
Name ____________________________________ Block ____ Date ______________

Prefixes and Suffixes

The study of biology requires an understanding of many technical terms. Sometimes you can find the meaning of an unfamiliar term by looking at its parts. In this activity you will analyze such parts to help you understand many of the terms you will encounter in this course (and in other classes as well).

Many words have prefixes and suffixes that provide clues to their meanings. The following table contains a list of prefixes and suffixes that are often part of biological terms. You will be tested on these.

Prefix |Meaning | |Prefix |Meaning | |Suffix |Meaning | |a-

or an- |not or without | |homeo-

homo- |same | |-cellular |having to do with cells | |anti- |against | |hydro- |water | | -cyst |pouch, sack | |arche- |ancient, old | |hyper- |over, higher | | -derm |skin | |arth- |joint, jointed | |hypo- |under, below | |-gen |producing | |auto- |self | |intra- |within, inside | | -itis |inflammation | |bio- |life | |iso- |equal, same | |-kary |nucleus | |chloro- |green | |lys- |to cut or break | | -logy |the study of | |cyto- |cell | |macro- |large | | -meter |measurement | |di- (bi-) |double/two | |meso- |middle | |-phase |stage | |eco- |house, dwelling | |micro- |small | |-phage |eater | |ecto- or exo- |outside | |multi- |many | |-philic |love | |endo- |inside | |photo- |light | |-phobic |fear | |epi - |on the outside (above or upon) | |plasm- |forming substance | | -phyll |leaf | |eu- |true, normal | |poly- |many | | -pod |foot | |gastro- |stomach | |pro- |before | | -scope |instrument for viewing | |hemo- |blood | |sym- or

syn- |together | | -stasis |balanced or stable | |herb- |pertaining to plants | |uni- |one | | -synthesis |to put together | |hetero- |different | |zoo- |animals | | -troph |food | |

Use the meanings of the prefixes and suffixes in the table to form words that will match the definitions below (Sometimes more than one prefix or suffix is used to form a word).

Example: Micro-bio-logy The study of small forms of life.

1. The study of animals.

2. Making own food (self feeder).

3. Instrument used to measure water and other liquids.

4. A small leaf.

5. Within a cell.

6. A green leaf.

7. Keeping conditions balanced; the same

8. Inflammation of the joints.

9. Top (outer) layer of skin.

10. Instrument for measuring very small objects.

11. Large eater (these are actually types of white blood cells…guess what they do : )

12. Water loving

An important skill to develop is using other words that you know the meaning of to figure out new words with like parts.

Each group of words listed below shares certain parts. The first two words in each group are defined for you. The part of the work and the part of the definition that corresponds are underlined. Use these definitions to help you define each work that follows the first two words.

13. Endospore: Inner layer of the wall of a seed.

Microscope: Instrument used for looking at small objects.

Microspore: _____________________________________________________________________

14. Pesticide: An agent used to destroy pests.

Herbaceous: Related to leafy plants.

Herbicide: ______________________________________________________________________

15. Arthritis: Inflammation of the joints.

Podiatrist: Doctor who treats and cares for the human foot.

Arthropod: ______________________________________________________________________

Think of two words that contains one of the prefixes or suffixes (from page 1) and then describe what it is. Do not use any of the words formed in questions 1-15.

16. __________________________ - ___________________________________________________

17. __________________________ - ___________________________________________________


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