27051005010150456 + 523 400 + 500 = 90050 + 20 = 706 + 3 = 9900 + 70 + 9 = 97900456 + 523 400 + 500 = 90050 + 20 = 706 + 3 = 9900 + 70 + 9 = 979right0Miss Edlin’s streamDue Friday 25th SeptemberHome work will now always be due on a Friday and be handed out on a Friday.00Miss Edlin’s streamDue Friday 25th SeptemberHome work will now always be due on a Friday and be handed out on a Friday.right3779520ScienceFind ‘kids academy’ on YouTube and search for the ‘Light and shadows’ and ‘Sources of Light’ videos. Write a short paragraph about what you have learnt from the videos. Can you find any light sources, opaque, translucent or transparent objects at home?020000ScienceFind ‘kids academy’ on YouTube and search for the ‘Light and shadows’ and ‘Sources of Light’ videos. Write a short paragraph about what you have learnt from the videos. Can you find any light sources, opaque, translucent or transparent objects at home?48958500SpellingsPractise the following spellings for a test on Friday 25th September. For handwriting practise, complete ten sentences using cursive script, where each spelling is included correctly. childwildfilemildsmilewhilepiletilemileNile020000SpellingsPractise the following spellings for a test on Friday 25th September. For handwriting practise, complete ten sentences using cursive script, where each spelling is included correctly. childwildfilemildsmilewhilepiletilemileNileright5305425ReadingRead your reading book at least three times a week for 10 minutes. Grown ups, please make a note of when your child has read by signing and dating their reading records. Also ensure that your reading book in always in your bag. 020000ReadingRead your reading book at least three times a week for 10 minutes. Grown ups, please make a note of when your child has read by signing and dating their reading records. Also ensure that your reading book in always in your bag. left0MathsLearn your five and ten times tables. You will be tested on Friday 25thth September.Partition then complete the following. Example on the right.345 + 217562 + 834904 - 341530 - 83200MathsLearn your five and ten times tables. You will be tested on Friday 25thth September.Partition then complete the following. Example on the right.345 + 217562 + 834904 - 341530 - 832 ................

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