This meeting is called to order at _7:30_ p.m. with the following opening statement read by President Turello:

“I would like to announce and have placed in the minutes that adequate notice of this meeting of the Califon Board of Education has been provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. Proper notice of this Regular Meeting was provided in the notice dated May 1, 2013. Said notice was posted at the office of the Califon School, mailed to the Hunterdon County Democrat, the Hunterdon Review and The Express Times. A copy of this notice has also been posted on the public bulletin board in the Municipal Building and filed with the Borough Clerk. The agenda of this meeting has been posted at the Califon School and on the district’s website.


All present participated in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members Present: Mr. Jim Bell

Ms. Laura Peterson

Mr. Matthew Ramarge

Mr. Kim Schundler

Mr. Alfred Turello

Absent: None

Also Present: Dr. Debra Sheard, Interim Superintendent

Ms. Susan Schaffner, BA/BS

Members of the Public

IV. PRESENTATION - Video/Poster Contest Winners Ms. Peterson presented the award winning videos


A. Motion to approve the following minutes by Ms. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Ramarge, and approved by a unanimous voice vote:

May 14, 2013 Regular meeting

May 14, 2013 Executive Session


1. Borough of Califon minutes 4/15/ & May 6 & 20/2013

2. NHVRHS Meeting Schedule

3. Email from NJDOE (Technology Readiness)


• Safe Routes to School Recognition

• Outstanding Achievement Winners - Dr. Sheard said 23 students were honored

• Evacuation Drill – June 6, 2013 Dr. Sheard said the safety patrol helped the students in this drill.

• NJDOE – Technology Readiness PARCC Assessment – Dr. Sheard said Califon has been selected for a readiness test in preparation for the PARCC testing. She said the audit is free of charge and will be a helpful tool for technology readiness.

Mr. Turello introduced Dr. James Gamble who will be appointed tonight as interim Superintendent for the 2013-2014 year.

PUBLIC COMMENT (resolutions only; time limits: 20 min. total; 3 min. /person)

At this time, comment is invited on any matter relating to the resolutions on tonight’s agenda.

Anyone wishing to speak before the board concerning these resolutions may do so during this public commentary portion of the agenda. The presenter shall give his/her name and address and make the presentation as brief as possible. Unless an extension of time is given, each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes.

Speakers may offer suggestions or express their concerns. However, in public session, the board will not discuss concerns about individual students or staff members. Other, more appropriate, channels are available for expressing concerns about individual students or staff members.

The Board President may terminate the remarks of any individual, when they do not adhere to the rules established above.

Mrs. Cathy Smith asked about a status of the administrative assistant position. Mr. Turello said the new administrators will determine the administrative model.

Mrs. Turello asked about the valedictorian honor. Dr. Sheard said the school gives many achievement awards. Mr. Schundler said the tradition at Califon is that all graduates give their “last remarks” at the graduation ceremony. Ms. Weiss said one of the awards is based on Grade Point Average.


After review of the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports for the month of March and April 2013 based upon consultation with the Board Secretary, the Board of Education of the Borough of Califon has ascertained, to the best of our knowledge and ability, with the information provided, that no major account has been over-expended, that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and hereby certifies the district’s financial plan as approved is being followed as revealed in the financial reports.



Matters listed within the consent agenda designated by *( including Board Secretary and Treasurer Report) has been referred to members of the Board of Education and/or its standing committees, for reading and study and will be enacted with one motion. The Personnel items on the consent agenda are recommended by the Interim Superintendent. If separate discussion is desired, the item may be removed from the consent agenda by Board action.

A. Finance/Facilities/Transportation/Personnel

• ROD Facilities Grant

A motion was made to approve the following by Mr. Schundler, and seconded by Mr. Bell. The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.


May/June Bills List

*1. Motion to approve the payment of invoices from check number 20313 to check number 20366 and payroll check 0515,0530 and 0614 in the amount of $303,132.51.

Budget Transfers

*2. Motion to approve the attached list of budget and 10% transfers from the period of 05/15/13 to 05/30/13 in the amount of $290.98.

Close Out the Year

*3. Motion to authorize the Superintendent and Business Administrator to pay all invoices needed to close out the June 30, 2013 year providing proper documentation is available.

Transfer from Fund Balance

*4. Motion to approve a transfer of up to $50,000 from the General Fund Balance to expenditures accounts to cover additional expenses in the 2012-13 school year.

School Alliance Fund Renewal

*5. Motion to approve the attached three resolutions for renewal of membership, indeminity and trust renewal and appoint a risk manager.

2013-14 Grants

*6. Motion to accept the following grants for the 2013-14 year:

IDEA Basic $34,297.00

IDEA Preschool $ 1,872.00

NCLB Title II $ 1,808.00

2014 Van Purchase

*7. Motion to approve the purchase of the below van per attached specs and to authorize the business administrator to pursue lease/purchase financing.

2014 Express * Passenger Van State Contract # A82890 Base $18,400

Options 5,189

Total $ 23,589.00

Toshiba Copier Lease

*8. Motion to approve a lease for two (2) Toshiba copiers (see attached):

#656 and C2050 State Contract # WSCA#1715 $675.00/month

#T437CA68058 48 months


Facility Use

*9. Motion to approve the following use of facilities:

Califon PTA 8th grade room 6/14/13

7:00-8:00 pm

ROD Grant Submission

10. Motion was made by Mr. Schundler and seconded by Mr. Bell to approve submission to the NJDOE application for the 2013 ROD Grant for Septic Replacement Project.

Personnel – After Executive Session

B. Curriculum and Instruction

A motion was made to approve the following by Ms. Peterson and seconded by Mr. Ramarge. The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.

Health Report

*1. Motion to approve the attached health report for May 2013.

Field Trips

*2. Motion to approve the following field trip requests:

Walking Tour of Califon 1st grade Califon NJ 6/17/2013 $00.00

Walking Tour of Califon 2nd grade Califon NJ 6/17/2013 $00.00

Parent Transportation Contract

*3. Motion to approve a parent transportation contract (PC2014001) for student number SID 6869365247 at a cost of $50.00 per day not to exceed 220 days from July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014

C. Policy

• Policy book update - Mr. Bell said the committee would be meeting to update needed policies.

D. Communications

Ms. Peterson said the campaign was moving along.


Mr. Bell asked about the fence replacement. Ms. Schaffner said the fence would be replaced in the next few weeks. Approximately $1,500.00 would be received from insurance.

He also asked about the area around the septic. Dr. Sheard said it was fenced off with orange fence.


Mr. Schundler said out of the High Honors graduates at the High School 4 of the 40 were Califon alumni. He commended the students who had received these honors. He also cited Mr. William Avery who received the $1,000 Apgar Scholarship.

XIII. PUBLIC COMMENT (all school-related topics; time limits: 30 min. total; 3 min. /person)

At this time, comment is invited on any matter relating to the school district.

Anyone wishing to speak before the board may do so during the public commentary portion of the agenda. The presenter shall give his/her name and address and make the presentation as brief as possible. Unless an extension of time is given, each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes.

Speakers may offer suggestions or express their concerns. However, in public session, the board will not discuss concerns about individual students or staff members. Other, more appropriate, channels are available for expressing concerns about individual students or staff members.

The Board President may terminate the remarks of any individual, when they do not adhere to the rules established above.

Mrs. King asked about the music lessons no longer being held at the Califon School. Dr. Sheard said insurance issues prohibit this use of facilities.



A motion was made by Ms. Peterson and seconded by Mr. Bell to approve the following resolution:

WHEREAS, Section 6 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 (R.S. 10:4-13), permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting or portion of a meeting of this public body in certain circumstances and

WHEREAS, the Board must consider (see check below), which is/are exempt from public discussion pursuant to the Act;

____ 1. Matter which by express provision of law is rendered confidential

____ 2. Release of information which would impair receipt of federal funds

____ 3. Individual Privacy/ Student Matters

__x_ 4. Collective Bargaining/Negotiations

____ 5. Real estate matters

____ 6. Disclosure could impair public safety

____ 7. Pending/Anticipated Litigation

___x 8. Terms and conditions of employment

____ 9. Deliberations involving imposition of specific civil penalty.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session at _8:22_p.m. to discuss the above-mentioned matters to the exclusion of all others. Matters discussed may or may not be made public this evening. Resulting action may or may not be taken following re-entry into regular session


The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:59PM.


A motion was made to approve the following by Mr. Turello, and seconded by Ms. Peterson. The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.

2013-14 Substitute List

*1 Motion to approve the attached 2013-2014 substitute list at a per diem rate of $80.00 (teacher/secretary/aide), custodian rate $12.50 per hour and $110.00 per diem (nurse).

Summer Custodian Helper

*2 Motion to approve the below summer staff:

Linda Fox Custodian Helper 7/8/13 to 8/31/13 40 hours per week

$10.00 hour

2012-2015 Negotiated Agreement

*3. Motion to ratify the attached 2012-2015 Negotiated Agreement between the Califon Board of Education and the Califon Education Association.

Mr. Turello reviewed the contract.

2012-2013 Extra Curricular Appointments

*4. Motion to approve the following extra curricular appointments for the 2012-13 year:

Erika Hellings Band Concert Chaperone $40.00

Erika Bergmann Spring Concert Chaperone $40.00

Vicki Marcine Spring Concert Chaperone $40.00

R Heunemann Mentor (M Zimmerman) $600.00

L Montession Mentor (E. Patel) $600.00

L Kooger Mentor (E Hellings) $600.00

K Brown Mentor (N. Hara) ($600.00 prorated 9/1/13-1/1/13)

2013-2014 Extra Curricular Appointments

*5. Motion to approve the following extra curricular appointments for the 2013-14 year:

Matt Zimmerman webmaster 7/1/13-6/30/14 $1,000.00

Staff Resignation

*6. Motion to accept the resignation of Jackie Carruthers as LDT-C effective June 30, 2013.

Delta-T Group Contract

*7. Motion to approve a contract with Delta_T Group for interim professional contracted services from June 19, 2013 to June 18, 2014.

Interim Superintendent Agreement

*8. Resolved, Whereas the District has conducted a search for a qualified and certified school administrator to serve as Interim Superintendent, and it appearing that Dr. James Gamble has the appropriate qualifications for the position; therefore,

IT IS HEREBY resolved that Dr. James Gamble is appointed to the position of Interim Superintendent in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the attached contract from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 at a per diem rate of $480.66.

Mr. Turello welcomed Dr. Gamble to Califon.

Non-Tenured Teachers

*9. Motion to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the appointment of the non-tenured professional staff shown below for the 2013-14 School Year, on the salary guide at the classification and step as indicated, based on the 2012-2015 negotiated agreement between the Califon Board of Education and the Califon Education Association.

|Name |Position | |13-14 Step/Col |Salary/Annual |FTE |Tenure Date |

|Kristen Charleston |5th Grade Teacher |FT |MA2 |$51,023 |1.0 |09/01/17 |

|University of | | | | | | |

|Scranton | | | | | | |

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Dr. Sheard said she and Mr. Patton had interviewed the candidates

Education Consultant Agreement

*10. Motion to approve the below consultant agreement from 7/1/13 to7/30/13 on an as-needed basis for Superintendent transition:

Dr. Debra Sheard $450.00 per day

Mr. Turello thanked Dr. Sheard and Dr. Boyd for their hard work this school year.


There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Mr. Ramarge and seconded by Ms. Peterson to adjourn at 9:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Schaffner, Board Secretary


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