
LOSING A LOVED ONE IS THE HARDEST THING IN THIS LIFE: This is a memorial talk I gave that should help others. A friend was dying and told his wife he would like me to say something at his memorial. * A woman in a retirement home said everyone here has lost a loved one and needs to hear this (about Karen below).

* I went back one day to sit on a bench and memorize a talk I was going to give. In 10 minutes a man came out and walked directly to the bench and sat down. I told him I lost my wife and sometimes come here to share a story. He said he lost his wife 3 months ago. I gave him this talk and papers the Greatest Discovery in Life. He said I will memorize these. WHO SAYS THAT, it was God putting words in his mouth that I have seen happen 20+ times and wrote a paper about that Jer. 1:9 I have put my words in your mouth. * A man with a serious health issue of needing a kidney soon just lost his mother and said I love those stories.

* I went to veterans stand down in Santa Maria. We give out a box of toiletries to veterans. A woman came up and asked if we had a support group for loss of a loved one. She walked past 25-30 tables to ours and I could have been away or not paying attention; she lost her daughter the day before and said she had a feeling she should come here. I was probably the only person to tell her this story. * After I finished this talk a woman grabbed by hand and said that was beautiful.

Losing a loved one is the hardest thing in life, I cried every day for three years. Johnny Cash said the pain is unbearable and it is.  Some lose their will to go on, I almost did. A popular singer said she didn’t answer the phone for 2 years, a man I met said he wouldn’t talk to anyone for 3 years.

The problem is we believe we will never see them again but we are wrong. A scripture says the body without the spirit is dead James 2:26. So we all are a spirit in this body.

Allow me a few more minutes tell a short story that may sound like a sermon or lecture but bear with me it has a point and I know it will help someone here.

a) I met a man one time addicted to cocaine 30 years ago and said God if you’re real help me. He saw a flash of light and heard a voice say Never will I leave or forsake you; those exact words are in the Bible at least twice and apparently he was an unbeliever.

b) I told him another man was an alcoholic 35 years said God help me stop drinking; God did in one night before he believed in Jesus or had any idea what the Holy Spirit was for, before he went to church, before he read the Bible, before he was saved, “born again” or repented. There are thousands of stories like these.

The 2nd man was me and it happened 19 years ago. A year later my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I forgot about what God did and was mad at God (I think we all blame God believer’s and unbelievers), a Christian said I wonder if God caused the floods to punish the rich – 16 poor people died. If you think God controls everything you may be blaming God for floods, Alzheimer’s, cancer, illness, disease, accidents, children to suffer. I read all the time God must have had a reason for that child to die. NO, SO STOP BLAMING GOD, THINGS JUST HAPPEN IN LIFE and God doesn’t cause it. At night I felt the most incredible peace come over me and said in my mind many times who are you.………… I was baptized in 2014 at age 70, God never gives up on anyone. When you feel unusual peace it is God.

In 2018 I cried for 2 hours from the love of God and felt like a 4 y/o child at 74. His love is indescribable, unimaginable and unlike anything on this earth. It is described in the Bible Eph. 3:19 and it has happened dozens of times and I have cried so hard snot comes out of my nose. HOW CAN ANYONE CRY FROM BEING LOVED and know it is God. I did what a minister said was his greatest breakthrough to God not knowing what would happen. HE said TELL ABOUT MY LOVE and I wrote a book SEEK ME and you will find ME, Jer. 29:13 I did and I DID.

Nearly 300 verses say fear God. GOD SAID THEIR FEAR OF ME IS A FALSE TEACHING OF MEN ISA. 29:13.

We all know Jesus is in the Kingdom of God, I’m not sure we all know where the Kingdom is.

I never read the Bible until 2014 at age 70, a verse says the Kingdom of God is in our midst Lu.17:21, it is not a million miles away like I thought. Let your gentleness be evident to all for the Lord is near Phil. 4:5.

✓ The Kingdom of God apparently is a place, a realm, a dimension most of us cannot see and that is why:

✓ God heard me, Bill and tens of thousands of others cry out for help.

✓ why I have been crowned with love and compassion and cried from God’s love over 150 times. Some people cry when I pray for them and they all found peace and it wasn’t me that caused it.

✓ I have been healed of several health issues including arthritis in my hip so bad I thought I needed a hip replacement years ago by Jesus who I thought was made up, several verses tell of healing.

I’ve seen 1,000 hours of videos of stories of people being healed by Jesus, but we all have something that won’t be healed, or we would live forever here. A verse says what you don’t know about yourself is Chris Jesus is in you, 2 Cor. 13:5.

That is why I have been helped too many times to count when I say take away grief, sadness, despondency, depression. A veteran with PTSD said he saw Jesus when I prayed. At all veterans with PTSD see Jesus.

There are some scriptures that help us with understanding life going on: Rom. 4:17 says God who gives life to the dead. John 5:21 says just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life. Acts 26:8 says why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead. 1 Thes. 4:13-14 ESV Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. We are all spirits and if we understand this life will be easier here. Galatians 4:6 says God sent the spirit of His son into our hearts. 1Peter 4:6 for this reason the gospel was preached to those who are now dead so they might (OVER)

live in the spirit the way God does. Mark 12:25 says when the dead rise they will be like angels in heaven. 1Tim. 4:10 says we put our hope in a living God who wants everyone to be saved, especially believers.

For some reason we seem to cringe when the word spirit is said -what do you think you are; Jesus is a spirit, Arch Angel Michael is a spirit. In the true story, a book The Night The Angels Came they see the angels who are spirits.

• In a book beyond mile marker 80, a true story of a fatal car wreck a man in the hospital on the operating table sees the wall open and his wife with Jesus. The Dr. and nurse report seeing the same thing,… there is something called the veil and they saw through.

• A woman told me she cried every day for 2 years and saw her mother in a dream or vision and the mother said don’t cry anymore we are very happy here and the woman described how beautiful heaven is and her mother was beautiful and young.

• Pastor “Keith Moore’s Trip to Heaven” - father dies, sometime later he is transported to heaven, sees his father who is in his 20’s, he says he believes God wants us to know our loved ones in heaven are fine.

God does not want us grieving for five years as it takes some that long to get over it. I have seen and read many stories that we are young in heaven and obviously there is no illness.

• Ned Dougherty started the Mission of Angels Foundation speaking on life-after-death issues. During his near-death experience, Ned received a message from the angel Michael.  

• Ken Johnson had a near death experience. He heard God say I love you more than you will ever, ever know. He saw his brother who was in his 30’s. He saw beautiful flowers.

• In the movie Heaven is for Real the 4 y/o boy sees his grandfather in heaven and only recognizes him when he sees a picture of his Grandfather in his 20’s.

I write papers telling about God’s Testimony (stopped my drinking), the Holy Spirit, how to find God’s love, videos of healing, God Puts Words in Our Mouth (to help us or help someone else) and I had a dream of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen and then shown my laptop and a friend told me it was God telling me it is beautiful to Him because of what I write.

A woman in the clergy said some can see through the veil, 2Cor. 3:16 mentions the veil when someone turns to God.

Another reason I know the Kingdom of Heaven is in our midst. Karen died in Oct 2011. I said out loud several times God I will not stop looking for her. My wife has been seen 4 times and two of the women were graduates from Christian Colleges.

A) in 2012 the woman said your wife is concerned about the burden on your shoulder, she said it is in your neck and she is concerned it is going into your brain. It was an injury from handball and so bad I thought I would have a brain aneurism playing handball.

B) Also in 2012 two people I had never seen before and they didn’t know each other, and this happened 6-8 months apart both said your wife and parents are here ……they didn’t say maybe friends, brother, uncle, sister. My mother died in 1996, dad died in 2000. I’m going to skip the details I was told that only Karen knows.

a) In 2016 the woman said in two minutes do you know Barb she is with your wife. That is Karen’s mother who died 3 weeks before the meeting. She said they want you to understand they are very happy…………. She said did you have a drinking problem because your wife wants you to understand she forgives you. Arch Angel Michael and angels have been seen twice.

b) The last time in 2018, I was told there is a beautiful woman sitting beside you waiting so patiently and she is filled with love, peace, joy and is so kind and gentle and so beautiful and so angelic and she is connected to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

What the woman described is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness from Gal. 5:22 We were together 49 years and Karen never judged anyone and in her last year Karen could not say yes if she wanted water and out of the blue said I JUST LOVE PEOPLE. What Karen said is in the Bible and the entire law is fulfilled in this one command as stated in Galatians 5:14 love your neighbor as yourself. I have said 300 times out loud God I just want to be like Karen.

And what I just described is Lonnie. God I pray make all the men like Lonnie and all the women like Karen. Let our gentleness be evident to all for the Lord is near Phil. 4:5. 

Scripture says We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses ;I’m not positive this is what was intended but it works for me: Heb. 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. ENJOY EVERY DAY AND DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW AND KNOW YOUR LOVED ONES ARE OKAY.

I would like to say a short prayer; Heavenly Father, Almighty God we praise your Holy name we thank you for your loving kindness, your mercy, your compassion, your patience, your signs, wonders and miracles.

Jesus I put all my trust in You, and I pray that this family and all who have lost a loved one may receive the understanding You said You would send a comforter, a Helper and the Holy Spirit is with them.

I pray according to the scripture in Rom. 5:5 that our treasured Holy Spirit you would pour out God’s love into their hearts. I pray they will feel the most amazing peace and love they have ever known, and they will know it is you God. I pray for your peace to come over them, for your peace to stay with them and let not their hearts be troubled and take away the worries of the world for all who are grieving and suffering. I pray you bind up their broken hearts, heal their emotional wounds. May God bless all of us with love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, In the name of Jesus, Amen


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