DeKalb Middle School Weekly Lesson Plan

Teacher: Mrs. Candy * Teaching Structures:

Week of: September 12-15, 2016 (O) one lead, one support (A) alternative teaching

Subject: ELA (S) station teaching (T) team teaching

Class Hour: ALL (P) parallel teaching

| | | |Assessment | |

|Day/Date |Big Idea/ | |Standard/Modified Essential Question (State at beginning | |

| |Goals |Lesson Activities |and exit ticket) |*Teaching Structure |

| |*comprehension |1. Bell work –page 25 Grammar Book – “Monday” | | |**Stations** |

| |*vocabulary |2. Objective – comprehension | | |Vocabulary – |

|Monday |*writing |3. Whole group – preposition song; Preposition | | | |

|September 12, 2016 |*sentence structure |sheet (#1 together in group) – Paragraph 3 – 2nd | | | |

| | |supporting detail | | | |

| | |4 **Stations** | | | |

| | |5. Closing/Exit | | | |

|Tuesday |*Speeches introduction |1. Bell work – page 25 Grammar Book – “Tuesday” | | | Comprehension - TLW read the questions. TLW read the|

|September 13, 2016 | |2. Objective – Explain the difference between | | |informative narrative “A Hole in the Planet.” TLW |

| | |verbal and nonverbal clues. Define critique – | | |answer comprehensive questions in complete sentences |

| | |Discuss the role of the presenter as well as the | | |reversing the order of the question into a statement. |

| | |role of the audience. | | | |

| | |4. Whole – | | | |

| | |**Brain Pop – Speeches | | | |

| | |*speech discussion and explain writing activity – | | | |

| | |Paragraph 4 – 3rd supporting detail | | | |

| | |5. **Stations** | | | |

| | |6. Closing/Exit | | | |

| |*Helping/Linking Verb chart|1. Bell work – page 25 “Wednesday” | | |Writing – TLW write “Once upon a time…” and create a |

| |and song |2. Objective – grammar, comprehension, sentence | | |sentence. TLW rotate the papers to the right. TLW read |

|Wednesday |*Speeches |structure | | |the sentence and then create sentence two. Continue |

|September 14, 2016 |*Prepositions |3. Whole group – Closing Paragraph - *helping | | |this process to complete a full paragraph. TLW may |

| | |/linking verb chart | | |share their first paragraphs orally with the group. |

| | |*video of a great speech | | | |

| | |4. **Stations** | | | |

| | |5. Closing/Exit | | | |

| |*singular/plural nouns |1. Bell work – page 25 “Thursday” | | |Teacher Corner – TLW “Scrambled” Activity – TLW read |

| |*sentence structure |2. Objective – Writing | | |each group of sentences and phrases. First, rearrange |

|Thursday | |3. Whole group – Using the article from the | | |the pieces in the correct order: title, main idea, and |

|September 15, 2016 | |Literacy Assessment, students will rewrite their | | |details on your paper in paragraph forms. |

| | |papers. | | | |

| | |*Speech work | | | |

| | |4. **Stations** | | | |

| | |5. Exit | | | |

| |*Prepositions |1. Bell work – page 25 “Friday” | | |Excel Academy – Reading Shiloh |

| | |2. Objective – prepositions | | | |

|Friday | |3. Whole group – preposition test | | | |

|September 16, 2016 | | | | | |

| |Academic Adaptations |Key Vocabulary |Materials/ |Performance Data and Notes |

| |(as needed for gifted students and students with | |Support Needed | |

| |disabilities) | | | |

| | | |Folders, pencil, station work | |

|Monday | | | | |

| | | |Folders, station work, pencil | |

|Tuesday | | | | |

| | | |Folders, station work, pencil | |

|Wednesday | | | | |

| | | |Folder, station work, pencil | |

|Thursday | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Friday | | | | |


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