The BFG: The Witching Hour, Who

The BFG: The Witching Hour, Who?, The Snatch, The Cave, & The BFG & The Giants, The Marvelous Ears, Snozzcumbers, (Text pgs 8-54 )

Here are this weeks Vocabulary/ Spelling Words











Other words:

___________, ___________________________________

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|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG 1-24 | | |Cont. BFG 1-24 |

|/15 |Complete vocabulary (pg. 2& 3) | |/ |SW: Comp. Questions 4-5 |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session 1 | |/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session2 |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG 25-37 | | |Cont. BFG 38-54 |

|/8 |SW: inferences (p. 6-7 ) | |/9 |SW: using context (p. 8-9) |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session 3 | |/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session 4 |

| |Independent reading | | |Independent reading |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes | |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

The BFG: Here are this weeks spelling and Vocabulary words






Word Scramble

Word Scramble-- scramble your spelling words.  Be sure to include a key at the bottom of the page. Then we will switch papers and unscramble the spelling words.


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CC.1.2.5.K Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade-level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.

The BFG Vocabulary:

Seatwork- Monday ___/15 Understands vocabulary

Matching: Match the Vocabulary word to its meaning:

|___ |BRILLIANT CURIOUS |A |a room with a toilet and washbasin; a bathroom |

|___ |CRAGGY |B |shining with a sparkling light. |

|___ |CROUCHED |C |hunker down · bob down · hunch over |

|___ |CURIOUS |D |in a way that is easily perceived or understood |

|___ |DEFINITELY |E |in a definite manner; clearly. |

|___ |DELICATE |F |take or move (something) suddenly and quickly. |

|___ |DORMITORY  |G |be reluctant to do something |

|___ |ELASTIC |H |kept in prison: captive. |

|___ |GLISTENING |I |rough and uneven. |

|___ |HESITATED |J |experiencing a slight prickling or stinging sensation |

|___ |IMPRISONED |K |strange; unusual. |

|___ |LAVATORY |L |requiring sensitive or careful handling. |

|___ |OBVIOUSLY |M |able to resume its normal shape after stretching |

|___ |TINGLY     |N |very bright and radiant. |

|___ |WHISK |O |a large bedroom for a number of people in a school |


The BFG: Comp. Questions

Read Chapter 1 and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Chapter 1 - The Witching Hour.

When & Where does the story take place?

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|____/4 Literal - Reads with Understanding |

CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences. E05.A-K.1.1.1

What descriptive words are used to describe the Setting?

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|____/4 Understands & Applies Vocabulary |

CC.1.3.5.A Determine a theme of a text from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. E05.A-K.1.1.2

The opening chapters create a particular mood or feel. What do you think the mood is? Use at least two details from the story to support your answer.

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|____/4 Inferential - |

CC.1.3.5.G Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).

The BFG: Comp. Questions

We have read Sophie’s description of the opening of the story and seen the account from her point of view. Predict what might the Giant’s point of view from the time it is in London to the point where he goes back to the cave.

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|____/4 Demonstrates Critical Thinking Skills |

CC.1.3.5.D Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. E05.A-C.2.1.1

____/4 Literal - Reads with Understanding

____/4 Inferential -

____/4 Demonstrates Critical Thinking Skills

____/4 Understands & Applies Vocabulary

The BFG: Making Inferences Worksheet ____/16 Inferential

As we read through the BFG you will come across words that you have never seen before; words that don’t even exist in the dictionary. You will have to use context clues, or inferences to determine the meaning of these words or ideas. We will practice this skill by answering the questions listed below. Most questions can be solved by using outside knowledge and clues from the text to make an inference.

James licked the final square, posted it at the top corner of the envelope and dropped it in the large blue box. He hoped it would get there in time. Nobody likes a late birthday message.

What is James doing?


I just can’t figure them out. Sometimes I get so frustrated. Like when I ask the file to save, and I come back and hour later and it has erased my paper. Those are the things that just irritate me. I also can’t stand all these goofy names, ‘mouse’, ‘web surfing’, who ever made up such nonsense.

What is frustrating this man?


Maurice loved the feeling of being launched at such fast speeds. He looked forward to the twists and turns, and the upside down loops. The park had gotten so expensive that his family could only afford to go once a year, so Maurice would count down the days until he could feel his hair blowing in the wind as he raced around the track.

Where does Maurice’s family go once a year?


Of all the chores Jake had around the house, it was his least favorite. Folding the laundry was fine, doing the dishes, that was alright. But he couldn’t stand hauling the large bags over to the giant silver canisters. He hated the smell and the possibility of rats. It was disgusting.

What chore does Jake hate?


Go on to the next page

The BFG: Making Inferences Worksheet

The campers sat at the campfire, laughing and having a good time when a strange noise came from the woods. The campers suddenly became silent and sat very still as they could hear a rustling in the bushes. They had heard that bears were known to have lived around this area and therefore began to panic. Suddenly, the creature appeared from the bushes. It was hardly a bear. In fact the large whiskers, twitching nose, and floppy ears couldn’t have scared anyone.

What is the animal that visits the camp?


He gave a speech in front of a boisterous crowd. Flags were perched all along the pulpit and he talked about what could be done to improve the lives of everyday Americans. Only a few months later he would be sworn into office, promising to work hard to lead America.

Who is this person giving the speech?


He loved all watching all of the movies as he loved the characters. He couldn’t wait to see them, to see the castle; the ride the monorail and visit all of the parks.

What is this person excited to do?


“I do like like them Sam I am,” he would recite those famous words from his favorite story. He loved One Fish, Two Fish, and All of the Places you Will Go, but his favorite, well his favorite had to this story.

Who is this person’s favorite author?


CC.1.3.5.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text, including interpretation of figurative language. E05.A-V.4.1.1 E05.A-V.4.1.2

The BFG: Word Meanings From Context: Continued ____/9 Inferential

Use the context to help you determine the meaning of each highlighted word. 

1.Fortunately, the dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue playing within seconds and had no trouble winning the match.

When you describe an event as “transient,” you are saying that __________.

a. it sounds like a train

b. it is quite harmful

c. it helps you win

d. it doesn't last long

2. Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work. It would be so much simpler if they both liked the same kind of music.

A dispute is a __________.

a. musical instrument

b. choice of music

c. discovery

d. disagreement

3. When they heard the good news about the court’s decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to disperse. “It looks like everyone is going home,” one reporter stated.

Which would be the opposite of “disperse”?

a. come together

b. smile

c. fly like a bird

d. sing

4. It’s a wonder to me how anyone can still be undecided about this election. These two candidates are certainly distinct. Each would lead our nation in opposite directions.

What does “distinct” mean?

a. needing a bath c. clearly different

b. dishonest d. about the same age.

Go on to the next page

The BFG: Word Meanings From Context

5. Poor Farmer Chevez labors sixteen hours a day and never has time for a vacation. He deserves better! Everyone should have at least one day a week for rest and relaxation.

A. plays

B. eats

C. works

D. unions

Note: The word “labor” is spelled “labour” in some parts of the world such as the United Kingdom.

7. It's not that I'm unfriendly, but sometimes I want to leave society behind and be alone for awhile.

A. people living as members of a group

B. homes with messy floors

C. the fastest runners

D. people who are afraid of Girl Scouts

8. Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an intruder gets in the house.

An intruder is someone who intrudes. To intrude is to __________.

A. paint or repair old buildings

B. wear ones shoes on the wrong feet

C. go where one is not wanted or doesn't belong

D. be very noisy

9. Those scientists want to hear what our professor thinks about their theory because he is the foremost expert in their field.

A. The first or main one B. craziest C. least informed D. loudest


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text, including interpretation of figurative language. E05.A-V.4.1.1 E05.A-V.4.1.2

The BFG: Chapters 5 and 6 of the BFG

See how well you read the Chapters. Answers the questions below.

____/4 literal (questions 1-4)

____/4 inferential (questions 5-9) ____/4 critical thinking (question 10)

Remember to answer in complete sentences.

1. What did Sophie think the BFG’s ears were as big as?

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2. What was the BFG’s favorite human bean? (human being) Why?

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3. What do the letters BFG mean?

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4. How did Sophie feel when the BFG told her the good news that he

Didn’t eat human beings?

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The BFG: Chapters 5 and 6 of the BFG

The Giant uses funny words when he talks. What do you think these words mean?

5. I is a man-gobbling cannybull.

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6. The Turks are more scrumdiddlyumptious!.

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7. Some are uckyslush.

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8. Your head is emptier than a bundongle.

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9. They would put me in the zoo with all those squiggling

hippodumplings and crocadowndillies.

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10. Write a description of the Giants, Sophie saw.

Use at least 6 Adjectives to describe them.

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CC.1.3.5.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text, including interpretation of figurative language. E05.A-V.4.1.1 E05.A-V.4.1.2

The BFG Comprehension Questions /16 literal

Please answer in a complete sentence. Each question is worth 4 points.

1. What would happen to Sophie if she was caught out of bed after lights-out? ___/4 lit


2. The people of which country were safe from being eaten by the giants? Why?

___/4 lit


3. What unusual objects filled every nook and cranny of the cavern? ___/4 lit


4. Why did the BFG refuse to take the vegetables from the gardens near Sophie’s village? ___/4 lit


The BFG Comprehension Questions /16 inferential

5. Why did the giant consider himself to be a freaky giant? ____ /4 inf


6. How can we be fairly certain that the giant won’t eat her up, as she is afraid of him doing? ___/4 inf


7. Why did Sophie think that the giant had some sort of magic in his legs? ___/4 inf


8. The BFG is somewhat embarrassed of his grasp of the language. He is very proud of what ability? How do you know this? ___/4 inf


The BFG: Here are this weeks spelling and Vocabulary words






Word Search

Make your own word search--using the spelling words. Please use the grid sheet enclosed. The next day we will switch the word searches.

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The BFG: The Bloodbottler, Frobscottle & Whizzpoppers, Journey to Dream Country, Dream Catching, A Trogglehumper for the Fleshlumpeater, Dreams (Text pgs 55-114 )

Here are this weeks Vocabulary/ Spelling Words

|Awesome | |

|Astonishment | |

|Patiently | |

|Suspiciously | |

|Disappearing | |

|Sensation | |

|Conducting | |

|Stammered | |

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Other words:

___________, ___________________________________

___________, ___________________________________

___________, ___________________________________

|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG | | |Cont. BFG |

|/10 |Complete vocabulary (pg. 17-18) | |/16 |SW: Reading closer 19-21 |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session | |/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG | | |Cont. BFG |

|/16 |SW: Using Context (pg. 22-23) | | /12 |SW: comprehension (p. 24-25) |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session | |/12 |HW: Lit Circle: Session |

| |Independent reading | | |Independent reading |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes | |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

The BFG:





























The BFG: Chapters 12-13 Dictionary Skills Read . Journey to Dream Country

Monday Seatwork ____/10 vocabulary

Find the Dictionary meaning for:

|1. protest (page 70) -------------------------------------------------------------- |

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Number: __________

The BFG:

Tuesday Seatwork ____/10 vocabulary

Understanding the text deeply: Sometimes you are asked to read a passage and give a detailed and well supported answer. A good practice is to read the question first so that you will know what purpose you will need to read. (Go and read the question now!) Reread the following passage and answer the question that follows. While reading; stop and highlight or note any details that find along the way. These highlights will quickly help you see where you found the information when the time comes to answer the question.



The BFG: Understanding the text deeply:

Tuesday Seatwork ____/12

The BFG discusses his marvelous ears. Recall at least three examples of how the BFG believes his ears are so marvelous. Write your answer in paragraph form.

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CC.1.3.4.B Cite relevant details from text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences.

The BFG Using Context

Seatwork- Wednesday Uses Word Analysis Skills ___/ 16 (4 each)

The BFG contains many nonsense words. Context clues are hints in the writing that help you figure out what a word means. Each example below has hints within the passage or sentence to help you figure out the meaning of the underlined word. Read each question CAREFULLY and write the correct answer in the space provided.

“Is that really true?” Sophie asked. “You think I is swizzfiggling you?” “It is rather hard to believe.”

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

“Sometimes, on a very clear night,” the BFG said, “and if I is swiggling my ears in the right direction….”

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

So this is the filthing rotsome glubbage you is eating!” boomed the Bloodbottler.

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

“You is trying to change the subject.” The Giant said sternly. “We are having an interesting babblement about the taste of the human bean.”

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

The BFG Using Context continued

Seatwork- Wednesday Uses Word Analysis Skills ___/ 10

…”you would have been splashing the news all over the wonky world, wouldn’y you, if I hadn’t wiggled you away?”

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

“If you do go back, you will be telling the world,” said the BFG, “most likely on the telly-telly bunkum box and the radio squeaker.”

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

“I am warning you not ever to go whiffling about out of this cave without I is with you or you will be coming to an ucky-mucky end! I is showing you now who is going to eat you up.”

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

“What on earth are they doing?” Sophie asked.

“Nothing,” said the BFG. “They is just moocheling and footcheling around and waiting for the night to come>”

Meaning:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Clues:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level text, including interpretation of figurative language.

The BFG Chapters 9-11 Comprehension ____/12 literal (question 1-3)

Seatwork- Thursday

Read Bloodbottler.

1. Describe the Bloodbottler.

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2. How was the Bloodbottler different to the BFG?

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3. Where did Sophie hide? What happened to her?

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CC.1.3.5.A Determine a theme of a text from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

The BFG Frobscottle & Whizzpoppers ____/12 Inferential (question 4-6)

Seatwork- Thursday

4. What did you like best about this Chapter?

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5. What did you learn about the BFG?

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6. How did the relationship between Sophie and the BFG change in this Chapter?

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CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences.

The BFG Comprehension Questions /16 literal

Please answer in a complete sentence. Each question is worth 4 points.

1. Why did the Bloodbottler enter the BFG’s cave? ___/4 lit


2. What are whizzpoppers? What causes them?

___/4 lit


3. What plan did Sophie and the BFG come up with to get back at all of the Giants? ___/4 lit


4. Who does the Fleshlumpeater think is after him in his dream? ___/4 lit


CC.1.3.5.A Determine a theme of a text from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

The BFG Comprehension Questions /16 inferential

5. How did the BFG trick the Bloodbottler into leaving his cave? ____ /4 inf


6. What so amusing to Sophie about the person who after the Fleshlumpeater in his dream? ___/4 inf


7. How did the BFG learn to speak, read, and write? ___/4 inf _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. What are Quogwinkles and what does the BFG tell Sophie about them? ___/4 inf


CC.1.3.5.B Cite textual evidence by quoting accurately from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences.

The BFG :Spelling & Vocabulary

Take each spelling Word and make as many new words as you can17 of 17 words were placed into the puzzle.

Astonishment _______________________________________

Suspiciously _______________________________________

Transfigured _______________________________________

Tremendous _______________________________________

Awesome _______________________________________

Disappearing _______________________________________

Enormous _______________________________________

Stammered _______________________________________

Sprouting _______________________________________

Perambulator _______________________________________

Fond _______________________________________

Conducting _______________________________________

Announced _______________________________________

Patiently _______________________________________

Vigorously _______________________________________

Reverberated _______________________________________

Sensation _______________________________________

The BFG :Spelling & Vocabulary

Unscramble each of your spelling words.

Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number.

[pic] The BFG :Spelling & Vocabulary

The BFG describes Snozzcumbers as the only food he eats. Invent another food he might be able to eat. Use at least five of your spelling words in your paragraph. Please be neat and underline your words.

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The BFG: The Great Plan, Mixing the Dream, & Journey to London, The Palace, The Queen, & The Royal Breakfast (Text pgs 115-175 )

Here are this weeks Vocabulary/ Spelling Words

|terrible | |

|hesitated | |

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|breathing | |

|individual | |

|determined | |

|unbelievable | |

|absolutely | |

|confidently | |

Other words:

___________, ___________________________________

___________, ___________________________________

___________, ___________________________________

|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG | | |Cont. BFG |

|/20 |Complete vocabulary (pg. 32) | |/12 |SW: Compare & Contrast (p. 33-34) |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session | |/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG | | |Cont. BFG |

|/16 |SW: Comprehension (pg. 35) | |/9 |Point of View (pg. 36 & 37) |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session | |/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session |

| |Independent reading | | |Independent reading |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes | |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

The BFG :Spelling & Vocabulary A Trogglehumper for the Fleshlumpeater, Dreams, The Great Plan, & A Mixing The Dream, Journey to London, & The Palace

|occurring |sprawled |grotesque |terrible |dangerous |

|infinite |writhing |absolutely |laborious |breathing |

|hesitated |lonesome |confidently |glimpse |individual |

|comfortable |protection |monstrous |unbelievable |determined |

Dictionary Skills

List each word in alphabetical order. Then list what part of speech each word is. (You may need to use a dictionary)

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The BFG: Compare and Contrast

Tuesday Seatwork ____/12

The Seven Giants - Read the following story and then compare and contrast the story to the BFG.

The ground shook amazingly hard as seven Giants… Smiley, Frowny, Cranky, Dozey, Dreamy, Hoppy and the youngest Silly were playing tap outside a Barbers shop. This shop was owned by their mother and this Giant family lived at the top of the beanstalk.

Their mother had to go out that evening. After she had gone, Smiley the eldest son thought it would be fun to explore what was down the beanstalk. They went to the very tip of the beanstalk. They started climbing down. Silly, the youngest, thought it was a long, long way down but with encouraging words from his brothers he eventually regained confidence.

When they finally reached the bottom of the beanstalk their eyes widened. This magical place was filled with extraordinary colors; it wasn’t just white like where they came from. They started exploring. Just then they heard something twitching in the bushes. Suddenly seven huge nets flew at the seven Giants and covered their great bodies. Before the Giants knew it, they found themselves on a gigantic piece of wood with wheels underneath it. They were wheeled into a cell as big as the castle its self and they spent the night there.

The other six Giants were furious at Smiley for getting them into this mess. The were scared of these little creatures that had captured them. The Giants didn’t know what to do; they were tired and extremely hungry. The next morning the Giants could hear a bell ringing. After the bell had stopped about sixty men came into the cell and collected the Giants. The men took the Giants into the swamp. In the swamp there were many women, men and children clapping and laughing at the jester who was on the stage.

When the jester finished his performance, a man wearing a sparkling crown entered the stage. All went quiet. All Smiley could hear was “Magic Competition.”

Men came and put the Giants on a separate stand each. Seven men walked up to a long, bright red line, they spoke words of magic. All of a sudden, Smiley turned into a purple donkey. All seven of the giants were turned into weird and wonderful things. Everyone laughed at them.

The Giants whispered a plan to each other. The next man turned Smiley into a live, talking dwarf! They all touched each other and suddenly, they all turned into dwarfs! The seven now dwarfs jumped up and ran as quickly as their little legs could go.

After running for hours through the swamp, they spotted a little cottage. They walked in and saw a beautifully furnished kitchen and a dazzling lounge room! They walked into the bedroom and…..there were seven beds all beautifully made. They all agreed that they liked it here and wanted to stay.

So now the seven dwarfs live in a cottage in the swamp and were never to be seen again until a girl came knocking at their door one day. She had pitch black hair, pale skin and lips as red as roses...

Compare and contrast this story to the BFG. Find at least three items to fill out each section.

1. What is unique about the giants in this story?

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2. What is unique about the giants in the BFG?

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3. Find three items that both stories have in common.

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CC.1.3.5.H Compare and contrast texts in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics as well as additional literary elements. E05.A‐C.3.1.1

The BFG:

Wednesday Seatwork ____/ 16 Literal Comprehension

____/4 The Fleshlumpeater would love to eat the queen. What does the BFG say he won’t try it?

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____/4 How does Sophie know how to get the queen’s palace?

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____/4 How does the BFG know which of the palace rooms belong to the queen?

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____/4 What does Mr. Tibbs have to do in order for the BFG to sit and eat? Offer three details.

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CC.1.3.5.A Determine a theme of a text from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

The BFG: Point Of View

Thursday Seatwork ____/12

We have read the description of the BFG eating breakfast in the royal palace. We are introduced to Mr. Tibbs, the butler. Describe the scene again, but this time tell about the scene as if Mr. Tibbs was telling the story. Project how Mr. Tibbs would feel.

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CC.1.3.5.D Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. E05.A-C.2.1.1

The BFG: Quiz____/16 Literal Comprehension

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

How did Sophie feel as the BFG left her behind on the window sill? ____/4

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Hoe does The BFG travel to London with Sophie. What problem is caused when Sophie speaks? ____/4

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The maid brings the queen her breakfast. What causes the maid to drop it on the floor? ____/4

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Who discovers Sophie on the windowsill? What does she first think about Sophie being there? ____/4

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The BFG: _The Great Plan ___/16 Literal Comprehension

Why did Sophie feel helpless when the Giants run off to countries? ____/4

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In the Chapter The Great Plan, The BFG talks about Grown Up Human beans. What did the BFG say to make Sophie angry? ____/4

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What was Sophie’s plan to defeat the Giants once and for all? ____/4

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List at least three main parts that Sophie felt should be included in the dream to the Queen? ____/4

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CC.1.3.5.A Determine a theme of a text from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

The BFG :Spelling & Vocabulary The Great Plan, & A Mixing The Dream, Journey to London, & The Palace

The BFG describes several dreams he has in his jars. Create a new dream that might exist on his shelf. Use at least five of your spelling words in your paragraph. Please be neat and underline your words.

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The BFG :Spelling & Vocabulary The Great Plan, & A Mixing The Dream, Journey to London, & The Palace

|occurring |sprawled |grotesque |terrible |dangerous |

|infinite |writhing |absolutely |laborious |breathing |

|hesitated |lonesome |confidently |glimpse |individual |

|comfortable |protection |monstrous |unbelievable |determined |

The BFG- What does the BFG say about Aliens?

The BFG: The Plan, Capture!, & Feeding Time, The Author

(Text pgs 176 -204 )

Here are this weeks Vocabulary/ Spelling Words

|anxiously | |

|ingenuity | |

|composure | |

|swivel | |

|decisive | |

|dexterity | |

|appalled | |

|absurdity | |

|contraption | |

|discretion | |

Other words:

___________, ___________________________________

___________, ___________________________________

___________, ___________________________________

|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG | | |Cont. BFG |

|/15 |Complete vocabulary (pg. 42) | |/22 |SW: Sequence (pg. 43-44) |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session | |/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. BFG | | |Cont. BFG |

|/28 |SW: Comprehension (pg. 45-46) | |/16 |SW: Reflection (page 47) |

|/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session | |/ |HW: Lit Circle: Session |

| |Independent reading | | |Independent reading |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes | |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

The Plan, Capture!, Feeding Time, & The Author.

absurdity composure nobleman contraption ingenuity

sagacity tantrums throttled appalled dexterity

anxiously swivel discretion contrivance decisive

Use a dictionary to find the syllable divisions for each word.

Syllable divisions

|Absurdity | |

|composure | |

|nobleman | |

|contraption | |

|ingenuity | |

|swivel | |

|sagacity | |

|tantrums | |

|throttled | |

|appalled | |

|dexterity | |

|anxiously | |

|discretion | |

|contrivance | |

|decisive | |

The BFG: Sequence of Events

Tuesday Seatwork

____/12 Critical Thinking Skills (2pts. Each)

Directions: Read the story below. Then place the number (starting with 1) on the lines below to correctly order the events as they happened in the story.

 "Wow look at that one," I said as me and my best friend Sarah jumped on the trampoline one hot summer night. It was after dark and we were looking at the stars.

I thought I was living a normal life, and I was until... a couple nights later we were on the trampoline again and we saw a strange purplish light right above us. "Are there any satellites that color?," I asked as I started to get off the side of the trampoline. Sarah shook her head slowly. I stared straight at the light. Then it got bigger. It seemed to come closer.

Sarah and I leaped off the trampoline and sprinted towards the house. We stopped when we were half way there because it got bigger and bigger and slowly it turned into a faint aircraft figure. It came closer and closer and slowly but surely landed in our yard. Sarah being the brave one walked up to it. I stayed behind because I was scared. It looked like an alien space craft but those aren't real.

As Sarah walked up to it, a door at the base opened. Then, faint pink glowing figures appeared in the door way. They looked some what like the aliens on Men-in-Black. They practically glowed in the dark!! My heart seemed to skip a beat when one of the creatures raised its finger and pointed at me. Then it moved its finger towards the craft. I wasn't sure but I got the impression that they wanted me to go with them. I took a step forward. I felt their icy cold hands grip my shoulder and shove me in!!!Then I felt the ship shake and vibrate and I got butterflies in my stomach as we lifted off! Up we went. I looked out the window and tried to get out, but it was no use. I peered out the window again and saw a planet. I figured it was Mars. Then I felt the ship's familiar shake again. It slowed down and stopped. The door slowly opened again. The aliens pushed me out. I stepped out onto the mushy ground. Then I realized something was wrong! Humans can't breathe the air in space! I dreaded my next breath, but I had to take it. I breathed in and felt my body grow weak. Then... I woke up!!!!


________ They notice a strange color in the sky.

________ The aircraft landed in their yard.

_________ The author jumps on the trampoline for the first time.

_________ The author awoke from their dream.

_________ One of the creatures points at the author.

_________ The characters jump off of the trampoline & run to get away from the strange light.

The BFG: Sequence of Events

Tuesday Seatwork ____/10 ( 2pts. Each) Critical Thinking: Sequence

Directions: Read the story below. Then place the number (starting with 1) on the lines below to correctly order the events as they happened in the story.

Mr. Tibbs skimmed into the ballroom ( butlers don’t walk, they skim over the ground.) followed by a whole army of footmen. The footmen all wore knee-breeches and every one of them displayed beautifully rounded calves and ankles. There is no way you can become a royal footman unless you have a well turned ankle. It is the first thing they look at when you are interviewed.

“Push the grand piano into the center of the room,” Mr. Tibbs whispered. Butlers never raise their voices above the softest whisper.

Now fetch a large chest of drawers and put it on top of the piano.

That will be his chair,” Mr. Tibbs whispered. It is exactly eight feet off the ground. Now we shall make a table upon which this gentleman may eat his breakfast in comfort. Fetch me four very tall grandfather clocks. There are plenty of them around the Palace. Let each clock be twelve foot high.”

Sixteen footman spread out around the Palace to find the clocks. They were not easy to carry and required four footman to each one.

“Place the four clocks in a rectangle eight feet by four alongside the grand piano,” Mr. Tibbs whispered.

The footmen did so.

“Now fetch me the young Prince’s ping pong table,” Mr. Tibbs whispered.


________ The footmen placed the four clocks alongside the grand piano

________ The footmen were told to fetch the young Prince’s ping pong table

_________ Four footmen moved the piano.

_________ Mr. Tibbs skimmed into the ballroom

_________ The footmen were told to fetch a large chest & put it on top of the ---------------- piano

The BFG: Comprehension Check

Wednesday Seatwork ____/20 Literal Comprehension ( 2pts. Each)

Circle the correct answer choice

[pic]1. What time of night does Sophie first see the BFG?

|A. |The Creepy Hour |C. |The Witching Hour |

|B. |The Dead of Night |D. |The Mysterious Moment |

2. What kind of shoes did the BFG wear?

|A. |Sandals with holes |C. |Running shoes |

|B. |Leather boots |D. |He's barefoot |

3. What is the only country that the people-eating Giants do not visit?

|A. |Turkey |C. |Greece |

|B. |Japan |D. |Wales |

4. What is the BFG's secret heart's desire?

|A. |An elephant |C. |A hi-tech dream factory |

|B. |To meet the Queen |D. |A garden of peachy fruits |

5. Where does Sophie hide from the Bloodbottler?

|A. |In the BFG's pocket |C. |In the BFG's ear |

|B. |Behind a dream jar |D. |Inside the snozzcumber |

6. Which of these was NOT one of the people-eating giants?

|A. |The Manhugger |C. |The Childchewer |

|B. |The Meatmasher |D. |The Butcher Boy |

7. What is the Fleshlumpeater's nightmare about?

|A. |Eating "human beans" |C. |Loathsome snozzcumbers |

|B. |Jack the Giant Killer |D. |A Venomous Vindscreen Viper |

8. Who do Sophie and the BFG ask for help?

|A. |The Queen of England |C. |The United Nations |

|B. |The President of America |D. |Jack the Giant Killer |

9. How are the Giants transported out of Giant Country?

|A. |On enormous trucks |C. |Dragged behind tanks |

|B. |The BFG carries them |D. |Lifted by helicopter |

10. According to the story, who wrote the book you've "just finished reading"?

|A. |The BFG |C. |Roald Dahl |

|B. |Sophie |D. |The Royal Biographer |

____/8 Literal Comprehension ( 4pts. Each) Please answer in a complete sentence.

11. What did the BFG do at breakfast that embarrassed Sophie?

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12. Describe where the Giants were taken?

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The BFG: Reflection

Thursday Seatwork ___/ 16 Literal

Now that we are finishing The BFG I would like you to take a moment and recall the entire story. Please answer both of the questions in the space below.

What did you like best about the book? Explain your answer.

Which character did you like the best? Support each answer with THREE details.

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CC.1.3.5.K Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.

The BFG: Quiz____/20 Literal Comprehension

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

How well did you read the Chapters? Answer these Questions in complete sentences:

1. Where did Sophie hide when the BFG & the Army traveled to capture the Giants?

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2. What was odd about where the Army flew?

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3. What was the loud noise the Head of the Army heard?

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4. Which giant woke up first?

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5. What did Sophie do to help?

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The BFG: Quiz ____/8 Inferentiall Comprehension (4pts. Each)

Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Do you think Sophie's plan was a good one? Why or why not?

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2. Explain the ending of the Story. Do you think it is a good ending? How would you change it? Why?

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Spelling & Vocabulary : The BFG, The Plan, Capture!, Feeding Time, & The Author.

absurdity composure nobleman contraption ingenuity

sagacity tantrums throttled appalled dexterity

anxiously swivel discretion contrivance decisive

Make a word scramble puzzle using all of the words.

Scrambled word Unscrambled word

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Spelling & Vocabulary : The BFG The Plan, Capture!, Feeding Time, & The Author.

absurdity composure nobleman contraption ingenuity

sagacity tantrums throttled appalled dexterity

anxiously swivel discretion contrivance decisive

Create a mnemonic device for at least ten words. For example, there is a rat in separate

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Spelling & Vocabulary : The BFG The Plan, Capture!, Feeding Time, & The Author.

absurdity composure nobleman contraption ingenuity

sagacity tantrums throttled appalled dexterity

anxiously swivel discretion contrivance decisive

Reversed words – Write your words in ABC order -backwards!

Printed Version Cursive version

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You have read one version of the BFG and will get a chance to compare it to an alternative version. Compare and contrast the two versions using a Venn diagram. Write a short paragraph citing at least three differences.

The BFG by Roald Dahl The BFG by Brian Cosgrove

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On the next page draw a bottle of Frobscottle.

What will you write on the label?

What are the ingredients?

What color will it be?

The BFG: Number: __________

____/12 inference skills

The Author - Roald Dahl uses some very strange words in his book. Here are a few:

Butteryflies scrumdiddlyumptious frobscottle scrumplet

1. Why do you think Roald Dahl used these words. Give 3 reasons. (Use complete sentences)

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2. Do you think the use of these words makes the book more interesting? Why? or why not?

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3. Use three of the four words in a creative sentence.

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Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Number: __________

The BFG:

____/12 Critical Thinking Skills

Many stories involve a problem for the characters to solve. Some characters have good solutions, while others come up with solutions that don't work. Read through Dream Catching and a Trogglehumper for the Fleshlumpeater to discover the solutions for the problems the characters face.

Problem: The BFG discovers he has caught a trogglehumpher in his net. He does not want it to escape.

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Problem: Sophie and the BFG are arguing over how old she is. The BFG must convince her she is not as old as she thinks.

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Problem: Sophie is very angry that the Giants are eating people. She wants to punish the Giants.

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This is The BFG's word for swashbuckling, as in, "We is doing this lovely bit of buckswashling both together."


Disasterous, as in, "Upgoing bubbles is a catasterous disastrophe!" - The BFG on frobscottle


Delicious, as in, "Delumptious fizzy frobscottle..." - The BFG


Awful, as in, "It's the grueful gruncious Jack! Jack is after me!" - The Fleshlumpeater on 'giant-slayer' Jack


Cheerful, as in, “Whenever I is feeling a bit scrotty," the BFG said, “a few gollops of frobscottle is always making me hopscotchy again.”


Ridiculous, as in, "They maybe is looking a bit propsposterous to you," the BFG said, "but you must believe me when I say they is very extrausual ears indeed."


Rotten, as in "So this is the filthing rotsome glubbage you is eating!" - The Bloodbottler to The BFG about the snozzcumber


Writing, as in "But I cannot be squibbling the whole gropefluncking dream on a titchy bit of paper." - The BFG 


Messy, as in, "You will be coming to an ucky-mucky end if any of them should ever be getting his gogglers upon you." - The BFG to Sophie


Splendid, as in, “How whoopsey-splunkers! How absolutely squiffling! l is all of a stutter.” - The BFG


This is just a little taster because, as well as Steven Speilberg's adaptation of The BFG making its way to a Giant screen near you, 2016 also sees the launch of a new Roald Dahl Dictionary full of gobblefunk and other delumptious words. Keep your gogglers peeled...



Unscramble each of the clue words.

Take the letters that appear in [pic]boxes and unscramble them for the final message.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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