
Do You Want to Learn Something or Prove Something?I do hope you want to learn something each time you read your Bible; otherwise, to use the Bible to prove something often necessitates ignoring some of the evidence of biblical truth, much like the man who said, “I’m trying to prove a point here, so don’t try to confuse me with facts.” If the facts of the case get in the way of our opinions, then our opinions must be wrong.As we begin to collect the evidence to be considered, let us first establish some ground rules. As Christians seeking to understand the message of the Bible, we must first acknowledge that the Bible is the revealed Word of God,; inspired by God and written by men. God, in His integrity and justice, has seen that His Word has survived the ages, while many of man’s writings have been lost forever in antiquity. Only those writings of men, which that are considered extra-biblical, but which that can contribute historically to the Word of God or contribute scientifically to the support of the biblical accounts, can be given any serious attention in our quest for reliable evidence. Other writings outside the Bible which that men may put forth can range from the ridiculous to the sublime and may not contain any useful information to contribute to our interest. If their writings cannot be supported or confirmed by the Word of God, they cannot stand as a reliable sources in our search for evidence of biblical truth. For example, tThe popular pseudo-science, evolutionary theory or Darwinian Theory, for example, which offers conflicting reasoning, but no conflicting evidence that the biblical creation story is not true and correct, cannot be part of any evidence we are to consider.Here’s why: even though scientists have developed a technological method for dating ancient objects, —it’s called radiocarbon dating, which —and may be useful in some isolated cases, but it is flawed; it’s not an exact science. They Scientists use it and other methods, to claim the earth and things on the earth are millions of years older than the Bible claims them to be. The conclusions they draw, which oppose the biblical account, cannot, therefore, be taken as useful evidence. Not only do their findings disagree with what God told Moses to write in the book of Genesis, but also their findings and conclusions are also flawed even for scientific purposes. For example, tTheir method for dating the frozen remains of a mammoth, for example, proved inconclusive. One part of the animal was determined to be much older than the other parts of the same animal. How useful is that? We must realize that science can be defined loosely as the study of what is observable,; what is provable, and what is repeatable. This simple definition takes evolution out of the realm of science and leaves it squarely where it started—as only a theory that is now drawing more criticism than support from the scientific community, who also acknowledges there are alternative causes. Evolutionists have, as their strongest argument to support the theory, the claim that the earth is millions of years old and that it takes millions of years for something to evolve, but both criterions are unprovable by any rational standard. They would like for us simply to take their word for it. How convenient is that? Using that kind of logic, when there is no absolute evidence to consider, we can prove anything we wish to claim as true if we aren’t held to produce actual proof.Evolutionists claim there is no God because no one can prove He exists. The second part of that statement is true. and that’s true. I cannot prove to anyone that God exists, but the BibleHebrews 11:6b says, “…for he that comes cometh to God must believe that he is, and, that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6b). What this means is: we must first believe He exists and when we diligently search for Him, He will reward us by revealing Himself to us. The Bible1 Chronicles 28:9b (NKJV) also says, “If you seek Him, He will be found by you…,” (1 Chronicles 28:9b, NKJ)which is echoed in 2 Chronicles 15:2d (NKJV) “…Iif you seek Him, He will be found by you.,” Isaiah 55:6 (NKJV) adds (2 Chronicles 15:2d, NKJ). And again, “Seek the Lord LORD while He may be found” (Isaiah 55:6, NKJ).” And yet again God saysid in Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV), “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13, NKJ). Wikipedia reportsed that nearly every scientific society, all of which represent hundreds of thousands of scientists, has issued statements rejecting intelligent design. Also, 72 U.S. Nobel Prize winners endorsed a petition supporting the teaching of evolutionary biology.The increase in the number of scientists supporting the theory of evolution, those who have issued the statements of rejection, does not include those who also support the Judeo-Christian view of creation; therefore, they start with an opposing bias. If they can arbitrarily disqualify creation for their lack of belief in God or even an intelligent designer, we then, have no common ground from which to argue our point.God isn’t hanging out on the street corner for all to see, just as those things the scientists seek to find aren’t just lying out in the open, waiting to be found (though some are). In many cases,, they must be searched out with great effort in many cases. The reward comes when the seeker finds what he or she is seeking. what which one seeks, is found of the seeker. The non-believing scientific community derides the believers by claiming God doesn’t exist simply because no one can produce evidence of Him, tangibly or mathematically. That can lead to a long, sad story, but we must move on.____________If we remain true to our search to understand what God wants us to know by searching His Word and avoid the static and interference of non-biblical influences, we can safely rely on what the Bible has to say. There will be times when secular writings, such as scientific evidence (hard evidence), will confirm what the Bible says, but we cannot place confidence in all secular writings. Particularly suspect are those things put forth by the evolutionists;, the Flat Earth Society;, or anything an agnostic or atheistic group may put forth, as evidence, to refutes what the Bible says. There is, however, one exception to this rule: some historical secular writings, found in antiquity, can sometimes add support to biblical facts. If you think that sounds as if we can discriminately pick and choose what and whom to believe, you are absolutely right. But our rejections should be based primarily on their denial of what we find in the Bible, and we should not accept their word as true based because of on their professional background or celebrity status as experts. Those writings that oppose the Judeo-Christian ethic cannot be set on a par with the Bible.We must not forget that, we are attempting to discover what the Bible is saying, even if it requires us to look beyond the Scriptures. However, oOnly that which confirms the biblical record is useful, however, while that which is in conflict with or contradicts the Bible, is largely written by non-believers and is not of no any interest to us, particularly if their motives are to deny the existence of God, the origin of creation, or any other biblical doctrine. (An example: Many times, for example, scientists have proven some aspects of the biblical accountBible through scientific discovery, in spite of their anti-biblical position.) After all, there are multiple thousands of extra-biblical writings out there that do not deserve our attention. Anyone can say or write anything, and we have no obligation to prove or disprove any of them. The BibleRomans 3:4b says, “…let God be true, but every man a liar.,” (Romans 3:4b).____________Let’s look at a few Scriptures that have been interpreted at least three different ways by men who are considered to be Bible scholars. These men have overreached the rule of proving the S with the S (which allows God to explain Himself with His own words) and looked to secular writings and myths. Some have ignored obvious evidence, and some have gone as far as introducing a bit of science fiction to explain what they do not understand, or refuse to acknowledge. They seem more intent on proving their theoriesy than on acknowledging the evidence at hand and learning something from it.The passage of Scripture we shall consider was not selected because it is of such great spiritual importance, but because it illustrates such a broad spectrum of misinterpretations and conjectures and serves as a prime example of how far one can miss what should be quite obvious. The Scripture passage in question is in Genesis 6:1–9. 1.And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them,2.That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.3.And the Lord LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.4. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.5.And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.6.And it repented the Lord LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. ................

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