Be With Me

Be With Me

Review Topics

Background to Scripture

The Bible

• Means “books”

• A small library of books in one

• Old Testament and New Testament

• The bible is the word of God

Hebrew Scriptures

• Old Testament

• Basis of the Jewish faith

• Story of God’s love for the Israelites

Christian Scriptures

• The New Testament

• The story of Jesus as he reveals god’s love for us through his life, death, and resurrection


Unit Test

Unit 1 – “Be With Me”

10 Commandments – in order

1. I am the Lord you God: you shall not have strange gods before me.

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord you God in vain.

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.

4. Honour your father and your mother.

5. You shall not kill.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

7. You shall not steal.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

9. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.

10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour.

Beatitudes – meaning, attitudes

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

People whoa re poor in spirit admit their strengths & weaknesses. They accept that they need God and other people.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Those who mourn feel bad because things in the world are not the way they should be.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

People who avoid violence and abuse will get farther in life. They earn respect without manipulating people.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

People who fight for justice.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Those who wish for forgiveness will be forgiven.

Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God.

People can see God through their faith in him.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons and daughters of God.

Those who do God’s work are in his image.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Those who have been harmed or shunned under God’s name will be honored in heaven.

Virtues – attitudes and habits that make us likely to do what is good even when we don’t stop to think. Becoming a virtuous person takes prayer, education and practice.

Relationships – should be shaped with love of God and our neighbour.

Unit 2 – “Be Alive”

Incarnation – the Son of God coming “in the flesh”. Jesus became a human being while remaining truly God. Jesus is the one single person who is divine and human at the same time.

St. Paul’s Letters

“Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?”

• Our bodies are part of the body of Christ.

• They deserve to be respected and protected

• Lack of respect shows a lack of respect for Christ.

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and you are not your own?”

• Like a in a temple, God is within us in very special way.

• Since we share our bodies with God, we cannot destroy our bodies.

“We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God has already designated to make up our way of life”.

• God made each one of us original and unique.

• We each reflect God in a slightly different way. Together we reveal God’s vastness.

• We each must use our God given gifts to contribute to good.

Fifth Commandment – You shall not kill - respect and protection of the dignity of every human. Human life is sacred

Intelligence and Faith

1. Word Smart Verbal Intelligence

2. Number Smart Logical Intelligence

3. Picture Smart Spatial Intelligence

4. Body Smart Physical Intelligence

5. Sound & Rhythm Smart Musical, Rhythmic Intelligence

6. People Smart The Intelligence of Relationships

7. Self Smart The Intelligence of the Self


• Gifts from God

• They encourage us to act or not to act and make choices between good and evil.

• Emotions become good or bad when they lead us to act is a way that is good or bad.

• We cannot choose our emotions but we can choose how we respond to them.

Unit 3 – “Be Faithful”

God’s existence – scientific proof/knowledge

• We cannot prove God’s existence. God is beyond the scientific. We must accept God is a mystery – unexplainable in scientific terms.

• God exists outside of time and we are bound by time.

• God is involved in all life, so we cannot step apart from God in order to observe or measure God scientifically.

• PROOF – the universe was created by something outside it self and will end by something outside itself, this some thing is God.

Where to find Jesus

5 Forms of Prayer

1. Prayer of Petition

2. Prayer of Intercession

3. Prayer of Thanksgiving

4. Prayer of Blessing and Adoration

5. Prayer of Praise

Unit 4 – “Be Loving”

Christ-like love, characteristics

|A Christ-like love is not just an emotion it is also a decision. | |

|A Christ-like love understands and accepts them emotions of | |

|others, rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those | |

|who weep. | |

|A Christ-like love is not repulsed by illness of ugliness. | |

|A Christ-like love is patient and forgiving. | |

|A person with Christ-like love takes time for him or herself as | |

|well as for others. | |

|A Christ-like love does not suffer needlessly but neither does it| |

|run from suffering when running would be a denial of love. | |

|The cross is a symbol of Christ-like love. | |

|A Christ-like love desires what is best for the other. | |

|A Christ-like love is generous and does not calculate the cost of| |

|giving. | |

Decision-making, moral decisions involve love

• What is the loving thing to do?

• Any decision can become a moral decision if the issue of love of God, self, or neighbour enters into it.

• The way we make moral decisions determines the kind of people we will be and the kind of lives we will have.

• Good decisions are those that encourage and support truly loving relationships

Conscience – developing our conscience, Scripture, tradition, prayer

• It is in the scriptures that we learn what Jesus did when he was facing moral dilemmas.

• We learn how the early church interpreted Jesus’ actions and developed guidelines for all Christians.

Magisterium – the Pope and the Bishops in their role as teachers of the faith.

• To give voice to the truths of our faith.

• To help people understand the demands of natural law.

• To remain people of what they should be before God.

• To put together the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Making right decision – See, Judge, Act Evaluate

See 1. Is there a decision to make?

2. Who will the decision affect?

3. Is it a moral decision?

Judge 1. Analyze the options – use your CONSCIENCE

2. Ask what the church teaches using the CATECHISM of the catholic church.

3. Learn from the experience of a committed catholic, the TRADITION of the church.

Act 1. Do the loving thing.

Evaluate 1. How did my decision affect my relationship with God?

3 basic principles of decision making

1. We must never do evil even for the sake of accomplishing something good.

2. WE should always treat others with the same love and respect with which we wish to be treated.

3. Everything we do should reflect genuine concern for other people.

Sin – 3 conditions of sin – what is sin?

• Sin is a decision we make that goes against the truth that is God.

• It is a deliberate refusal or failure to pay attention to the rules and guidelines set by the 10 Commandments and the Church.

• Sin weakens our love for God, for others and for ourselves. The more we hurt our relationships with others, the more we weaken our love for God.

• Sin is deciding to be less loving than we could be.

Signs of love gone wrong

Basic Skills Needed to build strong loving relationships:

- Control – of mind and body to communicate honestly & well.

- Patience – to build relationships.

- Good Habits of Loving – build a loving foundation for the basis of the relationship out of positive behavior.

- Adequate Time – don’t take short-cuts

Chastity helps a person learn these BASIC SKILLS because it involes SELF CONTROL, MATURITY, PATIENCE, and being OUT- CENTERED, (not self-centered).

Characteristics of peacemakers

• Peacemakers are neither passive nor aggressive.

• They know how to express their own wishes and needs clearly, as well as how to listen to others wishes and needs.

• They have learned how to negotiate solution to disagreement so that the solution benefits everyone.

Unit 5 – “Be Obedient”

Fourth commandment – “Honour you father and mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you” - family is the nucleus of society.

Seven Deadly Sins

1. Pride

2. Envy

3. Gluttony

4. Lust

5. Anger

6. Greed

7. Sloth

Legitimate authority

• We must obey those in authority because they have been appointed by God.

• Authority is legitimate when it is recognized by a population as a whole and when it serves the common good.

• An authority that does not respect it’s weaker members or that does not work to promote good relations among all its subjects is not a legitimate authority.

• We must be aware of what those in authority are doing and challenge them when they are not serving the common good as well as they could be.

Common good includes everything that allows individuals and groups to reach their full potential. The common good is built upon a peaceful, respectful social order. The common good serves so that the basic needs of every human being can be met. (Human rights).

Precepts of the Church

Obedience – disobedience when?

Being obedient means listening to the will of a person in authority, and then using there advice to make a decision that will serve the common good. If the advice given doesn’t serve the common good, we are not called to obey.

Unit 6 – “Be Just”

Read Parable of the Good Samaritan. Re-read multiple times. Pff…does it really matter. Summary – the guy who no one thinks would help the dead guy, ends up helping him. Yeah! Now, cue tears and applause.

Prejudice – unreasoning opinion of why to like or dislike someone. Prejudice makes it impossible for love to grow.

Jesus objects to prejudice for 2 reasons:

1. It creates barriers to love.

2. It keeps us from being the people God intended us to be.

Compassion is the ability to feel and act with and for another person

Balance of Creation – natural law

• All things are interconnected and exist together in a balance.

• Energy cannot be destroyed; only transformed.

• God is revealed in the ‘natural law’.

• Every person who tires to understand the balance of the universe and seek what is good will eventually see and desire the balance and order that God desires.

Taking care of all creation

Preferential option of the poor

• God has a special closeness with the poor.

• The rich can use their money/possessions to get them out of difficult situations but the poor cannot.

• There is enough material things on earth for everyone (basic needs) but the rich have taken everything, leaving the poor with nothing.

• God has a special bond with the poor because he wants better for them.

• The needs of the poor must come before the wants or luxuries of those who have enough to meet their basic needs.

Basic needs/rights

Unit 7 – “Be Honest”

Seventh Commandment – when is it stealing?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines stealing as:

• Keeping things that have been loaned to you or that you know someone else has lost.

• Doing poor quality work.

• Wasting a lot.

• Spending too much money.

• Breaking a contract.

• Paying poor wages.

• Damaging property on purpose.

• Refusing to share your talents or your possessions (gifts and talents have been given to individuals for the good of all).

Attitudes Thieves Depend on:

1. “What is mine is mine and I have absolute control over it”.

2. Lack of respect for the property of others.

Jesus is Truth. By knowing truth through Jesus we:

• We will understand the world as God intended.

• We will relate to the world as God wants us to.

• We will know the truth and the truth will set us free.

Sin and Jesus

Anyone who sins becomes a slave to sin. Sin blinds you from the truth which is God. Jesus helps sinner to see and understand the truth again. If we listen to Jesus’ truth we will 1) know the truth of ourselves and 2) know what it means to be the people God created us to be.


Truthfulness/human dignity

Eight Commandment – what is untruthful?

Unit 8 – “Be Modest”

Who are the pure at heart?

Those who are pure in heart act out of love for God and others, not for attention or because they are expecting something in return. Our actions and thoughts often reflect what is in our hearts. They:

• Are kind and respectful to rivals as well as friends.

• Do not break a commitment in a hurtful way or encourage someone else to do so.

• Listens to others without judging.

• Loves and gives without calling attention to himself or herself.


• Appreciating our dignity and the dignity of other people. To be truly generous, we must be truly just.

• Protects the intimate centre of people and their love.

• Encourages us to be patient in relationships and to accept both ourselves and others.

• We are humble yet value ourselves and others.

• A modest person know that he or she is God’s child is precious to god

• They treat their bodies, their thoughts, their emotions, their relationships, and the faith with respect.

• They don’t put down or show off any aspect of who they are.

• A gift a person possess, they know that they have something valuable and they willing contribute.


• A virtue.

• Is linked to love.

• Is one of the fruits of love.

• Being generous to others can break barriers.

Matthew 20: 1-16 (The Beatitudes)

Ninth and Tenth Commandment

• They forbid envy and the desires that go with it

• To long for more power, statue, respect or love than other is part and parcel of envy.

• These two commandments sum up the others.

• They forbid seeing relationships only as chances for sexual, personal or commercial gain.

• God desires and helps us to rejoice in others’ good fortunes as well as our own.

• Our deepest longing will be satisfied only when they are directed toward the love of God and neighbour.

Envy – diabolical sin – it leads to other sins.

Unit 9 – “Be Forgiving”

Why forgive




Unit 10 – “Be Hopeful”

Hope and the first commandment

Review of Beatitudes


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