Head Coach John Fox

Press Conference – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

What are your impressions out there?

“Well, yeah, again like any first game there’s things you need to work on and we have plenty of those things, but you know for the guys who played I thought they fought hard and found a way to try to win there in the end. You know we had some young guys that I thought showed pretty well, [RB] C.J. [Anderson], [QB] Brock Osweiler, I think [S] Duke Ihenacho. You know the thing I was pleased with we were plus four in the turnover ratio, we didn’t turn it over, we took it away four times. That’s an area we wanted to improve on. The balls we got our hands on on defense, we caught, so I think those are big factors in the game.”

Personally, would you like to see your first teamers get a little more time, a little more reps?

“No, not really, we were kind of easing them into it. We could go out there and play them the whole game, but that wouldn’t be real bright, so we got a good look at them. It’ll be a little bit short, a little bit more the next week and a little bit more the next week after that and not so much that fourth week.”

Can you talk a little bit more about Ihenacho and what he was able to do? You talked about the turnovers and he helped you get them.

“Yeah, I think he tackled well and he did all of his job pretty well. His pass defense a lot looking at tape I thought was good, as well as his defense.”

Can you talk about Brock and how much he has come from his rookie year?

“Yeah, that is a tribute to his work ethic. He has got a pretty good teacher there at 18 and he has handled that very well. He has grown from it and I think he just continues to improve.”

Just like we saw him out of [T] Orlando [Franklin]:

“Yeah, I mean you know it was a very scary day. We had already lost [OL] Dan Koppen as I had mentioned before, I never liked to see a guy get hurt before the season and it was a scary type of play as far as how he backed up and fortunately it was just soft tissue and he was fine.”

Your middle linebacker starter, Stewart Bradley, would you just talk about what’s happening there and the competition that is developing?

“You know, it is exactly what you just said, it is competition. We will take a hard look at the tape and see who executed the best in a game situation and we will move from there. Our depth chart can change quite a bit moving forward. Again, we are looking at their performance and that performance will dictate where they are on the depth chart.”

Your reaction to [RB Ronnie] Hillman and what did you like?

“Well I haven’t looked at the tape yet, but I thought we ran the ball pretty efficiently. We didn’t have them in there that much. We ease them into this. They have not played a full game since January. So it is like anything else, you ease them into it and we will build those reps and move them forward.”

One drive and you went Nascar tempo:

“Yeah, I mean we are going to vary our tempo. I have said it all along. We are not going to be all fast, you know. We are not going to be all slow, so I think you just try to be unpredictable whether it is play calling or tempo or where you are snapping it on the play clock. So like I said, we still have a lot of work to do.”

Do you expect [S] Duke [Ihenacho] to come out with that kind of fire and like a spark plug out there?

“Yeah, Duke has got a high that is why we have kept him around on the roster. You know he had an opportunity to get in there and compete and we are still early in the process, but you know these guys get paid to practice, not to play games. They love the game, they will play the game for free, so you expect guys to have a passion and a love for the game.”

QB Peyton Manning

Press Conference – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

If you are going to do it once you are going to do it fast?

“Well, they told us it was probably one series. I tried. Once we punted it down there backed up and stopped them, we get the next series on the 50 and I made one final attempt at the head coach, but to no avail. It was one series. I got a couple first downs. I had a second-and-ten that we only got one yard that put us in a third and long. This is not a team you want to get third and longs against. They are good at third and long, just couldn’t convert that third-and-nine. There are some things to learn from and I am looking forward to playing a little bit more against Seattle next week.”

How much of a lift is it to see this kind of defensive effort this early in the year?

“We created a lot of turnovers last year and it was another good start from that standpoint tonight. Different guys, some young players, [LB] Nate Irving making the huge play, [LB Shaun] Phillips running back for a touchdown, [CB Kayvon] Webster making some nice plays. As an offense, you always like to see your defense out there creating turnovers because that is usually going to mean really good field position.”

QB Brock Osweiler looks like he’s definitely improved since the first time we’ve seen him.

”No question, Brock has really has worked hard this offseason. I think he’s really learned a lot from [quarterbacks] Coach [Greg] Knapp who’s been around the block quite a bit. He’s put in a lot of time on his own and I know he enjoyed playing tonight. He didn’t get to play as much last year in the preseason, so I know he enjoyed the amount of reps that he got, and I thought he really did a good job.”

Next man up is the mantra. Tonight it was TE Julius Thomas who stepped in tonight.

“Exactly, Julius has gotten quite a number of repetitions during training camp due to the injuries of [TE] Joel [Dreessen] and [TE] Jacob [Tamme]. Julius has really taken advantage of those opportunities going back to even mini-camp and OTA’s. He continues to make plays in practice and he made some nice catches tonight. I know he wants to just get more comfortable in the entire offense, the run blocking, the pass blocking. Certainly in the pass receiving, everybody has seen what he has been able to do. So, I think he’ll just continue to improve and I think he can be a big part of the offense this year.”

I know it’s sort of it is what it is, but do you get frustrated by the lack of how much you’re able to go out and actually play in a preseason game?

“Well, I guess I have been doing it for a number of years now, and I think any competitor would tell you that they would want to be in there the entire game. I know there were a number of receivers, I could hear [WR Wes] Welker and [WR Eric] Decker saying, ‘boy, it would be nice to go back in one more. Just give us one more series.’ The coaches kind of map out that plan during training camp. I would imagine it would increase a little bit more, and be a good road test, next week against Seattle. That’s probably going to be our last chance to get ready with crowd noise to get ready for our first road game being the Giants game. I don’t think we got to experience that as much last year with the schedule. We only played only one series against Chicago and didn’t get to play at all against Arizona. I would think we can take advantage of the opportunity next week against Seattle to get a little more road tested, especially with some new players in there. the more this offense, you got a new starter in [C] Manny [Ramirez]. You got a new starter in Wes Welker and Julius, so the more this offense can play together, I think the better we can be.”

CB Champ Bailey

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

How did you feel about the way the defense played tonight?

“You want to start fast and we definitely got our hands on the ball a few times. We’re obviously not where we want to be, but it was a good start.”

You were on the sidelines and you were watching guys. But when you were watching guys like [SS] Duke [Ihenacho] dominating on defense, how cool was it to see a guy come along like that?

“I see him do it every day in practice. It’s not a surprise to me. It’s going to be a surprise to a lot of people, but he hadn’t played a lot in this league. He’s coming on. He’s a guy who’s grown up a lot. He knows how to play the safety position. I look forward to seeing him play all year.”

But there’s always the talk of you never know when the lights come on. For the defense, the lights came on and you kept the 49ers out of the end zone.

“We pride ourselves in that. If we don’t give up points, we win. That’s part of our game and I’m impressed that we kept them out of the end zone.”

QB Brock Osweiler

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

How was the first preseason game for you?

“Well for starters, it was a lot of fun to get back out there and play. Besides that I thought the offensive line did a tremendous job out there battling. The 49ers have a great defense and the offensive line battled all night, which allowed the receivers, the backs and I to make some plays. Obviously, we would like to score points and that is what our job as the offense is to do. That is my job as the quarterback to lead us to those drives. It’s our first preseason game, so we will look at the tape and come out ready for the Seahawks.”

How valuable is it to face a team like the 49ers? They throw so many looks at you with the blitz tonight.

“When you play a team that is as good as the 49ers you’re only going to get better and your football team will get better. This was a good opportunity for us and it was a lot of fun to get out there and play again. Obviously we did some good things tonight and we did some things that were not so good. That is only preseason game one and as long as we improve upon that we will be good.”

Personally were there any plays you can look back and say I nailed those?

“I don’t know if there is necessarily any plays I did great, but there are a couple of plays that stick out in my head that I can do better at. Those are the most important things, that I recognize the plays and focus on negative plays that should have been a positive.”

FS Rahim Moore

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

How did you feel about the way your team played tonight?

“As a team, we did well overall. At the end of the day, we still have a lot of corrections to make. We did make mistakes in all phases of the game. Tomorrow, we’re going to go back to the drawing board, fix them and get ready for Seattle.”

Even in the preseason, is it cool to see that those guys [49ers] didn’t get in the end zone even once?

“Yeah, that’s a goal. But it’s not always going to be like that. If it is, that’s great. But it’s a good start to see how we are as a team. We have a lot of corrections to make, trust me. We may have looked good, but there are some things we can be better at. That’s part of preseason, to get out there and see where you’re at and to correct mistakes and get ready for the season.”

Rahim, we knew what you could do. We knew what the starters could do. But there were some guys we hadn’t seen in this position. What do you think about the way [SS] Duke [Ihenacho] played tonight?

“He played fantastic. It was his debut. He did exactly what he’s been doing in practice. He’s been flying around, making tackles and plays. Every time you saw him, he was flying in and making the plays. He’s come into his own. At the end of the day, his hard work is showing.”

LB Shaun Phillips

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

Can you take us through the play that resulted in a touchdown? Was it the right time, right place?

“Yes. It was just the right place right time. I always joke around saying who is the important one the guy that caused the fumble or the guy that recovered it. It was a gift. I felt like I caused enough in my day that I deserved some free gifts, and that was my free gift.”


That is sort of who you are you are a playmaker.

“I try to pride myself on playmaking. Again I can’t be a playmaker without the other 10 guys doing their jobs. I just go out there and try to stick to my role and do what I do best and try to help those guys along too. I try to make plays for them because I know that they are trying to make plays for me.”


It was a defensive game, how would you assess how the defense played tonight?

“It was solid, but not where we need to be yet. We are still working to get better. We are working to have no weak links, no kinks in our armor. That is why we play these games. That is why we have the preseason. That is why we have practice. We try to strengthen our kinks and that is what we are trying to work on right now.”

CB Kayvon Webster

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

You played a good game, tell us how you are feeling right now?

“I am feeling really accomplished, I still have things to work on though. I feel like I played pretty well today.”


How would you rate yourself tonight?

“I would give myself a C+. There are a couple things that I need to work on, technique-wise, but it was a good team win.”


The highlight was of course your pick, tell me what you saw on that play.

“We were in cover 4. My receiver went in motion and came up the field into a curl route. I sat on it and when they threw the ball, I dived for it and caught it. The rest was history.”

WR Wes Welker

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

So obviously you probably wanted a little bit more time out there, but you got your first game and real live action with the team. How does it feel to have so much more than just a practice?

“Yeah, it was good to go against somebody else. We have been seeing the same guys for a month or so and it is just great to get out there and play against somebody else. It was good to get that competition against another team.”

What can you take from this game and get ready for next week?

“Just take the mistakes that we made and try to correct those for next week. Just trying to move it all together.”

Wes you have done this song and dance, what do you really gain from only playing one series?

“You don’t get into the flow, but it is good to try and move forward with and make the best of it.”

Does that pace remind you of the New England vs. Denver game last year where they ran all those plays? Do you remember that?

“Yeah, it is pretty close. We have a lot of work we have to do and I think we are moving in the right direction.”

Did you want to get a ball your way tonight or was that not too important?

“No, it is early. I have had a lot of preseasons where I had no catches going into the year. It is just a matter of getting our execution down and stuff like that.”


Head Coach Jim Harbaugh

Press Conference – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

Overall, what were your impressions of how the first team played in their one series on offense?

“I thought they were good. Good communication up front. I thought, good, execution was good. Happy with the first team offense.”


When did you pick WR Marlon Moore as your wide receiver starter?

“That was based on practice.”


How do you think he played?

“He made a spectacular catch. Overall, was solid in all of his assignments.”

Was it good to see LB Aldon Smith get in there on that third down to pressure QB Peyton Manning?

“Yeah it was, yeah. There was a lot of good play defensively. The secondary solid, pass rush was good. Notables - I thought [LB] Michael Wilhoite did a good job running the huddle in there when he was in, really solid play by him.”

Did you think about giving QB Colin Kaepernick a second series and was part of that decision that you got a second possession that you got a pretty nice drive on the first possession?

“Yeah, I felt like he had gotten enough reps.”

You mentioned Wilhoite. He obviously was a safety in college. Do you feel like, he played quite a bit, do you feel like he really needs those snaps and experience at that position?

“Yes. Yes I think game snaps.”

What did he show you? I think he had 10 tackles or something like that.

“I thought he made the tackles, really played solid. I can only really think of one play, a third-and-four pass completion that could have been better, but overall really solid. Good communication. Handled the huddle. Tackled well.”

What were your impressions of S Eric Reid along those same lines?

“He played good. He’s somebody to highlight. He played well when he was in there. I thought all of our safeties did a nice job. Eric showed his athleticism, tackling ability. [S] Mike Thomas as well had a real solid, and [S] C.J. Spillman made a play. I thought all of our safeties seemed to play very well.”

You gave WR A.J. Jenkins a number of reps. He had some plays that the outcomes weren’t so good. What’s your evaluation of how he did?

”Could have been better. We got work to do in areas. When you turn the ball over four times offensively, you have work to do. That we did. It’s pretty hard to win a game when you do that. Especially when you’re in your own end of the field and a scoop and score for a touchdown. Really the defense played outstanding, really just the last two drives of the game where I think that you can point to to get better. Not pleased about that, turning the ball over.”

Did QB Colt McCoy get hurt on the final pass when he threw the interception and how serious is he hurt?

”I don’t know. He said he got something when he bobbled the snap and ran up into the line of scrimmage there. We’ll see what, a stinger maybe that’s what he said.”

QB Scott Tolzien got the most snaps tonight at quarterback, how do you feel like he played?

”Some good, some could be better. I really felt as the game was flowing and Colt was out, it was a good opportunity for Scott to get that action.”

Are you encouraged about what you saw from WR Kassim Osgood on special teams and as a wide receiver?

“Yeah. Kassim did a great job on the open field tackle on kickoff. He had a tough catch on the boundary on offense. Played with a lot of energy. Looked good.”

Could you say the same for WR Ricardo Lockette. He drew some penalties and he was also in that tackle near the end zone.

“Yeah he was the gunner on that one, nearly a safety. He was playing with good energy, fast.”

How about K Phil Dawson, his debut here for you guys?

“Yeah encouraging. Real good pregame. He made two field goals for us. Missed the one before the half. Thought it was real good, encouraging. [P] Colton Schmidt too, another guy that I could highlight. He was the one that had that incredible punt and made a tackle on the kickoff. It was good to see him do that”

You guys got the ball in the end zone and weren’t able to get a touchdown just the field goal. Can you assess, that you getting into position but you were only able to get three?

“Yeah, we have work to do. It was one of those nights both ways. No touchdown was scored but a defensive touchdown.”

With TE Vance McDonald too sorry, tell us about him. He showed some athletic ability out there.

“He did. He caught the ball in traffic a couple of times. He was running good. A lot of room for improvement, but I thought it was a good first start for Vance.”

What’s the plan now with CB Eric Wright coming to the team. When do you expect him to join the team and get involved in that competition?

“It’s hard to say when that will be. But, I’m looking forward to Eric getting back to being the player that he thinks he can be and we think he can be. It’ll be a great story for him to be able to do that and it will be great for us if he can get there. We want to work with him and just turn out to be a good story.”

What are your thoughts on CB Perrish Cox? He played special teams at returner and played well at corner. What are your thoughts on that?

“Just what you said. I thought he did a good job. Had a PBU. Did a nice job on the return. I’m confident in him when he’s back there at the return position and showed some acceleration. I thought he acquitted himself real well. Now, all of this is, it all really adds up. When guys can get reps and get on the field and get playing, I think there’s a good turnout no matter what happens. If it’s good, then you add to that and get better. If it’s not then you know where your improvement needs to be made and you know who to keep. I’d rather find that out now than in the fall. It’s good to be playing.”

QB Colin Kaepernick

Press Conference – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

How do you think they did out there today?

“We did pretty well. I think we have a few things we need to improve on though. Have to keep working.

Like what?

“Everything. We need to get better at everything on offense so we can be more efficient.”

The offense was efficient. It seemed liked it had a faster tempo. Is something that you were looking to do?

“We were just looking to come out and make sure we had a good tempo and make sure that we were out there running plays so the play clock’s not a factor.”

You connected with [WR] Anquan [Boldin] a couple of times and [TE] Vernon [Davis] on that drive. In training camp, it seems like those two guys are your top guys right now.

“They are both great players. They have great attributes that a quarterback likes. Anquan has great hands. He is a playmaker, he’s going after the ball. And Vernon has great speed. He has a great ability to get open. So, as a quarterback, those are two people you want to get the ball to.”

For the second one, Anquan was low to the ground and he fought off the defender. As a quarterback does it excite you knowing that you can put those low passes in there and he is fighting, being a physical, possession receiver?

“It is very exciting. It is something that, going through training camp I think I‘ve learned that with Anquan you can give him a chance on plays like that. More times than not, he is going to make that play.”

Was the run designed for you to go up the middle or was that just?

“No. That was just me playing football.”

Was it good to be able to get a run under your belt in one quick series?

“It was just good to be back out on the field, good to be playing again.”

What advice did you give to [QB] [Colt] McCoy? I saw you talking to him.

“Just to keep playing. There were things that weren’t going perfectly. Plays weren’t exactly how we drew them up. My advice was go out and keep playing. Things aren’t going to be perfect. You have to do the best with what’s going on out there.”

Does [RB] LaMichael [James] look like a different player to you this year? The weight he put on and stuff like that?

“No, he looks like the same player. Everybody knew he was a great player last year. Everybody on our team had confidence in him. He just has more experience now.”

What kind of words did you have for [WR] AJ [Jenkins] after his fumble?

“That you have to come out and make plays. He is someone that we need to be able to rely on.”

What are your thoughts on [TE] Vance McDonald’s play?

“Tonight he had some great plays. He had some plays that he should have made. So, as a rookie that is something that you kind of expect, but I think he has a bright future here.”

What are your thoughts on [WR] Ricardo Lockette?

“Tonight he had a great special teams play. He had two balls thrown his way. He got P.I.’s on both of them. So, he did what he was supposed to do.”

CB Nnamdi Asomugha

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

How good is it to be back in the Bay, playing right corner, in press coverage, which you love to do and did pretty well tonight, I think?

“Yeah, it was pretty good. It was fun to be out there. I love the atmosphere at Candlestick. It’s always crazy, it’s historic and it was good to be out there.”


How about your game? Where do you think it’s at compared to where it was, maybe a year ago, when it was a real down year in Philly?

“I feel really good right now, I actually feel really good. I like the players around me, the coaching, the system, everything is pretty good right now, so I’m happy with that.”


Is that what triggered the improved play do you think, all the aforementioned?

“I don’t know. Are you talking specifically about today?”

Well generally speaking.

“Yeah, I only had a few plays out there, but it was just good to kind of get my feet wet and make a couple hits and assert myself on the field.”


Do you think you’d be better suited on the outside right corner, your normal position, or are you saying, ‘Hey bring me in the slot on the slot receiver, if you need me I can do that too?’

“I just want to play. Put me on the field, get me out there, let me showcase what I can do and I’ll be satisfied.”

And what did you learn tonight?

“This is a great team with some really good guys. It’s a really good locker room, even in defeat, even in the preseason you got guys that want to build off this and get better. So, it’s a beautiful thing.”

You had one hit in particular, it’s like a lick your chops kind of a hit tonight and I know that had to feel good?

“Yeah, it did feel good to get it. Anytime you get a moment like that where you can get the crowd going, especially the first time coming out, I think is really good.”

WR Anquan Boldin

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

You guys had a fairly efficient first drive against a pretty good defense, how much can you gauge from that? It’s just one drive, but--?

“We executed the way that we wanted to with the exception of one play. We had the offside penalty, the false start, which pushed us back a little bit. That’s something we want to eliminate. I don’t think you can be successful having pre-snap penalties in this league. So, that’s definitely something we have to work on.”


What’d you think of QB Colin Kaepernick? I know you’ve been practicing with him, but getting a look at him in a game, once again, against a pretty good defense? What’d you think?

“I think he did a good job. He had command in the huddle. I think he found open receivers. When the plays broke down he got outside the pocket and was able to make plays. So, that’s definitely a big plus for us.”

WR Austin Collie

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

On being back out on the field:

“It was fine. It was fun to be back out there. It’s been a long time, felt a little foreign, but it was fun.”


What about QB Scott Tolzien hooking up? Hot read, third down, got to make a play, you did it. You two guys hooked up sweetly.

“Yeah, Tolzien did a great job. Don’t think it was a hot sight, it was a called play, actually. But it was a good throw.”


How does this system compare to what you dealt with with the Colts for so many years?

“It’s definitely different, it’s definitely different. There are some similarities, but as a whole it’s going to take some time to feel comfortable and not have to think so hard about it.”

Concussion issues in the rear view mirror for you or are they ever in the back of your mind?

“Yeah, they’ve been in the rear view mirror for a while now.”


What about what you’ve seen from this 49er team that excites you and I know you want to be a part of it?

“A lot of these guys play with so much energy. They fly around and you can’t help but to kind of feed off of that. And there’s a lot of great players on this football team. But like I said, I’m just happy to be back in the game.”

CB Perrish Cox

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

Can you just talk about some of the individuals who maybe you were impressed with today?

“Yeah, just the defense overall. You know we’re always harped on, but if the ones are the best defense, the twos, we want to be the second best. Whenever we get in we want to do our thing and don’t let anything change. I think it was a pretty ok day, besides the field goal at the end, but I think it was ok, the defense overall.”

Is it good to start hitting guys in other uniforms and everything like that?

“It was great. In practice, we do a lot of fitting up and everything but not a lot of hitting. So to come out and open up the way we did, I think it was a great start for us.”

Do you guys feel like, this is always kind of the case with preseason games, you come out there and say ‘I want to know what we’re good at, where our strengths are, what we have to work on.’ Do you guys kind of have a little bit of sense of that now?

“It’s really the overall play with us. Like I said, I really don’t know about too many other positions that I’m really paying attention to, but as far as DB-wise, I think we did pretty good. Whatever we need to correct, we go in and make changes on.”

WR Chad Hall

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

Talk to us about how you felt you did tonight.

“I did well. It’s good to get out there full speed, game-like situations. I felt like I got open a lot and the quarterbacks put it on the money when they threw it to me. And they did well and the line did well. Everyone did well, I think, for our first game.”


Is there a receiver in the league that you pattern your game after? I’ve heard people compare you to WR Danny Amendola. Is there a receiver that you’ve watched?

“Yeah, I watch a lot. I watch Amendola, I watch [WR] Davone Bess, I watch [WR] Wes Welker, slot guys similar to me in size and stature and quickness. I take stuff from them and then I have certain stuff. So, you go out there and rep it during practice and try to simulate it during the games.”


RB LaMichael James

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

On the first preseason game of the 2013 season:

“I felt good. It’s always good to get out there and go against somebody else. You go against your guys every day in practice. So, I felt good going against some of those great guys like [LB] Von Miller and that great defense.”


Yeah, that first opening drive for the 49ers it seemed flawless until the red zone, what changed within the 20?

“I really don’t know. It’s the first game, everybody’s got a little jitters and you’re competing against someone else, so it’s a little different. But that’s why you go out there and you practice each and every day.”


Yeah, punt returns again, you said you felt great in practice. Did it equate to the game?

“Yeah, I felt really good back there just making the right decisions and playing the rules.”

What was the biggest thing though this team needed to get out of this game? Not a lot of points just the two field goals, what sort of was the goal, team wise?

“I think just some film. Anytime you can get some film, you go out there and you can correct it in practice, and see how you’re going, and see how your progress is going. And I think that’s good.”


OK, who stood out for you?

“Stood out for me--?”

This is a time a lot of players need to make their mark, did anyone catch your eye?

“[TE] Vance McDonald. I think he’s a great player, makes a lot of catches and I think he’s going to be really good.”

WR Ricardo Lockette

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

How does being out there game speed help you?

“I think we could have played a lot better. Obviously, we’re not happy with the outcome with the loss opening the preseason. Starting tomorrow, we’ll get better.”

You had a nice special teams tackle. It seems like you had some really good timing there with [P Colton] Schmidt.

“I was just in go-mode. We had to make a play, so why not me?”

What did you want to get out of this game? What was most important to you?

“I wanted to get a win. It’s the team first, of course. But I just wanted to show the coaches and my other teammates that I could play and that I’m worthy of being a 49er for the upcoming season.”

WR Marlon Moore

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos


In the offseason, what made you want to come here?

“It was the tradition this team has, their will to succeed. From the outside looking in, I watched them a lot last year and even played against them. I saw how much fun they were having, all the camaraderie they had on the team, and even the coaching staff how they just coach their players to win. I wanted to be a part of something special and luckily they wanted me and admired my skill set, so I came here.”


Last spring it didn’t look there was going to be this opportunity. Cleveland might have been a better opportunity to play at that time right?

“I knew if they wanted me to come here then they would see something they wanted me to do. I have played a lot of special teams so I thought that was going to be my niche but unfortunately you have injuries and what not. Roles need to be filled and that’s what we’re all doing, we’re working to make sure there’s no drop off at all at any position.”


You’ve been having a strong training camp. Do you feel like you were able to continue that out here today?

“It’s been strong but it could always be better. There’s always room for improvement. But coming out here and playing my first game as a 49er felt awesome.”


You guys got points on that first drive, maybe not as many as you would have wanted, but did it feel good just to be able to move the ball?

“It felt really good. Coming out here and being able to play with these guys makes everything that much easier. Everybody’s in-tune, everybody wants to win and wants to succeed and there’s no drop off at all at any position. It’s just a beautiful thing to watch and to be a part of.”

S Eric Reid

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos


Were you hoping Broncos QB Peyton Manning would stay in the game a little longer?

“I was kind of hoping I would get to see him more, just because I’ve been watching him since I was growing up. But I got to watch him from the sidelines which isn’t a bad deal.”


Have they told you whether you’ll start one of these four preseason games? Is that the plan, for each of you guys to start a game?

“No, they haven’t told us the game plan as far as that. All of us are just going out there trying to get better and we’ll leave that decision to the coaches.”


Is not being able to make the hits you want to make one of the hardest parts about practice for you?

“Yeah, I like contact. This is the NFL and you have to learn how to practice. That’s something that they’ve told us is a huge part of the game. That’s why it’s exciting when you get to the game. But practice is practice and that’s just part of it.”

LB Dan Skuta

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

Was it good to hit somebody on the other team for the first time? You guys have been hitting in training camp, this is the first time with an opponent.

“Yeah, definitely. You get tired of seeing these guys all the time across from you, so it’s definitely nice to see somebody different.

Give me your thoughts on why you came here? How did that come about? Obviously the team went to the Super Bowl, but how’d you wind up here?

“I just wanted to go somewhere where I had an opportunity to play and somewhere that wanted me. They’re a great team. There is nothing bad about coming here. Everything’s a positive. I can help out a great team and get us back to that Super Bowl.”

[Brock] Osweiler, big, big quarterback, kind of slow mover. You’re not going to say that’s why you got him tonight. You got him a couple times. Talk to us a little about going after a big quarterback, who’s going to stay in the pocket versus the guys who are going to run around.

“You can approach it differently depending on who’s playing. For me right now, I’m just trying to do my best to line up and do my job. I’m kind of learning the defense, but I definitely approach it different ways, especially if you’re on the blind side or whatever. You approach everything differently with who you’re playing. It changes, but at the same time, you’re just rushing. Getting after it.”

LB Aldon Smith

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos


Their first unit went no-huddle and you guys didn’t give up any points. Do you consider that to be a win?

“Yeah. It shows where our defense is. We haven’t taken any steps back. We’re just trying to move forward and get better.”


Aldon, how much can you learn from really only one possession from their starting offense? You guys held them before midfield. How much can you really gauge from that?

“We were able to go out there and play good defense. I think it was five plays, six snaps maybe. If there’s anything to take away from it we didn’t give up a touchdown, so that’s good.”


Do you like opening against a team that’s considered one of the main contenders in the NFL this year?

“I think so. It gives us confidence and it shows where we’re at as a team and as a defense.”


You had some guys filling in for starters today. How do you think those guys did in their opportunity?

“They came out and did a good job. This game is all about opportunity and those guys did a good job of stepping up when the opportunity came.”

QB Scott Tolzien

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

On the team’s play tonight:

“Yea I think it was just sporadic all night. I think we just shot ourselves in the foot so much and that’s disappointing. Everyone says it’s game one of the preseason, that’s an excuse and we have to correct those things. I have to start with myself that I have to get better and move forward.”

What about that final throw, losing the grip on that fourth down throw?

“I was looking to throw it to one of our receivers, he was covered. I was going to throw it and then tuck it to run and it slipped and that’s not an excuse. It’s fourth down, you can’t do that. I have to give our team a chance to win. We had that opportunity and I put that on myself.”

On how he fared, vying for the No. 2 quarterback job?

“You have to take it one day at a time. That’s what I’m focused on. It starts with tomorrow. Tomorrow is an off day, but you have to get in and watch it. Like I said, fix things. I’m saying it’s one thing, but you have to do it and that’s what I’m going to try to do.”

LB Michael Wilhoite

Post-Game Quotes – August 8, 2013

San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos

On how he felt out on the field:

“It’s always good to be on the field. It’s always good, whether it’s the first quarter through the fourth quarter. To me it was an opportunity to go out and show that I can play the linebacker position. With [LB] Pat [Willis] being hurt, I had to step up big and try to help the team as much as possible. Like I said before, I can’t do it myself. It’s a group doing it, but I got to play my part. I got to do my job and stay on point, and work my techniques, work my hands, get off blocks and make tackles. Pat obviously does it better than anybody in the world, so now I got to step up to the plate and try to match it.”


Were you initially nervous at all? And did you settle down as the game went on?

“Not at all, actually. It’s funny, I wasn’t nervous at all. I felt very comfortable. I’d been practicing with the ones the last couple of weeks and felt comfortable out there with them. I just looked at it like it’s practice, it’s just live, now we’re just tackling to the ground. But I try to practice hard every day, that way when I get in the games it’s easy for me, I thought about that at halftime. I‘m more tired at practice halfway through than I was during the game. So, practice makes perfect and at the same time you play like you practice. I live that way and it paid off for me today.”


When’s the last time you played that much in a game, Omaha?

“I didn’t even play that much in Omaha, I’d say college. In Omaha we had three guys in front of me that were really good that had played in the NFL prior to being there. So, mostly there I was mostly special teams too. So, it’s been a while. Last year against Denver, in Denver, game three I played quite a bit, but I don’t think I played that much. Didn’t feel odd to me or anything, never got tired, just felt good to be out there. Felt like it was a great opportunity for me to get better.”

Were you surprised to get that many snaps today?

“No, I knew ahead of time, coaches had told me. So, I knew that would be the case and prepared myself mentally and physically for it.”


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