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Online Tutoring Script1. IntroductionOnline tutoring script is specially made for Online Tutoring Companies. The online tutoring script was one of the major segments of the market. Tutoring is a hot business. Online Tutoring Script?is a script building an online platform where students register for classes according to their subject needs. 2. Description We are here to provide the online tutorial Script to make the learning process easier. Students can view the Tutors available and their calendar schedule to book lessons, with the full featured dashboards for both students and tutors will make the things easy to learn. Tutors will give best to make more students in their session.Online tutorial script will understand the tutor’s ability of teaching skills and student’s needs. And make the tutorial business to next level.3. User functionality3.1 RegistrationIn the online tutorial script there are 3 beneficiaries Institute, tutors and students. At the time of registration user need to select the appropriate field to choose their level. 3.1.1 Student registrationStudent need to select the student option in the registration form, where after the registration activation email will be send to registered email. 3.1.2 Tutor registration Tutor need to select the tutor option in the registration form, where after the registration activation email will be send to registered email.3.1.3 Institute registrationInstitute registration where the list institutes can able get in to the system. All institutes need to do select the institute option in registration form and where after the registration activation email will be send to registered email.3.2 LoginAfter the registration user can able to login with valid user name and password.Valid username and password needed 3.3 Forget passwordIf the student/ Tutor/ Institute forgets his/her password, the password will be recovered by giving the validate email id registered mailThe only registered email id will accepted 3.4 Dash Board In the dashboard the user will able to view over all option and feature in the online tutorial script. Same like the registration there are 3 different dashboards the user can view. There are 3 type of dashboard the user can view in the online tutorial script.Student dashboardTutor dashboardInstitution dashboard Student dashboard:In the Student dashboard the student can view list of features where it help the student to know the list class they have attended, list of booked class and list activation in overall view of the account will be shownNet CreditsTotal BookingsBookings PendingBookings CompletedBookings ApprovedOpen LeadsClosed LeadsInstitute Enrolled CoursesFrom this feature student will able to find out what are the Institute enrolled form their account, user can view the list booked and pending class they have missed. Student can manage their settings and contact the tutor before finalizing the tutor. Student need to select the membership which after registration based on their member ship the course can be taken.Tutor dashboard:Tutor can upload Audio/Video/Doc/Image/Pdf files by Course-wise. Tutor add curriculum(like lessons/topics covered in course) for courses by giving url or file as source and publish the course for selling.Same like the student dashboard the tutor have the feature view the overall list details in their CreditsTotal BookingsBookings PendingBooking CompletedBooking RunningTotal Tutoring CoursesVerification of the tutor Also Tutor can upload preview image and file for students to view as demo for the course before purchasing the course.3.4.4 Institute Dashboard:Institute dashboard is pretty much different for the student, Tutor dashboard. Institution where student can able to take any course from the institution based on their membership plan. Here is some of the option in the dashboard. Institution nameCourse nameNumber of Batches Tutoring Institution can view the Course files download history. Student also can view their Course files download history3.5 FeaturesInstitution need to create a course where the students and tutor will join in the institution based on the needs. 3.5.1Tutor featuresTutor course will be avail for Student only when the published course is approved by Admin.Tutor can upload preview image and file for students to view as demo for the course before purchasing the courseTutors can contact students by their requirements.Tutors can also register under institutesEasy to contact Students & Institutes.Tutor will sell the course to the student, those who have booked for the classTutor can able to login in to their account where able to upload the classes details so they can increase the student by the instants updates. Tutor can be verified by the admin after that the tutor cans able to upload the detail of class and notes for the class.3.5.2 Student featuresStudent purchased the course, that Student can get the option for downloading that course curriculum/files. Student also can view their Course files download historyTutors System Facilitates to Book a Course for students by OnlineStudents can also book under institute offered BatchesStudent can post his requirements, if he not get required tutor in the list.Simple Procedure to Book Tutors & Institutes.Enrolled courses, list of course the in system (course name, Institution name, Batch code, Batch name, time slot, course location, duration, status). My leads, list of course students have to chosen.Student booked Tutor in online course. Tutor initiates the session at the booked time, and student also has to do the same on the session time. Then they will be redirected to virtual classroom.3.5.3 Institution feature Institution can able to add the tutor on their own. Based on the course the institution will able to add the time slot and number of students in the batch and duration in the classesInstitutes can register its tutors.Institutes can create multiple Batches for studentsStudents can Enroll in the Batches by online3.6 How to book the batch?Based on the student needs, they will purchase the batch of class for the online tutorial script. The payment option will be done with the help of the payment gateway. (The amount will be managed by admin every institution needs to pay commission to the admin.) In the system, multiple payment gateways are included. When the user wants to purchase the packages for credits, they use any of the payment gateways to purchase the package online.3.7 How System should work in Online Tutorial ScriptIn order to book Tutor, Student must have some credits. Those credits can be purchased from the packages created by Admin through the PayPal payment gateway. That money goes to the Admin.And then Student can book Tutor based on their fee in credits. Then the credits will be deducted from Student. And will not be added to Tutor as soon as booking made by student. The credits deducted from Student goes to Tutor?only when?the Tutor completes his course for that Student and?updates the Status first by Tutor and then by Student if student satisfies with that course session.Like this Tutor get credits from students booking?after successful completion of the Course. And only these credits Tutor can convert to money?by sending request to the Admin. Admin checks the request and send the money to Tutor?out of the System?based on the Tutor given payment/bank account details.For each Student’s bookings, admin decided/set credits will be deducted as Admin commission.4. Admin functionalityAdmin will get all option to edit and add in to the system. Admin can view the list of option in the system. Easily accessible admin panel so admin can view all the site statistics on the dashboard. Admin have full authority to control the site.4.1 Admin dashboardOn the admin dashboard the admin can view the list of number of count of,Total PaymentsUsers InformationPackage Subscriptions4.2 Booking ManagementAll the booking will be managed in the system can able view by the admin. Where here are the option like the student bookings and Institution batches.Student booking:Admin can view the list booked student for a particular coursersAdmin can edit the booking details by the studentAdmin can approve and disprove the booked studentInstitute Batches:Admin can view the list Institute batch of any coursersAdmin can edit the Institute batch by the organizationAdmin can approve and disprove the Institute batch4.3 User ManagementAdmin can able to manage the user details in the system. Admin will have the authority of manage the entire user in the system, with this some features. User can manage by the admin all the functionality likes, Admin can able to view the list user in the systemAdmin can edit the student, institution and tutor detailsAdmin can approve and disapprove the users in the system4.4 leads managementAdmin can able to manage the list leads in the system, leads (list of course in the system)Admin can manage the open leadsAdmin can manage the closed leads4.5 Tutor selling coursesAdmin can able to manage the list of tutor have posted the selling course.Admin can edit the list courses posted by the tutor for selling Admin can view and approve or disapprove in tutor posted listAdmin can manage the purchased course list in the system 4.6 Money requestThere are 2 money requests the tutor money request and institution money request.Admin can able to manage the pending money request for both (Tutor and institution)Admin can able to view the completed request for both (Tutor and institution)4.7 categories managementAdmin can able to manage the list categories of courser in the systemAdmin can able to add the categoriesAdmin can able to edit the categoriesAdmin can able to view the course and add the course Admin can able to edit and delete the course4.8 .Package managementPackage management where the admin will manage the membership package that students need to select for the get in to part of the systemAdmin can able to add the packageAdmin can able to edit the packageAdmin can able to delete the package4.9 verification of certification Every tutor will submit the certification to the system, after the verification by admin. The tutor can able to manage the to post the course and take session Admin can manage the certification submitted by tutorAdmin can approve and disapprove the certification submitted by tutor4.10 General settings Cms pageSocial linkAbout us Ads managementContact us Terms & Condition Privacy policy ?Email Settings.Logo and Icon.?Banner / Slider.Price ManagementContact informationCustomized pages ................

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