Continuing Dental Education - 2020 Series - Scranton Dental

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Check all you are attending:

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

John Brewer

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Steven Weinberg

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lou Graham

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Tom Viola

2020 Continuing Dental Education Series Reservation Form

Number of members Attending: _________ x fee ________ = _________

Number of non-members Attending: _________ x fee ________ = _________

Doctor(s)/Staff Attending (please print names):

Total _________




Make checks payable to Scranton District Dental Society and return form with payment to: Joseph T. Kelly Jr., D.M.D., 103 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, PA 18411

Now you can easily register online at or by postal mail.

Look Inside For Information on the 2020 Continuing Dental Education Series at: Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel, Scranton

Dr. Joseph T. Kelly, Jr. 103 West Grove Street Clarks Summit, PA 18411-2019

Continuing Dental Education - 2020 Series

Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel, Scranton

Online registration available! Go to

or Send the application to:

Dr. Joseph T. Kelly, Jr. 103 West Grove Street Clarks Summit, PA 18411 Make Checks Payable to: Scranton District Dental Society

Register by 12/14/19 to save!

24 credit hours Registration Deadline:

January 1, 2020

All Courses are located at: Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel 700 Lackawanna Ave, Scranton, PA

(570) 342-8300

? Registration: 8:00 a.m. ? Course starts promptly at

8:30 a.m.

Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. 9/22/2017 to 9/30/2020 Provider AGDID #219085

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - "Prevention and Management of Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office" John Brewer

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - "Feel Good Dentistry: Enjoy Your Practice And Feel Better About Yourself And Your Work. A `Sane' Approach To Esthetic Restorative Dentistry" Steven Weinberg

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - "Geriatric Dentistry: The Fastest Growing Demographic in Dentistry" Lou Graham

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 Morning - "Medically Complex Patients" Afternoon - "Frequently Prescribed Medications" Tom Viola

For 2020 CE Course materials and to register online go to Scranton District Dental Society's website at or register by postal mail.

Tuition (if paid by December 14, 2019): $700/dentist PDA member (series of 4) $800/dentist Non-PDA member (series of 4) $275/dentist PDA member (single course) $295/dentist Non-PDA member (single course) $100/auxiliary (per course)

After December 14, 2019: $740/dentist PDA member (series of 4) $880/dentist Non-PDA member (series of 4) $285/dentist PDA member (single course) $305/dentist Non-PDA member (single course) $110/auxiliary (per course)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

"Prevention and Management of Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office"

Presenter: John Brewer, EMT-P

Credit: 6 hours Facial Surgery Center, Greensburg, PA brewerdei@ Mr. Brewer is a part-time paramedic with 30 plus years of experience in EMS working as a career paramedic in an urban/suburban area just south of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Mr. Brewer has worked extensively with the dental community since 1998. He is a member of the ADSA. He provides BLS, ACLS and PALS, courses in addition to medical emergency courses for individual offices, dental societies, PSOMS, University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, UPMC Children's Hospital Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry. Mr. Brewer assists in teaching the IV sedation course for

various programs. Mr. Brewer also assists with helping offices purchase and organize emergency equipment, and prepare for office evaluations. Mr. Brewer has lectured in several states on the topic of medical emergencies in the dental office. Recently co-authored a chapter on Medical Emergencies for Nowak: Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy through Adolescence, 6e. In 2014 Mr. Brewer began working as a dental anesthesia assistant in several oral surgery and dental offices.

Overview: Medical emergencies can occur at any

time in the dental office. Preparation for such emergencies is extremely important. A team approach ensures that all members of the dental team are prepared to handle emergency situations effectively. Through lecture

and emergency case review, participants will improve their recognition and understanding of medical emergencies in the dental office setting.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course,

participants will be able to: ? Discuss the most common medical

emergencies ? Discuss drug related emergencies ? Identify drugs/supplies required for

the Dental Office Emergency Kit ? Review the medical history and

identify patients at risk for medical emergencies ? Systematically approach the management of an in-office emergency ? Identify various levels of sedation and who can provide what level of sedation in the office.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

"Feel Good Dentistry: Enjoy Your Practice And Feel Better About Yourself And Your Work. A `Sane' Approach To Esthetic Restorative Dentistry"

Presenter: Steven P. Weinberg DMD

Credit: 6 hours Dr. Weinberg

is a Clinical Assistant Professor at The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and an Adjunct Instructor at The Kornberg School of Dentistry Temple University in their Departments of Restorative Dentistry. He received his Certificate of Proficiency in Esthetic Dentistry from The State University of New York at Buffalo. He opened his private practice in New Jersey in 1978. He has been lecturing nationally and internationally on esthetic and restorative dentistry for over 31 years.

Overview: This program will cover: Why dentists

think, act and react the way they do; stress free patient relations; effective patient communication techniques;

recovering the excitement, enthusiasm ? The attendees will have a better

and satisfaction of being a dentist;

understanding of the psychology of

changing phobic patients into happy and dentists

trusting patients; internal and external ? They will learn how esthetic dental

marketing plans; fool-proof methods to procedures can change the landscape

motivate patients to desire and accept

of their practice

esthetic dental procedures; how to address ? The entire dental team will learn

the issue of dental insurance and esthetic/ techniques to motivate patients to

restorative procedure fees; revelations in accept suggested dental procedures,

the newest and current multiple surface keep them happy and improve their

bonding and luting systems; porcelain


or composite laminate veneers; indirect ? Attendees will learn about a

light and heat-processed composite and variety of anterior and posterior

porcelain inlays and onlays; simplified

esthetic restorative procedures

approach to occlusion; color theory and including helping hints to make

its application in dental procedures ?

these procedures easier, faster and

easiest & high tech accurate shade match. predictably successful

Good counsel that doctors can apply the ? They will learn how to correct

very next day.

extremely challenging cases including:

Objectives: ? Attendees should leave the course

feeling better about themselves, their patients and their staff.

fractured porcelain on crowns and fixed bridges, severely discolored teeth, severe worn dentition cases, misalignment cases ("instant orthodontics")

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

"Geriatric Dentistry: The Fastest Growing Demographic in Dentistry"

Presenter: Lou Graham, DDS

Credit: 6 hours Multi-specialty group practice,

University Dental Professionals, Chicago, IL

Internationally recognized lecturer; founder of the Catapult Group.

Dr. Graham is an internationally recognized lecturer extensively involved in continuing education for dental professionals. His lectures focus on incorporating current clinical advancements through "conservative dentistry." He emphasizes the same concepts he practices: dental health diagnosis, treatment plans for medically compromised patients, conservative treatment, cosmetic dentistry, and customized approaches to periodontal care, implants and laser dentistry.

Dr. Graham is the founder of the Catapult Group, a continuing education company whose philosophy and programs use contemporary,

interactive formats to integrate timeproven conservative dentistry with 21st century materials and techniques. He is a published author in many leading national and international dental journals. He is a member of the American Dental Association, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Academy of General Dentistry, Chicago Dental Society and Illinois Dental Association. Dr. Graham is a graduate of Emory Dental School. He is the former Dental Director of the University of Chicago's Department of Dentistry. He enjoys providing dental care at his multi-specialty private practice group, University Dental Professionals, in Chicago, IL ? Hyde Park.

Overview: With patients entering their 8th and

9th decades of life and even more, our role as health care providers continues to face new challenges in treating this population. As these patients walk

into our offices, they present challenges that are often unique and require customized approaches to their care.

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this

course, attendees will learn: ? Prevention is for all ages and doesn't stop

here! ? Why this patient population loves our

in-office: PREVENTION PLAN" ? Customizing your approaches for plaque,

xerostomia and so much more. ? Reparative dentistry, when, where and

why and what materials are best to utilize ? Customized periodontal protocols that go

beyond brushing and flossing ? Advanced restoratives technique for:

post and cores, deep class 2's, "elevating the margin" technique, perio-splinting, choosing the right cement

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"Essential Pharmacology for Treating Medically Complex Dental Patients"- AM session "Frequently Prescribed Medications and Clinical Dental Considerations" - PM session

Presenter: Thomas Viola, RPh, CCP

Credit: 6 hours Practicing pharmacist, clinical educator,

published writer and professional speaker Thomas Viola, the founder of

"Pharmacology Declassified", is a boardcertified pharmacist who also serves the professions of dentistry as a clinical educator, professional speaker and published author. Tom is a member of the faculty of ten dental professional degree programs and has received several awards for outstanding teacher of the year. Tom has presented hundreds of continuing education courses to dental professionals, nationally and internationally, in the areas of oral pharmacology and local anesthesia and is well-known for his regular contributions to several dental professional journals. Through his informative, humorous and engaging live seminars and webinars,

Overview: Dental implications of the prescription

medications, nonprescription medications, herbal products, nutritional supplements and substances of abuse most frequently used which may have the greatest impact on dental therapy to our medically complex patients.

AM Objectives: ? Identify the prescription medications

most frequently encountered on a patient's medical history and discuss their indications for use, adverse reactions and impact on dental therapy. ? Discuss the non-prescription medications most often used by dental patients and explain their impact on dental therapy, including situations which preclude their use. ? Identify the most popular herbal products and nutritional supplements and discuss their purported uses

and dental considerations. ? Identify the most common substances of abuse and describe their oral manifestations and dental treatment considerations.

PM Objectives: ? Identify the most frequently prescribed

FDA-approved brand name medications for the treatment of systemic illnesses. ? Discuss the basic mechanisms of action, potential adverse reactions, drug interactions and contraindications of these medications ? Explain the clinical dental considerations of these medications and their potential impact on dental therapy ? Describe patient management strategies essential for successful treatment planning and proper care of our medically complex dental patients.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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