
Northeastern Pennsylvania Scholarships - updated: 3/15/20-All of this information as well as applications can be found in my Google ClassroomScranton Area Foundation ScholarshipsVarious Due DatesVisit: Scholarships--open to seniors who are members of the Masons, siblings, children, grandchildren, and members of the Masonic-related youth groups. All available scholarships can be downloaded at . Deadlines for these scholarships are variedUnited Steelworkers Scholarship in Memory of Hugh Carcella Due: 3/15Six, 4-year scholarships, each with a total value of $4,000 is awarded every year. Scholarships will be available for use in an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada. Winners may follow any course of study normally leading to a bachelor's degree. A two-year Community College is acceptable when matriculating toward a 4-year bachelor's degree program. An applicant must be a member in good standing, or the son or daughter or legal ward of a member of a United Steelworkers, District 10 (Eastern) local union participating in the Scholarship Program; or the son or daughter or legal ward of a disabled or old age retiree or deceased member of an affiliated local union who was in good standing with the United Steelworkers at the time of their retirement or death. Applicants must be in the graduating classes in the year the scholarship are awarded.For more information, please visit the United Steelworkers, District 10 website. James F. Swift ScholarshipDue: 3/16Open to seniors who are graduating from a public, private, or charter high school in Lackawanna County. They must be planning to enroll for the first time in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited two or four year college or university, preferably one of the following Lackawanna County schools: Summit University, Johnson College, Keystone College, Penn State Worthington, Lackawanna College, Marywood University or the University of Scranton. The application may be downloaded at . The application post mark deadline is March 16, 2020. Armed to GiveDue 3/30Open to all seniors graduating in 2020. You do not have to be pursuing additional education after graduation to apply. Applications are being accepted beginning November 1st through March 30th. To apply, visit: and follow the application instructions. Paul T. Bordi ScholarshipDue: 3/30This $1,000 award is available to high school athletes who participated in at least one school sponsored sport and maintained at least a 2.9 (86%) GPA. Applications are due March 30, 2020. National Federation of the Blind ScholarshipsDue: 3/31This scholarship is to recognize achievement by blind scholars, the National Federation of the Blind annually offers blind college students in the United States and Puerto Rico the opportunity to win one of thirty merit-based national-level scholarships worth from $3,000 to $12,000. All scholarships are based on academic excellence, community service, and leadership. Application deadline is March 31, 2020. For more information and application please visit scholarships@.Mike Munchak Community Service ScholarshipDue: 3/31The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties has established this scholarship program to assist high school students from Lackawanna and Wayne Counties who plan to attend post-secondary education. To be eligible candidate must actively involved in community service activities in programs funded by this United Way, be a full-time resident and/or students of school districts within Lackawanna or Wayne Counties and accepted by an accredited university, college or trade school in a two or four year degree program track for the 2018-2019 school year. The scholarship for 2020 is $6,300 and is awarded for a one year period only. More information and applications are available in my Google classroom. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2020. The Jerry Robling Scholarship Fund posted 3/2Due: 4/1This is a new LOCAL scholarship for the Class of 2020. Mr. Robling was a lifelong resident of Scranton, PA. The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who live in either Lackawanna or Wyoming County, regardless of where they attend school. The recipients award will be for their first year of school and will be non-renewable. The trustees of the scholarship will determine the winner of these awards. The trustees anticipate they will award (4) $5,000 scholarships. Applications must be received by April 1, 2020. Further details about the application requirements can be viewed below.Kiwanis Scholarshipposted 2/11due: 4/3This scholarship is for students who plan to attend Keystone College, Marywood University, or the University of Scranton. It requires two letters of recommendation, an essay, academic transcript & SAT scores. Application deadline is April 10, 2020; however, please submit materials to Mrs. Getts by Friday, April 3, 2020 (before EASTER break). Mrs. Getts will need time to process supporting documents for student applications. Pennsylvania American Water - Stream of Learning ScholarshipDue: 4/3Though Pennsylvania American Water’s Stream of Learning Scholarship Program, ten $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to students pursuing college majors in fields critical to the water and wastewater industry. The student should plan to study environmental science, biology, engineering or chemistry, live in a household that is served by Pennsylvania American Water, and plan on pursuing a two or four year college or technical school. Deadline to apply is April 3, 2020. Brian Piccolo Award and Scholarship ($1,000)due: 4/6/20The award is given to an Italian senior student athlete, male or female, who has exhibited excellence on the athletic field and in the classroom and who has displayed the attributes of Brian Piccolo has shown by hard work, dedication, loyalty and teamwork. Piccolo, a native of Pittsfield, was a running back for the Chicago Bears who died of cancer at the age of 26.The Keystone Chapter of UNICO National will be honoring one high school student athlete from a Lackawanna County High School each year with this award. The criteria for the award is as follows:1. Senior Student athlete Male or Female going to college2. At least 1/4 Italian ethnicity3. Community Service Hours4. Minimum 3.0 GPAPlease include a letter of recommendation from a teacher or coach detailing the student's accomplishments both in and out of the classroom, a short essay by the student (1 page or less), and the application form to help with the review process. Forms are online. If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn Vitali at 570-347-9124. Please submit the required documents no later than April 6, 2020. To Marilyn Vitali Flynn, 821 Landis Street, Scranton, PA 18504.Wyoming/Lackawanna County Farm Bureau Scholarship Application posted 3-4-20 Due: 4-8-20The Wyoming/Lackawanna County Farm Bureau is offering a scholarship to a student planning to further their education in any agricultural field after high school. To be eligible, you must have already been accepted by an institution of higher learning, must live in Wyoming or Lackawanna counties and you must complete and return this application to your guidance counselor by the deadline which is April 8, 2020 (We do not have school on April 9th or April 10th).An Agricultural field would include a majors in: Landscape Architecture, Agricultural Business Agricultural Economics, Agronomy and Crop Science, Animal Sciences, Farm and Ranch Management, Fishing and Fisheries, Natural Resources and Conservation, Sustainable Agriculture and Trade and Industrial Teacher EducationVIKING HELPING VIKINGS/CLASS DAY SCHOLARSHIP - DUE APRIL 8, 20202020 Road to Safety Scholarshipposted 2/11Due: 4/15Graduating, college-bound seniors may submit a creative project about the dangers of drunk driving or distracted driving for their chance to win college scholarship money. First, second and third place winners will be selected by our panel of judges and will receive $1,000, $750, and $500 scholarships, respectively. The deadline for entries is April 15, 2020. For more information, see the full application in Google Classroom or visit Corabelle Chappell ScholarshipDue 4/15Open to seniors who are planning to attend Keystone College. Scholarships are available on . Deadline for submission of applications is April 15, 2020.109th Infantry Regiment Association ScholarshipDue 4/15Are you a High School Senior who can trace your lineage to the 109th Infantry? If so, then you already qualify for an opportunity to be awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the 109th Infantry Regiment Association. The 109th Infantry Regiment Association is offering $1,000 scholarships to children and grandchildren of Gold Start Families, members and veterans of the 109th Infantry Regiment. Applications for scholarships are available from the association web site at under the Documents Tab. Application deadline is April 15th.The Century Club ScholarshipDue: 4/15Open to seniors who live in Lackawanna County and plan to attend college in Pennsylvania and pursue a career in nursing. They will be judged on scholarship, leadership, character, and need. Applications are available online or in the guidance office or in my Google Classroom. Applications must be received at the Century Club by Monday, April 15, 2020. The Century Club, ℅ Mrs. Betsy Slover, 612 Jefferson Ave. Scranton PA, 18510.Feel Good Motors ScholarshipDue: 4/30Open to ALL seniors. Requires a copy of your high school transcript & an essay on “Paying it Forward” Application in my Google Classroom.Fraternal Order of Police Scholarship posted 2/12Due: 4/30These are two $500 scholarships available to students intending on pursuing a career in Law Enforcement after graduation. This may include a major in criminal justice or enrollment in the ACT 120 municipal training program. The full application requires biographical information and an essay and can be found in Google Classroom.PPL Electric Scholarship - Future Environmental Leaders Due: 4/30The PPL Electric Utilities’ Future Environmental Leaders’ Scholarship Contest is open and offered only to students who are: (1) enrolled and in good standing at a public, private, or homeschool high school; (2) legal residents of the State of Pennsylvania whose primary residence, as of the beginning of the Contest Period (as defined below), is already an active customer of Sponsor; (3) at least 17 years of age at the time of entry; (4) willing and able to provide a photograph/headshot, biographical information, and all information requested in the Entry Form; and (5) is otherwise in full compliance with the terms of these Official Rules (each, an “Entrant”) Pennsylvania Audubon SocietyDue: 4/30Open to seniors who wish to major in an environmental field at an accredited two or four-year college or university. A $4000 scholarship is awarded to a senior who wishes to major in a field such as Forestry, Natural Resources, Environmental Planning, Environmental Engineering, Fish, Game or Wildlife Management, Ecology and/or Environmental Science. You can download the application at . Deadline for applications is April 30, 2020.Horvat Scholarshipposted 2/12Due: 5/1The Dr. Arthur J. and Helen Horvat Foundation Scholarship is now open. This scholarship has very specific eligibility criteria that includes: a class ranking in the top 10% of the class, an intent to pursue a major in chemistry, physics, biology, the life sciences, or some other related major leading to a career in the medical or health profession. Family income limits also apply. (Please see website and application for additional information)John Miles Memorial Scholarshipposted 2/12Due: 5/31All Riverside High School students are eligible to apply for this award (You do not need to be pursuing additional education after graduation). Students should exhibit good attendance and be of high moral character. One male and one female student will be selected to receive these awards. Students interested in applying for this award should submit an essay (of any length) that describes the story of your high school years (home life/school life). How did you make it through? Essays are due to Mrs. Getts in the guidance office by May 31, 2020. Deadlines for Submission Past:LOCKHEED MARTIN STEM SCHOLARSHIPLockheed Martin is offering 200 STEM scholarships of $10,000 each. It is designed for students who demonstrate financial need and come from an underrepresented group or underserved community. It is designed to provide opportunities to groups that are traditionally underrepresented in STEM: Women, people of color, people with disabilities, people who identify as LGBTQ, and those that are first-generation college students. PLTW students do receive priority. Lockheed Martin internship opportunities and wraparound services, such as mentorships, will be built into the program. It is open to US Citizens attending US colleges. Applicants must also meet the following criteria:·Majoring or planning to major in Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Systems Engineering, Math, Physics, Information Systems/Management Information Systems or Information Assurance·High school senior with a 3.5 or above GPA·Attending or planning to attend an accredited U.S. four-year college or university·U.S. citizen·Be willing to consider a paid internship with Lockheed Martin following their freshman, sophomore or junior year of college, other circumstances notwithstanding (note: the internship is not required to receive a scholarship)The application process opens January 15, and closes March 12. For more information please visit . Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of MathematicsThe Northeastern Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NPCTM) annually presents a $750 scholarship to a deserving senior from Northeastern Pennsylvania. The scholarship is in memory of Blair E. Caboot, a past President of NPCTM and mathematics educator in the Abington Heights School District and Keystone College. The scholarship applicant should excel in mathematics in high school and have future plans in a mathematics related field.Eligible applicants must attend school in one of the following counties: Bradford, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Susquehanna, Sullivan, Wayne, or Wyoming.To apply, complete an online form at: A transcript and letter of recommendation from one of the student’s mathematics teachers is required. Applications are due March 2, 2020. 2020 Hermine Solt Student ScholarshipThe Pennsylvania Association of Educational Office Professionals (PAEOP) welcomes all qualifying students to submit a scholarship application for the 2020 Hermine Solt Student Scholarship. This is a $500 scholarship that was established in 1992 for the purpose of aiding students in Pennsylvania to pursue higher education in a business-related field. This scholarship will be given to an eligible senior applicant graduating from a Pennsylvania High School or Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School to be used as either tuition assistance or as a school bookstore credit at any approved two or four-year post-secondary institution, college, or university majoring in the business field. (Examples include but not limited to: Accounting, Business, Business Administration, Business Communications, Business Management, Business Communications, International Business, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Marketing, Computer/Technology, or Secretarial/Admin. Assistant) PenSPRA ScholarshipThe Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association (PenSPRA) has announced that it will present two one-year scholarships. The award consists of two one-year scholarships worth $1,000 each. Scholarships will be awarded to one public school student from each of PenSPRA’s two regions. Criteria: A scholarship will be awarded to two (2) qualified Pennsylvania public high school seniors who plan to pursue a career in a communications field (i.e. journalism, English, public relations, advertising, graphic arts, etc.). The candidates should have maintained at least a 3.0 GPA and already been accepted at or applied to a two- or four-year college, vocational-technical school or other institution of higher learning. Completed applications for the scholarship must be submitted by Friday, March 6, 2020. Scholarship (Housing & Redevelopment Insurance Exchange)This scholarship was created to encourage academic excellence and community responsibility among high school students. HARIE will sponsor two scholarship awards to be given to two graduating seniors. Students must have maintained a 2.5 GPA (82%) or greater during their junior and senior years. All applications must be submitted to the school counseling office by February 27, 2020.United States Bowling Congress Anthracite Valley 2020 Youth Scholarship-open to seniors planning to attend a school of higher education. Applicants must be members of the USBC member enrolled in a USBC certified league at the time of application. Applicants must hold a 2.0 or higher GPA. Applications can be found at and must be received by March 1, 2020.The Challenge Program - Student of the Year Scholarship Program - Why Not Me?Visit: . for more information(3) $1,000 scholarships will be awarded; winners must travel to Pittsburgh to receive awardDue: March 6, 2020Roy W. Piper Scholarships-open to seniors who plan on attending an accredited post-secondary school. Applications are available online or in the high school counseling office. Applications must be submitted and received prior to March 1, 2020. ................

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