
1.?George is interested in insects and wants to do an experiment. Which of the following is a scientific question about insects that he could investigate with an experiment?A.Do different food types affect the growth rate of beetles??B.Why are there so many different kinds of insects in the world?C.Do ants feel anxiety?D.Are ladybugs prettier than beetles?2.?Biological scientists use a variety of methods to gather evidence, or data. If a biologist makes a diorama of a plant cell, what type of investigation did the biologist perform?A.model-buildingB.laboratory experimentC.collection of specimensD.observational field study5.?A biologist wants to demonstrate how atoms are combined in a DNA molecule, a geologist wants to demonstrate how mountains are formed as a result of tectonic plate collisions, and a physicist wants to demonstrate wave motion.What method would best allow these three different scientists to demonstrate their concepts?A.laboratory experimentB.observational field studyC.model-buildingD.collection of specimens6.?Juan wants to see how air expands when it is heated. He is able to use any of the following supplies?-?a balloon, a heat lamp, a spring scale, and a meter stick.Which is the best procedure to follow for the experiment?A.Use the spring scale to measure the weight of the balloon before and after it is blown up.B.Measure the weight of the deflated balloon, inflate the balloon, heat the balloon with the heat lamp, then measure the inflated balloon's width.C.Inflate the balloon, measure the width of the balloon, heat the balloon using the heat lamp, and then measure the width again.D.Inflate the balloon, heat the balloon using the heat lamp, and measure the weight of the balloon with the spring scale.7.?Eddie wants to compare the weather in Minnesota over the last five years to the weather in Minnesota over the last 50 years. Which kind of investigation should he use?A.a review of existing workB.a controlled experimentC.a field studyD.development of a model8.?The image below shows a simple model of the life cycle of a forest.Why is it necessary to use a model?A.This process would take too long to view in real time.B.Seedlings, trees, and forests are too small to be seen.C.The model is more complicated than the real process.D.It is too dangerous to watch trees grow.10.?There are many different types of scientific investigations, including controlled experiments, observational field studies, the collection of specimens, and model-building. Which type of investigation is best used to study global weather patterns?A.controlled experimentsB.model-buildingC.observational field studiesD.the collection of specimens3.?When heating chemicals in a test tube, it is most appropriate toA.point the opening of the test tube away from oneself and others.B.point the opening of the test tube directly upward.C.cover the bottom of the test tube to prevent overheating.D.cap the opening of the test tube to prevent spilling the contents.4.?Karla is planning an experiment about phase changes. As a part of the procedure, she must measure and use exactly 10 milliliters of water. Which of the following tools should Karla choose to most accurately measure the water?A.25-mL graduated cylinderB.400-mL beakerC.balanceD.test tube1.?Before Daniel performed his experiment, he hypothesized, "If I raise the temperature of a cup of water, then it will be able to dissolve more sugar."Which of the following results would support the hypothesis?A.The cup with the coolest water dissolved the largest amount of sugar.B.None of these statements support the hypothesis.C.The cup with the warmest water dissolved the least amount of sugar.D.The cup with the warmest water dissolved the largest amount of sugar.2.?A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how acids affect a newly discovered metal. The scientist was careful to record the steps of her experiment, as well as her observations and results. What should the scientist do next?A.Report her results to the scientific community.B.Hide her results from other scientists so that they won’t steal her idea.C.Ask the local newspaper to publish her results.e up with a new hypothesis that she can test on the newly discovered metal.3.?The high and low daily temperatures in William's hometown were taken and averaged for a period of one month. The line graph displays the results. Which statement accurately describes the results?A.The average daily low temperature is higher than the average high temperature.B.The average daily high and low temperatures generally decrease from Monday to Friday.C.The average high temperature on Wednesday is higher than the high temperature on Tuesday.D.The average low temperature on Thursday is higher than the average low temperature on Monday.4.?Mrs. Adams placed 250 brine shrimp in a long piece of tubing. The left half of the tubing was covered, and a lamp was placed over the right half. After 20 minutes, 241 of the shrimp were found in the left half of the tubing, and 9 shrimp were found in the right half. Based on the data, half of the class concluded that brine shrimp prefer dark areas. The other half of the class concluded that brine shrimp prefer cooler temperatures.What is the best explanation for why the class made different conclusions?A.The students should have concluded that shrimp prefer higher temperatures.B.Some of the shrimp preferred dark, and some of the shrimp preferred light.C.The data collected during the demonstration potentially supports both conclusions.D.Half of the students in the class did not pay attention to the demonstration.5.?Travis is measuring the length of some of his classmates' shoe prints in metric units. He has already recorded three shoe lengths in the table below.StudentLength (cm)Brad15.1Mildred12.8Katie17.4Jimmy---Mean value---The last measurement Travis needs to make is of Jimmy's shoe print, which is below.The length that Travis should enter into the table for Jimmy's shoe print is?_______, and the mean value of Travis' measurements is?_______.A.6.3; 11.3B.6.3; 14.4C.17.0; 15.1D.17.0; 15.6Coach Newman has been keeping a record of the temperature in his classroom in the chart above. What is the difference between the temperature at 8 am and the temperature at 1 pm?A.0°B.3°C.5°D.4°7.?James performed an experiment to see how adding different salts to water affects their freezing points. His data is shown below.Concentration of Salt Solution(mol solute/kg water)Freezing Point forNaCl SolutionFreezing Point forMgCl2?Solution00°C0°C2-2.5°C-2.8°C4-6.0°C-7.5°C6-11.0°C-15.0°C8-16.5°C-35.0°CHow are the freezing points related to the concentrations of the salt solutions?A.For the MgCl2?solution only, as the concentrations increase, the freezing points decrease.B.For the NaCl solution only, as the concentrations increase, the freezing points increase.C.For both salt solutions, as the concentrations increase, the freezing points increase.D.For both salt solutions, as the concentrations increase, the freezing points decrease.8.?Amy is experimenting to see how a truss (a type of support) can strengthen a bridge. Amy builds several models of bridges out of toothpicks. Each model has a different number of trusses.?Amy suspends each model between two desks. She then adds lead weights to each bridge, one-by-one, until the bridge breaks. In the chart below, Amy recorded how many lead weights each bridge held before breaking.Number of TrussesNumber of?Lead Weights824103014421854What is a valid conclusion that Amy can draw from her experiment?A.Increasing the number of trusses increases the strength of the bridge.B.The number of trusses a bridge has does not affect amount of weight the bridge can hold.C.A bridge with 20 trusses could hold 80 lead weights.D.A bridge with 14 trusses holds twice as much weight as a bridge with 10 trusses.9.?Dr. Burke performs an experiment to determine how plants grow in a variety of temperature and moisture conditions. He runs five trials with five different groups of the same species of plant. The table below shows the results from his experiment.?Plant GroupTemperatureMoistureAverage Plant GrowthGroup 1highhigh2 inGroup 2moderatemoderate6 inGroup 3lowlow0 inGroup 4highmoderate3 inGroup 5moderatehigh4 inAfter finishing the experiment, Dr. Burke explains that heat and moisture have no effect on plant growth. Based on the evidence shown in the table, is his explanation valid?A.Yes, the evidence shown in the table supports his explanation.B.No, the evidence shown in the table does not support his explanation.C.No, he did not test plants in moderate moisture and moderate temperature conditions.D.Yes, his experiment is well designed so his results do not need to support his explanation.10.?Susie is conducting an investigation to find out what type of fish are in two ponds near her house. The results are shown in the bar graph below.How many more perch are in Pond 2 than Pond 1?A.10B.1C.5D.811.?Silkworms are raised commercially for the silk cocoons that they produce. In ten different trials, Jami's class raised silkworms under different temperatures to see what conditions are best for silkworm caterpillars in their first three instars or stages. In each trial, they began with 30 silkworm eggs. The table below shows the data Jami recorded.Trial NumberTemperature(°F)Number Survivingto Adulthood155026013651470357566801278526890199957101000Which statement below does the data support?A.Silkworms can grow successfully at any temperature.B.Too much heat or too little heat is bad for the growth of silkworms.C.Temperature is not a condition that affects the survival of silkworms.D.Ninety degrees is the perfect temperature for growing silkworms.12.?Jessica and Jose hypothesize that a wagon will roll down a certain hill faster if it carries more mass. They time how long the wagon takes to go down the hill empty, with one passenger, with two passengers, and with three passengers. Then, they measure the distance down the hill to be 20?m and calculate the wagon's speed for each trial. The results are shown in the table below.Number of PassengersTime (s)Speed (m/s)04.34.714.64.325.23.835.93.4Do the results support the hypothesis?A.Yes, because speed increases with increasing mass in this case.B.No, because speed decreases with increasing mass in this case.C.Yes, because the speeds in this case are the same regardless of mass.D.No, because the speeds in this case are the same regardless of mass.13.?Alma's mother keeps many potted plants. Some of the plants are placed in full, direct sunlight. Others are placed in the shade under the trees. Alma has noticed that her mother gives the plants that are in the sun much more water than the ones in the shade. Her mother explained that some plants need more light than others. Alma concludes that plants that need more light also need more water.Which of the following is a possible alternative explanation for why the plants in the sun are given more water?A.Plants in direct sunlight close their stoma to prevent water loss.B.Wet things, such as dirt, dry more quickly in direct sunlight.C.Plants that have evolved to need less light grow in wet places.D.Photosynthesis takes place more slowly at higher temperatures.14.?Joseph counted all of the different trees in the woods near his house. He made a graph showing his results.Which of the following conclusions can Joseph draw from his graph?A.Cedars are the tallest trees in the woods near his house.B.There are 95 trees in the woods near his house.C.Maple trees are not able to grow in the woods near his house.D.There are more elms than oaks in the woods near his house.15.?Mrs. Stevens asked four of her students to research how running water affects the shape of a stream over time. To find the answer:Morgan performed an internet search, read books in the school library, and looked at articles in scientific journals.Casey built a model of a stream and performed controlled experiments.Maria observed several different streams near her house for a few hours.Jamal interviewed local scientists who routinely study stream flows and shapes.Which student's research most likely produced the weakest scientific evidence?A.JamalB.MorganC.CaseyD.Maria16.?One winter, bears were spotted far outside their normal mountain habitat. Some of the proposed explanations included:The number of bears in the local population had increased so much that the bears could not all fit in their usual range.An invasive species destroyed some of the bears' food sources, forcing the bears to spread out in search of nourishment.The winter was unusually cold and snowy, and the bears were leaving the cold mountain heights for the warmer, less snowy, lower surrounding areas.Suppose that the local bear population is counted, and it has increased from the last recorded number. How does this affect the possible explanations for why bears are being found outside their usual habitat?A.It supports the first explanation, but the other two are still possible.B.It supports the first and second explanations but disproves the third.C.It shows that the first explanation is the correct one, and the others are both wrong.D.This information is not useful in evaluating the proposed possible explanations.17.?Paul hypothesizes that real maple syrup flows slower than oil and molasses. He made a ramp using a cutting board and wax paper. Then, he used a stopwatch to time how long a teaspoon of each liquid took to flow down the ramp. The results are shown in the table below.Type of LiquidTime (s)maple syrup8.5oil4.1molasses12.3Do the results support the hypothesis?A.No, because the oil took more time than the maple syrup.B.Yes, because the oil took less time than the maple syrup.C.No, because molasses took more time than the maple syrup.D.Yes, because the molasses took less time than the maple syrup.18.?Harriet is testing the hypothesis that her cat is faster than her dog in a short sprint. She times her cat, Mittens, as it runs 30?meters. She then times her dog, Mandrake, as it runs the same thirty meters.AnimalTime (seconds)Mittens3.4Mandrake4.1Can Harriet conclude that her cat is faster than her dog?A.No; Harriet should time her animals at much longer distances before she makes that conclusion.B.Yes; since Mittens finished with a faster time than Mandrake, he must be a faster runner.C.No; Harriet should race the animals several times before she makes that conclusion.D.Yes; since Harriet's data agrees with her hypothesis, it must be correct.?19.?The following chart shows the average life expectancy for citizens of the United States. Life expectancy for each year is the life span a person could expect if the death rate stayed forever at the value it had during that year.What can be known or predicted from this chart?A.the probable life expectancy in the US in 2007B.the actual average lifespan of people born in 1980C.the probable population of the US in 2007D.the age at which a particular person will die21.?Mr. Swanson's science class used a thermometer to measure the outside temperature each day throughout the school year.They used their results to make the graph below.Which month had an average daily temperature of around 41 degrees?A.MayB.AprilC.DecemberD.March22.?A scientist is observing a rare monkey in the jungle, and the monkey begins exhibiting an odd behavior. The scientist thinks this behavior may not have been observed in this species before, but he is not certain. The scientist records video of the behavior and takes many detailed notes.?The scientist becomes very excited about his finding and plans to share it with other scientists. The best way for him to communicate and defend his finding would be toA.confirm that the behavior has not been observed before, and then present his finding in a report.B.wait until other scientists ask him about his trip to the jungle, and then tell them about his finding.C.immediately write a report claiming a newly discovered behavior, and then check later to see if others have observed it before.D.defend his finding as a new discovery, even if another scientist has already published a report about the behavior.1.?Nick hypothesizes that wax has a higher melting point than chocolate. How can Nick test his hypothesis?A.Use Mohs Hardness Scale to test how easily wax and chocolate can be scratched.B.Heat equal masses of wax and chocolate and measure their temperatures when they start to melt.C.Heat samples of wax and chocolate and use a stopwatch to time how long it takes until they start to melt.D.Measure the volume and weight of samples of wax and chocolate and calculate their densities.2.?Mr. Brown used the model shown below when discussing plant cells with his class.Why did Mr. Brown use a model?A.Most plant cells are dangerous and induce a variety of diseases.B.Real plant cells can only be viewed with a telescope.C.The model provides a better representation than a real cell.D.The model is easier to view since real plant cells are very small.3.?Everyone in Mrs. Blaylock's science class must perform an experiment for the science fair this year. To begin this process, Mrs. Blaylock asks her students to brainstorm four different questions that they could study.One of Mrs. Blaylock's students writes down the following questions.How does the mass of a toy car affect its speed down a ramp?How does the position of the Sun, moons, planets and stars affect a person's personality traits and daily behavior patterns?Which type of pan - copper, aluminum, or glass - heats up the quickest?Which type of chemicals can remove the cell wall of a plant cell?Which of the above questions cannot be answered through a scientific investigation?A.question 2B.question 3C.question 1D.question 44.?Which of the following statements describes all the variables in an experiment?A.All variables are kept the same from one part of the experiment to another.B.All variables are changed from one part of the experiment to another.C.All variables affect the results of the experiment.D.All variables are measured to provide data for the experimental results.5.?Derek lives in a hot, humid climate. He has two rose bushes in pots in his yard. The rose bushes grow quickly and bloom with large, red roses. Derek moves to a cold, dry climate at the same altitude and notices that his rose bushes stop growing and do not have large blooms. He hypothesizes that the rose bushes are not receiving enough water because he is now in a dry climate. He waters them more often, but they do not improve.Which of the following scientific questions should he ask next to find out what is wrong with his roses?A.How much do rose bushes cost in his new area?B.Does temperature affect the growth of the rose bushes?C.Which rose bush has larger, more colorful blooms?D.Do rose bushes grow better in high or low altitudes?6.?Sarah wants to know where in her garden chamomile would grow the best. She thinks chamomile will grow best in the corner of the garden that gets the most sunlight. To test her hypothesis, she decides to plant several groups of chamomile in her garden as an experiment.Which of the following variables will Sarah need to measure to know which group of plants grew best?A.the amount of water she gives the plantsB.the location of the plantsC.the type of plantsD.the height of the plants7.?Selma hypothesizes that the mass of a sample of water will not change if it is frozen. She conducts an experiment to test her hypothesis. Her experimental steps are as follows:1. Fill a beaker with 500 mL of water.2.?????????????????????????????????????????????????3. Place the beaker in the freezer.4. After the water freezes, place the beaker on the balance and ????measure its mass.Which of the following steps is missing from Selma's experiment?A.Run the water through a filter to make sure there are no impurities in it.B.Use a thermometer to measure the water's temperature.C.Set a timer for 2 hours.D.Place the beaker on the balance and measure its mass.8.?A hypothesis isA.the process of experimentation designed specifically to disprove a scientific theory.B.a statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event.C.the result of a scientific experiment performed for the purpose of proving a theory.D.a summary of events written in a particular fashion.9.?Biological scientists use a variety of methods to gather evidence, or data. If a biologist watches a group of birds in their natural habitat, what type of investigation did the biologist perform?A.observational field studyB.collection of specimensC.model-buildingD.laboratory experiment10.?Doyle learned that only one side of the Moon is ever visible from Earth. He wants to investigate how the moon moves around the Earth and to understand how this motion causes the phases of the moon. Which kind of scientific investigation should he use?A.a review of existing workB.a field studyC.development of a modelD.a controlled experiment11.Game12345678910Jets10101321101410422812Opponent7317241403212728The chart above shows the football scores for the Jets this season. Which of the following measures of central tendency would show the score that occurred most often?A.medianB.rangeC.meanD.mode12.?Estelle wants to find out which plants are most abundant in her yard. Which kind of scientific investigation should she use?A.development of a modelB.a field studyC.a review of existing workD.a controlled experiment15.?When conducting an experiment, which of the following is generally true?A.Performing a smaller number of experimental trials makes the results more dependable.B.It is unsafe to perform a large number of experimental trials.C.Performing a larger number of experimental trials makes the results more dependable.D.The number of trials performed does not affect the validity of the results.16.?Jose wants to know the effects of mass, force, and surface type on the motion of a small box. He has one spring, one box, and an assortment of weights to put in the box. He compresses the spring between the box and a wall, measures how far he has compressed it, then releases the box. He then measures how far the box travels before stopping. The table below presents the data he pressionof springmassof boxtype ofsurfacedistancetraveled0.5 cm500 gcarpet34 cm1.5 cm250 gcarpet199 cm0.5 cm300 glinoleum239 cm1.5 cm450 glinoleum477 cm0.5 cm250 gconcrete123 cm1.5 cm300 gconcrete305 cmWhat did Jose do wrong?A.He did not graph his data.B.He changed more than one variable at a time.C.He measured the wrong variable.D.He did not identify all the variables in the experiment.17.?A 100 meter dash was held with 20 contestants. The best time was 10.7 seconds, and the worst time was 15.3 seconds. Only the fastest 10 contestants advance to the final race.Which measure of central tendency should be used to calculate the cutoff time for the final race?A.meanB.modeC.rangeD.median18.?Addison has two dogs that are sisters. One of the dogs has white fur and the other dog has black fur.?What scientific question could Addison ask based on this observation?A.How is fur color determined in dogs?B.Which color of fur is the prettiest?C.Which of the dogs is the most friendly?D.How fast do the dogs run?20.?Virginia measures the temperature outdoors in five different parts of her yard. The following table shows her data:ThermometerTemperature (°C)123.8227.5323.8423.8526.3According to Virginia's measurements, what is the average temperature in her yard?A.26.3°CB.27.5°CC.25.0°CD.23.8°C21.?In order to make food, the chloroplasts in green plants must be able to absorb light from the Sun. This makes it possible for the carbon dioxide acquired through pores in the plants' leaves and water acquired through the plants' roots to be converted into glucose sugar and oxygen gas.Which of the following hypotheses is most probable given the above information?A.If a plant is kept in the dark, it will grow faster than a plant that is kept in the Sun.B.Plants that contain a large number of chloroplasts will make less food than a plant with a smaller number of chloroplasts.C.If a plant's roots are damaged, it will not be able to make as much food as an undamaged plant.D.Plants with large, broad leaves will grow more slowly than plants with small, narrow leaves.23.?A hypothesis isA.the result of a scientific experiment performed for the purpose of proving a theory.B.a summary of events written in a particular fashion.C.the process of experimentation designed specifically to disprove a scientific theory.D.a statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event.24.?Dr. Grey performed an experiment to test how temperature affects activity levels in mice. She put one group of mice in a cold environment and another group of mice in a hot environment.Everything else about the two environments was the same, including the type and amount of food and water. She allowed the experiment to last for a few generations of mice and tested the activity levels of the different groups.?There was no change in the activity levels of the mice, but she noticed that the mice in the cold environment had much darker, thicker fur than the mice in the hot environment. What scientific question could she ask based on her results?A.Do the mice in the cold environment run faster than the mice in the hot environment?B.Which group of mice is the most attractive?C.Does temperature have an effect on fur color and thickness in mice?D.Does food type have an effect on fur color and thickness in mice?25.?Billy ran the 40 meter dash nine times. His times are below.{5.3 s, 4.8 s, 5.6 s, 5.1 s, 4.8 s, 4.9 s, 4.6 s, 5.7 s, 5.4 s}What is Billy's?median?time?A.4.6 sB.5.6 sC.5.1 sD.5.3 s26.?There are many different types of scientific investigations, including controlled experiments, observational field studies, the collection of specimens, and model-building. Which type of investigation is best used to study global weather patterns?A.controlled experimentsB.model-buildingC.the collection of specimensD.observational field studies27.?Perry buys a bag of apples and measures the volume of each apple by submerging them, one-by-one, in a beaker of water, and recording the amount of water displaced. After converting these measurements to inches3, he records the volume of each apple below.What is the mean volume of the apples in Perry's bag?A.29.4 inches3B.24.5 inches3C.30.2 inches3D.26.1 inches328.?A hypothesis isA.a summary of events written in a particular fashion.B.the result of a scientific experiment performed for the purpose of proving a theory.C.the process of experimentation designed specifically to disprove a scientific theory.D.a statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event.29.?Albert hypothesizes that a certain fungus causes black spot disease in roses. Which of the following experimental designs would support or reject his hypothesis?A.Pot ten different species of flower plants, including at least one rose bush.Isolate the flowers from each other.Introduce the fungus into the soil of nine of the flowers.Observe which, if any, flowers develop black spot disease.B.Pot ten rose bushes of the same breed.Isolate the rose bushes from each other.Introduce the fungus into the soil of nine of the rose bushes.Observe which, if any, rose bushes develop black spot disease.C.Pot ten rose bushes of the same breed.Isolate the rose bushes from each other.Introduce the fungus into the soil of all the rose bushes.Observe which, if any, rose bushes develop black spot disease.D.Plant a flower garden.Water the garden deeply.Introduce the fungus into the soil of the flower garden.Observe which, if any, plants develop black spot disease. ................

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