
North Hampton Public Library – Building Program2/13/2013 New Library Building Program This building program is an exploration and recommendation for the future library service needs of the people of North Hampton, NH. It is designed to provide the facility requirements of the North Hampton Public Library to meet the public needs in the decades to come.North Hampton Public Library – Building ProgramNew LIBRARY BUILDING PROGRAM TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc347317825 \h 3The Library’s Future PAGEREF _Toc347317826 \h 3Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc347317827 \h 3Key Issues to be addressed PAGEREF _Toc347317828 \h 3Exterior PAGEREF _Toc347317829 \h 4Interior PAGEREF _Toc347317830 \h 4Chapter One – Introduction, History, Library, AND ACTIVITIES PAGEREF _Toc347317831 \h 5INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc347317832 \h 5BRIEF HISTORY PAGEREF _Toc347317833 \h 5LIBRARY USAGE PAGEREF _Toc347317834 \h 6A DAY AT THE LIBRARY PAGEREF _Toc347317835 \h 6PEOPLE OF NORTH HAMPTON & LIBRARY FUNDING PAGEREF _Toc347317836 \h 7Chapter two – GOVERNANCE & mission, library use, AND faCilities PAGEREF _Toc347317837 \h 9GOVERNANCE & MISSION PAGEREF _Toc347317838 \h 9LIBRARYUSAGE PAGEREF _Toc347317839 \h 9LIBRARY FACILITIES PAGEREF _Toc347317840 \h 10LIBRARY SELF ASSESSMENT PAGEREF _Toc347317841 \h 14PUBLIC SURVEY INPUT PAGEREF _Toc347317842 \h 15PUBLIC MEETING INPUT PAGEREF _Toc347317843 \h 17Chapter three – RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPREADSHEETS PAGEREF _Toc347317844 \h 19RECOMMENDATIONS PAGEREF _Toc347317845 \h 19FuNCTIONAL AREA SHEETS PAGEREF _Toc347317846 \h 25Entrance & Lobby PAGEREF _Toc347317847 \h 25Adult Fiction/Nonfiction Area PAGEREF _Toc347317848 \h 27Café, New Books and Magazines, Reading Area PAGEREF _Toc347317849 \h 28Electronic Commons PAGEREF _Toc347317850 \h 29Circulation Desk PAGEREF _Toc347317851 \h 30Information Desk PAGEREF _Toc347317852 \h 31Technical Services/Work Room PAGEREF _Toc347317853 \h 32Auditorium/Large Meeting Room PAGEREF _Toc347317854 \h 34Multi-purpose Room PAGEREF _Toc347317855 \h 36Quiet Study Rooms PAGEREF _Toc347317856 \h 37North Hampton Local & Family History Room (incorporating Historical Society Research / Work Room) PAGEREF _Toc347317857 \h 38Exhibit Area(s) PAGEREF _Toc347317858 \h 39Historical Society Collection Storage Room PAGEREF _Toc347317859 \h 40Adult Services Librarian’s Desk (in Technical Services/Work Room) PAGEREF _Toc347317860 \h 41Director’s Office PAGEREF _Toc347317861 \h 42Children’s Fiction and Non Fiction PAGEREF _Toc347317862 \h 43Children’s Program and Crafts Room PAGEREF _Toc347317863 \h 44Teen Room / Young Adult PAGEREF _Toc347317864 \h 45Preschool and Primary Grades Area PAGEREF _Toc347317865 \h 46Youth Services Director’s Office PAGEREF _Toc347317866 \h 47Non-Print Materials PAGEREF _Toc347317867 \h 48Library Storage PAGEREF _Toc347317868 \h 49Periodical Storage PAGEREF _Toc347317869 \h 50Copier/Fax Services PAGEREF _Toc347317870 \h 51Public Rest Rooms PAGEREF _Toc347317871 \h 52Staff Room PAGEREF _Toc347317872 \h 53Maintenance Services PAGEREF _Toc347317873 \h 54Parking PAGEREF _Toc347317874 \h 55Summary PAGEREF _Toc347317875 \h 56RESOURCES PAGEREF _Toc347317876 \h 56Appendix PAGEREF _Toc347317877 \h 56Needs Assessment PAGEREF _Toc347317878 \h 57NHPL Survey PAGEREF _Toc347317879 \h 57Victor Azzi’s report on the Municipal Campus PAGEREF _Toc347317880 \h 75Public Input Meeting August 21st 2012 PAGEREF _Toc347317881 \h 93Local History Collection Needs PAGEREF _Toc347317882 \h 94Heritage Commission Space Considerations PAGEREF _Toc347317883 \h 101EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Library’s FutureWhy build a new library? Aren’t libraries unnecessary now that we have eBooks and other technology to replace paper books? The general consensus of library patrons and town residents is that the Library is the heart of the community and much more than a repository of books and other materials. This report examines the history of the North Hampton Public Library and proposes a facility that will meet the needs of the community for the next 20 years. Considered, are the library’s role as a community gathering place, as well as a repository for popular materials. While libraries have changed in the past several years and are continuing to evolve, the need remains for a current library collection of physical and electronic materials, a vibrant community space, a place for public information, and a venue for cultural and civic programs for all ages. RecommendationsA new building of approximately 14,600 square feet that includes space for the Historical Society, to be built on the “homestead” property next to the existing library. Seating for 150 in an auditorium, 25 in a smaller conference room, 25 story-time seats in a children’s room, café and living room seating for 8. Use of “green” technology and materials to protect our environmentCollection space for 40,000 volumesSpace for 3500 audio-visual itemsMagazine space for 110 issues and 50 back-file issues10 public access computers5 staff work stationsKey Issues to be addressedExteriorAn attractive, welcoming building that reflects traditional New England architectural values.The location of the library within a municipal campus plan – on the “homestead” property.Parking access from Atlantic Avenue or Alden Ave and traffic flow in and out of the library and impact on neighbors.InteriorThe library as a communal space with potential multi-purpose use with other town groups and needs.Lack of quiet reading areasLack of quiet individual or small group study spaceNo separate children’s areaNo separate Teen areaMeeting room with seating for only 40 -50 adultsInadequate space for local history collection and researchNo staff break room or adequate restroom facilities for staffNo family restroom or ADA compliant restroom facilitiesNo office or separate office space for Youth Librarian or Adult Services LibrarianInadequate space for present collection or future collectionInadequate display space for local history collections, information, brochures, events and activitiesInadequate display space for new books, DVD’s, audio books, and new itemsInadequate storage space for chairs, seasonal items, discarded and donated books for resellingChapter One – Introduction, History, Library, AND ACTIVITIESINTRODUCTIONThis building program is based on the following research:326707541910001997 Architects hired to submit plans for library expansion. 2001 Library hires Patience Jackson to conduct a needs assessment.2001 Dennis Mires is hired to create a municipal complex plan.2004 Town purchases land next to library. A Municipal Facilities Advisory Committee is appointed to survey Town facility needs.2005 -2009 Four (4) Warrant Articles for $50,000 for library building or expansion pass with the library matching invested funds. 2008 Library Consultant updates the Needs Assessment and recommends the Trustees negotiate with the Select Board to plan and build a new library on the land next to the library.2011 Municipal Town Complex options created by Warren Street Architects2012 Victor Azzi hired by Select Board to evaluate town buildings and recommends the Library be built on the land next to the Library before other buildings are built for a Town Complex. 2012 The Library hires Thomas Ladd, Library Building Consultant to gather all the current and past data to create a current library building program, a necessary document for the hiring of an architect to begin the design process. The staff and trustees of the library have engaged in a thorough planning process involving a wide range of town residents in helping to shape the future of the library.326453519240500Public libraries are resource- rich community centers freely available to children, teens, adults and seniors. The North Hampton Public library is heavily used by all of these population groups. It is open 38 hours per week including evenings and Saturdays year round; yet today it costs the people of North Hampton less than 2% of their local tax dollars.BRIEF HISTORYEstablished in 1892 the library was first housed in the southwest corner of the Town Hall on Atlantic Avenue. By 1895 it was determined that a separate building was needed, and a Board of Trustees was appointed to consider a “free public library.” It was not until January of 1908 that the new fieldstone structure was completed. This building remains today and has been repurposed to provide other town services.During the 1960s plans were developed to build a new and larger library. In 1972 the town meeting voted for a new building to be erected on town land adjacent to the existing library. Since September 1973 the library has been in the building it now occupies.In the late 1990s it was recognized that the increased population and changing services, particularly new media and electronic devices, were overcrowding the building. Although confirmed by 2001and 2008 building studies, no replacement or expansion of the facilities has been built to support the increased population, staffing, services and library collection. A 2006 “Long-Range Plan 2007 – 2010” developed several goals, with a new library facility to meet community needs at the top of the list.LIBRARY USAGEOn an average day at the library a large cross-section of people will use the library. They come for a wide variety of purposes to include:Retired people come to read the daily paper and magazines, to stay current with news, and to seek to attend book groups or other functions...Consumers come to do comparison research for purchases using Consumer Reports magazines or accessing material through our online databases.People come into the library to use the copier and public computersCaregivers and children come for story time to socialize with other mothers and caregivers, and for their children to enjoy and learn.Students come to do research for school projects.Young adults come to find materials for homework assignments or pleasure reading materials and recommendations from our Youth Services Librarian.People come to use for genealogical research.Researchers come in to do local historical research in our New Hampshire Room.Families and others come in daily or weekly to check out movies to watch.Vacationers come to plan trips and print out boarding passes.During the summer months out of town guests and summer residents use the library for summer reading and internet access.A DAY AT THE LIBRARYWhen the library opens the day begins with internet users checking in to use a computer. Others sit comfortable reading the newspapers and get a cup of coffee from our Keurig machine. Many come in to pick up books they reserved online the night before, or to pick up books they were notified by email or a phone call are now available at the front desk. People come to the circulation desk looking for books to read, sometimes through interlibrary loan, or a best seller. Books, audiobooks, eBooks, movies and games are checked out regularly.People will stop in the vestibule to look at the bulletin board for local classes, activities and events where flyers are posted. Some will bring a few magazines and take a few from our magazine swap bin, or take a jigsaw puzzle home from the puzzle bin. Often the library will get phone calls for information regarding local events not held at the library. The public uses the library to escape the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter. Over 800 items are checked out from the library each week.Behind the front deskThe Library Director, Assistant Director/Youth Services Librarian, and Adult Services/Circulation Librarian select books and other materials for the library from professional journal recommendations, patron requests and other recommendations. New materials are being processed regularly by library assistants, involving, cataloguing, covering and shelving new books and other items. The Director attends meetings with other Town Department Heads regarding building maintenance, budgets, and other town activities. Overdue notices are sent out, mail is sorted and bills readied for payment. The Computer Systems Administrator updates the library web site regularly, ensures our data is secure, and manages all the public and staff computers. New technologies are discussed and implemented when beneficial to the library and to patrons. The Assistant Director/Youth Services Librarian generates the Community Newsletter five times a year and coordinates all Town organizations and their information to be printed. Two book groups are held at the library, one in the evening and one during the day. Book selections are chosen and books ordered through interlibrary loan by the Adult Services/Circulation Librarian. Volunteers help on a weekly basis to process materials, assist the Youth Services Librarian with projects, and weed old books. Staff assist library users on a daily basis with computer questions, using the copier, or other library equipment. PEOPLE OF NORTH HAMPTON & LIBRARY FUNDINGNorth Hampton is a smaller (2010 population 4301) town in NH’s seacoast region, occupying a small portion of NH’s limited seacoast, with most of the town located inland. The commercial area is part of a multi-town oriented shopping region mostly located on Route 1, or Lafayette Road. Municipal buildings and services including the library are generally located in one “campus” along Atlantic Avenue.Educational Achievement for population 25 years and over in North HamptonHigh school or higher: 91%Bachelor's degree or higher: 15%Graduate or professional degree: 26%Household income is also higher than the New Hampshire average – currently estimated at $81,815North Hampton’s residents generally live in single-family homes (73%) and commute out of town (80%) to work. There is discussion of a proposed development of increased “workforce housing”, but town projections plan for minimal overall population growth. There is one elementary school (pre-school through grade 8) about half-a-mile up the road from the Library on Atlantic Avenue. High School students attend a variety of private schools in other towns, with the majority attending Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, NH. In 2012-2013 the library had an annual operating budget of $348,968. The library currently consumes only 6% of the town’s total annual budget.Chapter two – GOVERNANCE & mission, library use, AND faCilitiesGOVERNANCE & MISSIONThe library is governed by a 3-member Board of Trustees, elected as per NH RSA 202-A. This Board of “library trustees shall have the entire custody and management of the public library and of all the property of the town relating thereto” (RSA 202-A: 6). This includes the responsibility of hiring its Director and other staff, adopting policies to govern the library’s operation, and working for adequate financial support of the library. Library Trustees have the power to allocate and expend all funds provided to the library and private entities.The Trustees have defined the library’s role within the community of North Hampton through its Mission Statement: “The mission of the North Hampton Public Library is to provide library resources and services to meet the evolving educational, cultural, informational and recreational needs of the community of North Hampton.”-Adopted by the Board of Trustees on July 16, 2002, Revised September 2004LIBRARYUSAGEThe library is currently open 45 hours per week and has 3 full time employees and 10 part time employees. To carry out its mission, in 2012, the library offers a variety of materials and services including a collection of over 36,000 items in a variety of formats, including:7600+ adult fiction titles700+ adult biographies6700+ adult non-fiction titles1700+ movies on DVD640+ books-on-tape or CD3800+ children’s non-fiction books7000+ children’s fiction books1600+ Young adult books900+ NH booksDozens of magazines subscriptions & back issuesNewspapers6 Patron computer stationsWi-Fi Internet access Interlibrary loan service from participating libraries throughout NHAccess to powerful online reference databasesLocal history & genealogy resourcesCopies/print-outs Ongoing book sale in foyer and corner of meeting roomMuseum passesMaterials not owned by North Hampton Library are provided by request from other libraries for our patrons through Inter Library Loan.The library also offers programming for children and adults – over 100 children’s programs and a variety of adult programs, with over 2000 people attending annually. The library staff provides a welcoming atmosphere and assistance with any library service, plus support for use of library related technology by library patrons.Total items circulated and renewed in 2011-2012 was 43,442 [with the library closed 10 days due to water damage] (2011: 49,247; 2010: 45,913). Looking further back in 2007 statistics show circulation of 47,324 and numbers consistently in the mid-40,000s from 2008-2010. It is worth noting that during the span of 2007 to 2012 the circulation of children’s video/DVD has remained nearly consistent (1891 items to 2177) while the circulation of adult (video/DVD items more than doubled - from 3310 to 7047 items. The library collection has responded to changes in user demand – likely caused by both the demise of the local video store and the economic situation leading users to seek out free resources. Circulation of DVD’s is leveling off and starting to decline in 2012.As library service is much more than just checking out books, a good measure is number of library visits – a measure of the library service given. The total count of library visits in 2011 was 34,519. This reflects an observable trend in many libraries of flattening circulation of traditional items with continuing growth in service usage.However, it is the impression of the library staff that the duration of a visit – how long a patron stays – is directly and adversely affected by the over-crowding and lack of seating in the library. It is anticipated that increased square footage at a new library will allow longer stays as well as increases in services and usage. LIBRARY FACILITIESThe library is presently located on Atlantic Avenue in the Town Complex area and occupies a total of only 5625 square feet. The site is convenient for many people who come to the center of town for other purposes. The present library building has many physical shortcomings, some resulting from almost 40 years of use in a building designed for a 20 year lifespan with no major updates or renovations, and from a building described by one Trustee as having been built “on the cheap.” With the long planned hopes for a new library, minimal money and effort has been allocated to significant physical improvements to the present building. Given that the present moving force is the town campus development which calls for a new library building and reuse of the land on which the present building stands, it was indicated by Victor Azzi that, “the design, construction and condition of the existing NHPL building make that building likely not amenable to an economically feasible renovation, without major compromises to suit the needs of the North Hampton Town Offices, now and into the future.” (See Appendix for Victor Azzi’s report)It seems to be a general consensus that there is no architectural or aesthetic value to retaining the current building. “Town of North Hampton – Municipal Campus: An Analysis of Needs, Opportunities and Alternatives” 375729563944500The Town hired Victor Azzi to produce a report entitled, “Town of North Hampton – Municipal Campus: An Analysis of Needs, Opportunities and Alternatives” - report by Victor Azzi. As it affects the Library the following statements were made (page 4-5):(4) The North Hampton Public Library needs more and better space.(7) The existing building which presently houses the North Hampton Public Library does not well serve the needs of the NHPL, its staff, its patrons, and the townspeople.(8) The NHPL should be housed in a new building, planned, programmed, designed and built to accommodate the needs of the NHPL, going forward, in a time of changing needs for public libraries, based on a vision and mission of the NHPL and other public libraries in a world of these changing needs and technologies.375666034988500(9) The new NHPL building should be built on the town-owned “Homestead Site” in the southwest corner of the Municipal Campus. I expect that, like many town libraries, the mission and programming for a new Library building will include among the important elements of the library, an expansion of their role as a cultural and community center of the Town of North Hampton. (15) Clearly the implementation of a plan, which includes the elements summarized above, depends on the first moves to be initiated by the Board of Trustees of the NHPL to secure the building site, to conclude a successful fund-raising campaign, to retaining an architectural firm (at least) through Programming and Schematic Design, and to campaign to convince the North Hampton townspeople that a new library building is something they want to help underwrite. It is my understanding that the Trustees are eager to move expeditiously with this project.On entering the building one is immediately struck by a thought – CROWDED.This is certainly not surprising, as the collection has grown to over 33,000 print items and over 3,260 non-print items. This collection supports a circulation of materials which has grown from 24,000 items loaned in 1980 to over 43,000 items in 2012—79% growth. Many media formats that are very popular now did not exist when the library was built in 1973. Library visits by patrons now top 34,500 per year. Services and resources using public access computers did not exist in 1973. Now seven computer workstations are crowded together providing inadequate workspace. Additionally there is no privacy between computers which limits users’ ability to access sensitive information such as personal email, banking, and social media.The library stacks are full – in some cases wedged full - far beyond the 2/3 to 3/4 full desired to allow for convenient patron browsing and face out promotion. Some stack aisles are less than the 36 inch minimum width under the Americans with Disabilities act requires (40” is desired) and more aisles are too narrow when oversized materials stick out into the aisle space. It is difficult to maneuver around some other furnishings due to lack of space. It is also noted that the two tiny public restrooms do not meet ADA standards whatsoever. 26689059334500Clearing space to allow for materials of all formats for all ages and for computers has caused the removal of table seating and pushed everything closer together. This is even more noticeable in the children’s area, where some mobile book stacks form the only sound barrier between the children and those working on computers or using reference material.The staff workspace behind the scenes is likewise crowded. This area is occupied by up to 5 staff members and volunteers on any given work day. Staff workspace is one of the primary storage areas of the library. This area is located in a “fish bowl” behind the main circulation desk and is the primary area where staff eats, pays bills, plans programs, catalogs new books, and conducts research.The dedicated storage area off the meeting room was repurposed for the installation of a heating system several years ago. The only storage space is an attic accessed by a metal spiral staircase. This results in occasionally used “stuff” cluttering the meeting room, staff office space and other spaces. These observations are supported by applying the widely used Dahlgren public library space needs standards () to the current building. To support what the library does now and the size of its current collection, the Dahlgren standard recommends that a building of this size should be at least 9,624 square feet. The library currently has 5,625 square feet – 58% of its need. This only accounts for the current amount of seating and meeting space, both areas found lacking by library staff and public input. 238506050800000Comparing the North Hampton Public Library to other NH libraries serving similar sized populations, finds the NHPL near the top in numbers and services provided, but near the middle of the list for the necessary space to support them.Square Footage 23850603556000Library Visits per Year LIBRARY SELF ASSESSMENTIn July 2012 the Library Board of Trustees, with continued concern for the inadequacy of the library building, and with the renewed local push for a municipal campus project, began a building planning process. This included engaging Library Consultant Thomas Ladd to help formulate a building program. During August 2012, Library consultant, Thomas Ladd, met with the staff to discuss their facility needs.Library Staff: Susan Grant, Lorreen Keating, Liz Flot, Barbara Dewing, Jill Brandt, Carolyn Vinica, Linda Sherouse, Jolynn Wilson, Trustees: Kelly Parrott, John Kollmorgen, and Susan LeonardiThe first step in a building program was a focused self-assessment by the library staff and Trustees. All trustees and staff were interviewed and following summarizes the findings.When asked, “What is “RIGHT with the library?” The following responses were received:Friendly, helpful, knowledgeable staffLoyal patrons and good public supportMulti-media lending (i.e. Kindle, eReaders, DVDs)An excellent collection of materials in all media Many good public programsConvenient and consistent hoursServes as a center of the communityAdditionally, the Staff and Trustees also discussed problems that need improvement such as:Not enough space - repeatedly found to be the root of other problems.Building heating and cooling system problems and not energy efficient.No storage space (some space lost to the relocation of the heating system).No space for quiet reading. Limited meeting spaces for collaborations and gatherings other than the one meeting room and a conference room that also serves as a Special Collections space.There is not enough space to use the open concept arrangement properly.The large meeting room is too small for some programs.There are not nearly enough electrical outlets in all areas of the library.Children’s space is inadequate and provides no sound barrier from the rest of the library.Administrative office space is inadequate.Limited parking spaces, and poor lighting in parking area.Book stacks are full – must discard a book to add a new one.The restrooms are not ADA compliant (handicapped accessible) nor do the accommodate parents with young children (diaper changing station).The general perception is that the library patrons are happy with the staff and the services that they receive, but that "our town needs better than what it has." The patrons would be better served with more space to sit and move about as well as to have more and better space to use the public access computers. A strong desire was expressed for a designated children’s room which did not transmit sound throughout the entire building. PUBLIC SURVEY INPUTIn August 2012 the Trustees, staff and consultant designed a survey to gather public input. The Trustees conducted the online survey open to North Hampton residents. It was announced through various media, but respondents needed to seek it out online to participate. Given the positive effort needed to participate in the survey, the response rate of about 2% (85 respondents) of residents is quite good. The vast majority of respondents are frequent library users. In addition to services noted by the staff and trustees, survey respondents also valued interlibrary loan, the copy machine, and librarian assistance.Frequently mentioned, was a desire for more desk/table space and a desire for quiet space. The need for children to be able to be noisy without disrupting the entire library was mentioned several times.Several respondents who do not use the library regularly listed the inadequate building and the lack of available parking as reasons.Given several options assembled by the library and their consultant, the survey respondents graded the importance of those options in a new library as shown on this chart. It should be noted that the need for more space for books, a comfortable reading area, improved meeting and program rooms and a dedicated children’s room were weighted most important.Several respondents noted that they thought that the present building was adequate and some expressed concern about the cost of a new building. Interestingly some responses stressed a desire for the new building to remain a library only, while others favored the concept of sharing the building with other piled results from the survey are included in the appendix.PUBLIC MEETING INPUTWhile the public has had multiple opportunities to comment on both library needs during previous planning processes and during town campus discussions, in an effort to keep the current process open and transparent and to gather new thoughts, public input sessions were held November 17, 2011 and again on August 21, 2012. A summary of the August 21, 2012 program is appended. The possibility of a food/café area was brought up with some enthusiasm.Those attending the meeting on August 21, 2012 were interested in the library, and many had other specific interests, e.g. the Historical Society, Recreation Department and/or the Heritage Commission which may have a stake in multi-purpose space in a new library building.One participant noted after several other comments about the lack of space in the current library that we “all agree that it needs more space.” There was a considerable support of a building design that fosters the small New England town feel. Little consideration to the exterior appearance had been raised before in the earlier discussions. Also discussed were naming rights to rooms, for bricks in a walkway or wall, for wings, or other parts of the library by persons or companies.It was noted that a relatively small gathering such as this meeting required opening the moveable panels to push into the children’s area, and taxed the room’s occupancy capacity.Space to work in the library was mentioned, with suggestions about private small group meeting, places to use one’s own electronic devices, and the provision of quiet work and reading space.Chapter three – RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPREADSHEETSRECOMMENDATIONSIn this section the space needs for materials, seating, staff services and meeting use purposes based on the population and mission are compared with existing areas and capacities.These needs are then converted into square footage requirements for the building.Design a library that will be:Easily accessible with parking close to the entrance.Ergonomic seating and workspaces.In line with LEEDS standards using green technologies and materials when possible and practical.Flexible use spaces that can be configured for large or small groups, and for multi-purposes.Well-lit with ample electrical access.Work areas close to public areas for easier service.General Recommendations Include:Create a teen space to encourage teens to use the library for homework, recreation, and social networking.A dedicated children’s area to provide a safe and comfortable environment for children and parents to read, play, and socialize. A variety of browsing areas in the children’s areas according to age and reading level to display books for children and parents.Ergonomically designed electronic workstations and work areas.Mid-level book shelves for easy access for older people to eliminate reaching high or bending low.Capacity to display artwork of all types for all ages.The new North Hampton Public Library should:Be a welcoming comfortable reading place, a place to be alone or with family or friendsBe a gathering place for small and large groups in warm relaxing surroundings, providing:an optimal environment for attending programs, and community meetings of all kindsBe a social place for kids of all ages to gather to engage in electronic activities with computers, gaming, face—to-face interaction, book groups, programs, and socialization.Be a repository for local history collections and a welcoming place for genealogy and local history researchers.Display art from local artistsBe food-friendly for comfortable reading and socializing. The overall ambiance of the new library should be inviting to patrons of all ages. We would like the new library to inspire creative thought and community interaction. The community spaces should be comfortable, social by design and encourage trust between the staff members and the community. We would like members of the community to have pride in their library and know that they can meet, share ideas, and catch up with each other throughout the week in its spaces. It will be a haven to quiet readers, students or researchers, but also a space for laughter and imagination. The new library will be a place that offers excitement, opportunities and knowledge to the community on any day. Bright, clean and organized rooms will allow patrons to relax or focus on tasks. The atmosphere and physical spaces will forge connections and build friendships among the town residents.In projecting future space needs, one must consider two main types of change. First is space for functions desired and not currently provided or that are currently inadequate, such as children’s room space, meeting room space and study rooms and staff areas. Second is space for expected growth in service population, staffing, and services provided. It is common to account for 20 year growth in such planning. Additionally, space beyond the building, e.g. for a minimum of 35 parking spaces with two handicapped spaces should be addressed in the building needs assessment.This assessment is a projection of these future space needs.The NH Office of Energy and Planning no longer issues population projections for NH towns. The projections they last issued for North Hampton in 2003 are on the town’s website at . These projections anticipated significant population growth over the coming years (to 5,510 residents by 2025). However, those projections estimated a population of 4,870 in 2010 while the 2010 census found an actual population was 4,301 (). It appears that population growth has flattened and local opinion seems to agree. Plans for workforce housing may indicate more population growth in the coming years.The library does not anticipate significant growth in staff in the near future. There will be some growth in staff with a larger building and in order to provide improved and additional services to patrons. Comparing North Hampton Library’s staff with other comparable libraries such as in the town of New London, and Rye, there should be planning for some staff increases. (See table)Town2010 PopulationSquare FootageTotal operating expensesFull-time ALA/MLS LibrariansFull-time Librarians Full-time other staffTotal Full-time staffTracy Memorial LibraryNew London4,39714,000$528,6961.902.803.206.00Rye Public LibraryRye5,29812,500$594,9451.007.300.507.80North Hampton Public LibraryNorth Hampton4,3015,625$328,2502.003.001.774.77Projecting collection space needs is no longer a matter of presuming that a library will add more books over decades. The technological changes of recent years show no signs of slowing. Trying to project changes in technology are not realistic. Library scholars do not predict that the book will go away, but they do suspect that electronically accessible books will become increasingly more popular. This leads one to project less need for increasing book stack space. If audio and video stored in electronic format and downloaded is a growing trend, shelf space that has gone from VHS to DVD and from records, to tapes, to CDs all may be reduced. However, the current concerns about access rights vs. ownership of materials in libraries may create a renewed desire for physical media. Based on this trend, planning for a slightly larger collection is advisable. It will be critical to allow for maximum flexibility of book/media storage systems by using freestanding and/or mobile units that can be substituted in the same space if called for in the future.A slight increase to 10 computer workstations for the public and a significant increase in reader seating to 25 is recommended (in varying seating arrangements)Staff feedback indicates a considerable desire for a larger meeting room and for study space. I am suggesting several small study/conference rooms, which can be shut off for quiet/private use. An auditorium/meeting room which will seat 150 for community cultural programs is included. Kitchen facilities adjacent to this space should allow for uses such as refreshments at programs and be a significant upgrade over the current tiny facility.Chief among the staff and Trustee requests and ranking very high with the public survey is for a dedicated children’s room. While trying to maximize the flexibility of future use for space, this concept in the current building has proven to be weakest in having no sound barrier between the space used for children’s services and the rest of the library. There is generally dedicated children’s staff on duty. While major events can be conducted in the meeting room, routine story times, etc. should be accommodated in the children’s room. It is difficult to project for special use and “non-assignable” space, such as hallways, mechanical rooms, rest rooms, storage, etc. Applying Dahlgren standards, this is typically calculated by a percentage of other space, and I have applied mid-range estimates. It is generally accepted that in designing a new building there will be less “waste” space than when working around restrictions of an existing building. It is necessary to allow for dedicated storage space. This is generally a finding that after new construction there is not enough storage space, or that as in the current building, this space is lost to other uses as needs change. The appended worksheet quantifies these projections, and results in a proposed gross area needed of 14,601 square feet, more than double the current library’s first floor area. It is interesting to note that the 2008 building program proposed a very similar 13,000 square feet needed. There has been discussion regarding shared spaces with other organizations and town entities. The North Hampton Historical Society has submitted a detailed plan for their desired archival space and the Heritage Commission has submitted a somewhat more general conceptual plan. Both are appended. The addition of archival quality space requires some specific requirements, especially with regard to protection of irreplaceable, original documents and artifacts from various threats -- theft, mishandling, ultraviolet radiation, pollutants, infestation, fluctuating temperature and humidity, fire, flooding and water leaks. It is important to remember that this space needs assessment is a guide for design of new space and that actual designed space will depend on many factors, not the least, a considerable variance based on how much new multi-use space can be provided. Another variable is whether the library is built on one or two floors, which Victor Azzi refers to in his report which can be found in the Appendix.A multi-floor library requires extra expense in building and operating as far as an elevator and other accessibility concerns as well as staffing to supervise the building. Approaching this size, however, there are economies that may offset these expenses. The deciding factor may well be the amount of space available in the assigned area of the town campus, and the desire for adjacent parking and landscaping as well as septic requirements. The architect selected should be free to explore options in close conjunction with the town campus planning, e.g. shared parking, septic, etc. Although there may be some resistance to the town campus plan, this program is written with the presumption that this is the working basis for going forward and generating the necessary local support for the library to "go first" in this process. Site and design considerations will need to be fully coordinated with town campus planning. Sharing resources such as parking, and water/septic infrastructure is anticipated, but should not hinder library planning. The new library should be planned as flexible multi-use space which will be re-tasked as needed through the coming decades and will allow the facility to support changing library services. This should include electrical outlets readily available in all areas and ease of access to interior wiring for technological upgrades. The desire for the library to be aesthetically pleasing inside and out was expressed, utilizing natural light wherever possible. The new library should be environmentally responsible as well as cost effective in application of “green” technologies, with due consideration given to fact that the library is operated six days each week.Appropriate climate control (Heating/Ventilation/Air conditioning) should be provided throughout the building. Some areas will require their own temperature and humidity control.While the question of single vs. two floor design is open for discussion, as much public space as possible should be on one floor, both for ease of access and to minimize long-term staffing requirements. The possibility of grouping more limited use areas such as meeting rooms, archival space, large storage area, staff room, and mechanical spaces on other floors should be explored.The new library should meet all applicable accessibility requirements and building/safety codes including earthquake and flood standards appropriate for the area.The building should have complete fire detection & alarm system, and should have a fire suppression (sprinkler) system consistent with the heavy fire load of a library and the water supply and applicable code requirements. A dry pipe sprinkler system in areas where archival materials are stored or displayed is preferred. The new library should feature an inviting public entrance with weather barrier as one enters the building near the common staffing point (“circulation/service desk”) for both security and provision of service. A community bulletin board with public information could be in this area.Normal staffing is 3+ persons at a time, and the library hopes to operate the enlarged facility with the same staffing. The library grounds and parking area will need to be addressed as shared parking in the campus plan. Consideration for neighbors with regard to lighting and traffic flow will also need to be considered. Septic location may also be a factor.Closed storage space approximating 5% - 7% of total area (650 to 910 square feet) should be maintained. Collection space for at least 40,000 items of all media for all ages is recommended.Public computer work stations to accommodate 10 patrons are required. A coffee bar area should be considered.Table seating for 12 patrons outside of meeting room requirements. Comfortable reading seating for 6 - 8. Director’s Office – Work space for the library director with seating for two guests is needed. Approx. 150 sq. ft. should be allocated. Office should be able to be closed for private work/meetings but with visual access to main portion of library. Children’s Spaces – Space for mobile shelving with 54” high maximum for about 10,000 items (all types of media) plus height appropriate table seating for 8 – 10 children and open space for browsing and small group activities. It is anticipated that large group activities will occur in the meeting room but that routine activities such as story time will occur in the Children’s room. An adjacent office/work space for the Children’s room staff should be provided. Ideally this area can be closed to allow for louder activities without disrupting the remainder of the library, but also able to be opened to allow for supervision from the circulation/service desk at low use times. Preschool space, Teen area, and craft room require approximately 2617 sq. ft. Meeting Room/Auditorium - Space for group activities and performances with seating for 150 adults. It is possible that this space will be used when the library is not open/staffed. This area should have an adjacent/included kitchenette facility and restroom access. Multi-purpose Room – Space for table seating for 20. It is possible that this could be adjacent to the meeting room with a movable wall creating greater flexibility. Approx. 900 sq. ft. Restrooms – Two single occupancy facilities meeting all accessibility standards for public use plus one staff use facility located in the non-public area. If the two floor approach is chosen, and particularly if the meeting room is distant from the other restrooms, additional restrooms may be desirable. Both male and female restrooms should accommodate changing areas for infants.Quiet study / private meeting rooms – Two enclosed rooms with a table and chairs. One larger for 2-4 people and one smaller for 2 people – total of 210 sq. ft. Technical Services/Work Room -- An enclosed area for staff to order, process, catalog, and de-accession materials of all media formats, store materials & supplies, and conduct other technical support functions. It should be adjacent to and with full visibility of the circulation/service area for maximum flexible use of limited staffing. Estimate 840 sq. ft.Staff room – An enclosed area away from general public service areas for staff meals and break time and to secure their personal belongings during work hours. Estimate 210 sq. ft.FuNCTIONAL AREA SHEETSEntrance & LobbyFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Main library entrance, a space in which to post/store information such as flyers, posters, brochures and notices of community meetings.OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 3-5STAFF: 1USER SEATING: 1-2 bench seats for patrons awaiting ridesFURNISHINGS: Display racks for flyers & brochures Bulletin board for notices and posters Floor mat for trapping outside dirt Storage for shovels, brooms, sand and ice melt productsAREA REQUIRED: 200’ sq.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: ApproachThis space should welcome library users as well as attendees at library and community programs held in the library’s Meeting Room. Exterior signage should clearly identify the library to passers-by and be visible from the street. Parking should be nearby and safely entered by pedestrians as well as vehicles, with a covered drop-off point so that people can enter and leave without getting materials wet. A book return should be easily accessible from the parking/drive-up area, and a nearby lockable bicycle rack should be visible from the entrance. Hose bibs will be placed in the building wall for outside watering.A drive up book drop outside would be desirable as well as one near the door. InsideGlass doors will allow users to view before entering, and will be easily opened by handicapped users. A weather barrier or offset inner and outer doors will prevent cold or hot air from coming into the main lobby. Covered space outside or space inside will be sufficient for stroller storage.The lobby should be large enough to offer display space for brochures & flyers from the library and other area organizations, for display of tax forms, and space for posting notices of meeting or program announcements. The doors should be easily opened by handicapped users. Adult Fiction/Nonfiction AreaFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Browsing, reading and researchOCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 15-20 STAFF: 2PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Circulation/Information DeskUSER SEATING: Seating for 4-6 at 1 study table. One OPAC for catalog searching. FURNISHINGS & EQUIPMENT: Low shelving; end-of-range display units on some ranges SHELVING: 5000 linear feet of shelving to house 40,000 books (8 vol. per linear foot) BOOK CAPACITY: 40,000AREA REQUIRED: To be determinedEQUIPMENT: Table to seat 4 people with chairs. One OPAC. Wastebaskets; clock; 2 electrical receptacles dedicated to Public Access Catalogs, 6 others electrical receptacles; 2 book trucksCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: New Books/Browsing Area; Circulation Desk; ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE:Stack aisles easily visible for supervision and staff assistanceAisles 40”-52” wide to allow comfortable wheelchair accessWell-defined sequential layoutEasily adjustable line-of-sight signage attached to metal uprights on shelving Easy to browse, nothing too high or too lowGood lightingComfortable work spaceChoice of electronic workstations, study carrels and tables Front cover display fixtures for popular books on some end panels Paperback shelving, either zigzag which allows both spine and front covers to be viewed, or standard sloped shelving.Café, New Books and Magazines, Reading Area FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Display and shelving area for high-demand new adult hardcover, periodical and media collections. Patrons will browse shelves, take books to nearby chairs to read more comfortably, or will use seating at table and chairs to read current newspapers and magazines. There will be a café adjacent for coffee. OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 10-15STAFF: 1 PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Circulation DeskUSER SEATING: 10 comfortable chairs in a living room; 2 tables with 4 chairs each. 2 smaller tables with 2 chairs each in a café settinFURNISHINGS: Upholstered armchairs with good back and shoulder support. Lap top tables and side tables for books or bags. Two tables with 4-6 chairs and 2 small tables for 2 near coffee bar (café). Floor and table lamps near living room or adjustable lighting overhead with wall controls. SHELVING: Flexible shelving with shelves ranging from 10” to 48” above the floor so they are wheelchair accessible. Slanted display shelving for current issues of magazines with room under for 4 month’s storage or moveable racks for magazines. Slanted shelving for current issue of newspapers with storage for one week’s back issues. Paperback shelving (moveable shelving). Display shelving for a variety of nonprint media formatsBOOK CAPACITY: Capacity for 200 new books; 115 periodical and newspaper titles; 100 paperbacks; non-print media such as DVD’s, Audio Books.CLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Circulation desk; Periodical back file storage (underneath periodicals) OPACAREA REQUIRED: 400 sq. ft.?DISTANT FROM: Children’s room, Meeting roomsARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: One of the busiest areas of the library, responsible for much of the library’s circulation Uniform, flexible, attractive shelving with clean lines. Hardcover books, paperbacks, and other new materials beautifully displayed, many with front covers showing. Coffee machine and other possible food items nearby. Comfortable seating and good lighting, with tables large enough to spread out a newspapers. Shelving should be no lower than 10” from floor for ease of use by older or handicapped patrons, and no higher than 54” to give an open, uncluttered appearance. Book shelving should allow for 5 volumes per square foot instead of 10, to permit area for display of new titles. Periodical shelving should be sloped, with storage underneath for back issues. Electronic Commons FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Provide internet access to patrons with room to work and spread out some papers, have privacy and print out work. OCCUPANCY: Public: 10USER SEATING: 10 Office chairs FURNISHINGS: Computer work stations with privacy barriersEQUIPMENT: Latest internet access media, printer.CLOSE PROXIMITY: Copier and Fax, Information Desk for paying for printouts and copies (if needed)DISTANT FROM: Children’s areasAREA REQUIRED: 580 sq.’ ft.Circulation Desk FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: The circulation desk is the main point of business for many library users. It functions as a lend and return station for library materials, registration area for new borrowers, information kiosk for general questions and directions, intermediate shelving area for returned and reserved materials, staff work area and reader’s advisory post. OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 5-10STAFF: 1-3USER SEATING: 2 Staff seats, 1 public seat for registration, other assistance FURNISHINGS: Bi-level modular desk to include standing and seating areas, with 2 computer workstations, easily exited for staff to assist users. Setup should include pencil drawer, cash drawer, slotted book drop. Adjustable stools with backs for comfortable staff seating. A book return area with 1 computer terminal with printer and room for 2 book trucks. Checkout area with 2 terminals with printer slip printers and large printer. Registration area should be clearly visible from entrance/lobby and other public areas. There should be acoustical dampening, task lighting and thermostatic control. Shelving for reserves, registration forms, library cards and office supplies. Work space to log statistics. Lost and found storage area for 5-10 itemsSHELVING: for reserved books, staff manuals, ready reference materials, suppliesBOOK CAPACITY: 50 reserved books, requiring 6 linear feet 25 Professional reference booksEQUIPMENT: 2 computer terminals, a printer, 2 telephonesCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Facing front entrance, close to Circulation/Staff work area, Browsing area, Self-check station, outside book return area.DISTANT FROM: Quiet Study areaAREA REQUIRED: 300 ‘sq.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: The area should be inviting to the first-time library user. Library Staff should be facing the front door to greet patrons. Graphics should clearly define functions such as checkout, registration and materials return. Desk should be visible from the entrance and at a comfortable height for both staff and patrons. Acoustical dampening, glare-free lighting, thermostatic control, adequate ventilation and protection from cold drafts in winter and heat or sun in summer are important design considerations.High-task lighting levels are required for staff activities but care should be taken to position lighting to avoid glare on computer screens. Lighting should be easily adjustable as changes take place. Telephones should be placed near terminals for use with telephone renewals or other circulation-oriented questions. Plugs and connectors should be easily accessible for changing as necessary in maintenance or replacement. Floor should be anti-static with extra padding under the carpet.Traffic flow of staff and users into and out of this area should be carefully planned. Disabled, elderly, children and parents with children in strollers must be accommodated rmation DeskFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Staff research reference questions, review and select reference materials, search databases, answer email reference questions, tabulate statistics and reports, borrow interlibrary loan materials and repackage them for return.OCCUPANCY: STAFF: 1USER SEATING: 1 task/office chairFURNISHINGS: Desk with electronic workstation Wastebasket Counter space for preparing and receiving packages for mailing File cabinet/drawers 1 Book truck Telephone Water Fountain nearby – near public rest roomsSHELVING: 9 linear feet for professional and ILL booksBOOK CAPACITY: 75 booksCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Circulation Desk, Photocopier, Fax, Water FountainAREA REQUIRED: 130’ sq. (65’ sq. per occupant)ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: A library is devoted to satisfying the individual information needs of citizens at every level of their lives. Reference library users include students from elementary grades through graduate school and independent learners using the library for research. Patrons of all ages seek information on subjects relating to personal, business and family needs. The reference area will be used for research on a wide variety of topics as well as for lengthy reading of fiction or nonfiction books. Because technology is changing so rapidly, the space for reference and information services must be able to be readily reconfigured for new uses. This area requires high-intensity lighting with low glare for staff to work comfortably.It should be acoustically but not visually separated from the reference desk, maintaining a line of site connection. This area could be a part of the Technical Services area, or a separate office near the Reference Desk.Technical Services/Work Room FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: This area houses recent arrivals for the library’s collections, as well as materials undergoing processing or repairs. Workspace area and supply storage for these activities are here as well. The Circulation Librarian, ILL/Reference Librarian and Trustee Treasurer have desk space here. Volunteers use workspace here for some tasks. OCCUPANCY: STAFF: 6PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Circulation DeskFURNISHINGS: 5 workstations for: Circulation Librarian; ILL/Reference Librarian; Trustee and (2) volunteers; data ports for each computer; counter space 30” deep with nearby sink; 6-8 ft. table for work area; telephones; wastebaskets; clockSHELVING: storage for office supplies, library supplies, supply catalogs, equipment manuals; storage for materials recently received and in process; storage for donations in process; temporary holding point for ILL in process; shelving to hold materials waiting for repair or bindery pickup. At least one unit of shelving 15 – 16 inches deep for records storage boxes and materials offered to the Historical Society.BOOK CAPACITY: 100 volumes (Donations) 100 volumes (in process) 100 volumes (manuals, catalogs, ILL in process; repairs and bindery) 100 volumes (Professional reference) 400 totalEQUIPMENT: 6 book carts; photocopier; office equipment (paper cutter, tape dispensers, staplers, etc.); fax machine; 5 computers; 2 computer printers; typewriter; telephones for each deskCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Circulation Desk; delivery entranceDISTANT FROM: Meeting RoomsAREA REQUIRED: 840 sq. ft. (100sq. ft. / workstation)ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE:Because this area serves many functions and many staff members it needs to be an open and flexible space, subdivided by movable office workstations. It may be adjacent to the circulation desk, with windows looking out at the circulation area so that staff may observe activity and respond as needed. It should also be located near a delivery entrance for ease of receiving shipments of new books or equipment as well as donations. Counter workspace for receiving and shipping, sorting and distributing materials and processing of new materials or repairs is required. Storage should be on open shelving as well as closed cabinets above and below the counter space. Ample electrical outlets should be provided at mid-wall height. File cabinets and wall shelving are also necessary. Book truck space should be included beside each workstation. Permanent staff will be supplemented by part-time staff and volunteers, who may be moved to any workstation location.There should be windows that open and very good lighting in this area. It should be an individual heating and cooling thermostat zone.Auditorium/Large Meeting RoomFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Space for library, school, community programs and meetings. Auditorium capabilities with stage for cultural stage productionsOCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 150 STAFF: 2USER SEATING: up to 170 folding/stackable chairs, upholstered seats and backsFURNISHINGS: Kitchen facilities (stove, sink, refrigerator) Cabinet storage for kitchen supplies, for chairs and for equipment Water cooler; coffee urn; telephone; wastebasketCounter space Folding tables (15 card and 4-5 banquet size)Lighted lectern; built in multi-media. Coat rack100 folding or stackable chairs with dollies for storage Raised removable stageDisplay areas for art in this room and/or other areas in the libraryEQUIPMENT: State of the art projection system, sound system, lectern system; lighting, floor microphone outlets at several locations; wireless microphone capability; wireless CLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Entrance, Restrooms.AREA REQUIRED: 1700’ sq.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE:Multi-purpose AreaThe space needs to be open, with the flexibility to be used by any group larger than can fit into the library’s smaller meeting room (probably over 10 persons) up to very large program audiences of 150 persons. It is the formal meeting space for library programs, but will also be used by many community groups and by both adults and children. The main floor will be carpeted, although closet or kitchen space might not be. The walls should be tackable. The room and its restrooms must be accessible when the rest of the library is closed.StorageLockable closet space is needed sufficient to store equipment safely when not in use, to store program supplies and unused chairs and tables, and some custodial equipment (vacuum, broom, etc.) used in cleaning the room after a meeting. Acoustic/Electronic/LightingAcoustic details are important in this room, which will allow speakers to be heard easily, but will not allow sound to leak from this room into the rest of the library. Receptacles for telephone line connection with computer terminals should be provided. Connections are needed for laptop computers to receive and project internet information from a wide area network and also to access library local area network. Cable hookup to local cable network supplier from outside the building into the room is necessary. Lighting includes audience area lighting on a dimmer switch, side wall washer lighting for art displays and emergency battery-supplemented exit lights.Multi-purpose Room (Could be included with large meeting room with partition) FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Group classes or activities for Library, Recreation Department or other Town Departments or groups. Room may be rented out to groups for a fee. OCCUPANCY: 50TABLE SEATING: 40DISTANT FROM: Study room, Café and reading area. CLOSE TO OR ADJACENT TO: Kitchen and public restrooms.AREA REQUIRED: 900’ sq.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: Outside access with access to public restrooms when library is closed. Hardwood or tile floor, storage for stacking chairs and tables, acoustic dampening. Multi-media built in and internet access. Quiet Study RoomsFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: 1 small and one larger quiet study room-- one for 2 people and one for 2 - 4 people. Quiet room for individual quiet study or small group study, tutoring, interviews or test-taking. OCCUPANCY: 2, 2-4 PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Circulation or ReferenceUSER SEATING: 2, 4FURNISHINGS: Study table & 2 chairs—study table & 4 chairs. White board.DISTANT FROM: Children’s Room, Meeting RoomAREA REQUIRED: 220 ‘sq. (30’sq. per occupant)ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: Rooms can be used for individual or group quiet study, or one as a small conference room. It requires no additional furnishings, but should have good glare-free controllable lighting and be acoustically dampened to control noise. Multiple electrical outlets for electronic devices and laptops. A central location that is convenient to collections is desired, with clear sight lines so staff can monitor users.North Hampton Local & Family History Room (incorporating Historical Society Research / Work Room)FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: The North Hampton Local History collection is a non-circulating collection used for reference and research purposes consisting of books, town reports, other government-generated materials, maps, and some unique local history materials given to the Library. The Heritage Commission’s completed survey materials are expected to be housed in this room. The Historical Society will use the space for arranging and describing its materials and providing access to its collections located in a closed storage room adjoining the space. Finding aids and some use copies of the Historical Society’s materials will be in the Room. The room may also be used by the Library trustees, Historical Society board, and other groups for meetings of four to eleven people if the Multi-purpose Room is not available. After- hours access to the Room by the Historical Society to do research and other work is desirable. An area right outside of the room for a changing display of local history materials by the Library or Historical Society should be considered. Alternatively, a large exhibit area used by the Historical Society and for art exhibits and exhibits by other community organizations might be located outside the room. OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 10 STAFF: 1 (Volunteer 3 – 6 hours/week)USER SEATING: 8 at study tables; 1 at computer; 1 at microfilm reader FURNISHINGS: 8 chairs at study tables; 2 study tables for reading and writing, and use by Historical Society for “processing” collections; 1 computer and scanner with sufficient table space on either side of computer to place records storage box and oversized archival materials. (About 30” x 30”). Microfilm reader/printer (and chair) and storage cabinet for 40 microfilms. Mounted screen providing descriptions of collections and how to use them.SHELVING: steel shelving for Library’s print local history and genealogical collection, including Heritage Commission survey materials, and Historical Society’s finding aids and use / reference copies of some of its collections. Some shelving must be 15 – 16 inches deep to accommodate the Library’s document boxes and other oversized print materials. See appendix re Heritage Commission. Some lockable shelving to hold Library’s unique or more valuable materials may be required.BOOK CAPACITY: 500 in NH Local History. Other materials 50 linear feet. EQUIPMENT: computer; flatbed scanner; microfilm reader/scanner?/printer; data port connections for laptopsDISTANT FROM: Children’s Room AREA REQUIRED: Local history collection of books and other materials, including Heritage Commission survey reports = ??Computer =150’sq. Microfilm Reader 50’ sq. Research / work table area: 400’ sq. ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: We envision this area as part of the Reference Collection, under the supervision of the Reference librarian. It will thus be near the rest of the Library’s reference materials and photocopier. While a water supply should not be adjoining this room, proximity to a sink is desirable. The Local History area should be located within sight lines of Library staff or be equipped with a surveillance camera. If the area has its own temperature and humidity control 2/7/365, the door will remain closed. A glass door is necessary and perhaps even a glass wall.The room must have glare-free light intense enough to allow long periods of use with minimal eye fatigue but if fluorescents are used, they must have filters to reduce ultraviolet radiation. The Room requires its own thermostat, and ideally, have both temperature and humidity monitored and controlled.Floor should be terra cotta or a hard low VOC tile, and table tops washable. Security measures for the collection include the following possibilities: some lockable shelving units; glass window in door; glass window in wall; surveillance camera; security mirror. Access door must be lockable. Access door to the Historical Society’s collection storage room also must be lockable; ideally with a key card that indicates who accessed the storage room. The two doors must be at least 36 inches wide. Space must be sufficient for a book cart to be easily maneuverable for the moving of collections to and from the NHHS Collection Storage Area to the tables and computer.After-hours access by the Historical Society to do research or other work is desirable. Exhibit Area(s)FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Art, historical and other community displays, mounted in a secure and appropriately lighted space. BACKGROUND. The Library owns several watercolors, most of which are on display behind the circulation desk. Since its opening, the Library has sponsored art exhibits along the walls of the Craig Room, and in recent years has encouraged the community to highlight individual collections in a lighted display cabinet near the Circulation Desk. The Historical Society mounts small exhibits, using two exhibit cases, in another Town-owned building. The Heritage Commission, Little Boar’s Head Heritage Commission and undoubtedly other local groups such as Energy, Agriculture, and Conservation Commissions all upon occasion would wish to highlight their work. OCCUPANCY: 10 – 60FURNISHINGS: Museum track and hanging system for wall(s). Movable, freestanding panels, display cases, kiosk, pedestals all might be employed at different times. Outlets for AV displays. Storage space for those furnishings when not in use. Also secure hanging of permanent art works, perhaps shadow boxes throughout the Library.EQUIPMENT: AV equipment, projector for AV displaysARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: Museum track lighting (dimmable), near circulation desk for security. Area might be used for receptions, docent-guided “tour” of display(s), school classes. Historical Society Collection Storage RoomFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Storage for the Historical Society’s collection of local history records, personal papers, photographs, paintings, prints, ephemera, and artifacts. OCCUPANCY: 0USER SEATING: 0FURNISHINGS: 30 x 60 inch table for use in retrieving and returning materials; storage cabinet for supplies, art rack, flat file.SHELVING: Archival shelving 15 – 16 inches deep, 42 inches wide. (Historical Society’s existing shelving will need to be supplemented) EQUIPMENT: Book cart with level shelves, stable ladderAREA REQUIRED: 350 sq. ft. minimum for Historical Society collection – see specifications in appendix. ADJACENT TO: Local History Room (access to storage room will be through the Local History Room)ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: UV filtered lighting if use fluorescents Temperature and humidity control unit operating 24/7/365 with monitoringDry pipe sprinkler systemNo exterior wall, not adjacent to restroom or other water supply, or kitchen areas Sealed concrete floor – no carpeting. Floor load sufficient to permit installation of movable shelving units at a later dateAdult Services Librarian’s Desk (in Technical Services/Work Room)FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Circulation Office activities: preparing reports, logging statistics, compiling library brochures and bookmarks, planning displays, making bibliographiesOCCUPANCY: STAFF: 1USER SEATING: 1 task/office chair FURNISHINGS: Desk with computer workstationTelephoneFile drawersStorage for personal belongingsWork counter with cabinets under and shelves aboveWastebasketSHELVING: 6 linear feet for professional booksBOOK CAPACITY: 50 booksEQUIPMENT: Book truckCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Circulation DeskAREA REQUIRED: 130’ sq. (65 ft. / occupant)ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: This area will be used to perform a variety of circulation task functions and needs to be flexible in its arrangement. It should offer a clear view of the Circulation Desk while maintaining the separation necessary for a work environment. It could be a space adjoining the Technical Services Area. Lighting should be glare-free and task-oriented. Seating should be comfortable and provide good support. Director’s OfficeFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Administrative, small group meetings with individual staff members, Trustees or the public as needed.OCCUPANCY: STAFF: 1-4USER SEATING: 5 chairsFURNISHINGS: Large deskExecutive office chair 2 chairs for visitorsComputer desk 8 file drawers (some locking) for storing personnel records, invoices, etc.Coat rack Small table with 2 chairs2 WastebasketsSHELVING: 25 linear feet of shelving for binders, books and files pertinent to administrative and directorial functionsBOOK CAPACITY: 100 booksEQUIPMENT: Computer; printer; telephone; appropriate data drops and wiringCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Technical Services, Staff Work Area, Circulation Desk – Open and line of sight to library users at information desk.AREA REQUIRED: 150-175 sq. ft.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: This office will be used primarily as a workspace by the library director, but will also function as a meeting space with small groups of staff members, Trustees, other librarians. It should provide sufficient space and seating for furnishings to accept this use and for visitors to be comfortable. It should be soundproof.The Director’s office should be private but not secluded from the public. A large and operable outside window is necessary, as well as an interior window with curtains which may be closed for privacy as situations warrant. It should have at least 2 exits, eliminating dead-end space where staff might be confined or isolated. Natural lighting from windows should be augmented by task-oriented lighting from lamps and fixtures. Seating, work surfaces and other furnishings must be comfortable here as in all staff areas, and provide good support.Children’s Fiction and Non Fiction FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Reading and study space for school-aged children. Space for children’s fiction, non-fiction, reference, and children’s audio and visual collections.OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 12STAFF: 2PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Children’s circulation and reference desk.USER SEATING: 12FURNISHINGS: 3 tables, chairs, 2 lounge chairs, or love seat size sofasSHELVING: low shelving 60”, periodical shelving, media shelvingBOOK CAPACITY: 7000 (includes Juvenile Reference Collection)EQUIPMENT: reading lamp(s) 2 computers, (one will be OPAC)CLOSE PROXIMITY TO: bathrooms, picture book area and children’s public service desk.DISTANT FROM: quiet reading and study areas.AREA REQUIRED: 1000 square feet.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: Wall with book display tracks. (Moveable racks on wall to display books) A “fun” reading area, i.e. reading loft or nook. (To accommodate 2-4 children) Outside light or windows.Children’s Program and Crafts Room FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Provides self-contained space for children’s programs. (“Story Time”, and crafts programs. Can be multi-purpose room for adult craft programs or meetings.OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC 25STAFF: 2USER SEATING: 25FURNISHINGS: Adjustable tables (5) 30x92 – 20 children’s chairs, 25 adult chairs.SHELVING: shelves in cabinets and closets.EQUIPMENT: sink, multi-media equipmentCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: restroom, children’s area, youth services office area, coat area.DISTANT FROM: quiet reading, computer area and study areas.AREA REQUIRED: 450 ‘sq.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE:Water fountainRoom with sink and cabinets for storage.Two closets for storage and supplies. Area in or near room for coats. Tables should be foldingSee Hampton Falls Free Library program room for example of space use.Teen Room / Young AdultFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Area for reading, study, small group projects, book browsing, socializing, and for Young Adult books and materials.OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 10STAFF: 1PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: (Young Adults can utilize the Adult Services Circulation and Reference Desk(s).USER SEATING: 6 seats at tables, 4 seats at lounge chairs, 2 computers or space for laptops to be brought in.FURNISHINGS: 2 tables, 4 chairs, small table, lamp(s), SHELVING: book shelving, slanted magazine shelving.BOOK CAPACITY: 2000 – media collection 500 items (DVD, MP3? CD? other formats?)EQUIPMENT: 2 computer stationsCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Adult supervision, close to Youth Librarian’s office or Information or Circulation Desk.DISTANT FROM: Quiet reading and study areas.AREA REQUIRED: 450 square feetARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: “Tackable” (postable) wall surface or bulletin board in Young Adult area. Locate Young Adult area in alcove to provide some noise containment so teens may talk and socialize. Natural light from windows.Preschool and Primary Grades AreaFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Book browsing, reading, play area.OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 16 STAFF: 1PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Children’s circulation and reference desk. (Shared in common with “Juvenile” area description. )USER SEATING: 16FURNISHINGS: 2 small tables, benches, floor rug, toy storage, comfortable seats or chairs for adults.SHELVING: book browsers and low shelving. Media rack or shelf for books with audio.Shelving or easy access storage for toys and puzzles.BOOK CAPACITY: 4800CLOSE PROXIMITY TO: bathrooms, children’s program room, and coat area. Drinking fountainDISTANT FROM: quiet reading and study areas and any potentially dangerous areas for small children, i.e. library exits, elevators, or stairs.AREA REQUIRED: 717 square feetARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE:Picture books, board books and beginning readers will be located in this area.This area will feature a play area which is sound proofed or contained in such a way as to control noise.A children’s puppet theatre or other creative apparatus included in play area.Reading nooks or areas for reading and book fortable seating for adults to sit with children. Ample Display space for new picture books and early readersYouth Services Director’s OfficeFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Administrative work of Youth Services Director, program and activity planning, cataloging, meet with parents, children and salespeopleOCCUPANCY: STAFF: 1-3USER SEATING: 1-4FURNISHINGS: 1 desk with electronic workstationTelephonesWastebasketTwo 4-drawer file cabinets3x5 table for meetings, projects in processBook trucksCoatrack and area for storing personal belongingsSHELVING: 20 linear feet of shelving for books in process/adds/withdrawns and professional booksBOOK CAPACITY: 75 books in process 72 professional booksCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Children’s Room/Circulation DeskAREA REQUIRED: 190’ sq. ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE:This area must have a clear line of sight to the Children’s Room and Children’s Circulation Desk, yet be acoustically separate to allow concentration on planning and administrative tasks.Natural light, with a window that opens, as well as low-glare task lighting are important.Shelving will hold professional books and also children’s books, videos and other materials that are “in process”: newly arrived and ready for cataloging, older and under consideration for discard or replacement, in need of mending.Occasionally the Youth Services Librarian will meet with visitors or other staff and the office should contain a table and chairs to permit a small group (2-3 persons) meeting.Non-Print MaterialsFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: This area will house circulating library materials which are not in a print format, i.e., audio and video materials, puzzles, other materials.OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 4-6 STAFF: 1PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Circulation DeskUSER SEATING: 2 seats at a small table or listening tower with headphones for music or other listening.FURNISHINGS: Small table and 1 or 2 chairs for listening center, or listening tower.SHELVING: Formats vary in size so a system with a variety of flexible shelving is required. BOOK CAPACITY: Space for 1500 DVD’s. 700 Audio books. Room for new technology formats. Other formatsEQUIPMENT: Headphones or headphone listening tower (available from LIFT) for sampling music formats prior to borrowing.CLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Teen Services, Circulation Desk (visual sight lines)DISTANT FROM: Children’s Room, Main EntranceAREA REQUIRED: 145’ sq.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE:This is a bright, eclectic area showcasing the range of media available in the library. Clear signage designating each collection and many subject dividers with alphabetic subdividers will be helpful for browsing and reshelving. Formats will vary greatly in size, so a system with a variety of flexible display and storage capabilities is necessary. Music CDs and DVDs will be displayed in racks or bin type shelving while spoken word audios and videos may be displayed in conventional shelving. The smaller size of many of these materials makes staff supervision and control a necessity. Visual sight lines from the Circulation Desk or other staff station should be maintained. Library Storage FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Equipment, furniture, paint supplies, seasonal supplies and decorationsFURNISHINGS: Dollies for holding stacked chairs Hand trucks for shifting cartons Sawhorses, boards for book sale tables Book trucks Counter or table for sorting, pricingSHELVING: linear feet for book sale books and donations 18 linear feet for paints, seasonal supplies and decorationsBOOK CAPACITY: 200 hardcover books for book saleCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Entrance for delivering donationsAREA REQUIRED: 20 ’sq. for books 24 ’sq. for counter or table 20 ‘sq. Space for book trucks, hand trucks 540 square feet for storage Total of 600 square feetARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: Storage provided in specific areas of the library otherwise mentioned, space is also needed to store about 200 books donated or withdrawn from the library’s collection during the year for the ongoing book sale, These come from donations by patrons and withdrawals from the library’s own collection. Library materials are sorted during the withdrawal process and simply need a space to be stored, while donations must be sorted after they arrive and either added to the collection, added to the book sale or discarded altogether. A counter space in the book sale storage area would provide room for this purpose.This area should be near an entrance for ease of delivery of materials. Other items to be stored include paints saved for touchups to shelving, walls and doors. These must be in a lockable area, away from the public. Seasonal decorations and supplies also need a storage area. It is possible that the book sale storage could be separate from the other supply storage, and opened as needed to the public for book sales right in the storage area. Storage for extra chairs, shelving or other items is also desirable, in addition to that provided in the meeting room, maintenance and technical areas.Periodical Storage FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: This area contains back files of newspapers and magazines kept for research purposes.OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 5-10STAFF: 1PUBLIC SERVICE DESK: Reference DeskUSER SEATING: 4FURNISHINGS: Periodical shelvingSHELVING: Flat, open shelving for storage of six month’s backfile of newspapers and for one year’s backfile of magazinesBOOK CAPACITY: 108 titlesCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Reference Collection; Reference Area; Periodical Display Area; PhotocopierAREA REQUIRED: 108’ sq. (1 title per sq. ft.) ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: This area will be used by staff for storage of periodical backfiles and by the public for research. It should be near the Reference Area so patrons may handily use its study tables and carrels. Some users will first employ online indices to find citations and will then wish to search in the Periodical Storage Area for the appropriate magazine or newspaper issue. E-panels at the ends of the stacks could be used for this, or the computers in the Reference Area.Lighting should be comfortable and bright enough to read newsprint and to minimize glare on glossy magazine pages.Copier/Fax ServicesFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Used by public to photocopy personal documents or from reference or other library materials which are not removed from the library and by staff to photocopy for reports, brochures, flyers or craft projectsOCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 1-2STAFF: 1FURNISHINGS: Counter or table beside copier with paper cutter; storage for paper, toner, other supplies; space for holding items to be copied and finished copies, as well as for sorting, stapling, finished copies. EQUIPMENT: Copier Fax machine Paper cutterCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Reference, Periodical Back files, Circulation Desk, Browsing Area, Technical Services, public computersAREA REQUIRED: 120 sq. ft.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: The Copy Center is located near the Local History area for ease of use when doing research. It should not be far from the Circulation Desk so staff can easily direct users. Electrical receptacles are required for various pieces of equipment: copier, scanner, fax machine and printer. Lockable cabinet storage for paper and supplies for equipment should be included. The counter top must be large enough to accommodate all equipment and still leave room for sorting, stapling and other associated tasks. Data ports will be necessary for transmission of data. Signage will include copyright signs explaining fair use.Public Rest RoomsFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Two public restrooms – one for men and one for women with one stall in each that is ADA wheelchair accessible near the large meeting room that can be accessed when the library is closed and a meeting is being held. One Family restroom near children’s room and one staff rest room with one stall. Total of 4 restrooms minimum. OCCUPANCY: PUBLIC: 1-3FURNISHINGS: 2 stalls in each restroom (Men’s and Women’s) Baby changing facilities in family restroom Baby changing facilities in both men’s and women’s restrooms Sink with counter large enough to hold purse or bag Paper towel dispenser Wastebasket Mirror Floor drains for ease of cleanupCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: 1 Restroom available to Meeting Room users 1 Restroom available to Children’s Room users Water fountains AREA REQUIRED: According to current codesARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: One stall in each public restroom to be ADA compliant- wheelchair accessible according to current codes. Program area restrooms may require more stalls, as audiences will use the rooms before, after and during intermissions of programs while library rest room use is individual and distributed over a longer period of time.Staff RoomFUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Staff and volunteers eat meals, take breaksOCCUPANCY: STAFF: 3-6USER SEATING: Lounge seating for 2 or sofa for resting, lying down when ill Table with seating for 4FURNISHINGS: Lockers for 12 to store personal belongingsCoat rackRefrigeratorMicrowaveCoffeemakerStove with ovenSinkCabinetsTelephoneSmall bulletin board area (3’x4’)SHELVING:1 shelf for reading materialsCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Staff restroom Technical ServicesAREA REQUIRED: 210 sq. ft. (25’ sq. per occupant + 30%)ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: This should be a relaxing, comfortable area where staff can take meal or coffee breaks away from the public. Natural light is important. The kitchen facilities should be efficient and include ample storage for dishes, eating utensils, a few pans, towels, and food or beverage supplies. Incandescent task lighting that can be darkened for resting is desirable. The staff’s restroom area should be adjoining the Staff Room.Maintenance Services FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: This area houses equipment and supplies used in maintaining or cleaning the library and also provides office space for the custodian.OCCUPANCY: STAFF: 1-2USER SEATING: 1 FURNISHINGS: Office desk or workbench chair file cabinet shelving lockers for toolsSHELVING: Shelving or cabinet storage for cleaning supplies and other work materials and equipment, specifically: custodial equipment such as mops, brooms, vacuums, shovels; for paper products needed for restocking restrooms; light bulbs; plastic trash bags; sand and salt for clearing walkways in winter and for cleansers, waxes, polishes, etc.EQUIPMENT: Workbench or desk with large surface for viewing plansCLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Loading dock or delivery entrance; elevators (if applicable)AREA REQUIRED: 100’sq.ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: The Custodian cleans the library building and is responsible for general maintenance and small repairs. Storage for all supplies and equipment required to perform this job is provided in the Maintenance Facilities Area. A chair and desk or workbench allows space to take breaks, a surface to work on for small repairs or assembly. A small file drawer contains copies of purchase orders, instructions, warranties and other pertinent paperwork. Parking FUNCTIONS PERFORMED: Library users will leave their vehicles in the adjacent parking area when they are using the library to borrow materials or attending a library program or other community meeting. Staff members will also park their vehicles in this area.CLOSE PROXIMITY TO: Main entrance of the library and Meeting Room entrance.AREA REQUIRED: Sufficient for 40+ vehicles (1 space for every 300’ sq. of building space), and in accordance with zoning regulations. ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES & OTHER ITEMS OF NOTE: The entire parking lot should be convenient to the entrance of the library so that users do not have to walk across streets. Clearly marked handicapped parking as required by code should be provided near the library building. There should be a curb cut ramp to provide access for both wheelchair users and bicyclists. There should be a drop-off area large enough to accommodate a van. Trees in the parking area are helpful in preventing car overheating, and should be selected to minimize leaf cleanup and sap droppings on cars. They should be placed in such a way as to protect them from damage by cars. The parking lot should be lighted with vandal-proof fixtures on a timer. A bicycle rack (or racks) should be provided in an area near the library entrance that is sheltered from rain. Parking spaces for motorcycles should also be provided.SummaryThis building program is an exploration of the future library service needs of the people of North Hampton, NH and an expression of the facilities requirements of the North Hampton Public Library to meet those public needs for the next 20 to 30 years.This building program is based on the presumption that the library is the first new construction in a town campus plan. The current and future facility needs have been assessed. It is the intention that the resulting space be as flexible as possible in potential use to accommodate evolving roles and services libraries provide to a community. While some areas of dedicated use are delineated, much of the building will be open, flexible, multi-use space. The North Hampton Public Library intends to be the intellectual service community center for the people of the town of the town in the century to come. The library should update its long-range plan to reflect and emphasize its role and purpose in the community in the coming years. The control/governance of space designed for use by other agencies should be addressed by formal agreements prior to final designs to prevent future misunderstandings.RESOURCES North Hampton Public Library website, North Hampton, NH town websiteNorth Hampton Public Library Long-Range Plan 2007-2010 The North Hampton Public Library…Physical Plant Needs 2001, revised in 2008.Staff & Trustee interviewsThomas Ladd photosDahlgren, Anders C. Public Library Space Needs: A Planning Outline / 2009 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Madison, Wisconsin 2009NH Office of Energy and PlanningNH State Library, 2011 Public Library annual reports, North Hampton Public Library return, supplemented by updated data supplied by North Hampton Public Library directorReport of US Institute for Museum and Library Services in 2011AppendixLink to Needs Assessment and other documents mentioned to be in the Appendix.Needs Assessment SurveyNHPL SurveyIf you are not a current library user, please indicate why (check all that apply)How often do you use the library?Multiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a WeekOnce a MonthOnce a WeekMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a MonthOnce a MonthMultiple Times a WeekOnce a WeekMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a Monthgrab books on linevariesOnce a Monthinconvenient hours, inadequate building, don’t find what I want there, inadequate collection, lack of parkingOnce a Monthinconvenient hours, inadequate building, don’t find what I want there, inadequate collection, lack of parkingMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a MonthOnce a MonthMultiple Times a WeekOnce a WeekMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a MonthJust a few times a year.Multiple Times a MonthOnce a Weeknot in the habit of using the libraryJust a few times a year.Once a WeekMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a MonthOnce a WeekOnce a WeekJust a few times a year.Once a WeekMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a WeekOnce a MonthOnce a MonthOnce a WeekOnce a MonthOnce a Week?Multiple Times a Weeknew to the areaOnce a WeekMultiple Times a MonthOnce a WeekMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a MonthMultiple Times a Week, Multiple Times a MonthOnce a Week, Multiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a WeekOnce a MonthOnce a WeekJust a few times a year.Multiple Times a Monthsometimes it's every couple of weeks, other times I go a spell without a visit, if I have a backlog of books already at home Once a WeekMultiple Times a Monthnot in the habit of using the libraryJust a few times a year.Once a MonthMultiple Times a MonthOnce a WeekDailyMultiple Times a Monthuse another libraryOnce a MonthMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a WeekMultiple Times a Weekjust got here today at the libraryOnce a WeekOnce a WeekMultiple Times a WeekOnce a WeekOnce a WeekWhat current library service do you value the most? Number of responsesadult books10adult books and magazines1adult fiction1adult programs1all the books/tapes/dvd1Audio Cd's1Book lending1books7books and DVDBooks and DVDs - excellent librarians!Books/DVDs/Copy MachineChecking out booksChild programschildren books5Children's materials/programschildren's program5children's resourceschildren's roomChildren's serviceCommunity News, event roomConveniencedvdsDVD'sDVD's and consumer reportse-mail accessfeedback from staffGreat new book selection and willingness of staff to obtain books through inter library loan and sometimes library purchasegreat selection and helpful staffhelpful staffhow could I possibly choose - they're all excellent.I value all of the services that I have used equally2interlibrary loan5Internet AccessKid's programs!!librarian assistance3local history2museum passesNew releasesprinted booksthe children's programs and books... awesomethe staffvariety of booksWIFIYoung adult books3What is wrong with the current library? There are not enough programs for the kids and the space lacks creativity and use of space.1) It is too small to house the growing repository of materials.2) It has old heating and plumbing systems and seems to be falling apart.3) It needs more function rooms for things like classes, movies, reading, events, and carousels for research. 4) Better selection of e-books.A little small.Far too small. Not enough shelf space. Not enough quiet study space. Reading area needs to be in a more private location and larger.Good library for town this size. Obviously crowded. Would be difficult to do any extensive research there.I believe it would be nice to have a larger library with more space for more materials, meeting rooms etc.I don’t have a complaint.I don't see anything wrong with it.I don't use it enough to be critical.I feel bad bringing my kids in because, since the children's section is not separate, I feel like they disturb the adults. I would love to see them have a separate area like the Hampton and Rye libraries have.I feel that in a new library more space is key. More space for books (I can totally help you fill the YA shelves!) and more space for moving around. There is definitely not enough space for books. The YA and J Fiction sections definitely need to be expanded, and the adult section could be larger/more spread out.I would love to see more space for studying and reading. You could have a whole room just for people to sit and study or read or use the computer spaces. The way it is now everything is to close together.Another thing that I like about libraries is how quiet it is. Except when there are a lot of people, especially little kids, it can get pretty loud. More room and something (bookshelves maybe?) to separate children and J Fiction from YA and Adult would be fantastic.I feel that the library is too small. There are many wonderful books that I wish the library had but there would never be enough room to fit them all. I feel that the library could be twice its current size and still need more room to grow.As well as needing more space for books the library also needs more space to move around it. More open floor space as well as more desk space for people to sit would be a nice improvement.I also would like to see the website improved as well. I think it would be nice if, on the website, there was a place for people to submit request for new books the library could get. I have plenty that I want to suggest but nowhere to suggest them.I have no major complaints other than it would be nice to be open later every week night rather than only certain week nights and would be nice to have better reading space for young adults. These are very minor complaints.I love our library. It is such a friendly, community place. I hope that atmosphere continues with the development of a new building.I think it's adequate. I don't think we should do any more than re-work the current space; a new building is too expensive, hiring a planner is not a good use of our money. Of course a new library would be exciting, but we don't need it. Don't waste our money.I think the residents of North Hampton deserve a larger space which would then provide a greater selection of items.I would change the library hours to be open from 12-8pm Monday thru Friday and 10-5 on Saturday.In my opinion, our current library does not have the space to facilitate many programs for our youth and young adult population. I don't see the library as a place for our children to do their homework or work on school projects because of space restraint.I think a new facility with space allotted for the different age groups would be an asset to our town.Inadequate space- for meetings and programsInconvenient hoursAn interior decorator would be helpful... I don't think we need a new library building. We pay enough in taxes.It is far too small. There is little space to sit and less table space. The children's portion is jammed into about 1/3 of the library and needs to be three times the size it is. Children and teens are unable to gather, study, play and make noise appropriate to their age(s) without disturbing the entire library.It is too small to accommodate our use.It is too small, it would be nice to have a dedicated children's roomIt's small and outdated. We'd love to see more desk/table work spaces for kids to do homework. More quiet seating areas for reading. Lack of a comfortable/inviting seating area. This makes going to the library very task-oriented. I would love to spend more time, browse, recommend it as a good place for study - but it isn't. I love a good library but there is no reason to "hang out" at NHPL.Larger space needed perhaps to house more current inventoryLibrary is dated and could use more space for programsLimited book choicesMeeting space is too small, not enough parking for events, needs a better layoutMore space for children and reading areas for children - layout issuesCompletely separate from adults would be niceMostly just too small. While I can usually find what I need, it can't possibly have the selection that the Hampton/Portsmouth libraries have. Would be great to see our library be able to stand toe to toe with other, larger, local libraries.Much too small and hence overcrowded Needs updatingNH Room!!!!- Poor storage for "rare" materials, records, etc. - Lack of "supervision”; folks can access "rare" materials w/o staff knowing what they have handled, etc. - Folks can take their bags, etc. into room - and take home who knows what- Coffee machine & eating permitted- South-facing windows lack UV filtering- Poor "climate control"HVAC for entire Library should be better: should be able to maintain consistent temp/humidity 24/7/365. SECURITY: No place for folks to hang up coats, store briefcases, ANIZATION of shelves presently confusingNo separate 's children’s room...not enough places to sit and read comfortablyNot enough adult books. While the current selection is wonderful, I found a list of 7 great books for summer, and our library did not have any of them (not an eclectic list, either, but just some fun summer reads).Not enough room...Quiet areas. Room to keep more booksNot enough spaceNot enough space! It is very difficult to have a children's room without walls. It is nearly Impossible to keep the noise level down to be respectful of other patrons.The library staff has done a wonderful job working with what they have but the lack of adequate space cannot continue!NothingNothing - we love it!Nothing as far as I (or my present library needs) are concerned. I do think if a video has not been taken out in a year, it should be removed; thus providing more space. When there is a large group meeting in the library, there are no parking spaces. Meeting groups should be encouraged to park in back of town offices when the library is open.Nothing is wrong. Future library could be more open, have a better layout. Larger meeting space or a larger meeting room with smaller meeting rooms. Think about online checkouts or eBooks. NOTHING!! Let's keep it! I would be very disappointed to lose the feel of the small town library. The staff is amazing! If they don't have what you are looking for, they are happy to ILL it. Why change a good thing?Nothing.OutdatedPerhaps bigger space for new book section and need longer hours on weekends.Size, layout, lack of privacy, place for children.Small selectionSpace certainly contributes to the feeling of a cramped environmentThe building is dated and small for the number of books. The shelves are crammed full and sometimes it is hard to pull a book out of the shelf. The kid's section is very close to the adult section so when kids are loud it disrupts everyone in the library. The meeting room is separated by a temporary wall so it is not sound-proof.The children's room needs to be away from the adult sections. Kids make noise; it’s a fact of life. And when kids are just talking or being a little silly, it is frustrating when adults checking their email and surfing the dating sites 10 feet away get all upset.The facility is very small. There is very little space for lounging in reading chairs or sitting at a desk and spreading out research materials.The facility needs updatingThe library has not grown with the town. There is not enough space to sit and read, not enough fiction titles, the offices take up too much room, it seems to me that some of that space could be designated to books or seating.With more space, it would not seem like everyone is on top of each other.The public meeting space is too close to the main space -- makes it hard to keep the "quiet" part of the library quiet. The same could be said for the children's part of the library, since reading aloud is part of how families with children utilize the library.The space is not attractive. Otherwise we LOVE the librarians and all of the programs!!!There is no quiet out-of-the-way area where an individual can spend an extended period of time reading, writing, researching, etc. with available desk space (if necessary).On the other hand, most everyone is glued to the computer these days, so such space is perhaps not really needed for the general (and future) public.to smallToo small - not enough space for kids area nor adult. No meeting space either.Too smallInadequate meeting room spaces (size, equipment)Computer location much too crowdedNo space if two or more people wish to do research, provide computer assistanceToo small, restricts the number of books available on hand. (Although you do a great job keeping good books in stock.)TOO Small. Not enough quiet space.Need dedicated children’s roomvery good service, kind staffHow important would you rate the following items in a new Library building? ImportantSomewhat Important Not Important Weighted Average ScoreMore staff to assist users143729145More open hours273913172Expanded bestseller/ new material browsing area41326193Quiet study space44287195Comfortable reading area52261209More public computer space273318165More space for video, audio, media233818163Children’s room55174203Meeting / program room57149208More programs for adults / youth / children / all43296193More parking35348181More space for books59155212Please indicate any other items in a new Library building that you would rate as important.A beautiful, inspiring space with spots to cozy up with a book and read - both for kids and more space for adults, too!A safe sidewalk for kids/families to walk or ride bikes from school (and other parts of town) to library.Bathrooms where the doors can be seen from the main library. They are rather isolated.Building should have a lot of natural light.Cafe! At least coffee.Children's roomCleanliness, natural lightComfortable seating for a munity meeting spaceDedicated Children's RoomStudy AreasComputer Areas not in the openI love the ideas below about combining space. North Hampton does not have a gathering spot that is a community space.I think one thing that is VERY important is that the library remains a library. Even if it moves to a new building I really want it to remain a library, and a library only. If you partner with others it won't remain a library. It won't be as quiet and it won't feel right. The library is the library and it deserves to have its own building for the people who care about it and don't want to see it lose what makes it a library, a place of learning.I think the current library is completely adequateJust a comment that I don’t think more public computers is needed but what would be better is space for people to bring their own laptops. Just space - space to relax in, feel comfortable browsing for books, kids to feel comfortable hanging out quietly.local historical sectionMore light. I know if may sound silly to say, but light makes people feel better and learn more. Bigger windows!More museum passes would be great - I don't recall the list of what the Nhplib has, but usually we end up having to get museum passes, via inlaws, out of hampton's library because they have a larger selection. we have a range of ages and therefore like to use both children's museums, zoo, aquarium, and museum of science over the course of the year... I feel like nhplib doesn't have all of these.In trade, I promise to be better about returning our books on time. :-)More space for books is the most important thing for the new library. I would also say that it is a library and keeping the new space a library, and nothing else, is also very important.Place for historic collections, dedicated children's program/project room that would fit 15- 20 children. A teen/young adult space. Adequate work areas for staff. A service desk in the children's area and an office nearby for the youth department. A full size kitchen adjacent to a larger meeting room than the library currently has. 80-100 capacity.Quiet spaces, meeting rooms.SecurityU/V filtering on windowsConsistent temp/humiditySeparate area for use of CDs, etc.Service that I believe will grow increasingly important in future is interlibrary loan - among all kinds of libraries in all kinds of places.Various sized rooms to accommodate 5, 10, 40 people comfortably and with appropriate, up to date technical equipment. Large room should have good acoustics for musical performances. Exhibit / gallery spaceSpace for local history materials, including Heritage Commission completed survey formsSpace for books, etc. that various boards and commissions (Agriculture, Conservation, and Heritage Commissions) consider "recommended reading" Outdoor space to read, eat, etc.What changes do you foresee in the next decade in the town of North Hampton?A new library building that only houses a library.Aging population. School enrollment about the same or slightly less. More businesses some increase in new housing at moderate and higher levels for most part.An aging population. An older population.Concerned about the town growing out of the small town it should remain. Changes over time for all town departments seem to be that of getting bigger and more expensive which will change the town dynamic completely.Depending on the economy, there could be more families moving to North Hampton because the school is so good. That would definitely mean a larger library and larger school. expansionFor our family it will mean children moving on to high school. We would love to see our library be a safe place where young people would want to go to be with friends from town and have positive activities to engage in.For us elderly folks on limited income- the town is becoming an expensive place to live. I do support the need for a new library, however, unnecessary expense for an over-staffed school system has to be reigned in. Do we really need such a top heavy staff for a diminishing school enrolment?Forsee is a strong word. I *would like to see* the school back in the blue ribbon realm, and the library grow to it's potential. The town has done a great job adding in family friendly activities, and I'd like to see that continue - with winterfest growing, for example, and other similar events over the course of the year. Growth, and demand for additional services and resources Higher population requiring more library services;People will be more sophisticated, requiring a disproportionate use of the library;Increasing data and technological demand for things like Wi-Fi, e-books and digital music;Planning (?) for increased technological advancement for the future;Higher population, less use of physical books, more need for tech. savvy librariansHope to see the library and fire/police /community area have a more cohesive look. Would love to see a more defined rec program for all ages.....really utilize the space in the library/fire//town hall area.I don't know, but I encourage the planners to consult demographers, such as the experts at UNH (Ken Johnson).I foresee a new and bigger library with plenty of room for new books and other reading materialsIncrease in populationIt seems like the number of smaller children is declining - which means more adults and young adults. Less emphasis on the school for these families and perhaps more emphasis on the library or the like?larger population down loading books from library-technological changesLibraries need to adjust with the times. Technology has offset physical books. How can we adjust and still justify a library. Be forward thinking with this project.More baby-boomers needing services and programs to engage them in the community.Also more kids will need help recognizing the importance of the library. It will be a challenge to make it more applicable in the era of internet/ media.More building, more commerce, more traffic. More reliance on technology in all aspects.More folkmore library usersMore people.Increased reliance on technologyMore people? More computer needs for children?More use of ereaders, etc. Focus on online availability of books. Need to focus on community space due to this change in reading.Not muchOver population and tax on the public systems.population increaseRegarding "community center" we already have Centennial Hall, NHS and the Town Hall which are used for community events/programs and arts and culture. Best suggestion for a sustainble partner would be more convertable gym space (especially with our long NH winters) since NHS is always booked. Perhaps discussing with corporate partners like Lindt, Lamprey, Abenaqui Carriers, L.L Bean(!!) or Timberland who might want to have space to promote corporate fitness initiatives. Maybe get input from Seacoast United or The Rinks for how they succeeded with their business plans.The town will likely not grow too much in population, but more people will likely want to borrow more materials in digital formats.UnknownWe are also evaluating opportunities for partnering with others to expand the scope of the new library building. Please rate the desirability of the following options???1 - Very Desirable2345 - Not Desirable Weighted AverageArts & Culture4415946321Community Center36221337320Coffee/Food - Cafe Type Space221515821252Historical / Heritage Preservation33181486301Recreation Programs2223131210275Below is a list of many services that the North Hampton Public Library currently offers. Please check any/all of these services that you have used.WI-FI accessadult booksadult books, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, internet access, copy machine, librarian assistance, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes adult books, books on tape/CD, local/NH history, e-mail access, internet access, genealogy searchchildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, children’s room, children’s programs, adult programs, story time, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD,materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , local/NH history, copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, adult programs, bathroom, museum passes adult books, movies video/DVD , e-mail access, internet access, copy machine, librarian assistance, adult programs, WI-FI access, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , copy machine, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD, TV shows video/DVD, e-mail access, internet access, librarian assistance, bathroom, WI-FI access, Interlibrary loan , museum passes , coffee and a comfortable armchairchildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , copy machine, genealogy search, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, adult programs, story time, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , tax forms , museum passes young adult books, adult bookschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, e-mail access, internet access, copy machine, genealogy search, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, adult programs, bathroom, WI-FI access, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, adult books, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , local/NH history, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroomyoung adult books, adult books, TV shows video/DVDchildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, movies video/DVD , children’s programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , games and puzzleschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , copy machine, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, story time, bathroom, WI-FI access, tax forms , museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, adult books, downloadable audio books, magazines, movies video/DVD , children’s room, children’s programschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, children’s room, children’s programs, bathroom, games and puzzleschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , children’s roomchildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, bathroom, games and puzzles, north hampton historical informationyoung adult books, books on tape/CD, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, reference materials, magazines, genealogy search, Interlibrary loan children’s books, adult books, books on tape/CD, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroom, museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, magazines, movies video/DVD , internet access, young adult programs, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, books on tape/CD, e-mail access, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, movies video/DVD , copy machine, children’s programs, Interlibrary loan , museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, newspapers, movies video/DVD , copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroomchildren’s books, adult books, movies video/DVD , internet access, word processingchildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , local/NH history, copy machine, genealogy search, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, adult programs, story time, bathroom, music, WI-FI access, Interlibrary loan , museum passes , games and puzzlesadult books, downloadable audio books, WI-FI accesschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , e-mail access, internet access, copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, adult programs, story time, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, adult books, books on tape/CD, movies video/DVD , children’s room, children’s programs, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, movies video/DVD , e-mail access, internet access, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes adult books, books on tape/CD, copy machine, adult programs, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, books on tape/CD, movies video/DVD , children’s room, children’s programs, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , e-mail access, copy machine, genealogy search, librarian assistance, adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, movies video/DVD , librarian assistance, children’s programs, bathroomchildren’s books, young adult books, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, bathroom, museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes adult books, reference materials, magazines, local/NH history, bathroom, Interlibrary loan children’s books, adult books, downloadable audio books, movies video/DVD , internet access, copy machine, children’s programs, story time, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, adult books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, e-mail access, internet access, copy machine, librarian assistance, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , tax forms , Waiting List Booksadult books, reference materials, copy machine, librarian assistance, Interlibrary loan children’s books, young adult books, adult books, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroomchildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, newspapers, movies video/DVD , internet access, librarian assistance, children’s programs, young adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, story time, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , tax forms , museum passes children’s books, movies video/DVD , children’s room, children’s programs, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , librarian assistance, children’s room, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , librarian assistance, children’s room, Interlibrary loan , museum passes adult books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , copy machine, librarian assistance, adult programs, bathroom, music, Interlibrary loan , tax forms , museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, adult books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , e-mail access, internet access, word processing, copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroomchildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, story time, bathroom, games and puzzlesyoung adult books, adult books, large print books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, local/NH history, internet access, copy machine, genealogy search, librarian assistance, adult programs, bathroom, WI-FI access, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, e-mail access, internet access, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, bathroom, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , copy machine, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan young adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , e-mail access, internet access, children’s room, bathroomchildren’s books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, adult programs, story time, bathroom, museum passes , games and puzzlesbooks on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, copy machine, librarian assistance, adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , copy machine, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroom, tax forms , games and puzzleschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, copy machine, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, adult programs, story time, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes , games and puzzlesadult books, reference materials, copy machine, librarian assistance, adult programschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, movies video/DVD , children’s room, children’s programs, story time, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , genealogy search, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, adult programs, story time, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, local/NH history, copy machine, librarian assistance, adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan children’s books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, movies video/DVD , bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, young adult books, reference materials, movies video/DVD , local/NH history, copy machineadult books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, e-mail access, internet access, copy machine, librarian assistance, museum passes children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, e-mail access, internet access, word processing, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, young adult programs, story time, bathroom, WI-FI access, Interlibrary loan young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , e-mail access, copy machine, genealogy search, adult programs, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , museum passes young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD, TV shows video/DVD, e-mail access, internet access, copy machine, librarian assistance, bathroom, Interlibrary loan , tax forms, museum passes young adult books, magazines, genealogy search, librarian assistancechildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , local/NH history, adult programs, Interlibrary loan children’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, downloadable audio books, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , local/NH history, copy machine, librarian assistance, adult programs, Interlibrary loan children’s books, young adult books, adult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, e-mail access, internet access, word processing, librarian assistance, children’s room, children’s programs, story time, bathroom, WI-FI access, Interlibrary loan , tax forms , museum passes , games and puzzleschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, books on tape/CD, reference materials, magazines, movies video/DVD , local/NH history, e-mail access, internet access, copy machine, librarian assistance, young adult programs, WI-FI access, museum passes adult books, magazines, e-mail access, internet access, genealogy searchchildren’s books, adult books, books on tape/CD, magazines, newspapers, movies video/DVD , children’s room, children’s programschildren’s books, young adult books, adult books, movies video/DVD , TV shows video/DVD, children’s programs, bathroom, museum passes reference materials, local/NH history, adult programs, bathroomadult books, large print books, books on tape/CD, magazines, movies video/DVD , copy machine, Interlibrary loan , museum passes Victor Azzi’s report on the Municipal CampusTOWN OF NORTH HAMPTON --- MUNICIPAL CAMPUS An Analysis of Needs, Opportunities, and Alternatives FINAL REPORT Victor D. Azzi, PhD, PE Consulting Engineer and Planner April and May 2012 TOWN OF NORTH HAMPTON --- MUNICIPAL CAMPUS An Analysis of Needs, Opportunities, and Alternatives PREFACE AND BACKGROUND 3 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, TIMING, and SCHEDULING 5 THE WARRENSTREET PLAN 6 FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS, DEFINITIONS, EXPLANATIONS, AND ALTERNATIVES 7 Two-Story v. One-Story Buildings 7 One Building v. Two Buildings for NH Public Library and NH Town Offices 8 Fire/Rescue Department Building Needs and Opportunities 9 Building Committee 9 Building Consultant 10 Building Material Options and Trade-Offs 10 Sustainable, Green, and LEED Practices 11 Project Cost v. Construction Cost 12 The Phases of Architectural Design 12 Project Delivery Alternatives 13 TIMELINES 14 GRAPHICS 14 APPENDIX 15 TOWN OF NORTH HAMPTON --- MUNICIPAL CAMPUS An Analysis of Needs, Opportunities, and Alternatives PREFACE AND BACKGROUND The Town of North Hampton has a unique opportunity to develop a Municipal Campus composed of a set of Municipal buildings on Atlantic Avenue that will better serve the needs of the townspeople along with the needs of the people in Town government within the facilities that house the Town Administrative Offices, the Fire and Rescue Department, the Police Department, the North Hampton Public Library, the Town Hall, and the Historical Town Office building (originally built and used as the NH Public Library). This summary report relies and builds strongly on the various studies undertaken and reports that have been prepared in recent years, some dating back to the year 1999; these include internal assessments and reports by the Fire and Rescue Department (2004), the Police Department (2004), the North Hampton Master Plan (1999), and the Patience Jackson Library Assessment (2001, 2008) and a recent proposed “Timeline” for the North Hampton Public Library. The essential substance of these reports, along with the information gleaned from meetings and conversations with members of the North Hampton Town Administration and CIP Committee, and brief visits to and cursory tours of the various existing buildings, viz. the Police Department, the Fire and Rescue Department, the Town Administrative Offices, the North Hampton Public Library, the Historical Town Office building, and the Town Hall. Two detailed earlier assessment, programming, and planning studies were undertaken and reported by Dennis Mires, AIA, of The Architect (2001), and Jonathan Halle, AIA, of Warrenstreet Architects (2011). I have reviewed, critically, the data gathered, tabulated, priced, and projected by these studies and judge them to be factually correct. Seeing no reason to duplicate, replicate, or reconstruct the work of others, I use their results as the basis for my own observations, conclusions, and recommendations presented herein. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In the following list, I would like to frame my conclusions and recommendations regarding the existing operations, the existing facilities, and what the future process and facilities might include. To the informed and initiated, some of these items may go without saying, but, for completeness, I include the following: (1) Town Administrative Offices need more and better space. (2) The Fire and Rescue Department needs more and better space. (3) The Police Department needs more and better space. (4) The North Hampton Public Library needs more and better space. (5) The building presently housing the Fire and Rescue Department and the condition and functional location (along with adjacency to the Police Department) indicate that, were it to be renovated and expanded, it could well serve the needs of the Fire and Rescue Department and the townspeople for years to come. (6) The building presently housing the Police Department and the condition and functional location (along with adjacency to the Fire and Rescue Department) indicate that, were it to be renovated and expanded, it could well serve the needs of the Police Department and the townspeople for years to come. (7) The existing building which presently houses the North Hampton Public Library does not well serve the needs of the NHPL, its staff, its patrons, and the townspeople. (8) The NHPL should be housed in a new building, planned, programmed, designed, and built to accommodate the needs of the NHPL, going forward, in a time of changing needs for public libraries, based on a vision and mission of the NHPL and other public libraries in a world of these changing needs and technologies. (9) The new NHPL building should be built on the town-owned “Homestead Site” in the southwest corner of the Municipal Campus. I expect that, like many town libraries, the mission and programming for a new Library building will include, among the important elements of the library, an expansion of their role as the cultural and community center of Town of North Hampton. (10) The design, construction, and existing condition of the existing NHPL building make that building likely not amenable to an economically feasible renovation, without major compromises, to suit the needs of the North Hampton Town Offices, now and into the future. (11) A new building, specifically planned, programmed, sited, and built to house the NH Town Administrative Offices, should be built on a site in the general location of the existing NHPL. (13) The classic old stone Historical Town Office building should be preserved and reserved for special purposes as, e.g., the North Hampton Historical Society, and other Town functions. Efforts could be undertaken (if not already) to place the building on the National Register of Historic Places. (14) The historical old Town Hall building, recently renovated and restored, should continue to exist at its present site, to be used as a meeting hall and related functions, for which it is well suited. This building should be kept well maintained. Along with its principal uses, it could have flexible and beneficial uses, including use as “swing space” for other operations, as the variety of planned disciplined moves take place during periods of disruptions, dislocations, temporary accommodations, relocations, demolitions, renovations, and expansions take place in a series of actions over some period of time to create the Municipal Campus. (15) Clearly, the implementation of a plan, which includes the elements summarized above, depends on the first moves to be initiated by the Board of Trustees of the North Hampton Public Library to secure the building site, to conclude a successful fund-raising campaign, to retaining an architectural firm (at least) through Programming and Schematic Design, and to campaign to convince the North Hampton townspeople that a new library building is something they want to help underwrite. It is my understanding that the Trustees are eager to move expeditiously with this project. IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, TIMING, AND SCHEDULING The creation of a Municipal Campus, as envisioned here, will depend on the successful implementation of a well-reasoned overall timeline, along with a number of subset timelines representing each of the components described above. These subset timelines represent the needs and actions required for each of the various buildings, existing or new, that make up the overall Municipal Campus Plan. The subset plans should include, among other things, plans for continued maintenance of existing buildings to ensure their continued availability and proper functionality to serve the needs of the various departments to serve their various public functions. The interim maintenance, depending on the details of each building and its particular needs while waiting in queue for its turn for renovation or replacement, should be considered and informed by the ultimate outcomes planned for that building and, in general, kept to a minimum as required only to bridge to the ultimate renovation and/or expansion or demolition. For example, electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, and roofing repairs should take place as and when needed, based on function and life safety, but cosmetic issues like the repair or replacement of exterior wall plastic (vinyl) siding can be safely deferred to the ultimate resolution of that building. THE WARRENSTREET PLAN I like the Warrenstreet Plan. I like the scope, approach, and analysis of the Warrenstreet Architects study that leads them to propose the North Hampton Municipal Campus, Concept 1, albeit with some possible modifications or exceptions. I support the analysis and projections of the space-programming study for the various departments and buildings, and the likely projected costs for “construction costs” and “project costs” for each component. [The included cost analyses will need to be updated to include additional “escalation” costs to the dates projected for the construction start for each component; the three percent per year is a reasonable working number at this time]. I believe that further analysis could show that combining and integrating several elements from “Concept 2” into the basic “Concept 1,” could be the basis for a more optimum solution at this time to serve the future needs of the Town of North Hampton. This would include not only a new Library building on the Homestead site but also a new Town Offices building on the present library site. I believe the existing library building, built on a concrete slab-on-grade, would need too much additional and costly renovation to make it suitable for a Town Offices building; this work would include costly replacement of the building’s infrastructure, e.g., heating, plumbing, cooling, and electrical upgrades or replacement, along with windows, insulation, roofing(?), interior walls, floors, and finishes, etc… I see few redeeming features in this building. It may be more expedient and less costly to raze the existing building and replace it with a more architecturally-appropriate wood-frame building without having to compromise the result as related to size, function, and layout, and siting location as it relates to the neighboring buildings on the Municipal Campus. Further, the design and construction of such a new building would have the additional latitude of site layout, shape, footprint, and character to serve the particular architectural and functional needs for the Town Offices, for now and into the future. I like the potential of trade-offs between some elements of Concept 2 that could be integrated into Concept 1. For example, if the footprints of the Fire and Rescue Department and Police Department buildings of Concept 1 were to be replaced by the footprints of Concept 2, along with a more rectangular or oblong building for the new Town Offices building on the current Library site, that would permit a traffic, parking, and circulation connection along the rear or northern portion of the Municipal campus. This could lead to different or better traffic entering/exiting patterns, possibly one-way, from Atlantic Avenue and from Alden Road. I like the view and exposure of the elevations of the various buildings as seen from Atlantic Avenue. I like the “New Memorial Garden” as depicted in Concept 1. FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS, DEFINITIONS, EXPLANATIONS, AND ALTERNATIVES Two-Story v. One-Story Buildings I would like to raise a question about the apparent focus on one-story buildings. It may be that others know something about the geotechnical subsurface conditions at the various building-siting opportunities at the Municipal Campus, so as to preclude some of the siting possibilities. However, in this region of the country and with our climate, our buildings are best built on foundations that rest on footings that are at least four feet below grade. When bedrock exists at shallow depths, it is sometimes prudent to settle for a concrete slab-on-grade or slab-on-bedrock, forgoing the creation of a lower level or basement. Further, with our snow loads and concerns for architectural character, we typically have buildings with significant roof slopes. Thus, we have functional space to gain by having attics and basements, where possible, representing volumes of space that can be used to accommodate storage, infrastructure equipment, and often much more. The number of stories in a building should be given further consideration. In the Municipal Campus, the question as I see it is whether the scale of the campus and its site, along with the purpose of the buildings, should have them be one story or two. Buildings of more than one story (with or without attic and/or basement) are more compact, have a smaller footprint, consume less energy to heat and cool, leave greater green space, and have construction efficiencies which often make them less costly to build. Consuming less building site, and preserving more green space, results in a more appealing welcoming site now, and leaves more potential building site available for future growth and expansion. A two-story building would be less costly to build and operate. The specific cost difference would be determined by the layout, design details, construction materials, and more. Cost differences would be largely related to the extent of the foundations, roofs, exterior walls, insulation, plumbing-, heating-, cooling-, and electrical-systems. An elevator would be required for a two-story building, a cost usually not borne by a one-story building. However, even in a building where normal operations are expected to occur on one floor, it may be prudent to include an elevator. An elevator, whether in a one-story or two-story building, would be used to include access to the lower level or basement (if one exists) or to the attic (if one exists), creating good potential for access to equipment and storage in the present and short term, and for functional expansion in the future. Further, two-story buildings may allow more alternatives for parking and vehicular and pedestrian circulation solutions that would serve the overall needs of the many activities on this campus. Clearly, there are trade-offs which should be posed and evaluated objectively. For example, one-story operations are said to be more easily staffed and monitored, as many library directors would prefer, but at what other costs? Each building with its own needs, program, and character, deserves its own analysis. I would estimate the overall cost savings of a two-story building, when compared to a one-story building, of a quality and design that I would expect to be considered for the North Hampton Municipal Campus, would be on the order of fifteen percent. Construction cost, operating cost, and energy efficiency should be an important ingredient in most of the decisions that will affect the design details, choices of materials, and construction means and methods for each of the project components or phases, whether for new construction or renovations. The building committee(s) in North Hampton, representing each of these projects, should endeavor to engage architects and other design professionals, as well as builders in the various possible building modes, who share the same values and concerns. One Building v. Two Buildings for NH Public Library and NH Town Offices In a constructive wide-ranging discussion that accompanied a consideration of the Draft Report, the question was raised and briefly discussed about the possibility of accommodating the needs of the NH Public Library and the NH Town Offices in one larger new two-story, combined building. The single-building approach would present new siting and site-planning opportunities, would conserve precious Municipal Campus site space for more parking space now, if necessary, along with more site space for future expansion of building, circulation, and parking space. This approach deserves further serious study, particularly among those representing the two principal users – the Public Library and the Town Offices. There may be arguments against this happening, including organizational and administrative issues, about identity and the special role and autonomy of the Public Library and its Board of Trustees, about the affect on the upcoming fund raising capital campaign, and likely other issues to be identified, discussed, and reconciled. If sufficient interest and possible support were to exist, I believe that a detailed study would show that other benefits would accrue to the Town as related to the costs of building planning, siting, programming, and design, as well as the cost of construction and the continuing costs of operations. Construction economies would include the costs associated with building size, possibly-shared spaces and meeting rooms, exterior circulation, interior circulation, foundations, roofs, exterior walls, insulation, elevator(s), heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical service, along with operational costs. On the other hand, the Trustees or others may see a need to demonstrate that the North Hampton Public Library is not a Town department but has a special role, by statute, and that, within the State and Community, that is best fulfilled and demonstrated by a separate uniquely-identified stand-alone building that would best represent that status. A combined building would need to be planned, programmed, and designed with great care to assure that the programmatic needs, functions, and operations of each tenant were not compromised. Such a building could have two separate entrances, one for each principal tenant, or one exterior entrance with a shared lobby or a shared portico. It could have shared elevator(s), shared meeting room(s), shared equipment room(s), shared infrastructure, and perhaps more. However, this approach would need to be developed with some caution as the size of this combined building, although likely to be more efficient than two separate buildings, might produce a building of a size and appearance that would be out of scale with the neighboring buildings in the Municipal Campus. A possible bonus of this approach would be that this “combined building” could be sited in a fashion where it would connect, physically and functionally, to the Historical Town Office Building (the original Library Building). In so doing, the major new building would pay homage to the special historic building by integrating its use into the overall Town program, thereby giving it the stewardship attention, oversight, care, maintenance, and upkeep that would keep it relevant through its daily use. This approach would bring on a new architectural challenge that would require an architecturally-sensitive, meaningful, functional, cost-effective design that would keep the historic building from looking like an artifact or irrational appendage. Fire/Rescue Department Building Needs Considering that the Fire/Rescue Department building needs additional space, along with the need for further structural evaluation and likely repair, I believe it would be wise to seriously consider what overall constructive changes could be accomplished which would permit an expansion of the space available on the upper level of the F/R building, thus allowing for a large increase in space, now and future, with only a limited increase in the size of the building footprint. Thus, for example, a single new apparatus bay would be added at the ground level for additional apparatus, whereas other needed space additions to the F/R Department would be accomplished by adding to what would be made available on the second floor, plus what may be reallocated in a space reallocation between the F/R and Police Departments as the Police Department would occupy space on the second floor of the PD Department building that would be vacated by the Town Offices as they move into their own new building. Building Committee The “Building Committee,” composed of a number of townspeople, and perhaps others representing the town’s interests, typically would be involved in the search for and selection of an architectural or architectural/engineering (A/E) firm, the development of the contractual documents for engaging that firm, the many reviews and decisions that will need to be made at the many stages related to the work of that firm, keeping the project goals, expectations, and budget in mind. This work would include the development of the Program, the Schematic Design, the Design Development, and the Construction Documents for each building project, reporting to the Select Board and the Townspeople on a regular basis, and finally approving the final design as represented by the Construction Documents. The Committee responsibilities will continue with the selection of a project delivery system, the search for qualified builders, working with the A/E firm to prepare the bidding documents (or other documents peculiar to the selection process), selecting the successful builder, overseeing and project-managing the building process, overseeing the work of the project manager and the clerk-of-the-works, approving the payment requisitions, making material and color choices, preparing a punch list, assuring that all items on the punch list will be addressed satisfactorily, receiving as-built drawings of the building project, signing off on a completed project, and receiving a Certificate of Occupancy. Building Consultant A “Building Consultant” is a very general term, little used in the design and construction industry, but sometimes used by a client or owner of a building project which is proposed to be built. The detailed scope of work of this Consultant could be defined as narrowly or broadly as the needs and desires that would be dictated by the owner, the Town, or the Building Committee. This position is sometimes used where the strengths or time commitments are not otherwise available among the members of the Building Committee. This person would be chosen based on some combination of his/her experience with programming, planning, fund-raising, designing, detailing, furnishing, equipping, financial-managing, and building-constructing of buildings of the type envisioned. He/she would/could be the resource person, decision-maker, facilitator, expeditor, signatory, reporter, etc., for any/all aspects of the project, depending, again, on the scope defined for his/her role as a “Building Consultant.” He/she could be assigned or delegated much of the authority and many of the responsibilities normally assigned to the “Project Manager” and/or “Owner’s Representative.” Building Material Options and Trade-Offs Considering the costs associated with the building construction of institutional-quality building types that are likely to be part of the Municipal Campus, I find that a variety of alternatives exist for consideration. The building walls are likely to be wood-framed or light-gauge steel-framed. The roof framing is likely to be wood-framed or light-gauge steel-framed. The flooring framing is likely to be wood-framed or steel-framed with concrete topping on light-gauge flooring deck. The roof is likely to be architectural asphalt shingles, but natural slate should also be considered, say, for example, for the Public Library. The exterior wall finishes are likely to be wood clapboards, but stone- or brick-veneer masonry should also be considered. It is premature to get into a long, detailed, hypothetical discussion here, based on a large number of permutations and combinations of all of these choices listed above; this number will increase with the added number of combinations as their number expands with the additional parameters of one- or two-story buildings, and single stand-alone or combined buildings (e.g., as with the Town Offices and Public Library). Each of these possible combinations, which might be of interest, would need to be evaluated in the context of available budget, architectural aesthetics, functionality, durability, sustainability, and first-cost v. repair-and-replacement-frequency cost analyses. I believe that the range of choices represented here would result in a variation of the cost of building construction in the range of twenty percent. I should point out here that these are among the many choices and decisions that should be within the province of responsibility, depending on how the project is organized, of the Building Committee, the Building Consultant, and/or the Project Manager, working closely with the A/E team throughout the design process and its many phases. Sustainable, Green, and LEED Practices The details of design, demolition, choice of construction materials, choice of means and methods of construction, operations of building systems, and how these choices satisfy the desires and best practices for sustainable, “green,” and LEED-Certified construction is an important consideration in the design and construction industry. This matter and the degree of importance for each building project should be a subject for serious discussion for the Building Committee, for candidate firms in the A/E search and selection process, and for candidate firms in the GC or other builder firm search and selection process. Costs and cost/benefit analyses should be discussed and evaluated during the various A/E design phases, and during the decision making regarding design details and the means and methods associated with the use of various materials. The successful outcomes will depend on the shared values of the owners, owners’ representative(s), and the design and construction principals. The “Certification” of the LEED-Certification process can be daunting. Some A/E firms and their clients choose to design and build to certain LEED-certification standards, while forgoing the certification process itself. Project Cost v. Construction Cost As the Town, its officers, its townspeople, and building committee(s), and/or building consultant(s), contemplate the Municipal Campus and raising and budgeting the funds necessary to pursue the implementation of any specific building project(s), it should be kept in mind that all too often, the “Project Cost” is not well understood as distinguished from the “Construction Cost.” The “Construction Cost,” sometimes called the “hard cost,” includes the cost of the building construction, site development, utilities, landscaping, appliances and equipment, and owner’s contingency. The “Project Cost” is the grand total that includes the Construction Cost plus the A/E design fees, geotechnical fees, all other sub-consultant fees, project manager costs, building consultant (if any) costs, testing costs, clerk-of-the-works costs, insurance, legal fees, permitting fees and costs, administrative costs, special inspections, and commissioning (if required by contract). Typically, these additional costs are some fifteen percent of the construction costs. THE PHASES OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SUMMARY (from the AIA) A client’s unfamiliarity with the process of architectural design should not hinder that client’s comprehension of the phases of design services. This Best Practice introduces first-time clients to the common services of architectural design and the process of design-bid-build. Note: The deliverables listed below are examples of common architectural deliverables for each phase but are not required of AIA members. SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE SERVICES During the first phase—schematic design—an architect consults with the owner to determine project goals and requirements. Often this determines the program for the project. The program, or architectural program, is the term used to define the required functions of the project. It should include estimated square footage of each usage type and any other elements that achieve the project goals. During schematic design, an architect commonly develops study drawings, documents, or other media that illustrate the concepts of the design and include spatial relationships, scale, and form for the owner to review. Schematic design also is the research phase of the project, when zoning requirements or jurisdictional restrictions are discovered and addressed. This phase produces a final schematic design, to which the owner agrees after consultation and discussions with the architect. Costs are estimated based on overall project volume. The design then moves forward to the design development phase. Deliverables: Schematic design often produces a site plan, floor plan(s), sections, an elevation, and other illustrative materials; computer images, renderings, or models. Typically the drawings include overall dimensions, and a construction cost is estimated. Note: The contract may actually spell out what is to be delivered. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE SERVICES Design development (DD) services use the initial design documents from the schematic phase and take them one step further. This phase lays out mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and architectural details. Typically referred to as DD, this phase results in drawings that often specify design elements such as material types and location of windows and doors. The level of detail provided in the DD phase is determined by the owner’s request and the project requirements. The DD phase often ends with a formal presentation to, and approval by, the owner. Deliverables: Design development often produces floor plans, sections, and elevations with full dimensions. These drawings typically include door and window details and outline material specifications. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PHASE SERVICES The next phase is construction documents (CDs). Once the owner and architect are satisfied with the documents produced during DD, the architect moves forward and produces drawings with greater detail. These drawings typically include specifications for construction details and materials. Once CDs are satisfactorily produced, the architect sends them to contractors for pricing or bidding, if part of the contract. The level of detail in CDs may vary depending on the owner’s preference. If the CD set is not 100-percent complete, this is noted on the CD set when it is sent out for bid. This phase results in the contractors’ final estimate of project costs. To learn more about the most common ways owners select a contractor, see Best Practice 05.03.01, “Qualifications-Based vs. Low-Bid Contractor Selection.” Deliverables: The construction document phase produces a set of drawings that include all pertinent information required for the contractor to price and build the project. PROJECT DELIVERY ALTERNATIVES There are several project delivery alternatives available for most design and construction projects of the kind being considered here. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages. The alternative approaches are generally categorized as listed below. Each can have other variations, as well. The particular mode of project delivery is often tailored to suit the nature of the project, new or renovation, straightforward or complex, tight budget or otherwise, tight timeline or otherwise, etc… The choice can often determine the degree of success to the eventual project outcome. (1) Traditional Design, Bid, Build An architect is retained to plan, program, and design a complete, well-coordinated set of drawings through several stages: Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents (Drawings and Specifications), and may be further retained for Construction Administration functions. The Owner, or owner’s representative, issues invitations to competing qualified General Contractors (GC), to submit sealed fixed-price, lump-sum bids, to complete the building of the project or building within the specified period of time. The project would normally be awarded to the low, previously-qualified bidder, GC, unless flaws are found in the bidding package. Construction by the GC would proceed on a fixed agreed price and timeline. (2) Construction Management Design, typically, would proceed as above, although sometimes the Construction Management (CM) firm is chosen before the architectural design is complete. The Construction Manager, solicits and receives bids from subcontractors for each piece of the work, behaving more like an employee or agent of the Owner; typically, the CM has nothing at risk, and, concomitantly, less incentive to perform as a General Contractor would in (1) above. There are variations of this approach, including CM as Advisor; CM-at-Risk with Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP); and CM as Advisor (Prime, Trade Contracting). (3) Design/Build In this variation, the Owner starts with a building concept or building program, a set of design guidelines, and a likely fixed budget. The owner would invite interested architects and builders to form design/build teams, where each team would prepare and submit proposed design solutions designed to accomplish the Owners program and timeline within the Owner’s fixed budget. The Design/Build process is essentially a competition of Design/Build teams competing with their proposals. The winning Design/Build proposal is selected. The Construction Documents are completed. Construction proceeds on the agreed timeline and fixed budget. TIMELINES Tentative representative timelines have been schematically determined for each of the phases of the work proposed to implement the Municipal Campus for the Town of North Hampton. See Timeline Chart attached. (Timeline Chart was not attached to copy given to the library)GRAPHICS See proposed alternative arrangements for the Municipal Campus, attached. Public Input Meeting August 21st 2012On Tuesday August 21, 2012 the NHPL staff and trustees hosted a session open to the public with the North Hampton public and Thomas Ladd, a library building consultant. Mr. Ladd was hired by the library to create a building program for NHPL, a necessary step in the creation of a new NHPL building to be constructed on the corner of Alden and Atlantic Avenues. Mr. Ladd’s building program will be an expression to an architect and other entities involved of what North Hampton wants and needs in a new library. The meeting, as well as an online survey that was sent to residents gave the citizens of North Hampton, provided the opportunity for participants to express their ideas and visions of what a new town library should entail. In addition, Mr. Ladd was able to present his findings in regards to what North Hampton needs in terms of new library space as compared to like size towns in New Hampshire and based on the materials, patrons, library programs and visits... The NHPL was built in 1973 to fill a “twenty year need” and the library has clearly outgrown its current space. Victor Azzi, a town campus project consultant hired by the town, recommended in April that new NHPL building should be the first phase of any possible town campus. With that mind the trustees and directors at the library have initiated the process that will eventually lead to the construction of a new NHPL.The open session began with a brief history of NHPL since 1973 presented by the Library Director, Susan Grant. During Ms. Grant’s presentation it was noted that the idea of building a new library in North Hampton has been in the works for a numerous years. NHPL Trustee Chairperson, Kelly Parrott, followed with presentation of the online survey results. Those who completed the survey indicated that the most valued service of the NHPL is the collection of adult and children’s books. Forty-one percent of those surveyed also pointed out that the largest problem with NHPL is overall space and lack of a separated children’s space. According to the survey results, what citizens want most in a new library is space for books and more dedicated meeting and program area space. Citizens also shared many ideas on what they would like to see incorporated into in a new library, which included among myriad ideas: quality natural lighting, laptop areas, exhibit space, inspiring work space, outdoor space, a teen study area, gathering space for adults, and consistent temperature and humidity. Also, many citizens indicated that they would like to see the library attempt to partner with other town entities. A community center and or arts and culture area were both heavily weighted in the survey.Thomas Ladd concluded the night with a presentation of his research in NHPL needs and an open forum for attendees to express their thoughts about a new building. Mr. Ladd presented NHPL as a library existing in 2012 in a library built in 1973 at 5,625 sq. ft. with no growth possible. Mr. Ladd informed attendees that North Hampton now has 25% more residents than it did in 1973 and the library now holds 33,309 print items, 2,639 videos, audiobooks, CDs with only 7 public computers in an aging building with many structural needs. Loaning of materials has increased from approximately 24,000 materials per year in 1980 to 49,157 in 2011. The number of registered borrowers has also increased by roughly 500 people over the last five years. However, according to library standards, we are operating with only 58% of space that is needed. The standards say that NHPL should be operating in a space of approximately 9,624 sq. ft. In addition, compared with towns similar to North Hampton (with a population of 4,000 to 4,700 people) NHPL falls somewhere in the middle as far as current available space, but is near the top in circulation. NHPL ranks third in programs offered, but attendance is limited because of space constraints. In addition because of the crowded space the aisles between the stacks of books may not currently meet ADA standards. The “building program” will serve as guideline of the steps that need to be taken to build a new library. The document is expected to be completed in September. Local History Collection NeedsSpaces for Local History Collections This document is intended to assist the North Hampton Historical Society and North Hampton Public Library in developing appropriate local history room / special collections spaces. The Library Director has requested that the Historical Society determine its storage needs so that the information is available to the Library building consultant. The North Hampton Historical Society’s collections include personal and business papers, scrapbooks, photographs, art work, maps, publications, clothing, ephemera, and artifacts. STORAGE SPACE. Note: We can provide excerpts of standards and guidelines for the storage of permanent records if you wish but here is the gist. The most cost-effective means of preserving records is to provide the appropriate physical space and environmental conditions. The appropriate storage equipment and supplies also can reduce the risk of damage and deterioration to permanent records. The Building in which permanent records are stored should meet the following criteria: . Fire-resistant . Fire, smoke, heat detection / alarm system . Fire suppression system, preferably a low-pressure system, possibly dry-pipe . Concrete flooring . Above flood plain . Properly inspected and maintained (roof, drains, windows, pipes, HVAC, pest control, cleaning) Space(s) within the building where permanent records are stored must meet additional criteria: . Above grade . No windows; or ultraviolet [UV] radiation from sunlight blocked by means of shades, UV filtered plexiglas or UV filter film; UV radiation from fluorescent lights blocked with filters . NO carpets . Consistent temperature and humidity within stated parameters for the preservation of media 24/7/365 . Slight positive air pressure to keep dust out. . No exterior walls, if possible. Storage Equipment recommendations include: . Commercial steel (18 gauge or less) shelving units 15 - 16 inches or where feasible 30 - 32 inches deep, 42 inches wide to accommodate standard records center boxes (12 x 10 x 15), archives document boxes, and oversized print boxes. Powder coated preferred or properly sealed baked enamel. . Shelving units placed 3-4 inches from any outside wall, with lowest shelf at least 3-4 inches off the floor, and top of top shelf never used to store collections. . Shelves must be steel, not particle board or wood. In situations where only one person is likely to be available for retrieving and storing containers, having sufficient number of shelves so that there is a single row of storage boxes - not double row - is preferred. In addition to the physical location, structure of the building, and storage equipment, a benign atmosphere is the most cost effective means of ensuring the preservation of records. Different media have different climate control requirements but for an all-purpose collections storage area, maintaining a temperature of 70E or lower and relative humidity between 30 and 50% year-round with a maximum daily fluctuation of ± 2 degrees and ± 3 per cent is the goal. George Chauncey, President of the Historical Society, provided a storage space estimate of 350 square feet, one third larger than the Historical Society’s current storage area in Town Offices above the Police Station. At present, not all the Society’s collections are located in the Town Offices’ storage area. On the last page is a draft layout for a 350 sf room that utilizes some of the Society’s existing shelving and includes new storage equipment. Space for Local History Collections SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1This document is intended to assist the North Hampton Historical Society and North Hampton Public Library in developing appropriate local history room / special collections spaces. The Library Director has requested that the Historical Society determine its storage needs so that the information is available to the Library building consultant. The North Hampton Historical Society’s collections include personal and business papers, scrapbooks, photographs, art work, maps, publications, clothing, ephemera, and artifacts.STORAGE SPACE. Note: We can provide excerpts of standards and guidelines for the storage of permanent records if you wish but here is the gist. The most cost-effective means of preserving records is to provide the appropriate physical space and environmental conditions. The appropriate storage equipment and supplies also can reduce the risk of damage and deterioration to permanent records. The Building in which permanent records are stored should meet the following criteria:Fire-resistantFire, smoke, heat detection / alarm systemFire suppression system, preferably a low-pressure system, possibly dry-pipeConcrete flooringAbove flood plain Properly inspected and maintained (roof, drains, windows, pipes, HVAC, pest control, cleaning)Space(s) within the building where permanent records are stored must meet additional criteria:Above gradeNo windows; or ultraviolet [UV] radiation from sunlight blocked by means of shades, UV filtered plexiglas or UV filter film; UV radiation from fluorescent lights blocked with filtersNO carpetsConsistent temperature and humidity within stated parameters for the preservation of media 24/7/365Slight positive air pressure to keep dust out.No exterior walls, if possible.Storage Equipment recommendations include:Commercial steel (18 gauge or less) shelving units 15 - 16 inches or where feasible 30 - 32 inches deep, 42 inches wide to accommodate standard records center boxes (12 x 10 x 15), archives document boxes, and oversized print boxes. Powder coated preferred or properly sealed baked enamel.Shelving units placed 3-4 inches from any outside wall, with lowest shelf at least 3-4 inches off the floor, and top of top shelf never used to store collections.Shelves must be steel, not particle board or wood. In situations where only one person is likely to be available for retrieving and storing containers, having sufficient number of shelves so that there is a single row of storage boxes - not double row - is preferred.In addition to the physical location, structure of the building, and storage equipment, a benign atmosphere is the most cost effective means of ensuring the preservation of records. Different media have different climate control requirements but for an all-purpose collections storage area, maintaining a temperature of 70? or lower and relative humidity between 30 and 50% year-round with a maximum daily fluctuation of ± 2 degrees and ± 3 per cent is the goal. George Chauncey, President of the Historical Society, provided a storage space estimate of 350 square feet, one third larger than the Historical Society’s current storage area in Town Offices above the Police Station. At present, not all the Society’s collections are located in the Town Offices’ storage area. On the last page is a draft layout for a 350 sf room that utilizes some of the Society’s existing shelving and includes new storage equipment. SPACES FOR THE FUNCTIONS INVOLVED IN THE PROCESSING, STORAGE, AND USE OF LOCAL HISTORY / SPECIAL COLLECTIONSTypically, there are three distinct spaces for special collections. 1) Storage Room with 24/7/365 temperature and humidity controls, fire suppression system. This area would have the storage equipment: shelving, art storage racks or wall hanger system, flat files. Space for large artifacts must be considered even if the Historical Society’s larger farm implements are not stored there. A safety ladder and flat-shelf book cart are necessary. Plan for the installation of moveable shelving at some future date. An engineer will need to determine the adequate floor load for fully loaded shelving, but the “standard” is 300 lbs per square foot. As noted above, there should be no carpeting in the storage area. Concrete floor is preferred and we can provide info re sealant, paints. Any dedicated temperature and humidity unit for the storage space should be located outside of the room.2) Receiving Area where potential archival materials are examined, boxed, and accessioned. Because such materials may have been located in less than salutary conditions before being transferred to the Society, having a separate area where they can be checked for mold and insects before being placed into storage is prudent. There should be one unit of shelving on which the containers can be placed (perhaps the 36 inch wide shelving unit the Historical Society now has in its storage space). Make sure there are tables and chairs available so that materials can be cleaned and re-boxed if necessary, and an accession record created. Access to a sink, computer, and a photocopier also is necessary. There should be no carpeting in this area. The space should be near the Library’s back entrance / loading area and, if on an upper level, an elevator. If the Library’s Technical Services is to serve as the Receiving Area, make sure there is adequate space, and the furniture and equipment needs are taken into account; and beware that mold or insects may inhabit these materials. At minimum, there should be a closet containing metal shelving. The closet would be near either the Library’s Technical Services area or the Research Room where tables, supplies, and computer access would be available for the actual work of examining the materials, boxing what is being retained, and accessioned. 3) Research Room where researchers can look at the materials and Historical Society volunteers or staff can work on arranging and describing materials, and other projects. The Research Room is the only public space for local history collections. There would need to be at least two tables and chairs for researchers and for volunteers, a public access computer that also might be used by volunteers and staff for describing and improving access to collections, and bookshelves where local history books and hard copy finding aids (indexes, photocopies of photos and postcards, etc.) are kept. Other equipment needs are: access to photocopier/scanner/printer, possibly a digital microfilm reader/scanner if the Library’s microfilm collection warrants one, and equipment to playback audiovisual and sound recordings. This area can be prettified with wood end panels on the steel shelving. While the floor covering should be in keeping with the rest of the Library’s public areas, once again we caution that carpets are a source of airborne contaminants and if they become wet, a prime source of mold. Terrazzo tile is preferred. Shelving might be a mix of library shelving for books as well as the deeper archives shelving. This room should have its own thermostat with the temperature set at the same temperature as the Storage Room. The Room would be open at all times the Library is open and people could browse the materials on the shelves. Researchers interested in the collections in the storage room, however, would need to visit on the regularly scheduled days and hours the Historical Society sets up for such work or by appointment. For security purposes, these researchers should not have coats or backpacks next to them. A small coat closet inside the room might serve the purpose. We also suggest a glass door for the Research Room so that it will seem inviting as well as serve a security function. A glass “wall” looks nice but reduces usable wall space. The storage space should not have windows but the Receiving Room and Reference / Work room might as long as sunlight will not fall directly on any materials in use or on display. Windows should have ultraviolet light filtering as should fluorescent lights. Exhibit Spaces. A fourth function of any Local History operation is exhibit space. There definitely should be space for an exhibit case or cases (wall and table) for local history materials near the Research Room. We suggest a wall unit with lockable glass doors as well as a free standing exhibit table that can be moved. Dimmable museum lighting is required. These cases might be used by either the Historical Society or Library at times to highlight new accessions or existing materials found in the local history collections.If the Research Room is not located in a high traffic area, there should be additional exhibit cases in a more prominent area – café, large meeting room, entrance area, etc. These exhibit cases would be intended to inform visitors of the local history materials and entice people to the Research Room. The new Library requires a gallery / large exhibit area in which the Historical Society, the Library, and other Town organizations might mount major rotating displays or perhaps divide the space and offer two different displays sometimes. The design of such an all-purpose exhibit area would require thought and discussion about the many factors involved including but not limited to lighting, display equipment, temporary walls, etc. The Library staff and Trustees will have to develop appropriate policies for administering the space.Cynthia G. SwankPeter J. Parker24 Jul 2012Heritage Commission Space ConsiderationsAt its 2012 August 16 meeting the North Hampton Heritage Commission charged me with preparing a response to Susan Grant’s request for the Heritage Commission’s thoughts about its possible needs within a new Library / Community Center building.Assumptions. The Heritage Commission conference room at 237 Atlantic will remain available to the Heritage Commission. If the new Library provides space for the Historical Society collection now in the Town Office storage room and space for exhibits, the Commission will regain the space in its conference room now used by the Historical Society for its exhibits. There will be sufficient space in the conference room for the Heritage Commission to maintain its existing office files and work in progress.The Town Clerk / Tax Collector will retain the Town government’s historical records that have been identified, arranged and described in a project under the aegis of the Heritage Commission; and that suitable storage space for their maintenance is the responsibility of the Select Board. Heritage Commission members expressed the need in a new Library building for space for physical materials, space for doing presentations, space for exhibits, and space to do research and other Commission work. Space for Physical Materials. At present, the Heritage Commission is conducting an historical resources inventory of the Town Hall / Depot area of approximately forty three properties. It is working with the Library on two efforts relating to the survey: 1) sharing information and research about the original Library building (the stone building) at 237 Atlantic Avenue; and 2) scanning and copying documents and other materials which property owners and others loan to the Heritage Commission to assist in the survey. The Library and Heritage Commission have agreed that the final products of the survey (completed NH Division of Historical Resources inventory forms which include narrative, photographs, and maps) will be maintained by the Library as part of its Local History Collection. The Commission anticipates that the survey of all historical resources in the Town will continue. It is fair to say that several shelving units will be required to house these materials. If the research notes and copies of documents for each property are also retained by the Library, the volume of materials would likely double. While we anticipate that the forms will be digitized, it is unlikely that the supplemental research materials would lend themselves to such treatment. In other words, the physical materials will need to be retained somewhere in appropriate environmental conditions, either in the Library or in other space created for Town Offices. Space for presentations. The Commission in the past year has held two public sessions at Town Hall as part of the survey effort. Each included PowerPoint presentations. The Town Hall venue worked out well; its one shortcoming was the lack of sufficient tables for the twenty five people attending a half-day workshop where there was a need to spread out materials and to take notes. For both meetings the Commission also needed space and tables for refreshments, handouts and temporary exhibits. For one presentation, a Commission member had to provide the appropriate cord for a laptop to work with the projector. One of our meetings was televised, and I expect that Commission members would want subsequent presentations televised to reach a larger audience. Either the Town or Library needs to provide up to date equipment and accessories, and appropriate furniture for any multi-purpose meeting space and have a nearby storage room to house the equipment and furniture when not required. Commission members thought several meeting rooms of varying sizes should be considered. Space for exhibits. The Library, because of its usage by people of all ages and the number of hours it is open, seems the best location for exhibits. The Commission’s conference room is an inadequate exhibit venue. Most people who come to the building are there to conduct business with the Clerk / Collector, not browse. The room itself has windows on three sides and the blinds on the east-facing windows must be kept shut to provide protection from the ultraviolet radiation of the sunlight damaging exhibit materials. The Historical Society and other organizations would improve their visibility by having available exhibit areas within a new Library. The Heritage Commission would likely wish to do occasional exhibits. It also would like a spot where its many brochures could be picked up, and ideally, storage space for its stock of publications. Space for research and work. The Commission’s survey effort has made the inadequacies of the current Library and other Town buildings apparent. By the Commission’s location in the Clerk / Collector building, members have access to the Town’s historical records that are under the control of the Clerk / Collector. The storage room in Town Offices contains additional Town records of permanent value and much of the North Hampton Historical Society’s collection, neither of which is readily accessible. The Library has a local history collection and some Town publications in its New Hampshire Room. A research room larger than the current New Hampshire Room with appropriate equipment would aid the Heritage Commission by providing space for its completed survey forms and possibly the supplemental materials. If the Historical Society’s collection as well as the Library’s own local history collection were within the same walls, research could be more easily accomplished. Furnishings in the room should provide several tables and chairs and a public access computer that could also be used for Commission work. For instance, it would be helpful to the Commission if there were a scanner / printer available so that materials loaned to the Commission and Library might be scanned without disturbing other patrons. If the room had the appropriate equipment available, it might also serve as a space in which oral history interviews might be conducted. I hope these thoughts assist in the planning process. Please contact me at cgswank@ or the Chair of the Heritage Commission, Donna Etela, at detela@ if you have any questions or comments. Cynthia G. Swank ................

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