
Sheth N.K.T.T. College of Commerce,ThaneT.Y. objective questions sem-VI Subject: Computer System and ApplicationQ.State whether the following statements are true or falseTrue/False1SSL provides both server side authentication as well as client side authentication.F2In SSL URL will change from HTTP to HTTPS.T3In case of Public key encryption, the public key will convert cipher text into original message.F4Portal earns their revenue by selling goods.F5Public key encryption lacks authentication of the sender.F6In public key encryption once the message is covered.T7Digital signature changes for every document.T8Encryption covers all the security issues.F9E-tailer is online retail shop.T10Companies derive revenue by selling goods, information or services to customers are called as sales revenue model.T11E-commerce gives a global reach to the business.T12EDL standards are decided by ANSI.T13EDI allows paperless transaction.T14Encryption and Decryption can be done by same keyT15Sender’s private key is also called as digital signature.T16Encryption is required to overcome some problems faced by E-commerce.TQ.Select an appropriate optionAns1In SSL_____key is used for encryption.Public b)Private c) Session d) None of thesec2To handle credit card transaction on Internet___is developed by Visa and Master card.a)SSL b) SET c) SAT d) None of theseb3The sender and receiver will have the same key in ____ key encryption.Symmetric b) Asymmetric c) Public d) Privatea4In SSL URL will change from HTTPto____.Cipher text b) HTTPS c) SHTTP d) None of theseb5_____ best example of online stored value system.Google b) Yahoo c) PayPal d) None of thesec6Bit is an example of ____.B2B b) B2C c)C2C d) P2Pd7E-tailer revenue model is ____ revenue.Sales b) Subscription c) Advertising d) Affiliatea8The percentage of people who visit web site and buy something is known as ____.Hits b) Conversion rate c) Affiliate d) None of these bQ.Fill in the blanksAns1___ is online retail store.E-Tailer2___ revenue is earned by selling goods.Sales3___ revenue is earned by executing a transaction.Transaction fee4___ revenue is also called as referral fee.Affiliate5Converting cipher text to readable text is called as___.Decryption6Symmetric key encryption is also called as ___ key encryption.Private7___ refers to the ability to identify the identity of a person or entity.Authenticate8___ protocol is used in M-commerce.WAP9___language is used to M-commerce.WML10Reach of E-commerce is ___.Global11Criminally acquiring password is known as ___.Phishing12When encryption and decryption is done with different keys it is called as ___.Asymmetric13E trailer can be Pure Plays or___.Bricks & Clicks14Symmetric Encryption can be done by ___ or transaction.SubstitutionQMatch the followingAns1Future of E-CommerceaAffiliate Revenue1-c2Type of E-2-e3Business ModelcDeveloped by Master & Visa card3-i4Major B2C modeldUbiquity4-a5Transaction fee revenueeMarket Creator5-d6Cipher textfIdentify the identity6-j7Pay –PalgDigital Signature7-h8Public Key EncryptionhOnline stored value system8-g9SETiEncryption9-f10AuthenticityjPeer to Peer10-bQ.State whether the following statements are true or falseTrue/False1Affiliate revenue is also called as Referral fee.T2Standards of EDI are decided by ASCII.F3EDI allows paperless transactions.T4In E-Commerce you can locate the product quickly and easily.T5E-commerce is totally safe.F6Encryption means converting plain text to cipher text and vice-versa.F7Decryption means converting plain text to cipher text and vice-versa. F8SET changes UTL from http to https.F9In SSL server side authentication compulsory.T10Digital cheques are not so successful in E-commerce.T11An online retail score is called as Referral in E-commerce.T12In C2C,One consumer deals with another consumer.T13Transaction fee is also called as Referral fee.F14Authenticity means authority.F15Encryption is performed by receiver of the message.F16In SSL, URL will change from HTTPS TO HTTP.F17SET is designed for handling credit card transaction over internet.T18EDI standards are decided by Master Card and VISA.F19Security is the major drawback of E-Commerce.T20Electronic market is a virtual representation of physical market.T21EDI standards are decided by the company using it.F22EDI standards are decided by ANSI.T23EDI can be used only by the organization which are doing regular and large transactions.T24In E-commerce scope is global.T25E-commerce is available 365*24*7.T26E-commerce creates a market for niche products.T27Number of people visiting a web site is known as hits.T28Transaction broker makes money each time a transaction occurs.T29E-tailer can be in the form of bricks and clicks.T30E-tailer revenue mode is advertising revenue.F31Decryption is performed by receiver.T32Encryption –Decryption covers all security issues.F33In m-commerce protocol used is WAP.T34Digital cash is also called as E-cash.T35In SSL client side authentication is compulsory.FQ.State whether the following statements are true or falseTrue/False1Now() returns only the current time.F2Weekday() returns day of the week such as ‘Sunday’,’Monday’ etc.F3Year() always returns answer as 4 digits.T4LEFT() returns 1 character by default.T5A function can have another function as its arguments. T6Result of any function is is right justified (align) by default.F7In VLOOKUP() the values in the first column must be in the ascending order in any case.F8Answer of DAYS360() is always less than or equal to 360.F9Filter is available for only one list in a worksheet.T10In advanced filter you must type the criteria before you use the command.T11In filter you must type the criteria before you use the command.F12In filter you can copy the data to new location which is satisfying the given condition.F13Filter option allows the user to sort the data.T14You can give name to range.T15Range name can be used in the formulas.T15You can not refer to a cell from another workbook, while using a formula.F17In advanced filter you can copy the data to new location which is satisfying the given condition.T18Filter means getting only those records which are satisfying a given condition.TQ.State whether the following statements are true or falseTrue/False1Graphs can be created only through Insert tab option.T2Graphs cannot be edited.F3Graphs are not updated automatically.F4Pie graphs can be drawn for multiple ranges of values.F5Legends are compulsory in a graph.F6Legends can be displayed only on the right side of graph.F7All the graphs have horizontal as well as vertical axis.F8Graphs can make data interesting and attractive.T9Macro cannot be deleted.F10If there is macro with a shortcut key ‘p’ and if you press Ctrl+p, then it will run macro.T11Macro can be recorded or deleted.T12Macro is created using Visual Basic Editor.T ................

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