preparation.

• Directions to the online text: Go to my webpage on the district website. Under Staff Resources click on Pearson Easy Bride. Click on the large yellow box that says Click Here To Access Your Curriculum and Programs on Easybridge. Each student has his/her own username and password.

• The fee for lost or destroyed student work/text books is $10/book.

• Students are to bring an AR book with them to class so free time may be filled.

• Students will follow the Eagle Expectations and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Eagles at all times.

• If you need help with your homework you may call me at home. Please do not abuse this. Call before 9:00 and leave a message with your name and number if I do not answer. (316)204-4888.

Student Signature ____________________________ Date_____________________

Parent Signature _______________________________ Date ____________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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