Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUNDAMENTALSTeacher: Mladen Veinovi?, Dragan Cvetkovi?, Milo? Stojmenovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECTS Value: 8Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesIntroducing students to the basic concepts of computer systems. The course represents an introductory hardware course that serves as a basis for all other courses. The application software is studied within the practical part of the courseCourse Outcome The general competences that students will acquire are the analysis, synthesis and forecasting of solutions and consequences, as well as mastering the methods, procedures and processes of research along with the application of knowledge in practice.At the end of the course, it is expected that a successful student is able, through the practical demonstration, to show a detailed understanding of all aspects of the hardware of a computer system, as well as knowledge of advanced computer systems architecture. Also, at the end of the course it is expected that the student will adopt an advanced level of use of standard applications that are used in everyday work on computers.Course ContentTheoryPre-history up to 1946, Computer hardware history, software, networking, pioneers of computing, definition of computers, digitization, positional number systems, bits, bytes and words, representation of numbers and positioning number systems, fixed and floating point numbers, negative numbers with sign and complete complement, Presentation of non-numerical data (character encoding, graphic data), Presentation of syllables and sequences, Basic organization of Fon Neumann's computer, Control unit, instruction creation, decoding and execution, Set of instructions and types (Data Manipulation, Control, Input / Output), Programming in Machine and Assembly languages, The concept of Virtual Machine,, Virtual Machine Hierarchy, Intermediary Languages, Interpreter and Compiler Comparison, History of Programming languages, Computer System components.PracticePracticing and understanding the positioning number systems, binary numbers, complete complement, and exponential floating-point number representation in IEEE754 format. Introducing computer system components. Hand-on experience with application software - text processors: creation and maintenance of large and complex projects; complex typography, formatting and layout, including tables, forms and graphics; macros; mail integration, work tables: more complicated analysis; more detailed and more complex reports; advanced editing, functions and analysis tools; macros, database systems: more complicated reports with deeper analysis; advanced functions in queries, forms and reports; macros; import, export and linking of the data, presentations: more complicated and effective presentations; advanced scheduling and display features; adding more complex multimedia elements; using powerful link tools with other applications.Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionHennessy J., Patterson D., Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 6th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2017, p. 936.Brookshear G, Brylow D, Computer Science: An Overview, Global Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2018, p. 640.DasGupta S, Computer Science: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2016, p. 144.Active Teaching Hours 5Theory: 2Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: MATHEMATICSTeacher: Dejan ?ivkovi?, Biljana Radi?i?Course Status: compulsoryECTS value: 8Requirement: No requirementsCourse Goals and Objectives:The main goals of the systematization of the existing mathematical knowledge and learning new mathematical concepts that are important for the subjects in the field of computer science.Course Outcome:The student's ability to successfully monitor the mathematical objects in subsequent semesters on the basis of acquired knowledge in the field of matrix algebra, testing and drawing of the graph of a function, application of differential and integral calculus.Course Content:TheoryMatrices, determinants, characteristics, counting and implementation. Equation system solving. The concept of function. Limiting value of a function. Theorems of differential calculus. Testing and drawing of the graph of a function. Indefinite integral. Definite integral. The relationship between indefinite and definite integrals. The usage of definite integral. Differential equations of first order. The basic methods of solving differential equations of first order. Differential equations of second order. Main concepts of differential equations.PracticePractical teaching follows the theoretical contents by solving problems Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionP.Blythe, J.Fensom, J.Forrest, P.Waldman de Tokman, Mathemtical studies, Oxford, 2012J.Bird, Higher Engeneering Mathematics, Oxford, 2012Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 3Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: MANAGEMENTTeacher: Milo? Petkovi?, Lepa Babi?Course Status: CompulsoryECTS Value: 6Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesIntroducing students to the basics of management, managerial history, contemporary trends in business and management, and management process (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling). Through readings, discussions and simulations, students will develop practical skills of critical thinking, analytical problem-solving, teamwork and collaboration. Course OutcomesUpon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to a range of different real-life problems and challenges; to use fundamental management concepts and principles as guides in their everyday work environment; and to take active part in improving working practices.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to management. Management history. Social responsibility and managerial ethics.?Communication. Planning and decision making. Organizational strategy. Innovation and change. Organizing. Human resource management. Motivation. Managing teams. Leadership. Comtrol. PracticeManagerial skills. SWOT and PEST analysis. Rational decision making. Porter's Five Forces analysis. Using case studies in developing analytical thinking skills. Applying the acquired theoretical knowledge (e.g. motivation, leadership, conflict management) to managerial processes and everyday work situations. Delegation skills. Teamwork and collaboration skills. Improving communication skills, including presentation skills. Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionWilliams, C., MGMT 11, Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, 2018. Robbins S., Coulter M.., Мanagement 14th edition, Pearson, 2017.Kinicki, A., Williams, B., Management 9th edition, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY, 2019.Active Teaching Hours 4Theory: 3Practice: 1Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: Computer Programming BasicsTeacher: Mla?an Jovanovi?, Eva TubaCourse Status: CompulsoryECTS Value: 8Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesIntroducing students to the basic concepts, elements and structure of computer programs, basic algorithms and data structures, and the Python programming language.Course OutcomesThe general competencies that students will acquire are problem analysis and synthesis of programming solutions in the chosen programming language. At the end of the course, the successful student is expected to show a detailed understanding of the concept of computer programs and write programs that interact with the user; handle different types of data in a computer program; use the basic elements of the program: sequences, selections and iterations; use functions and decompose more complex programs; know the elements of the program development process; know the elements of algorithm analysis. Also, at the end of the course, the student is expected to be able to write simple to moderately complex console programs in the Python programming language.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to programming and the Python programming language. Basic elements of a program: variables, expressions, control during the program, functions and interactive input-output. Python expressions: operators, type conversion, rounding, and special forms. Control structures: selections, loops, and exception handling. Functions in Python: user defined functions, arguments, anonymous functions. Recursion in Python. Basic data structures in Python: strings, lists, and tuples. Nested lists, and unordered lists - dictionaries and sets. Program code organization: modules and packages. Working with files: text files, structured data (JSON), and data on the Web. Algorithm analysis, searching and sorting. Fundamentals of object-oriented programming: introduction to classes, inheritance, and operators overloading.PracticeIntroduction, installation and use of the working environment, writing program statements and program execution. Illustration of the use of basic program elements in Python. Use of arithmetic, logical and relational expressions, complex expressions and special forms. Examples of using conditional branching and for and while loops. Examples of creating and using user defined functions, and passing arguments. Recursive functions, fractals and incremental graphics. Examples and use of basic data structures: strings, lists and tuples. Examples and use of nested lists, dictionaries and sets. Creating and using modules. Working with files: read and write data, data formatting, JSON format. Examples and use of search and sort methods. Creating classes and class hierarchies, overriding methods, and operators overloading.Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionLiang D., Introduction to Programming Using Python, Pearson Education, 2013, p. 557.Dierbach C., Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus, John Wiley & Sons, 2013, p. 580.Hetland M. L, Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional, 3rd Ed, Apress, 2017, p 527..Active Teaching Hours 6Theory: 3Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: STATISTICSTeacher: Ana Blagojevi?, Sla?ana Spasi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The course should enable the student to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge from the basics of statistics and probability. The student should be able to understand statistical principles, concepts of probability, random variables, statistical estimation, the examination of statistical hypotheses, regression, and correlation analysis. The students should independently apply statistical methods in their further education.Course OutcomesGaining theoretical and practical knowledge about statistics and application.Course ContentTheoryIntroductory lecture - the concept and subject of statistics as a science. Introduction to basic statistical concepts: population, characteristics, sample. Data editing and graphical display. Numerical descriptive measures. Basic concepts of probability. Discrete random variables and their probability distributions. Continuous random variables and normal distribution. Sample parameter distributions. Estimation of arithmetic mean. Testing hypotheses about arithmetic mean and proportion. Hypothesis evaluation and testing: two basic sets. Nonparametric tests, Pearson's chi-square test. Regression and correlation analysis. Simple linear regression. Closing lecture - Summary.Practice Practical courses are conducted in classrooms through exercises, where students are introduced to the application through practical examples that follow the teaching units presented in theoretical classes.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Mann's Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition, Global Edition, Wiley 2017Active Teaching Hours: 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Information technologyCourse Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1 Teacher: Jasna Petrovi?, Marija Ne?i?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives English Language 1 is a general English language course that systematically covers all basic language structures and skills through a wide range of relevant and thematic material. The goal of the course is to improve speaking skills and achieve accuracy of expression in various situations and in the context of different topics (equalising the abilities at the B2 level ofThe Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Course OutcomesStudents are able to easily and independently understand and use the spoken and written language – by utilising correct grammatical structures at the B2 level. Course ContentGrammatical unitsRevising relevant units and applying them in practice; Present Simple and Continuous, Stative verbs, Articles, Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Progressive, Countable and uncountable nouns; Quantifiers, Past Simple and Past Progressive, Used to, Would, Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Progressive, Would, was/were going to, Future forms, Time clauses, Modal Verbs, Passive VoiceLexical units + ESPWord building: adjective suffixes, noun suffixes; A wide range of idioms related to different areas; Phrasal and prepositional verbs in active usage; Compound adjectives describing character traits; Phrases and collocations related to education and learning; Listening for specific information; Writing a story, a report, a semi-formal letter expressing an opinion and an article; Speaking: Speculating and making a decision, Comparing photographs and expressing preference and opinion, Creating and narrating a story; ESP: The world of technology, the media, the Internet nowadays.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Pioneer B2, Student’s Book, Mitchell, H. Q. & Malkogianni, M. MM Publications, 2015.Pioneer B2, Workbook, Mitchell, H. Q. & Malkogianni, M. MM Publications, 2015.Pioneer B2, Class Audio CD and Video DVDMurphy, R. English Grammar in Use (Book with answers and Interactive ebook), CUP, 2015.Gough, C. English Vocabulary Organiser, LTP, Hove, 2016Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral parts of the exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: Basics of economicsTeacher: Dragi?a Veli?kovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The goal is to familiarise students with the basics of microeconomics and macroeconomics.Course OutcomeUpon completing the course, students will have developed analytical and practical way of thinking by understanding economic terms, categories, quantities, and their mutual relations.Course ContentTheoryEconomics as a science; Basic economic principles and models; Offer and demand; Notion and application of elasticity; Market Imperfection; Income, expenses, profit; Company behaviour on the market; Financial system and crises; Business cycles – economic growth, inflation, unemployment; Macroeconomic models; Monetary and fiscal system; Economics of open economy - balance of payments and exchange rate; Challenges of global economic developmentPractice A retrospective look at economic schools and trends; Application of economic principles and models. Offer and demand analysis; Elasticity coefficient calculation; Problem of public goods and externalities; Analysis of expenses; Analysis of profit depending on the market type – perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition; Banks and financial markets; Analysis of basic macroeconomic indicators; Monetary and fiscal policy; Balance of payments analysis; Types of exchange rates; Analysis of contemporary economic problems.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Gregory, N. M., Taylor, M. P. Ekonomija, Datastatus, 2008.Samuelson, P. A., Nordhaus, W. D.A. Ekonomija, Mate Zagreb, 2011.Active Teaching Hours: 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practical classes, project assignment, case studyGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests 60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: PSYCHOLOGYTeacher: Milica ?olovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The objective of the course is to introduce students to basic concepts in psychology and to acquire knowledge about basic laws governing human behavior. This course is designed to provide students with basic psychology knowledge in order to understand its application in specific areas of human activity, especially in the work environment. The course aims at mastering basic skills through interactive teaching in order to prepare students for working in the conditions of modern business.Course OutcomesThe student will be able to understand and apply basic knowledge of psychology in understanding and explaining human behavior, as well as basic skills, the legality of individuals' behavior in the work environment, and the individual aspect of the role of an individual as an employee in the organization.Course ContentTheoryHistorical roots of psychology; Psychology as a science: laic concepts and scientific psychology; Areas of Contemporary Psychology; Basic cognitive processes - sensation and perception; Learning and basic forms of learning; Thinking, remembering and forgetting; Intelligence and types of intelligence; Emotions and the development of emotions; Motivation and Motivational Processes, Theories of Personality and Personality Trades; Conflicts in the business environment and their resolution; Basic questions of leadership in modern business, The importance of emotional intelligence in team work; Aggressive behavior; Attitudes and prejudices.Practice Creating project tasks through team work. Presentation, discussion, development of critical and creative thinking, practicing academic writing with the skill of presenting academic papers, acquiring interpersonal skills, assertiveness, business communication and team work.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection B. Kordi?, L.Babi? (2014). Uvod u psihologiju. Centar za primenjenu psihologiju, Beograd.Trebje?anin, Dragojevi?, Hanak, (2015). Uvod u op?tu psihologiju. Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Univerzitet Beograd.Fajgelj, S. (2012). Uvod u psihologiju. Beograd: Centar za primenjenu psihologiju.Active Teaching Hours: 4Theory:3Practice: 1Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, seminar and project paper, case analysis, simulation, interactive discussion, midterms, written examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Information TechnologyCourse Title: Computer systemsTeacher: Milo? Dobrojevi?, Violeta Toma?evi?Course Status: compulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives Introducing students to hardware and software architecture and organization of computer systems. Getting acquainted with the basic components of computer systems, their role and principles of operation. Understanding the role of system software and the relationship with user software. Understanding the role of higher level programming languages and their translators. Introduction to rapid software development tools.Course OutcomesTheoretical and practical knowledge related to the operation of computer systems. Knowledge of working with binary and hexadecimal number systems. Understanding the functioning of computer processors and systems. Understanding the role and functions of operating systems, as well as their classification. Translating an algorithmic solution to a problem into program code and computer instructions.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to the basics of application of modern devices through Boolean algebra, binary and hexadecimal number system, translation and arithmetic operations, processor architecture, computer system components and organization, firmware and software, computer operating systems, process and memory management, applications and classification of operating systems, systems file and data management, microcontrollers, basics of electronics through the use of tools for modeling and programming IOT devices. Introduction to the basics of Arduino microcontrollers and Raspberry Pi computers.Practice Students get acquainted with open source operating systems and practical work with the same. As one of the most successful open source collaborations, Linux has developed into the most reliable operating system on the planet. For good reason, it is used for embedded systems as well as in almost all supercomputers. Almost every IT business requires some Linux knowledge. Through practical classes in the subject, students quickly build knowledge about Linux and prepare for professional development and career. Many concepts in this subject are applied through subjects in senior years.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Ledin J., Modern Computer Architecture and Organization: Learn x86, ARM, and RISC-V architectures and the design of smartphones, PCs, and cloud servers, Packt Publishing; Illustrated edition, 2020, ISBN 978-1838984397 Tanenbaum A., Modern Operating Systems 4th Edition, Pearson; 4th edition, 2014, ISBN 978-0133591620Active Teaching Hours: 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: DATABASESTeacher/Teachers: Milo? Stojmenovi?, Mladen Veinovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECTS credits: 8Previous condition: /Course Goals and Objectives:The primary objective of this course is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge for working with databases, mechanisms for storing structured data and ways of their processing in order to obtain useful information. After adopting basic concepts, next goal is to understand the modeling techniques and to overcome the SQL language in order to work with relational databases. Special significance for students is being able to construct and execute multiple queries, according to the given logical conditions. In the end, the goal is to master the practical knowledge of administration and database maintenance.Course outcome Students will acquire knowledge necessary for modeling relational databases, their implementation in the selected software for database management system. They will be qualified to apply SQL language over relational databases (syntax and usage rules), especially to implement complex queries over multiple tables, in order to obtain the desired information. Students will understand transaction execution procedures, as well as the ability to apply databases in modern multilayer Internet applications.Course contentTheoryThrough the introduction of basic concepts of databases, the weaknesses of classical file systems are examined and the concepts of relational databases are mastered. Through conceptual modeling (entity-relationship model), the modeling of problems from the real world is studied, recognizing entities, characteristic relationships, cardinalities, special relationships. Relational algebra as a basis for queries over relational databases is also being studied. The basics of ANSI SQL languages, definition commands, queries over one or more tables, queries with subqueries, results filtering, etc. are being studied. Detecting poor structure relations, their normalization and de-normalization techniques. Transaction mechanisms. Work with databases in the presentation, application, and data layers. Administration and database recovery in case of failure. Introduction to more complex systems with databases: XML and databases, Datawarehousing, basics of the NoSQL databases.PracticeIt is held in computer laboratories. Installation MySQL server through the XAMPP software package. Workbench Installation. Using the Navicat software package. Creating and working with relationships, working with keys (primary, foreign, candidate), familiarizing with indexes (types, applications, purpose), using SQL language (queries, query results, filters, clauses, group by, ordering, aggregation, ...), working with transactions, functions, procedures, triggers (purpose, creating and interrupting), using relational databases in applications (examples).Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionA. Silberschatz, H. Korth, S. Sudarshan, “ Database Systems Concepts“, 7th edition, Мc Graw Hill, 2019, p.1376Hector Garcia-Molina, J.D. Ulman, J. Widom “Database Systems: The Complite Book“, 2nd edition, Pearson, USA, 2014, p.1248 Active Teaching Hours 6Theory: 3Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: MARKETINGTeacher: Slavko Al?akovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECTS Value: 6Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesThe primary aim of Marketing course is for students to understand the concept of marketing as a scientific discipline, but also an applied business function. Lessons and teaching units covered through lectures and practical exercises include: the importance of marketing in the business of all organizations, in the for-profit and the non-profit sectors; characteristics of the marketing environment, the importance of marketing research, factors influencing consumer behavior; the 4Ps of marketing (marketing mix); factors influencing the purchasing decision-making proces of customers; understanding the communication strategies aimed at the target market.Course OutcomesThe key outcome of the course is to enable students to apply the acquired knowledge of marketing principles in solving real-world marketing problems and challenges, to showcase a practical example of understanding the importance of marketing and to actively participate in improving business processes in their professional environment. Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to key marketing concepts; The concept of marketing and its global application; Marketing environment: actors and factors; Consumers’ decision making process; Market segmentation, targeting and positioning; Market research; Product concepts and new product development; Marketing in the service sector; Price and pricing strategies; Supply chain management; Marketing and retail channels; Communication (promotion) mix; Personal sales and sales management; Social media and marketing; Marketing strategy.Practical excercisesDevelopment of research and analytical skills by solving case studies and studying various marketing example; Applying marketing knowledge (eg. setting up a research framework, defining marketing strategies) in order to improve business processes; Development of analytical skills andanalysis of the holistic marketing output; improvoeent of students' Organization skills, analysis and presentation skills; Development of team work skillsPrimary and Secondary Sources SelectionLamb,C., Hair, J., McDaniel., C., (2013), Marketing, DataStatus, Belgrade Lectures and practical curriculum handhouts, case studiesActive Teaching Hours 4Theory: 2Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: WEB DESIGN AND MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMSTeacher: Dragan Cvetkovi?, Mla?an Jovanovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisites: /Course Goals and Objectives Introduction to the possibilities and needs of using modern multimedia technologies, as well as creating independent multimedia and web presentations.?Introduction to theoretical and practical insight into the basic principles, technologies and standards of multimedia and the creation of multimedia content.?By mastering the design principles, as well as the navigation and access functions, students are completely capable of creating organized, coherent and highly interactive websites made for personal or commercial use, as well as complex multimedia projects.Course OutcomesThe students get the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of web design and multimedia systems, as well as the ability to navigate and work in different multimedia development environments.?Furthermore, they become capable of designing multimedia and web applications, as well as getting the possibility to experience the individual and group work in solving program problems and projects in the field of multimedia, multimedia systems and web design.?They also obtain practical knowledge in the development of prototype user interface based on user experience.?Finally, they learn how to analyze existing solutions, to improve them and to design new prototypes.Course ContentTheoryBasic concepts and principles.?Pictures and colors.?Typography and sound.?Animation and video.?Website design, templates and homepage.?Design for users, usability.?Types and architectures of locations.?Location assessment.?Navigation.?Search, interaction and interaction of graphic elements and their influence on design.?Software tools.?The future of web design.?Planning and costs of a multimedia (MM) project.?Design and production of MM project.?Technologies needed for MM project and their influence on the development of the project itself.PracticeSetting up HTML, CSS, JavaScript.?Installing the Bootstrap environment and integrating the JS/jQuery library.?Different forms of web presentation and their organization.?Work with static and dynamic content.?Website design, customization and optimization using the Bootstrap environment.?Prototyping of user interface (UI, User Interface) and application prototyping of user interface for mobile devices and traditional computer solutions, based on user experience (UX, User Expirence).?Design of the entire process of obtaining and integrating products, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Dragan Cvetkovi?, Multimedia, SINGIDUNUM UNIVERSITY, 2019.Nenad Koji?, Web design – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SINGIDUNUM UNIVERSITY, 2018.Richard E. Mayer, Multimedia Learning, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2020.Jennifer Robbins, Learning Web Design: A Beginner`s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web Graphics, 5th edition, O`Reilly Media, 2018.Active Teaching Hours: 5Theoretical Part: 3Practical Part: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMidterm Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: COMPUTER NETWORKSTeacher/teachers: Neboj?a Ba?anin D?akula, Aleksandar Jevremovi?, Marko ?aracCourse Status: CompulsoryECTS credits: 8Requirement: No requirements Course Objectives The main objective of this course is to familiarize students with the principles of modern computer telecommunications, network applications, reliable data transfer, routing and packet forwarding concepts, allocation of network resources and mobile telecommunications concepts. Additionally, the goal is to link the adopted principles with practical work in simulation environments and real network equipment.Course Outcomes The general competencies students will acquire on this subject include an analytical and systematic approach, as well as the application of appropriate methodologies and technologies in solving complex problems.The foreseen professional outcome of this course is the understanding of modern computer telecommunications, the technologies on which they are based, the roles they have in modern distributed computing systems and environments, and the current trends. It is expected to adopt appropriate terminology, understanding the organization of the Internet network, commutation techniques, the principles of layers and the role of different layers. Then, the understanding of symbolic and logical addresses, the addressing schemes, the locating of network resources and client-server applications based on the use of sockets, the reliable data transfer protocol, the factors affecting performance and reliability, the function of internetworking and IP addressing, Eternet technology, principles of wireless telecommunications networks and mobility.Course contentTheoryOrganization of Internet network, packet switching, physical elements of computer networks, stratification. Address schemes and protocols, distributed applications, application and transport protocols, sockets. Error management, transmission management, performance issues, data transport protocol. Internet protocol, routing and packet switching, Internet protocol and scalability. Private networks, Ethernet, multiple access, congestion. Mobile telephony and 802.11 standard.PracticeAccess to the Internet and horizontal communication. Communication between layers and package tracking. DNS, Internet Protocol Addressing, Uniform Resource Identification / Location. Client-server applications, HTTP protocol. Design and construction of a private computer network, private bands of Internet protocol addresses. Authentication and roaming in wireless networks.Literature Kurose J., Ross K., Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2017, p.Tanenbaum A. S., ?Wetherall D. J., Computer Networks 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010, p. 960.Active Teaching Hours 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirements PointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: ITCourse Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2Teacher: Nata?a Stani?i?, Jasna Petrovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The structure and content of English Language 2 course is a continuation of English Language 1 course and its goal is to raise the level of English language knowledge and to develop all language skills at the upper-intermediate level (B2 level according to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). At this level, the skills are strengthened with the aim of systematising the existing level of knowledge and then moving to an upper level. Course OutcomesStudents are able to actively, independently, and easily use the acquired knowledge at the appropriate level (B2) – these are both receptive and productive skills, that is, not only skills at using the language for general purposes, but also at using it for specific purposes.Course ContentGrammatical unitsRelative Clauses, Participle Clauses, Conditional Sentences Types 2,3, Unreal Past, Infinitives and ing-forms, Causative form, Reported Speech, Clauses of purpose, result and concession, Comparisons, Inversion, All/both/neither/none/either, Double conjunctionsLexical units + ESPWord formation - how can prefixes and suffixes change connotation; Literal and metaphorical language; intercultural communication; ESP - advertising, internet marketing - web content traits, threats on the InternetPrimary and Secondary Sources Selection H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Pioneer , level B2, MM PublicationsH.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Grammar & Vocabulary Practice, MM Publication1. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use (Book with answers and Interactive ebook), CUP, 2015Gough, C. English Vocabulary Organiser, LTP, Hove, 2016Active Teaching Hours: 3Theory: 2Practice: 1Applicable Teaching Methods: Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral parts of the exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSTeacher: Angelina Njegu?, Dalibor Radovanovi?Course Status: compulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives Course goal is obtaining of theoretical and practical knowledges of management and development of management information systems and their successful implementation within modern business. Students will be able to understand and modeling business process, as well to understand mutual connection between technology, people, and organization. They will obtain understanding how management information systems facilitate management decision making process. Students will learn to use transactions processing systems, decisions support systems, expert systems, executive information systems and will obtain basic skills necessary for information systems development. Course OutcomesStudents will obtain knowledge to understand and modeling business processes. They will learn to use modern information systems in course of business decision making. They will obtain knowledge of standards and how to apply them in business processes and data modeling. Students will be able to independently use methods of analysis, improvement, development and maintenance of management information systems. They will learn concepts of transactions processing systems, decisions support systems, expert systems, executive information systems and will understand their role and place in modern business. They will obtain understanding of data warehouse, as well as development and usage of OLAP cubes and data mining algorithms.Course ContentTheoryWithin introduction part and basic terms systems theory is being considered. Classification of management information systems, business processes and reengineering of business processes are being studied. Transaction processing systems and difference between transaction and analytical data and information processing are being explained. Decision support systems, expert systems and business information systems (ERP, CRM, SCM, PLM) are being studied. Functional, information and application modeling of business processes, management of business processes and information systems development are being learned. Data warehouse and big data concepts are being explained. OLAP cubes, data mining and knowledge discover from data are being learned.Practice Practical exercises are being realized in the computer labs. It covers practical elaboration of the study program with presentation of practical examples. Business processes and date modeling. Application of analysis methods, development, improvement, and maintenance of management information systems. Usage of the most used ERP solutions through practical examples and case studies. Application of data mining algorithms on big data by usage of software packages. Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Kenneth Laudon, Jane Laudon, “Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm“, 16th edition, Pearson, 2020Ken J. Sousa, “Management Information Systems“, 7th edition, Cengage Learning, 2014Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 3Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Information TechnologyCourse Title: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTINGTeacher: Marko Milojevi?, Dalibor Radovanovi?Course Status: compulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives Acquiring theoretical and applied skills and knowledge in the field of business information systems. Mastering techniques and application of ERP business solutions, getting acquainted with modern achievements and tendencies in their development. The aim of the practical classes is that through case studies and other practical examples, students acquire the necessary skills related to business information systems and gain insight into the way in which information technologies are changing the traditional way of doing business. Course OutcomesAfter completing and passing the course, students should be able to apply modern techniques and the way how to actively participate in the development and implementation of business information system in the organizations in which they will be employed. They will also be learned and teached to monitor and control transaction cycles and documentation flowcharts.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to accounting, finance, business information systems, factors that affect the way the information system is organized, analysis of transaction cycles, monitoring the revenue cycle, costs, conversions, introduction to ERP systems and their application in monitoring business operations, the role of information systems in budgeting operations.Practice Application and practical exercises in ERP solutions and the most famous software for business and financial monitoring. Students through the ERP solution SAP, practically on the example, see how to: process transaction cycles (revenue, costs, conversions), management and planning of production processes and logistics.They will also be able to monitor the origin and flow of business documentation, to understand the way in which a large number of transactions are processed as well as the method of preparing financial statements. Through the software packages Pantheon, Lidder, MPP2 Business Advisor, students are trained for working in companies. Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Petrovi? Z., Kne?evi? G., Milojevi? M., Ra?unovodstveni informacioni sistemi, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2017.Gelinas U., Dull R., Wheeler P., Accounting Information Systems, Cengage Learning 2018.Riches M., Robinson B., Ryan G., Vincent I., SAP: An Introduction, Rheinwek 2018.Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 3Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Information TechnologyCourse Title: Web platformsTeacher: Neboj?a Ba?anin D?akula, Marko ?aracCourse Status: compulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives Introducing students to the basics of the functioning of the Web as one of the most commonly used Internet services. Understanding the protocols and technologies on which the Web is based. Introduction to higher level Web services and platforms, such as content management systems (CMS), electronic documents (DMS), learning process (LMS), knowledge (KMS) and others. Introduction to ways to use these systems and platforms for business purposes.Course OutcomesA student who understands the principles, protocols and technologies of the Web as well as their use in the development of Web platforms. Ability to identify optimal existing Web platforms to meet the requirements of business systems in this domain. Understanding the process of adapting existing Web platforms to the specific needs of business systems.Course ContentTheoryWeb architecture, protocols and technologies, Web service delivery models (development, purchase, rental, free software), Web server platforms, Production Web environments, Web content management systems, Document management systems, E-learning platforms and systems, Knowledge management systems, Wiki platforms and collaboration via the Web, Web platforms for e-commerce, Web platforms for e-government, Analytical services on the Web, Security aspects of Web platformsPractice Students encounter simulations of virtual production environment, installation of CMS solutions, selection of topics (Process of purchasing topics that are not free), installation of topics, basic security, installation of plugins, creation of pages with the help of page creators, multilingual site, online store integration, setup product and product category, warehouse management, product delivery.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Dobies J., Kubernetes Operators: Automating the Container Orchestration Platform, O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (March 10, 2020), ISBN 978-1492048046Kunigk J., Buss I., Wilkinson P., George L., Architecting Modern Data Platforms: A Guide to Enterprise Hadoop at Scale, O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (January 8, 2019), ISBN 978-1491969274Nolasco F., Professional Front-end Architecture: Helping Front-End Development Reach Its Full Potential, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st edition (August 23, 2018), ISBN 978-1726146456Active Teaching Hours: 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: PROJECT MANAGEMENTTeacher: Zoran Ceki?, Goran Avlija?Course Status: CompulsoryECTS Value: 6Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesIntroduction to a modern approach of management of different types of projects, starting from the theoretical elements of the project management concept, all the way to the practical applications of specialized software tools. The course is designed to present an appropriate methodological approach to initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing projects, as well as to introduce students to specific methods and techniques necessary for successful project management.Course OutcomesThe general competences that students will acquire relate to practical application of acquired knowledge in order to more efficiently manage project scope, time, cost, resources, quality, risk, procurement, stakeholders, and communication. Students will be capable of using modern software tools for project management and gain the opportunity for further training and certification according to PMI and IPMA methodology. The student who successfully completes this course will be able to understand the genesis of project management and its importance to enterprise success and demonstrate knowledge of project management tools and techniques.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to project, program and portfolio management, Project management processes and knowledge areas, Project integration management, Project scope management, Project time management, Project cost management, Project quality management, Project resource management, Project communications management, Project risk management, Project procurement management, Project stakeholder management, Software tools for project management, Certification in the field of project management.PracticeProject evaluation and selection methods. Project scope planning methods (WBS). Project time planning and controlling methods (CPM / PERT). Network planning and precedence method. Milestones report. Parametric, analogous, and bottom-up method of cost estimation. Earned Value Method. Responsibility assignement matrices and optimization of project resources and costs. Project risk management methods. Simulations and quantitative risk assessment on the project. Analysis of expected monetary values. Application of methods and techniques in a software environment. MS Project software package. Project management in SAP software.Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionSchwalbe, K, Information Technology Project Management, Revised 9th Edition, 2019.Meredith, J. R. et al. Project management in practice. Wiley Global Education, 2016.Kerzner, H., and Kerzner, H.R., Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling, John Wiley & Sons, 2017.Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Кnowledge (PMBOК? Guide), 6th Edition, Project Management Institute, 2017.Active Teaching Hours 4Theory: 2Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – Information TechnologyCourse Title: Internet marketingTeacher: Slavko Al?akovi?, Marko SaracCourse Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives Understanding the multidimensional technological-sociological Internet environment as a basic space for modern marketing activities. Introduction to key technologies of the Internet and its most popular services from the aspect of use for marketing purposes. Mastering the knowledge and tools for the development of marketing solutions on the Internet and evaluating their effectiveness.Course OutcomesThe student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the independent realization of a marketing campaign on the Internet. In addition to understanding the key principles of Internet marketing, the student is introduced to the principles of Web design, metrics, analytics and reporting, as well as the practical use of leading platforms for analytics (Google Analytics) and advertising (Google AdWords).Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to Internet Marketing, Web Metrics, Analytics and Reporting, Website Planning and Development, Search Engine Optimization, Online Campaigns and Implementation Platforms, Web Design Basics and Standards, Web Interface Usability and Efficiency Evaluation, Mobile Marketing and design for mobile devices, web platforms and content management systems, principles of e-mail marketing, social networks and internet marketing, e-commerce, advanced internet marketing strategies.Practice Students get acquainted with the practical realization and preparation of a production solution within the Magento CMS platform. Students individually and in groups develop their own portal and engage in marketing activities within it. Practical classes cover the areas of: platform installation, basic settings, customization of modules and topics, categories, attributes, products, customers, promotion management, SEO and SEM optimization, launching an internet campaign.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection ?arac, M., Radovanovi?, D., Jevremovi?, A., Mravik, M., Internet marketing, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2020, ISBN 978-86-7912-732-7;Kingsnorth S., Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing, Kogan Page; 2nd edition (April 3, 2019), ISBN 978-0749474706Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I., Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital, Wiley; 1st edition (November 17, 2016), ISBN 978-1119341208Active Teaching Hours: 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: ITALIAN LANGUAGE 1Teacher: Bojana Prodanovi? ?or?evi?Course Status: Elective ECST Value: 8Prerequisite: -Course Goals and ObjectivesThe objective of the course Italian Language 1 is to develop all four language skills through interactive teaching, with emphasis on communication skills, in accordance with the criteria of the Common European Framework with the aim of achieving A1 (A1.1 + A1.2) level of language learning, as well as to get students acquainted with the basics of Italian culture and civilization through a communicative approach. Course OutcomesStudents are enabled and prepared to understand and use basic terms and phrases in Italian, in accordance with the beginner’s level A1 of language knowledge, i.e. the basic form of communicating, describing a person or an event, both orally and in a short written form. At the same time, students are conversant with the basics of Italian culture and civilization, with emphasis on Italian art and literature, as well as Italian cuisine, customs and lifestyle. Course Content:Elementi grammaticaliAlfabeto,verbi ESSERE e AVERE, sostantivi e aggettivi, Presente indicativo, Articoli determinativi e indeterminativi,il verbo Piacere, verbi modali, verbi irregolari, preposizioni articolate, verbi riflessivi, Avverbi di frequenzaElementi lessicaliPresenatrsi, Presentare qualcuno, La famiglia, Professioni e luoghi, Esprimere gusti e preferenze, Numeri, Chiedere il permesso, Il bar – cibi e bevande, Chiedere e dare informazioni stradali, Descrivere una casa – collocare nello spazio, Prenotare una camera d’albergo, Descrivere azioni abituali al presente.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: Matteo La Grassa: L’italiano all’universita, A1-A2, Edilingua 2013 (Student’s Book, Workbook,CD)Marcello Sensini: Grammatica italiana, Arnoldo Monadadori, 2010Active Teaching hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching MethodsInteractive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral exam. Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam RequirementsPointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10PracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60..........Other Assessment ItemsStudy Programme: Undergraduate Studies – ITCourse Title: Greek language and culture 1Teacher: Georgios Nektarios LoisCourse Status: electiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The course objective is to acquire Greek language-related skills necessary to achieve the A1 (A1.1 + A1.2) level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The emphasis is put on equal development of all four skills: oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression. Apart from that - the course will guide students through the notions coming from the field of culture, customs, tradition and intercultural relations pertinent to Greece and its people. Course OutcomesThis course should enable students to communicate on the basic level, to exchange information in everyday situations and to express their needs. Upon the completed level A1 students are able to: use the Greek alphabet, introduce themselves and others, describe current activities, daily duties and habits, explain what type of food and beverage they prefer, invite someone to an event (for example, theater, cinema, match, birthday), describe their family; furthermore, they are familiarised with the development of the language and its influence on other languages. Course ContentGrammar-related chunks: Alphabet, phonetics, pronunciation, nouns, cases, pronouns, simple present, past and future tensesLexical and Culture-based chunks: Language development, days, numbers, colours, language VS culture, family and other relations, city VS country life, nationalities, history Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Три?андафилидис, М. (2004). Новогрчка граматика. Атина: Издавачки Институт Школских У?беника Мутав?и?, П. (2007). Граматика савременог грчког ?езика. Београд: ?асен .Мутав?и?, П. (2007). Грчко-српски речник идиома. Београд: ?асен Лоис Г. Н. (2017). Истори?а Срби?е – Народна и Црквена. Атина: Ениа Mandeson (1994). Euro-Dialogues, Gr?ko-Sepski, Srpsko-Gr?ki. Athina: Dioagoras Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, tests, mid-terms, written and oral part of the exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: Russian Language 1Teacher: Milo? PupavacCourse Status: ElectiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives Russian language 1 represents a course in Russian language and culture at the initial A1 level, according to the Common European Framework for Languages, during which systematic work is done on all language skills and the constant replacement of communicative and grammatical elements.Course OutcomesTraining students to understand and use expressions in everyday social situations and relations, understanding the basic context of read text or conversation, and writing compositions, notes and descriptions in a simple formCourse ContentГрамматика:Звуки русского языка; Русская азбука; Глаголы (Вид глагола; Переходные и непереходные глаголы); Прошедшее время; Настоящее время; Основные глаголы движения; Простое и сложное будущее время; Прилагательные в именительном падеже; Сравнение прилагательных; Падежи; Склонение существительных. Лексика:Приветствие и знакомство; Фразы и лексика по теме ?В городе?; Фразы и лексика по теме ?В магазине?; Имена числительные; Выражение времени (часы и минуты); Даты в русском языке; Фразы и лексика по теме ?Одежда и обувь?; Фразы и лексика по теме ?Еда и напитки? ; Фразы и лексика по теме ?Бронирование номера в гостинице?. Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Миллер Л. В., Политова Л.В., Рыбакова И. Я., Жили-были...28 уроков русского языка для начинающих, Златоуст, Санкт Петербург, 2014.Marojevi? R., Gramatika ruskog jezika, Zavod za ud?benike, Beograd, 2013.Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory:4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, tests, written and oral exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part 30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: FRENCH LANGUAGE 1Teacher: Neda MaenzaCourse Status: ElectiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: -Course Goals and ObjectivesThe objective of the French Language 1 course is to get students acquainted with the basic communicative, grammatical and lexical units in order to enable them to acquire all language skills in the use of the French language at A1 (A1.1 + A1.2) level, in accordance with the Common European Reference framework for Living Languages. Course OutcomesStudents are able to independently and freely participate in a variety of everyday communication situations in French, to communicate both through speech and writing expressing their needs in their daily environment at A1 level. Course Content:Parties de la grammaireIntroduction à la langue fran?aise. Alphabet fran?ais. Sons fran?ais. Prononciation Verbes auxiliaires avoir et être. Noms et adjectifs - masculin et féminin, singulier et pluriel. Accord des noms et adjectifs. Interrogation et négation. Nombres de 0 à 1000. Présent des verbes réguliers du 1er groupe. Article défini et indéfini. Mots d'interrogation. Présent des verbes irréguliers: lire, écrire, prendre, conna?tre. Prépositions + villes /pays. Présent des verbes irréguliers pouvoir, vouloir, savoir, devoir, faire, aller, venir. Prépositions à et de. Pronoms personnels après une proposition (pronoms personnels toniques). Futur proche. Article contracté. Passé composé. Comparaison des adjectifs. Démonstratifs. Possessifs. Verbes mettre, boire et servir. Article partitif. De-partitif. Expression de la quantité.Parties du lexique/vocabulaireComment se saluer et se présenter. Présenter quelqu'un. Parler de ses intérêts et de ses go?ts. Parlez des loisirs et des activités. Organiser et planifier une réunion. Proposer-accepter-refuser. ?crire des cartes postales, des invitations, des e-mails courts. Présenter votre pays. Jours de la semaine, mois, saisons. Exprimer l'heure et la date. Activités quotidiennes. Voyages. Moyens de transports. Terminologie touristique. Présenter les avantages et les inconvénients de certaines activités. Situations diverses: à la gare, à l'aéroport, à l'h?tel. Nourriture et repas. Comprendre un menu. Parler d’un repas. Parlez des habitudes alimentaires. Nourriture (fruits, légumes, viande, poisson, produits laitiers, boissons). Conversation au restaurant. Présentation d'un restaurant.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: 1. Girardet J, Pécheur J, Echo 1, CLE International, Paris, 2008 2. Неши? М, Топалови? Радман А, Граматика француског ?езика, Дата Статус, 2012Active Teaching hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching MethodsInteractive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam RequirementsPointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Oral Exam30PracticeMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment ItemsStudy Programme: Undergraduate Studies – ITCourse Title: German Language 1Teacher: Jovan TravicaCourse Status: electiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The course objective is to acquire skills necessary to achieve the A1 (A1.1 + A1.2) level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The emphasis is put on equal development of all four skills: oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression.Course OutcomesThis course should enable students to communicate on the basic level, to exchange information in everyday situations and to express their needs. Upon the completed level A1 students are able to: introduce themselves and others, describe current activities, daily duties and habits, explain what type of food and beverage they prefer, invite someone to an event (for example, theater, cinema, match, birthday), describe their family.Course ContentGrammatik: Verben sein und haben. Pr?sens- regelm??ige Verben. Personalpronomen. Wortstellung im Satz. Fragestellung. Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel im Nominativ. Trennbare Verben. Negation. Pr?sens- unregelm??ige Verben. Zusammensetzungen. Pr?sens- Verben mit trennbaren Pr?fixen. Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel im Nominativ und Akkusativ. Plural von deutschen Nomen. Negativartikel im Akkusativ. Modalverben. Possessivpronomen. Ordinalzahlen. Pr?teritum von sein und haben.Wortschatz: Alphabet und Leseregeln. Begrü?ung und Verabschiedung. Vorstellung. Namen aufschreiben. Personalangaben. Zahlen bis Million. Gegenst?nde. Anzeigen. Kauf und Verkauf von Waren. Uhrzeit. Hobbys und Ferizeitaktivit?ten. Wochentage. Alltag. Tagesaktivit?ten. Essgewohnheiten. Lebensmittel und Getr?nke. Im Restaurant. Meine Familie. Jahreszeiten und Monate. Geburtstag feiern. Einladungsschreiben. Primary and Secondary Sources Selection K?ker, C. Lemke, L. Rohrmann, T.Schering: Berliner Platz 1 neu, Langenscheidt, Berlin, 2010. (student book and workbook)Dreyer/Schmitt: Lehr- und ?bungsbuch der deutschen GrammatikActive Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Interactive classes, lectures and practice, game-based learning and cooperative learning, testing language skills, tests, mid-terms, written and oral part of the exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: SPANISH LANGUAGE 1Teacher: Maja Veljkovi? MichosCourse Status: ElectiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The course aims at introducing students with the basics pertaining to the culture of the Spanish-speaking world, as well as the fundamentals of the Spanish language – paying specific attention to the communicative functions of the language. Course OutcomesStudents are capable of communicating in the target language at the beginner level (A1), as well as to understand the socio-cultural context in which the language is placed. Course ContentGrammar Unitspronombres personales, El género y número de los sustantivos; Los adjetivos; El presente regular e irregular; Los demostrativos; Los posesivos; Hay-Estar; Los artículos definidos e indefinidos; El verbo gustar; Ir+a+infinitivo, pensar+infinitivo, querer+infinitivoLexical Units personales; Números; Profesiones; Descripción física y de carácter; La familia; Los alimentos y los platos típicos espa?oles; De viaje; Alojamiento y transportes; En la ciudad; Actividades cotidianas; Fechas, horas, estaciones del a?o; Hacer planesPrimary and Secondary Sources Selection Aragón, Gili, Barquero: Pasaporte Compilado, Nivel Inicial (A1+A2), Madrid, Edelsa (У?беник, радна свеска+CD)Gramática básica del estudiante de espa?ol (Nueva edición) А1-B1, Barcelona, Editorial Difusión, 2011Gramática Elemental A1-A2 Madrid, Anaya ELE, 2016. Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: HUMAN RESURCE MANAGEMENTTeacher: Marina Savkovi?, Milo? Petkovi?Course Status: ElectiveECTS Value: 8Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesThe aim of this course is that students understand the importance of human resources management as a creative and innovative part of any organization, as well as the concept, evolution, processes and methods of the human resources management, used by organizations with the aim of attracting, retaining, motivating and rewarding their employees, in order to meet the organization's strategic objectives.Course OutcomesAfter completing this course, students will be able to understand all stages of human resources management process: They will also be able to consider human resources management not only as a way to develop highly educated and motivated employees, but also as a way to meet organization's strategic objectives and maintain a competitive advantage.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to Human Resources Management. The concept and importance of HRM. From personnel management to HRM. Talent management; HRM in knowledge economy. Intellectual capital management. The strategic role of HRM; Key concepts in HRM. Knowledge management and HRM. Knowledge management methods in HRM; HRM process; HR planning. The concept, importance, objectives and methods of business analysis; Recruitment. Factors affecting successful recruitment. Recruitment policies; Selection-the concept and importance. A strategic framework for selection; Employee development and training. Employee orientation and socialization. Training strategy formulation and implementation; Career development. Traditional and contemporary career. Career developmet planning; Employee performance evaluation and salary determination. Performance evaluation process. Evaluation methods; Compensations and benefits. Labour price determination. The concept and types of stimulations. The role and importance of benefits. Compensations and benefits policies. Employees outflow. Specific issues in HRM. PracticePractical education will be organized through case study analyses and student projects. It will provide them an opportunity to learn and understand methods and pocess of human resource related decision making process. It varies and depends on business environment and current business issues context, type and structure of an organization, employee characteristics, as well as on business sector the oganization operates in etc.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection?or?evi? Boljanovi?, J. (2019) Menad?ment ljudskih resursa, Singidunum University, BelgradeBoxall P, Purcell, J., Wright P. (2019), The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.Gomez-Mejia L.R, Balkin D.B., Cardy R.L (2015), Managing Human Resources, Pearson, global edition.Relevant and selected scientific and professional articles, case studies and relevant Internet studing resources.Active Teaching Hours 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: ENTREPRENEURSHIPTeacher: Zoran Ceki?, Goran AvlijasCourse Status: ElectiveECTS Value: 8Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesThe main goal of the course is to develop key competencies and abilities for successful execution of business activities in entrepreneurial business. The curriculum covers the entire process of entrepreneurship, starting from the creation of business idea, business plan development, legal aspects and protection of intellectual property, business growth and development, all the way to the transformation of the company and exit strategy with the collection of the effect of ownership.Course OutcomesStudents will be able to explore the mindset and motivations that contribute to entrepreneurial success, gain insight into the process of developing ideas, learn how to perform market analysis and identify potential customers for your venture, gain insight into how revenue, core activities, and competition influence a company's business model, construct a business plan for launching venture, and consider how to share entrepreneurial opportunities with external stakeholders.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to Entrepreneurship, Characteristics of entrepreneurs, Business idea and opportunity analysis, Legal aspects of the new venture and protection of intellectual property, Creating a business plan, Financing a business venture, Market entry strategy, Enterprise growth management, External opportunities for business growth, Internationalization of business, Entrepreneur's exit from the venture, Institutional support for entrepreneurship development.PracticeMethods and techniques for idea development and assesment, Canvas business model, Business planning, Operational plan, Marketing plan, Financial plan, Revenue and cost projections, Business plan templates and softwares, Patents and rights protection - case studies, Market entry strategies - case studies, Organic and external growth – case studies, Franchise business - studies case studies, PEST analysis, Business exit - case studies.Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionHisrich, R, Peters, M, Shepard, D: Entrepreneurship, McGraw Hill, 2019.Duening, T. N., Hisrich, R. A., & Lechter, M. A.. Technology entrepreneurship: Creating, capturing, and protecting value, Academic Press, 2009.Stokes, D, Wilson N, Mador, M: Entrepreneurship, Cengage Learning, 2010.Active Teaching Hours 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESCourse Title: DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER SERVICESTeacher: Sa?a Adamovi?, Marko Tanaskovi?, Violeta Toma?evi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: Programming LanguagesCourse Goals and Objectives The primary goal of this course is to acquaint students with the basic principles of the cloud computing paradigm, which is based on the delivery of distributed computer services, and the main technologies that enable it - virtualization technology and hyper-converged infrastructure. In addition, students will understand the relationship between distributed computer systems and cloud computing. The secondary goal of this course is to gain experience in implementing cloud services through practical projects using existing public cloud tools. Among other things, another goal of the course is to provide students with the necessary skills to conduct research activities in this dynamic field by exploiting existing environments and simulators, such as the CloudSim software package.Course OutcomesThe general competencies that students will acquire are analysis, synthesis and prediction of solutions and consequences, mastering the methods, procedures and processes of research as well as the application of knowledge in practice. The professional outcome of this course includes the following five components: 1. Understanding the basic concepts of the cloud computing paradigm - why and how this paradigm was developed, its basic characteristics, advantages and challenges of different models of cloud computing service and delivery; 2. Training for independent application of basic cloud infrastructure concepts and understanding of trade-offs in energy use, efficiency of cloud operations and costs, research on how to manage cloud computing centers, to build and implement cloud applications that are resilient, resilient and cost-effective; 3. Introduction to the concepts of virtualization of systems, networks and data warehouses and hyper - converged infrastructure technology and the role that these technologies play in enabling cloud computing services; 4. Introduction to cloud platforms and global vendor services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Engine (GCE).Course ContentTheoryCloud computing has transformed the IT industry in recent decades by opening up the possibility of using "unlimited" and resilient computing resources and delivering enterprise applications in the form of software as a service. During the theoretical classes, students will gain insight into the principles and technologies of cloud computing through the following teaching units (topics): converged and hyper-converged infrastructure, virtualization technology, types of cloud computing according to service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, XaaS) and delivery ( public, private, shared and hybrid cloud), performing migration to the cloud, synchronizing physical resources with virtual computing resources in the cloud, types and types of cloud data warehouses, disaster recovery mechanisms and business continuity in the cloud, basic principles and goals of cloud security and the technologies used to achieve these goals.Practice Implementing and configuring virtual machines in Type 1 (VMware Sphere) and Type 2 hypervisor environments (Oracle VBox, VMware Workstation), implementing and configuring virtual resources in AWS EC3 (Elastic Computer Cloud) and Microsoft Azure environments, creating and connecting applications via provided APIs on Amazon and Microsoft cloud computing platforms, implementation of applications based on the architecture of micro services and RESTful Web services using Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud technologies and hosting on cloud platforms.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Ba?anin D?akula N., ?trumberger I.., Klaud ra?unarstvo, Univerzitet Singidunum, 2018, p. 394. Montgomery T., CompTIA Cloud+ Study Guide, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, p. 425.Active Teaching Hours: 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, computer-based practice, consultations, practical tasks in a form of reaGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 3 Teacher: Jasna Petrovi?, Marija Ne?i?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The structure and content of English Language 3 course is a continuation of English Language 2 course and its goal is to raise the level of English language knowledge and to develop all language skills at the upper-intermediate level towards the advanced level (B2.2 towards C1 according to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) At this level, the skills are strengthened with the aim of systematising the existing level of knowledge and then moving to an upper level.Course OutcomesStudents are able to actively, independently, and easily use the acquired knowledge at the appropriate level (B2.2-C1) – these are both receptive and productive skills, that is, not only skills at using the language for general purposes, but also at using it for specific purposes.Course ContentGrammatical unitsClimbing up the ladder - specific cases and exceptions pertinent to - Present Simple & Progressive, Present Perfect Simple & Progressive, Future forms, Past tenses, Passive voice, Relative clauses, Participle clauses, Adjectives/Adverbs, Gradability, Comparisons, Articles, DeterminersLexical units + ESPWord formation, phrasal verbs, collocations, idioms, phrases, colloquial expressions, words with similar meaning, complex adjectives; ESP - misdemeanour on the Internet, how false information spread, IT in everyday lifePrimary and Secondary Sources Selection H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni Malkogianni, Pioneer , level C1/C1+, MM Publications, 2015 Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use (Book with answers and Interactive ebook), CUP, 2015Gough, C. English Vocabulary Organiser, LTP, Hove, 2016 Active Teaching Hours: 3Theory: 2Practice:1Applicable Teaching Methods: Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral parts of the exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMINGTeacher: Dejan ?ivkovi?, Miodrag ?ivkovi?Course Status: ElectiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The main goal of this subject is to introduce students to the object-oriented paradigm in Java programming language. The secondary course objective is to gain experience in implementation of object-oriented programs in Java programming language through practical work and to develop a solid basis for a further upgrade in this domain. Another goal of this subject is that student gain necessary skills for performing research activities in this dynamic area by exploitation of existing Java environments and tools, such as Eclipse and IntelliJ.Course OutcomesGeneral competencies which students will gain are analysis, synthesis, and prediction of results and effects, research methods and processes, as well as knowledge application in practice.The practical outcome of this subject consists of understanding of object-oriented programming in Java programming language; getting students ready for individual application of fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming in Java programming language, and usage of standard Java libraries; advanced knowledge of object-oriented paradigm, concepts of classes and objects, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism; understanding Java design patterns and their application in programming; ability to individually develop complex Java programs, and the ability to use Eclipse and IntelliJ development environments.Course ContentTheoryJava programming has become one of the most important sectors of the IT industry, as Java is one of the most popular programming languages, and popular platforms Spring and Android are based on Java. During theoretical classes, students will gain fundamental theoretical knowledge about object-oriented programming, and practical skills for writing object-oriented programs in Java programming language through following topics: objects and classes, encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, exceptions, generics, lambda expressions, object serialization, working with binary files.Practice Practical classes follow theoretical classes, and they are held in computer classrooms on computers with installed Java IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ and NetBeans). During practical classes, students will get insight into environment setup, usage of basic Java libraries, development of advanced Java programs and practical application of principles learned during theoretical classes.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Живкови? Д., Основе ?ава програмира?а, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2018, p. 272.Живкови? Д., ?ава програмира?е, Универзитет Сингидунум, Београд, 2013, p. 275.Farrell J., Java Programming, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2015, p.976.Schildt H., Java: The Complete Reference, 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2017, p. 1312.Horstmann C.S., Core Java Volume I - Fundamentals, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2016, p. 1040.Horstmann C.S., Core Java Volume II – Advanced features, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2016, p. 1362..Active Teaching Hours: 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse title: SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION AND MODELINGTeacher: ?or?e Obradovi?, Branko Peri?i?Course Status: ElectiveECTS Value: 8Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectivesGaining knowledge and skills in creating software requirements specification and modelling using the Unified Modelling Language (UML) with the IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA) tool. The initial stages of software development, such as the selection of appropriate software development methodology, analysis of the current state by process modelling, gathering user requirements, software requirements specification, selection of appropriate software architecture, as well as software analysis and design, are considered key to a successful software development project. Software modelling mainly depends on the type of application software being developed. Within this course, students master the techniques of object-oriented and service-oriented modelling of both transactional and analytical systems.Course OutcomesCompetencies that students will acquire are the application of software development methodologies, analysis of the current state of the system using certain notations for process modelling, creating software requirements specifications, selection of appropriate software architecture, application of UML and other current object-oriented and service-oriented modelling notations and languages that capture the static and dynamic behavior of both transactional and analytical systems. At the end of the course, it is expected that a successful student is able, through the practical demonstration of the project work, to show a detailed understanding of all aspects of software analysis.Course ContentTheoryIntroduction to software engineering with a focus of its phases, the evolution of computing and types of application software. Software development methodologies. Process modelling. Software requirements specification by UML diagrams: use case diagram and activity diagrams. Software architecture and existing architectural and design patterns. Software analysis by creating sequence and class diagrams. Introduction to service-oriented systems. Service-oriented modelling using Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Service-oriented modelling of the system integration with a focus on mediation services implemented within Enterprise Service Bus. Introduction to analytical (intelligent) systems. Multidimensional data warehouse modelling. OLAP cubes and application of basic algorithms for machine learning.PracticeInstallation and introduction to the CASE (Computer Added System Engineering) tool IBM RSA. Creation of the use case diagrams and activity diagrams. Application of certain software architectures. Creation of sequence and class diagrams. Analysis of steps for making project work and demonstration of work organization in Trello tool. Process modelling using BPMN notation. Primary and Secondary Sources SelectionSommerville, I. (2016) Software Engineering. Tenth Edition. Pearson Education Limited. Gomaa, H. (2011). Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software Architectures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Osis, Janis & Donins, Uldis. (2017). Topological UML Modeling. Elsevier.Active Teaching Hours 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, project work, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30Midterm 130Oral partMidterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: ITCourse Title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE 4Teacher: Jasna Petrovi?, Marija Ne?i?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The goal of English 4 course, which is a continuation of English 3 course, is based on the acquisition, comprehension, and usage of the target language at the C1-C1+ level of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Course OutcomesStudents are able to use all language skills at the appropriate level (C1-C1+ of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) – these are both skills at using the language for general purposes and skills at using it for specific purposes.Course ContentGrammatical unitsClimbing up the ladder - specific cases and exceptions related to - Conditional Sentences – III Types, Cleft Sentences, Indirect Speech, Clefting, Infinitives, Participle, Special Case Passive and Causative, Mood in English Lexical units + ESPContemporary trends in technology, entertainment, fashion, etc, environmental protection and sustainable development, historical aspects of the development of science, technology, archeology, and other historically relevant discoveries, art and urban planning and design, understanding human nature and human needs from the psychological perspective. ESP - rise and evolution of gadgets, apps, smart cities Primary and Secondary Sources Selection H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni Malkogianni, Pioneer , level C1/C1+, MM Publications, 2015H.Q.Mitchell-Marileni, Grammar & Vocabulary Practice, MM Publication, 2015Gough, C. English Vocabulary Organiser, LTP, Hove, 2016 Active Teaching Hours: 3Theory: 2Practice: 1Applicable Teaching Methods: Interactive teaching, lectures and practice, gamified and cooperational studying, language skill assessment, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral parts of the exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Program : Information TechnologiesCourse: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND CORPORATE CULTURETeacher: Vladimir D?ami?, Gordana Dobrijevi?Status of the Course: ElectiveECTS: 8Condition: /Aim of the CourseThe aim of the course is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge about corporate culture and organizational behavior, ways of their origin, as well as the basic forms of manifestation within modern business organizations.Outcome of the CourseAfter this course students will be able to understand and apply key elements of corporate culture and organizational behavior in practice within a business organization; understand and apply the advantages of corporate culture and organizational behavior in the function of improving the efficiency and success of the organization; acquire the skill of introspection and behavior in an organizational group or team.Course ContentTheoretical ClassesOrganization, organizational behavior and corporate culture; culture, mission and vision of the organization; national culture and corporate culture; significance and functions. Social influence, power and organizational policy - types and sources of social influence, concept and sources of power; the emergence and evolution of organizational policy. Organizational behavior and conflict management - the concept and types of organizational conflicts; causes and consequences; conflict resolution management; mediation and negotiation. Aspects of corporate culture - values ??and value systems in organizations; organizational norms and rules of conduct; dimensions of corporate culture. Changes in corporate culture - the impact of globalization on corporate culture; old and new corporate culture; the impact of national culture on corporate culture. Corporate culture and organizational climate - the impact of corporate culture on the business environment; organizational climate: concept and significance. Communication culture in the organization - the concept and types of business communications; communication culture; public relations culture.Practical ClassesPersonality, emotions and motivation - basic concepts and applications; introspection. Group behavior and work teams; creation of work teams, the importance of teamwork for modern organizations; individual and group behavior. Corporate culture and decision making - the influence of corporate culture on decision making; models of employee participation in decision making. Business ethics and organizations - corporate culture and ethics; Code of Ethics.LiteratureRobbins, P.S and Taylor, A. J (2019), Organizational Behavior, 18th ed., Pearson, LondonSchein, E. and Schein, P. (2019), Corporate Culture survival guide, 3rd ed., Wiley, New JerseyMc Shane and Von Glinow (2018), Organizational Behavior, 8th ed., Mc Graw HillActive Teaching Hours 5Theory: 3Practice: 2Teaching methodsTheoretical classes, practices, case studies.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Предиспитне обавезеPointsFinal ExamPointsAttendance10Oral exam30Mid-term 130Mid-term 230Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse name: Legal Aspects of ComputingLecturer: Marija Kosti?, ?aklina Spalevi? Course status: ElectiveNumber of ECTS credits: 8Condition: /Course objectiveIntroducing students to the basic concepts and institutes of law in order to comprehensively understand business law and complete legal regulation of cyberspace in terms of intellectual property rights, data protection and privacy, e-government, e-business, e-democracy and high-tech crime.Outcome of the caseStudents will be able to make repeated contracts, conclude legal transactions, enter into various economic relations and validly consider problems, abuses and crimes in cyberspace as a characteristic space for committing misdemeanors and crimes in the field of e-government, electronic communications, data privacy and intellectual property rights.Course contentTheoretical classesConceptual definition of rights. Legal norm. Legal order. Legal system. Sources of law. Legal relationship. Natural persons as legal entities (concept; legal, business and tort capacity; identity properties). Legal entities as legal entities (concept; principle of legal separation; functions; division; general elements). Legal pany law. Forms of companies. Principles of economic freedoms, state interventions and business regulations. General rules on banking. Credit operations. Bank deposits. Banking services. The concept of contracts in the economy, sources of law, specifics of contracts in the economy. Actions and termination of the contract. Sale contract. Mediation agreement. Trade Representation Agreement. Commission agreement. Control contract. Storage contract. Freight forwarding contract. Insurance contract. License agreement. Engineering contract. Franchise agreement.Right securities. Bill of exchange - concept, legal nature, sources of law, types, essential and optional bill of exchange elements. Bills of exchange. Blank bill of exchange. Own bill of exchange. Checks. Actions. Bonds. Commercial Record, Warehouse. Waybill. Bill of lading. Identity papers and signs. Insurance policy.Copyright in cyberspace. Copyright works, theft of copyrighted works and copyright infringement in cyberspace. Copyright and internet domains. Virtual identity retrieval. International and national legal regulations for copyright protection in cyberspace. Concept, international legal regulations and strategies for the development of e-government in the Republic of Serbia. Electronic signature and qualified electronic signature. E-business. E-commerce. Electronic democracy. Eavesdropping, interference and interception of electronic communications. Protecting the privacy of individuals in cyberspace. Electronic communications, organized crime and protection of companies in cyberspace.The concept and specific branches of cyber law. Computer law. High-tech crime. Crimes in the field of cyber law. Unauthorized access to computers and computer systems, computer fraud, computer sabotage, spread of computer viruses. Take control of other people's computers, modify, delete or enter incorrect data in databases. Cyber ??pornography. Sale of illegal substances and weapons in cyberspace. Cyber ??prostitution. Organizing terrorist organizations, spreading racial, religious and national hatred through social networks. Undermining national security in cyberspace. Cyber ??terrorism. Cyber ??warfare..Practical teachingConducting a discussion on certain legal institutes, analysis of examples from court practice, analysis of abuses and criminal acts that occurred during the drafting of contracts, concluding legal transactions, entering into various economic and legal relations in the material and cyberspace.Literature:?. Spalevi?, Legal aspects of cyberspace, Singidunum University Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-7912-676-4, pp. 230, 2020.Lj. Dabi?, L. Spirovi? Jovanovi?, Business Law, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, ISBN: 78-86-403-1407-7, pp. 718, 2018.P. Dimitijevi?, Information Technology Law, Faculty of Law, University of Nis, ISBN: 978-86-7746-497-4, pp. 343, 2014.D. Prlja, M. Reljanovi?, Z. Ivanovi?, Internet law, Institute for Comparative Law, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-80059-83-9, pp. 156, 2012.Number of hours of active teaching: 5 Theoretical classes: 3Practical classes (exercises): 2Teaching methodsLectures, auditory exercises, discussions, case studies, homework, discussion of seminar papers, colloquia.Knowledge assessment (maximum number of points 100)Pre-exam obligationspointsFinal exampointsActivity during the lecture10Exam (oral / written)30Colloquium I30Colloquium II30Sum:70Sum:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: DIGITAL STRATEGYTeacher: Dalibor Radovanovi?, Andrija Petrovi?Course Status: compulsoryECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives This course focuses on the key concepts, practices and issues in the strategic management of digital technologies. The course covers two key themes. First, the course examines the strategic role and organizational value of digital technologies, including digitally enabled innovation, digital ecosystems, and digital transformation and disruption. Second, the course examines the strategic management of digital technologies required to realize this value potential, including current and emerging approaches and frameworks for strategic decision-making about digital technologies, and the management of digital service delivery.Course OutcomesStudents will obtain necessary knowledge to understand significance, key concepts and best practices of strategic management of digital technologies. Students will acquire abilities to determine and apply digital strategies through different approaches. Students will learn to identify company needs, goals, opportunities and activities related to implementation of digital strategies, as well as how digital technologies create add value to companies. They will obtain understanding how to use advantages of internet services in digital business. Course ContentTheoryIntroduction part covers term of digital business. Digital business, digital communication and digital marketing strategies are being considered. Concepts and technologies of digital business, business models and revenue models are being studied. Students are being introduced with digital ecosystems, payment, labor, business, communication platforms, as well as social and cloud platforms. Practice Practical exercises are being realized in the computer labs. It covers practical elaboration of the study program with presentation of practical examples. Students are being learned to determine and implement companies digital strategies, digital marketing and digital communication strategies through practical examples. Students are being learned to perform analysis of company's online presence, perform SWOT analysis, identify market and development points, to analyze and explore communication channels with potential customers and to identify potential growth channels. Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Arthur M. Langer, Lyle Yorks, “Strategic Information Technology: Best Practices to Drive Digital Transformation“, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2018Peppard, J & Ward, ?The strategic management of information systems Building a digital strategy“, 4th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2016Simon Kingsnorth , ?Digital Marketing Strategy“, Kogan Page; 2nd edition, 2019Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 2Practice: 4Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITYTeacher: Mladen Veinovi?, Sa?a Adamovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECTS credits: 8Requirements: /Course Goals and ObjectiveAcquiring of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of information systems security, understanding of security problems, introduction to cryptological security mechanisms. Аpplication of symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms and cryptographic keys management. Identifying security vulnerabilities in different network environments, operating systems, and complete information systems. Application of relevant security standards.Course Outcome The student is able to independently consider and understand security problems and to apply adequate security mechanisms in modern information systems: realization and complete control of cryptographic mechanisms and development and application of standard security policies and procedures. Acquiring knowledge and skills to create and use software tools to check the level of information systems securityCourse ContentTheoryIntroduction to information systems security, cryptographic fundamentals, symmetric and asymmetric cipher systems, public key system infrastructure, digital certificates, multilayer security systems in computer networks, wireless systems protection, web application and email service security, authentication systems, identity management and access control. Introduction to the family of ISO / IEC 27000 standards, risk management in the classic organization of computer systems and in cyberspace, the study of attacks on computer systems and minimizing and eliminating the consequences of possible attacks. Penetration testing of information systems, ie the possibility of violating the integrity of the system and revealing potential security vulnerabilities.PracticeInstallation and use of CrypTool tools for simulation of cryptographic solutions in information security. Study of the methodology of attacks on computer systems and application of software tools for penetration testing, reconnaissance attack and vulnerability detection of information systems. Introduction to the formal way of determining the level of risk and the degree of security of elements in cyberspace in accordance with ISO / IEC 27000 standards. Practical examples of certification in information systems.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Младен Веинови?, Саша Адамови?, Криптологи?а 1, Универзитет Сингидунум, 2019.Mark Stamp, Information security – principles and Practice, Wiley, 2018.ISO - International Organization for Standardization., ISO/IEC 27000:2018, Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems, ISO, Switzerland, 2018.Active Teaching Hours 6Theory: 3Pracice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance10Individual project30Midterm 130Midterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: PRACTICAL RESEARCH AND SOFT SKILLSTeacher: Lazar Dra?eta, Marina Savkovi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST credits: 1Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The objective of the course is to introduce students with basic concepts and categories in the field of applied skills with a focus on solving specific problems. The course aims at mastering skills through active teaching supplemented by the implementation of practice in a particular business society, followed by writing and defense of an independent project. Training students for independent work in the economy, deepening and application of knowledge in the field of professional development and business skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge in concrete case studies are the focus of this course.Course OutcomesThe student will be able to understand and apply key skills, basic principles for achieving goals, the role of lifelong training in achieving success and positive business results, and the individual aspect of the role of an individual as an employee in the organization. On the basis of the problem that was processed, the student is trained to write and defend the project - the final work on the studies.Course ContentTheoryBasic concepts of applicable business skills and theory of success; Personal skills; Introspection skill; Emotional and Social Intelligence; Time management skills; Social skills: negotiation skills, conflict management skills and conflict situation skills, stress management skills and stress reactions; Communication skills: oral, written and non-verbal communication; formal and informal business correspondence; Public speaking skills and oratory skills; Academic skills: academic writing, rules for writing academic papers, the skills of presenting academic papers; Sales skills; Analytical skills.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Boljanovi?-?or?evi?, J., Dra?eta, L., Babi?, L. i Dobrijevi?, G. Razvoj karijere i poslovnih ve?tina, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2016.Dobrijevi?, G., Poslovno komuniciranje i pregovaranje, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2015.D?ami?, V. Organizaciono pona?anje i korporativna kultura, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, 2016.Active Teaching Hours: 3Theory: 3 Practice: 0Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, seminar and project paper, case analysis, simulation, interactive discussion, midterms, written examFinal grade (maximum number of points: 100)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part60Mid-term Exams/Tests30Other Assessment Items Total:40Total:60Study programme: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYSubject name: INTERNSHIPNumber of classes (L+P): 90 hours throughout the semesterProfessor/professors: Selected professorStatus: compulsoryECTS credits: 3Requirements: /Aim:The aim of the professional practice is for students to apply acquired knowledge and skills in resolving specific, real-life issues and to improve their ability for successful implementation of expert and scientific knowledge and methods in practical situations presented. In addition, the aim of this subject is to improve student’s ability to successfully apply academic knowledge and skills on specific business operations within an organization by implementing information technology in the following manner: through systematic support, by developing applicative software for process management, by developing special-purpose products, via applying modern marketing approaches based on the Internet technology.Outcomes:Students are expected to be able to: define organizational strategy, identify the need for software and hardware solutions in order to improve performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of the organization, decide upon and adopt the appropriate integrated or distributed solution, build a computer network, oversee the system implementation and development, understand and suggest the appropriate legal framework, and manage and supervise the specific daily business operations. IT engineer is the one who is going to: find an economical solution, run the appropriate marketing campaign on the Internet, create a high-quality website; as well as develop the following: computer systems, databases, methodology of information system development, business intelligence, procurement, installation and sale of IT products. ContentPractice:Students are introduced to business, organizational, and technical aspects of an organization, as well as to the specifics of organization’s IT. They will be able to master working on technical documentation and information technologies that serve as foundation of computer network and dedicated information systems. Installation, setting up and management of software tools, web service and organization’s website analysis, introduction to the internet marketing techniques, statistical data processing and report writing. Getting to know regulations and software policies, as well financial and accounting systems, creating documentation for the products and services of the specific organization.LiteratureNumber of classes: Theory: Practice: Teaching methodsLectures, practice, consultations, mentorship, projects, exam.Grading scale (max number of points 100)PrerequisitespointsFinal exam pointsAttendance and project70Project defense30Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Information TechnologyCourse Title: FINAL PAPERTeacher/Teachers: Chosen teacher - mentorCourse Status: CompulsoryECTS: 4Requirement: Passed all curriculum subjects Course objectiveThe aim of the final paper is to systematize and check the ability of candidates for further independent work/research. The final paper is an independent professional or scientific statement which proves the degree of ability to independently observe and solve practical or theoretical problems. The final paper checks the independence of the candidate to make a more complex and complete analysis of a problem. The final paper is the act of final check as well as the first significant verification statement that the candidate makes in consultation with the mentor.Course OutcomeBy writing the final paper, the candidate should get a clear and complete picture of the importance and needs of the teaching content he worked on during his studies and become aware of its use value. The candidate is qualified to apply the acquired knowledge in solving real problems, independently apply the selected information technology for solving the selected problem, as well as to present the results of their work.Course contentThe final paper is the independent work of the candidate through the coordinated efforts of the candidate and the mentor. The mentor guides the candidate in his/her work and assists him/her in the entire research process through: choosing the topic of the final paper, formulating the title of the paper, setting goals, subjects, methods and ways of solving it, choosing ways to process problems, collecting, processing, analyzing and verifying by using engineering methods, finishing design of the final work.With the final work, the student proves that he has mastered the theoretical settings of research, theoretical knowledge in the field and that he has successfully implemented a complete research process through: problem identification, theoretical processing of problems, research part through the plan of realization and organization of research, production of written material – final paper.LiteratureNumber of active teaching hours: Lectures: Practice: Teaching methodsAfter the research, the student prepares the final paper in the form that contains the following chapters: Introduction; Theoretical part; Experimental part; Results and discussion; Conclusion; Literature review. The scope of the final paper depends on the scope of the research subject and the depth of elaboration and knowledge and ranges from 30 to 50 pages. By successfully completing the theoretical and research part of the paper, the candidate acquires the right to defend his/her paper in front of the committee and becomes Computer Scientist. The defense of the final paper is done by oral presentation of the candidate on the achieved results in front of the committee consisting of at least two members.Final paper assessment (points)Writing70Defense30In total100Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESCourse Title: BIG DATATeacher: Mla?an Jovanovi?, Aleksandar Jevremovi?Course Status: ElectiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the most important information technologies used in the manipulation, storage and analysis of big data sets. Mastering basic analytical techniques essential for extracting useful information from big data, necessary for business systems based on modern distributed network infrastructure.Course OutcomesStudents acquire the ability to understand the life cycle of large data sets and apply adequate analytical tools, primarily in the domain of explanatory analysis, modeling and statistical inference. Ability to identify primary and secondary (correlated) sources of big data most informative for obtaining quality information necessary in typical scenarios of modern digital economy. Mastering modern software platforms for collecting and processing large data sets. Developing the ability to efficiently present the obtained analysis results within the information flows of modern business systems.Course ContentTheoryConcepts and terminology of big data sets. Characteristics: quantity, speed, heterogeneity, variability, value. Sources of large data sets: numerical, textual, audio, visual - structured and unstructured. Data access techniques, normalization and preparation for further processing. Primary transformations of unstructured data: vectorization and embeddings based on deep learning techniques. Generic analyzes: exploratory statistical analysis, visualization, modeling for clustering, prediction and classification. Elements of machine learning: classical algorithms and modern architectures of neural networks with deep training. Designing machine learning processes in order to solve domain-specific problems. Mastering solutions to generic problems based on large data sets: user segmentation, sentiment analysis, systems for recommending services and products, user profiling based on digital footprints from social networks, risk assessment in the economic and financial sector, etc.Practice Installing Appach Spark as part of the Google Colab service. Creating an environment for practical work with large data sets, based on the Python programming environment. Mastering the basic algorithms of machine learning and deep neural networks within the Scikit-learn, SciPy, NumPy, Tensorflow and Keras libraries. Visualization based on Pyplot and Seaborn software packages. Practicing working with numerical, visual and textual data sources. Introduction to the principles of synthesis of generic systems for content recommendation, extraction of emotional states from texts, images and speech, reconstruction of personality models from available information from social networks and web, user segmentation for digital marketing, prediction and classification for efficient business and others generic tasks of the modern digital economy.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Ivan Marin, Ankit Shukla, Sarang VK, ?Big Data Analysis with Python: Combine Spark and Python to unlock the powers of parallel computing and machine learning”, Packt Publishing, 2019.Patanjali Kashyap, “Machine Learning for Decision Makers: In the Age of Iot, Big Data Analytics, the Cloud, and Cognitive Computing”, Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2018.Bruce Ratner, ?Statistical and Machine-Learning Data Mining: Techniques for Better Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Big Data“, Third Edition, CRC Press, 2017.Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 3Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: COMPUTER NETWORKS SECURITYTeacher/teachers: Aleksandar Jevremovi?, Marko ?aracCourse Status: ElectiveECTS credits: 8Prerequisites:Course ObjectiveThe main objective of this course is to introduce students to the principles of security in computer systems and networks, to get acquainted with the theoretical basics and practical implementation of the most common attacks in computer networks, then to understand human factors that affect security, to understand security risks and solutions that exist in the Web environment, and that for the identified types of attacks, they select and implement adequate security mechanisms.Course OutcomeThe general competencies students will acquire on this subject include an analytical and systematic approach, an understanding of the concept of value, risk, protection, and security.The foreseen professional outcome of this course is understanding the factors that affect the security of computer systems and networks. Understanding security on the physical, network and application level. Understanding human factors that affect security, social engineering, biometric identification, privacy and anonymity. Protection of the principle of confidentiality, credibility and availability, then authentication, authorization. Implement security mechanisms in the Web environment and understand the specific security risks in it.Course contentLecturesBasic concepts of security, risks, threats, vulnerabilities, attack vectors. Confidentiality, integrity, availability. Authentication, authorization, access control. Secure programming, verifying input data, buffer overflows, SQL injection, XSS vulnerability. Types, motives and targets of the attacker, malicious software, denial of service, human security factors, identity management, fraud, social engineering. Application of cryptography, types of crypto-algorithms, PKI infrastructure. Security on Web, HTTPS and digital certificates, CSRF, HSTS. Privacy, anonymity, tracking on the Web.LabsSimulation of different types of attacks using Kali distribution of Linux and Metasploit platform. Protect Web applications from SQL injection, XSS and CSRF attacks, using the HSTS mechanism. Understanding the HTTPS protocol and using digital certificates.Literature William Stallings, Network Security Essentials, Pearson, 2016.Karnel Erikson, Cyber Security, 2019.Kim P., The Hacker Playbook 3: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing, 2018.Number of active classes: 6Theoretical classes: 3Practical classes: 3Teaching methods: Lectures, computer exercises, consultation hours, practical project-oriented Final grade (maximum number of points: 100)Pre-exam obligationsPointsFinal examPointsPresence10Oral exam30Mid-term Exam 130Mid-term Exam 2 (Project)30Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGESTeacher: Miodrag ?ivkovi?, Mla?an Jovanovi?Course Status: ElectiveECST Value: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The main goal of this subject is to introduce students to the basic techniques of web programming and Java Servlets, service-oriented programming, and to other advanced programming techniques in Java programming language and Spring framework. The secondary course objective is to gain experience in implementation of advanced programs and web applications in Java programming language and Spring framework through practical assignments. Another goal of this subject is that student gain necessary skills for performing research activities in this dynamic area by exploitation of existing Java environments and tools, such as Eclipse and IntelliJ, and Spring framework.Course OutcomesGeneral competencies which students will gain are analysis, synthesis, and prediction of results and effects, research methods and processes, as well as knowledge application in practice.The practical outcome of this subject consists of understanding of basic concepts of web programming and Servlets in Java programming language; understanding of basic concepts of service-oriented programming in Java with Spring framework; getting students ready for individual application of fundamental concepts of service-oriented programming in Java programming language, and usage of Spring framework; basic understanding and implementation of RESTful web services; ability to individually develop Java web services, and ability to use Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Spring Boot development environments.Course ContentTheoryDuring theoretical classes, students will gain fundamental theoretical knowledge about web and service oriented programming, and practical skills for writing service-oriented programs in Java Spring environment through following topics: Java Servlets, Servlet API, annotiation and XML configuration, introduction to Spring, beans, wiring, autowiring, dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, fundamentals of service-oriented programming, development of web services, working with database from Java Spring application, RESTful web services in Spring environment.Practice Practical classes follow theoretical classes, and they are held in computer classrooms on computers with installed Java IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ and NetBeans). During practical classes students will get insight into environment setup, Spring framework setup, development of Java web services and RESTful applications, and practical application of principles learned during theoretical classes.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Живкови? М., Бачанин ?акула Н., Туба Е. Програмски ?езици, Универзитет Сингидунум, 2019, Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby, RESTful Web Services, O'Reilly Media 2013C. Walls, Spring in Action, 5th Edition, Manning Publications, 2018.Long J., Bastani K., Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry, 1st Edition, O’Reilly Publishing, 2017.Harold E.R., Java Network Programming, 4th Edition, O'Reilly, 2013.Cay S. Horstmann, Core Java Volume II – Advanced features, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2016.Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 3Practice: 3Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examGrading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written part30PracticeOral PartMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Title: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCETeacher: Milan Milosavljevi?, Mla?an Jovanovi?Course Status: ElectiveECST credits: 8Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives Introduction to the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and its place within traditional computer science subfields. Introduction to theoretical and practical insights necessary for the synthesis of knowledge-based artificial intelligence systems, as well as systems based on learning from examples or based on genetic information formed in the evolutionary process within a set of potential solutions.Course OutcomesMastering theoretical and practical knowledge from the domain of analysis and synthesis of artificial intelligence systems within the paradigm of automated reasoning, machine learning, evolutionary and genetic programming.Course ContentTheoryThe notion of artificial intelligence and its history, generic architecture: agents and production systems, problem solving as a search, non-informative search strategy, informative and heuristic search: A and A* algorithm, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, predicate calculus of the first type, automated reasoning based on resolutions, knowledge-based systems, reasoning in unconstrained conditions, the basics of neuroscience, neuronal network architecture and training algorithms, deep neural networks; the application of deep neural networks over audio, visual and textual data.Practice Installing Anaconda with Jupiter Notebook and Python programming environment. Implementation of basic search algorithms within a unique object-oriented paradigm. Experimenting with different heuristic functions. Implementation of basic machine learning algorithms and deep neural networks within the Scikit-learn, SciPy, NumPy, Tensorflow, Theano and neurolab libraries. Training on audio, visual, and textual data sources. Getting acquainted with the principles of the system synthesis for content recommendation systems, systems for extracting emotional states from texts, images and speech, personality model reconstruction (eg. OCEAN) from available information from the web, as well as other modern systems of this class.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Milan Milosavljevic, Artificial Intelligence, Singidunum University, 2019.Wolfgang Ertel, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Edition, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017.Prateek Joshi, Artificial Intelligence with Python, Packt Publishing, 2017.Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 2Practice: 4Applicable Teaching Methods: Lectures, practice, seminar papers, midterms, final examFinal grade (maximum number of points: 100)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance10Written exam30First midterm30Oral examSecond midterm30Project presentationOther Assessment Items Total:70Total:30Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYCourse subject: SOFTWARE TESTINGTeacher: ?or?e Obradovi?, Miodrag ?ivkovi?Course Status: ElectiveECTS credits: 8Requirements: Programming Fundamentals, Object-oriented programming. Course objectiveThe main goal of this subject is to introduce students to the fundamental principles of software testing, with a focus on programming language Java and JUnit tool which is used for unit testing of Java programs. The secondary course objective is to gain experience in implementation of automated unit tests for Java programs through practical work and practical projects. Another goal of this subject is that student gain necessary skills for performing research activities in this dynamic area by exploitation of existing environments used for testing, such as Selenium for web application testing.Course outcome General competencies which students will gain are analysis, synthesis, and prediction of results and effects, research methods and processes, as well as knowledge application in practice. Students will gain theoretical knowledge about different testing methodologies, and their application in software development. The practical outcome of this subject consists of 1. Understanding different aspects of testing; 2. Understanding fundamental concepts of software testing: black box and white box testing; 3. Understanding different levels of testing – unit, integration, and system testing; 4. Getting students ready for individual application of fundamental software testing concepts, in order to ensure that tested applications are robust, usable and efficient; 5. Ability to develop tests in JUnit and Selenium tools. Course contentSoftware testing is one of the most important activities in the software development process. During theoretical classes, students will gain fundamental theoretical knowledge about software testing principles through the following topics: software testing levels, introduction to JUnit, black box techniques (equivalence classes partitioning, boundary values analysis, cause-effect graph, decision table, state model), white box techniques (control flow graph, code coverage, statement coverage, decision coverage, path coverage, cyclomatic complexity of program, data flow testing), integration testing, regression testing, system testing, static testing, role of testing in different software development models, GUI testing, web application testing with Selenium, testing object-oriented programs, defect management. Practical classes computer laboratoriesPractical classes follow theoretical classes, and they are held in computer classrooms on computers with installed Java IDE. During practical classes, students will get insight into environment setup, JUnit and Selenium setup, and practical application of principles learned during theoretical classes. Literature Jorgensen P. C., Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, 4th Edition, CRC Press, 2014, p. 494.Myers G. J., Sandler C., Badgett, T., The Art of Software Testing, 3rd Edition, Wiley Publishing, 2011, p. 256.Tahchiev P., Leme F., Massol V., Gregory G., JUnit in Action, 2nd Edition, Manning Publications Co., Greenwich, CT, USA, 2010, p. 504Number of active classes 6Theoretical classes: 2Practical classes: 4Teaching methods: Lectures, practices, consultations, midterms, practical project activities. Final grade (maximum number of points: 100)Pre-exam requirementsPointsFinal exam PointsAttendance10Individual project30Midterm 130Midterm 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGQCourse Title: WEB APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENTTeacher/teachers: Milo? Dobrojevi?, Mla?an Jovanovi?, Neboj?a Ba?anin D?akulaCourse Status: ElectiveECTS credits: 8Prerequisites: Course ObjectiveThe main objective of this course is to familiarize students with the principles of web services, as well as to enable independent development of Web applications and their publishing on the Web using appropriate production environments. In addition, students are expected to understand factors that affect the performance of Web applications, identify points where congestion occurs, and optimize performance.Course OutcomeThe general competencies students will acquire on this subject include analytical and systematic approach, as well as the application of appropriate methodologies and technologies in solving complex problems and software development.The foreseen professional outcome of this course is the ability to develop a three-layer web application that uses HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript technologies on the client side (interface), the PHP programming language on the server side, and uses data from the relational database (MariaDB). Optimal selection of components of development and production environment, with emphasis on scalability and understanding of factors that affect performance.Course contentLecturesInternet networks, protocols, services, addressing systems. DNS addressing, domain registration and migration, geographic adaptation of the response. Web service, history and current technologies and protocols. Development and production environments, shared hosting, virtual private servers, content delivery networks, scalability. Usability of Web applications, adaptive and customizable design. Optimization of performance, caching, graphic and multimedia content.LabsInstalling the development environment. Get familiar with the organization of Web services, protocols, technologies and addressing schemes. Tagging content using HTML5. Define the display of content on different devices using CSS3 language. Define interaction with content and controls using JavaScript language. Development of logic on the server side using the PHP programming language. Connecting Web applications to relational databases. Frameworks and templating languages. Profiling and optimization of web applications.Literature Nixon R., Learning PHP, MySQL, & JavaScript, 5th edition, O Reilly, 2018.Butler T., Yank K., PHP & MySQL - Novice to Ninja, SitePoint, 2016.Number of active teaching hours: 6Lectures: 2Exercises: 4Methods of teaching: lectures, exercises, project, consultationsFinal grade (maximum number of points: 100)Pre-exam obligationsPointsFinal examPointsAttendance/Activity during the course10Project defense/Oral exam30Midterm exam 130Midterm exam 230Total:70Total:30Study Programme: ITCourse Title: SPANISH LANGUAGE 2Teacher: Aleksandra Gagi? Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The course objective of the Spanish Language 2, which in its structure and content accompanies the SpanishLanguage 1, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptiveand productive language skills at level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages.Course OutcomesStudents improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read andunderstand the language content in various communication situations at level A2 according to the CommonEuropean Framework of Reference for Languages.Course ContentGrammar UnitsUsos de ser y estar; Las estructuras comparativas; Estar+gerundio; El Pretérito Indefinido; Los verbos de emoción y gusto; Los pronombres personales de objeto directo e indirecto; El pretérito perfecto; El pretérito imperfecto; El imperativo; Las perífrasis verbales Lexical Units Los adjetivos de carácter y estado de ánimo; Los atractivos turísticos; Hablar por teléfono; Términos para describir la vida de una persona; La ropa y los colores; Los motivos de una reclamación; Los profesionales del cine; Las características de la vivienda; El cuerpo humano; La asistencia sanitaria; Los estudios universitarios.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Aragón, Gili, Barquero: Pasaporte Compilado, Nivel Inicial (A1+A2), Madrid, Edelsa (У?беник, радна свеска+CD)Gramática básica del estudiante de espa?ol (Nueva edición) А1-B1, Barcelona, Editorial Difusión, 2011Gramática Elemental A1-A2, Madrid, Anaya ELE, 2016. Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: ITALIAN LANGUAGE 2Teacher: Bojana Prodanovi? ?or?evi?Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: -Course Goals and ObjectivesThe objective of the course Italian Language 2, which is, both in content and structure, a continuation of the course Italian Language 1, is to develop all four language skills through interactive teaching, with emphasis on communication skills, in accordance with the criteria of the Common European Framework with the aim of achieving A2 (A2.1 + A2.2) level of language learning, as well as to get students acquainted with the recognizable segments of Italian culture and civilization using the reading and comprehension skills. Course OutcomesStudents are enabled and prepared to understand and use everyday terms and phrases in Italian, in accordance with the beginner’s level A2 of language knowledge. Communication, expression skills, both written and oral; describing events and personalities. Furthermore, students are conversant with a wider picture of Italian culture and civilization, with an emphasis on Italian music and film, tourism and fashion. Course ContentElementi grammaticaliPosseessivi, Indicativo imperfetto, Trapassato prossimo, Pronomi diretti, Verbi riflessivi, Forma impersonale, Imperativo diretto, Condizionale semplice – verbi regolari e iregolari, condizionele composto.Elementi lessicaliLa famiglia, Ordianre al ristorante, Un film-ricordi, Fare la spesa, Capi di abbigliamentо, ТV e giornali, La musica – cantantiPrimary and Secondary Sources Selection: Matteo La Grassa: L’italiano all’universita, A1-A2, Edilingua 2013 (Student’s Book, Workbook, CD)T.Marin, S.Magnelli: Progetto italiano 1, A1-A2, Edilingua 2009 (Student’s Book, Workbook, CD)Marcello Sensini: Grammatica italiana, Arnoldo Monadadori, 2010Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods:Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral exam. Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam RequirementsPointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10PracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60..........Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: Russian Language 2Teacher: Milo? PupavacCourse Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: / Course Goals and Objectives Reaching the level A2 in the Russian language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Course OutcomesPreparing students for communication in various communicative situations, understanding read texts and writing short lines of descriptive and narrative forms, in present, future and past tenses.Course ContentГрамматика:Глаголы движения; Глаголы движения с приставками; Будущее время; Склонение местоимений; Употребление существительных с числительными; Употребления и значения падежей ; Глаголы положения в пространстве.Лексика:Фразы и лексика по теме ?Дом, квартира?; Фразы и лексика по теме ? Продовольственный магазин и покупки? ; Фразы и лексика по теме ? Описание человека внешность и характер?; Фразы и лексика по теме ?Туризм и путешествия?; Фразы и лексика по теме ? Повседневные активности?; Фразы и лексика по теме ?Праздники и мероприятия?; Тексты из областей туризма и экономики.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Миллер Л. В., Политова Л.В., Рыбакова И. Я., Жили-были...28 уроков русского языка для начинающих, Златоуст, Санкт Петербург, 2014.Marojevi? R., Gramatika ruskog jezika, Zavod za ud?benike, Beograd, 2013Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory:4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, tests, written and oral exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part 30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – ITCourse Title: Greek language and culture 2Teacher: Georgios Nektarios LoisCourse Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The course objective of the Greek Language and culture 2, which in its structure and content accompanies the Greek Language and Culture 1, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptive and productive language skills at level A2 (A2.1 + A2.2) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; the course will also shed some more light on cultural perspectives and influences on the Greek language. Course OutcomesStudents improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read andunderstand the language content in various communication situations at level A2 according to the CommonEuropean Framework of Reference for Languages; they are also familiarised with tradition, customs, habits and cultural traits of the culture that uses the language and aware of its presence in other world languages. Course ContentGrammar-related chunks: Morphology, syntax - complex tenses of the Greek tense system; formation, usage, participlesLexical and Culture-based chunks: literature, music, film, translation, dialogues Primary and Secondary Sources Selection Три?андафилидис, М. (2004). Новогрчка граматика. Атина: Издавачки Институт Школских У?беника Мутав?и?, П. (2007). Граматика савременог грчког ?езика. Београд: ?асен .Мутав?и?, П. (2007). Грчко-српски речник идиома. Београд: ?асен Лоис Г. Н. (2017). Истори?а Срби?е – Народна и Црквена. Атина: Ениа Mandeson (1994). Euro-Dialogues, Gr?ko-Sepski, Srpsko-Gr?ki. Athina: Dioagoras Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: Undergraduate Studies – ITCourse Title: GERMAN LANGUAGE 2Teacher: Jovan Travica Course Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: /Course Goals and Objectives The course objective of the German Language 1, which in its structure and content accompanies the GermanLanguage 1, is to prepare students for the acquisition of new grammatical and lexical units as well as receptiveand productive language skills at level A2 (A2.1 + A2.2) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Course OutcomesStudents improve their language and intercultural skills thus preparing themselves to speak, write, read andunderstand the language content in various communication situations at level A2 according to the CommonEuropean Framework of Reference for Languages.Course ContentGrammar UnitsBestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel im Dativ. Pr?positionen mit Dativ. Fragewort welcher, welche, welches. Pr?positionen mit Dativ und Akkusativ. Modalverben k?nnen, müssen, wollen, m?chten, dürfen, sollen. Possessivartikel. Partizip II mit trennbaren Pr?fixen. Partizip II mit untrennbaren Pr?fixen. Perfekt mit sein und haben. Bindew?rter und, aber, denn. Personalpronomen im Dativ und Akkusativ.Lexical Units ?ffentliche Einrichtungen. Orientierung in der Stadt. Verkehrsmittel. Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wohnungseinrichtung. Wohnungs- und Hausbeschreibung. Berufe. Stellenanzeigen. Motivationsschreiben. Vorstellungsgespr?ch. Beim Arzt. Gesundheit. Reisebuchung. Wettervorhersage.Primary and Secondary Sources Selection K?ker, C. Lemke, L. Rohrmann, T.Schering: Berliner Platz 1 neu, Langenscheidt, Berlin, 2010.Dreyer/Schmitt: Lehr- und ?bungsbuch der deutschen GrammatikActive Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods: lectures, practice, mid-term exams, oral and written exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam Requirements PointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Written partPracticeOral Part30Mid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items Study Programme: ITCourse Title: FRENCH LANGUAGE 2Teacher: Neda MaenzaCourse Status: CompulsoryECST Value: 6Prerequisite: -Course Goals and ObjectivesThe objective of the French Language 2 course, which is, both in content and structure, a continuation of the course French Language 1, is to get students acquainted with communicative, grammar and lexical units so as to enable them to acquire all language skills in the use of the French Language at A2 (A2.1 + A2.2) level, in accordance with the Common European Framework for Living Languages. Course OutcomesStudents are able to independently and feely participate in a variety of everyday and business communication situations in French, to communicate both through speech and writing expressing their needs in their daily and business environment at A2 level. Course ContentParties de la grammaireVerbes pronominaux au présent, passé composé et futur proche. Impératif . Exprimer un besoin: il faut et avoir besoin de. Imperfait. Exprimer la durée. Utilisation des temps du passé (passé composé - imperfait). Connecteurs alors, mais, donc. Pronoms compléments d'objets directs et indirects. Discours indirect. Futur simple – formes régulières et irrégulières. SI-phrases – 1er type (si + présent, futur simple). Subjonctif - formes régulières et irrégulières.Parties du lexique/vocabulaireParlez des activités de la journée. Shopping, comment acheter et payer. Coversation au magasin. Parler d’un logement. Expression pour situer et s’orienter. ?crire une carte postale ou un courrier électronique de vacances (parler du temps, les activités, exprimer les attitudes). Parler des souvenirs du passé et des moments de la vie. Récit au passé. Film et cinéma. Présenter et décrire un film. Famille – parler de la famille. Nouvelles technologies, Internet, réseaux sociaux. Exprimer des opinions et des attitudes. ?crire de petits messages. Exprimer des problèmes et donner des conseils. Parler du corps, problèmes de santé et maladies. Conversation chez le docteur. Décrire une personne – parler des qualité et des défauts,de l'apparence physique. Vêtements. Exprimer le futur. Projets pour l'avenir. Enseignement et système scolaire en France. Environnement des affaires. Terminologie commerciale. Primary and Secondary Sources Selection: 1. Girardet J, Pécheur J, Echo 1, CLE International, Paris, 2012 2. Неши? М, Топалови? Радман А, Граматика француског ?езика, Дата Статус, 2012Active Teaching Hours: 6Theory: 4Practice: 2Applicable Teaching Methods:Interactive teaching, lectures and exercises, gamified and collaborative teaching, language skills tests, tests, mid-term tests, written and oral exam.Grading Scheme (max. 100 points)Pre-exam RequirementsPointsFinal Exam PointsAttendance and in-class Activity10Oral Part30PracticeMid-term Exams/Tests60Other Assessment Items ................

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