
SYLLABUS BREAK UP (2019-20)CLASS-VISUBJECT: SCIENCEBOOK: SCIENCE NCERT (TERM -1)SNO LESSONSSUB TOPICSKEY POINTSACTIVITYPDS1 CH-1FOOD:WHERE DOES IT COME FROM1.1Food variety1.2Food materials and sources1.3Plant parts and animal products1.4What do animals eat?Ingredients, edibleNectar, herbivore,Carnivore, omnivoreSprouted seeds1.Preparing the sprouts of moong2Pasting of different types of spices commonly used.82CH-3FIBRE TO FABRIC3.1 Variety in fabrics3.2 Fibre3.3 Some plant fibres3.4 Spinning cotton yarns3.5 Yarn to fabrics3.6 History of clothing materialCotton ,wool, fabrics,fibreKnitting, Spinning,Weavingyarn1.weaving from two sheets of paper of different colours2 Burning test of fabrics83. CH-4SORTING MATERIALS INTO GROUPS4.1 Objects around Us4.2 Properties of MaterialsHard; Insoluble; Lustre; Material; Metals; Opaque; Rough; Soluble; Translucent; Transparent94.CH- 7GETTING TO KNOW PLANTS7.1Herbs,Shrubs and Trees7.2 Stem7.3 Leaf7.4 Root7.5 FlowerClimber; conduct ;creeper; fibrous root; Herbs; Lamina ;Lateral roots; Midrib; ovule; Parallel venation; Petal; Petiole; Photosynthesis; Pistil; Reticulate venation; Sepal; Shrubs; Stamen; Tap root; Transpiration; Trees, Veins1.To demonstrate the movement of water in the given stem of the plant2. To study the various parts of flower.145. CH-10MOTION AND MEASUREMENT10.1 Story of transport10.2How far have you travelled?10.3Some measurements10.4 Standard units of measurements10.5Correct measurement of length10.6 Measuring the length of a curved line10.7 Moving things around us10.8Types of motionCircular motion,distance,measurement,motion,periodicmotion,Rectilinearmotion,SIunits,Units of measurement1.Measuring the length of a curve with a thread2. Parallex error in reading the measurement using a scale.106.CH-12ELECTRICITY AND CIRCUIT12.1 Electric Cell12.2 A bulb connected to an Electric Cell12.3 An Electric Circuit12.Electric Circuit12.5Electric Conductor and InsulatorBulb; Conductor; Electric Cell; Electric Circuit; Filament; Insulator; Switch; TerminalMaking a simple electric circuit12(TERM -II)S.NO.LESSONSSUBTOPICSKEYWORDSACTIVITIESPDS1.CH-2COMPONENTS OF FOOD2.1 What do different food items contain2.2 What do different nutrients do to our body2.3Balanced diet2.4Deficiencydiseases Balanced diet, Beriberi, Carbohydrate , energy ,fats roughageMineral, nutrients,Proteins, scurvy ,starch1.Test of Starch2.Test of protein3.Test for Fats82.CH-6CHANGES AROUND US6.1 Can all changes be reversed6.2 Could There be other ways to bring a changeChanges,Contraction Evaporation,Expansion,Melting1.Lemon ,paintbrush test103.CH-5SEPARATION OF SUBSTANCES5.1 Methods of SeparationChurning; condensation; Decantation; Evaporation; Filtration; handpicking; Saturated Solution; Sedimentation; Sieving; Solution; Threshing; Winnowing1.Filtration2 .Loading through a small piece of Alum3Separation of immiscible. liquid using a separating funnel124. CH-8BODY MOVEMENTS8.1 Human Body andIts movement8.2 Gait of animalsBackbone, Ball and Socket joint, Bristles, Cartilage ,cavity, fixed joint ,gait of animals,hingejoint,muscle,outerskeleton,pelvicbones,pivotaljoint,Ribcage,shoulderbones,skeleton,streamlined1.Study of different types of joints using model of skeleton105. CH-11LIGHT SHADOWS AND REFLECTIONS11.1Transparent,opaque and Translucent objects11.2What exactly are shadows?11.3A Pinhole camera11.4Mirrors and ReflectionsLuminous, mirror, opaque ,pinhole camera ,reflection, Shadow, translucent ,transparent1. To show that light travels in straight line .2.Making of simple periscope3. Making of pinhole camera.126.CH-13FUN WITH MAGNETS13.1 Magnetic and Non Magnetic Material13.2 Poles of Magnet13.3 Finding Directions13.4 Make your own Magnet13.5 Attraction and repulsion between MagnetsCompass; Magnet; Magnetic; North Pole; South Pole1 Finding the direction using a Compass2Testing of the direction using a Suspended bar Magnet12Submitted by:Tanvee Saxena (Middle Wing)SYLLABUS BREAK UP (2015-16)CLASS-VISUBJECT: SCIENCEBOOK: SCIENCE NCERT (TERM -1)REFERENCE BOOK: LIVING SCIENCESYLLABUS FOR FIRST TERM: [COMPACT]TEST/EXAMDATESYLLABUSFA-117.07.15(Fri.)FIBRE TO FABRICCHANGES AROUND USTHE LIVING ORGANISM AND .THEIR SURROUNDINGFA-2TO BE PLANNEDSA-1SEPTEMBERLIGHT SHADOWS AND .REFLECTIONS.BODY MOVEMENTS.WATERAIR AROUND USThe chapters done in FA1 are also included inSA1 SYLLABUS FOR SECOND TERM: [COMPACT]TEST/EXAMDATESYLLABUSFA-318.12.15 (Fri.)FOOD: WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?COMPONENTS OF FOODELECTRICITY AND CIRCUITSFA-4TO BE PLANNEDSA-2MARCHSORTING MATERIALS INTO GROUPSSEPARATION OF SUBSTANCESGETTING TO KNOW PLANTSGARBAGE IN AND GARBAGE OUTFUN WITH MAGNETSThe chapters done in FA3 are also included inSA2Submitted by: Tanvee Saxena ................

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